Monday, July 31, 2017

Internal Civil "Conflict" Erupts In America

Civil War Breaks Out In America

Welcome to the smartest, most active, and the most loving audience in the world.

We started this channel to garnish prayer to change to help save America and stop the coming World Conflict and so far, so good.

This show is brought to you by:

Tiger Stream

Watch practically any movie, TV shows and even sports live from the comforts of your own home for free for the rest of your life.

Say the Promo Code MOUNT and you get $75 off.




There is a Civil Was that is now going on at the highest levels of America.

The two sides are pitted against one word: Freedom.

This war has been going on from the beginning of time and has reached a Pinnacle with the advent of the Internet.

Slavery is nothing new and it has been going on since the beginning of Man Kind.

Even today we see the slaves coming up on camel to Casablanca and being sold on the open market.

Heck - in Los Angeles another Pedaphile ring was just broken up using young women as Sex Slaves.

As for America between 1618 and 1775 the British imported 500,000 blacks and 300,000 Irish Slaves into north America to work as slaves.

In 1857  in the Dred Scott Decision the US Supreme Court - 7 Democrats and 2 Republicans - ruled Blacks were inferior to Whites and were therefore better off as slaves and Slaves became Property.

It took a huge Civil War to end that ruling.

Six years after the Civil War ended the Supreme Court of Virginia - after the 1871 Incorporation of the United States in the Organic Constitution -  ruled that if you have committed a Felony you became a Slave of the state.

The wording was later changed to “Ward Of The State” but it means the same thing.

So today - the United States is importing huge amounts of Immigrants to act as Slaves in the factories that will be built to reindustrialize America.

Today an immigrant will work for $8.00 an hour with no benefits and put his whole family to work and the father then takes the money and redistributes it as they see fit.

So in order for this to work the elites must eliminate those who demand air wages and would compete with these huge corporations.

That is exactly what is being done.

Just keep in mind:

…a) 13th Amendment Abolish Slavery - 100% Republican Support, 23% Democratic Support

…b) 15th Amendment - Right To Vote:  100% Republican, 0% Democrat

14th Amendment: Free Slaves: 944 Rep, 0% Dems

4) Obama Care: 0% Rep, 86% Dems

Today almost all of Congress and the Senate - they all are n Worshipping, Human Sacrificing Democrats at heart.

Time for some arrests.

You really should read the article.

In other news:

1) 1,800 Tone of Radioactive Waste has An Ocean View And No Place To Go.

Over 890,000 Used Nuclear Rods sit in a containment ponds just South of Los Angeles at the San Orofre Nuclear Plant - which is now closed.

These Nuclear Rods will now have to be care for on a Major Fault Line for the next Million Years.

The last President blocked all attempts to find a permanent place to put them and the New President is trying to locate a permanent Place to house them - 80% of all Used Nuclear Rods in the nation.

The most likely place is in caves under the areas the US blew up over 2,500 Nuclear Weapons - Nevada. You can simply put them there and block the entrance to the caves.

A Second place could be Yucca Mountain, Utah.

Every time a new place is mentioned every Federal and State agency blocks the transfer of these deadly Nuclear Rods.

President Trump has 5 choices:

…a) Leave them there until after a Major Earthquake and let them sink into the ocean. With currents this means the entire Southern Pacific Ocean would be dead in 10 years.

…b) Move them to a permanent storage facility in the South Western US Desert

…c) Hit them with Lighting 15 times through Geoenginerd storms and eliminate their radioactivity.

…d) Use Radionics machines to dissolve the radioactivity

…e) Use Brown’s Gas to neutralize the Used Nuclear Rods.

2) Russia throws out 755 US Diplomats leaving 458 remaining in the Moscow Embassy.

The reason is clear - there was a plot to kill President Putin and his staff and it was traced right back to the US Embassy.

One of the odd things the Russian’s Discovered is when the American’s Left they abandoned a Bio Weapons lab right there in Moscow.

The RNA Samples that were collected were from prominent Russian Citizens were being used to create a Virus to kill Russians.

So - Good Job President Putin. If you had done as GOD asked tyou to do this never would have happened.

The course Congress has recently set, thanks to in part Senator Traitor McCain, is to completely isolate the United States form the rest of the world financially, economically, socially, politically,  and even in all forms of trade.

3) Vaccinated Children Are Sicker hat Unvaccinated Children.

Vaccinated children are:

…a) 2 ½ Times More Likely to have Chronic Illnesses

…b) 4 Times More Likely To Have Autism

…c) 5 Times More Likely To Have Learning Disabilities

…d) 30 Times More Likely To Have Allergies.

4) Finally - The First Human Embryos Were Genetically Modified In US.

Please note that when you read this article this was done with a Chemical - and could be given to full grown adults.

For them to admit it means those in the Underground Complexes have been doing this for over 70 years.

Please pray that congress falls flat on their faces and is neutralized.

Send Love and Gratitude into the Water supply in Washington, DC.

Whatever state you live in - send Love into their water systems so the Governors will authorized the money in their state CAFR be released to pay their State’s bills.

Open each Governor’s eyes as to how much money is really available to him to pay his bills and to begin obeying US laws.

Please also pray that if we do have an economic “Crash” that you and your family take the necessary steps to prepare for all of the planned events.

We The LITTLE People (UN Term) will win - we have over ½ a million people praying every day.


Again - This program is brought to you by:

Tiger Stream

Just plug it in, set it up, and throw away your cable bill forever.

Don’t forget the Promo Code MOUNT to save $75.




This is OUR country and here WE stand for FREEDOM.

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Trump Becomes Lincoln As New Civil War To Free America From Slavery Begins

1,800 tons of radioactive waste has an ocean view and nowhere to go - LA Times

Russian Puts All US Diplomats Under “Strict Surveillance”, Orders 755 To Leave Country

"It's Time To Retaliate": Putin Expels 755 U.S. Diplomats | Zero Hedge

Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess Who Is Sicker? » Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess Who Is Sicker? | Geoengineering Watch

First Human Embryos Edited in U.S. - MIT Technology Review

Tiger Stream | Products

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Financial Armageddon August 2017 - Pray

August Financial Armageddon In US



Folks - time to pray hard. What is planned for next month in August is horrible.

First - On August 22nd all states must begin paying hospitals back for the dollars they have spent under the Affordable Health Care Act - “Obama” Care.

When the Affordable Health Care Act was passed Congress did not set any money aside to pay for this Huge health Care Bill and now that there is actually a “Budget” proposed for 2017-2018 Congress has not set aside any funding for this Health Care Act.

The cost of this Affordable Health Care Act has exceeded $4 Trillion Dollars each year.

Since most states average 25% of their State Budgets for Health Care - reimbursed by the United States - they have simply taken the money the Feds have sent them and spent it on other things such as supporting Illegal Aliens on welfare.

According to a Federal Court Ruling given 22 May 2017 in which President trump asked for 90 days to implement this request and only one state has thus far complied - Illinois.

The State of Illinois has been ordered to do just that last month and the literally have stopped paying their bills.

Of course - if you look at the State of Illinois Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (Not their budget) you will realize they have literally Billions in Stock, bonds, and cash in banks - but this is obviously not being used to pay off these hospitals.

This will be the situation in every other state as they try to hang onto their huge assets.

Instead they are trying to do it using their annual budget to pay for this Heath Care and it si solely inadequate to do so.

It remains to be seen what the courts will do to force these states to begin paying back the Hospitals for the moneys they have illegally “Re-Appropriated” for their own pet projects.

It is all a big show where the Elites get richer and we - the public - get poorer so we pray.

2) This all came about as the US Senate voted to reject the Republican Health Care Bill.

As the story goes - Vice President Pence held the Senate Chambers opened until Senator Traitor  McCain came waltzing into the chambers to vote at 2AM against the Republican Health Care Bill.

So - this Senator went in to have a Huge Brain tumor Removed, walked out fo the Hospital to vote???

And Vice President Pence waited until 2Am for the Senator to waltz in and vote?

It is all a big show.

3) Second - This should be of great concern to all of us as the Chinese are now leveraging their Yuan to force the acceptance of their New Gold backed Yuan to pay for Oil - thus challenging the Supremacy of the US Dollar as the World’s reserve Currency.

If you go to the “Golden Jackass” website you will learn that this may mean  a new US Dollar will be issued and that will be devalued by 50% within the first few months of being issued and then face a devaluation of 30 % every year after that.

3) As for Crypto Currencies - they are easy to hack. And who is to say that these currencies - now being regulated and taxed by the US - will not simply double the amount of Crypto’s just line the Banks do --- just add digits to their accounts to increase profits.

If you don’t hold it ain’t yours.

With one exception - physical Gold and Silver in a secured and insured vault - like Noble Gold.

Since it is nontaxable and simply a holding place - it is not subject to any state or Federal interferences.

In other news:

A) In the recent Drama in Washington D.C. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has agreed to testify against the Big “H” in the DNC Leak Investigation is exchange for Immunity - something about dead attorneys and a body on the beach that all are connected to her after the FBI raided her house and found lots and lots of evidence.

B) Another Holistic Doctor (Dr Glenn Scarpelli) and his wife Patricia Colant) were is found dead on the side walk with suicide notes in their pockets in plastic baggies.

Apparently there was a whole lot of screaming and fighting in their Manhattan High Rise Apartment and then they both went flying out of their Hugh Rise Apartment windows.

The count of murdered Medical Doctors now practicing Holisitc Medicine has reached 60...

C) Former White House Chef Walter Scheib - hired by the Big “H” - was found dead in Taos, New Mexico in the desert mountains. Cause  of death - Drowning.

Think about it.

D) President Trump fired Reince Priebus - White House Chief Of Staff - for leaking Classified Information.

Ta Da Trump

E) In a current conference hackers were asked to attack our voting machines and they have had great success in doing so - proving the Electronic Polling Machines are worthless.

Yeah - think about it.
For You Intel Geeks;

1) 15 August you plan to torch off 25KT Firecrackers across the nation? - it has been stopped

2) 15 August you plan to place an Encapsulated Slow release bio-weapon in a City water system just north of Fort Collins perhaps Laramie?

Please pray that the governor of as Wyoming is ready for this potential disaster and send Love to his office in Cheyenne.

3) 22 August you will crash the States and shut down all non-essential state services.

4) You are planning to begin buying Oil using the Gold Backed Yuan from Saudi Arabia - thus challenging the Supremacy of the King Dollar.

…5)  28 August - an attempt of Both Trump and Pence - it will fail miserably as Congressman Debbie Wasserman Schultz begins to testify and release information on the Awan Brothers.

Please pray that congress falls flat on their faces and is neutralized.

Send Love and Gratitude into the Water supply in Washington, DC.

Whatever state you live in - sent Love into their water systems so the Governors will authorized the money in their state CAFR be released to pay their State’s bills.

Open each Governor’s eyes as to how much money is really available to him to pay his bills and to begin obeying US laws.

Please also pray that if we do have an economic “Crash” that you and your family take the necessary steps to prepare for all of the planned events.

We The LITTLE People (UN Term) will win - we have over ½ a million people praying every day that not only does the United Nations closes down and President Trump succeeds in his endeavours but that those following Lucifer either immediately Repent and do what is right in the eyes of GOD or leave the Planet immediately.


Again - This program is brought to you by You Tube’s William Mount Cooking.

Here we show you how to save money on your grocery bill and eat well using Freeze Dried Foods.

We may be introducing a New Food Company soon so stay in touch with our channel.




This is OUR country and here WE stand for FREEDOM.

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Leftist Insanity In America Erupts As Trump Prepares To Unleash “August Armageddon”

GOLDEN JACKASS.COM - The Golden Jackass Knows Gold, Currencies & Bonds"

July 29th: topics covered include USDollar fake corrupt support with QE, the coming dual universe of USD vs RMB in coexistence (which cannot be stopped), the coming IMF control of the International Dollar from Chinese offices, the global currency reserve risk of loss, the USFed bloated balance sheet at $4.5 trillion in toxic assets, the weak areas in the USEconomy in cars & pensions & energy sector, the Saudi-Qatar conflict as hint of Petro-Dollar fracture with late stage demise, the potential for Chinese oil purchases from Saudi but paid in RMB terms with powerful effect, the New Scheiss Dollar factors at work, the Trump America First reality with no progress on re-industrialization of the United States


Famous Holistic Doctor & Wife Allegedly Jump to Death off Manhattan Office Highrise- Leave Typed Suicide Notes

Reince Priebus Is Ousted Amid Stormy Days for White House - The New York Times


Former White House Chef Died From Drowning, Autopsy Shows - ABC News


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Agenda 21 Moving Forward Quickly

Welcome to the smartest, most active, and the most loving audience in the world.

We started this channel to garnish prayer to change to help save America and stop the coming World Conflict and so far, so good.

This show is brought to you by William Mount Cooking - where we show where to buy food to save money and how to sue the Freeze Dried Foods you buy.

Why spend more at a Grocery Store

Come to William Mount Cooking and have fun and learn.




Agenda 21, now termed Agenda 30 according to the United Nations, calls for a Human population of 500 Million.

This means that there needs to be around 6 Billion Human Deaths in the next few years.

So - Who will die???

So far - so good.

As evidence we see:

1) Sperm Counts are down 60% in the West as Males are dying at an ever increasing rate.

2) The Passage by Congress of the Bill sanctioning Russian, Iran and North Korea is a bold attempt to start a World Wide Conflict involving 15 - 10,0000 KT Firecrackers.

3) American Towns - especially near Dearborn, Michigan are now falling under Sharia law - this means these idiots will soon be killing Americans for not saying Praise Allah - the Bedoine God of War.

The Profit Mohammed was a Bedoine.

4) Thanks to the last President allowing GMO foods to be planted across America - especially GMO Wheat - nearly 1/3rd of all Americans are either Pre-diabetic or Diabetic.

5) Further - about 1/3rd of the American GMO Wheat crop has failed this harvest - it literally died before bearing wheat.  Watch now as wheat prices sky rocket.

6) The Saudi Power Base - not that they are spending more than the are bringing in, is falling apart.

With their war with Yemen - now Yemen has the ability to shut down their oil production with about 5 well placed cruise missiles.

Further - with the Oil Deposits in Yemen - they are now a Good Credit Risk for the sales of these sorts of weapons and in a recent speech given by the US State Department - they may now purchase these weapons.

No Oil from Saudi Arabia, no Weapons sales.

7) It has just been revealed that the Department of Homeland Security is paying College Students to put out Anti American Propaganda and Computer Games.

8) Trump is still trying as he just eliminated Boarder Added Taxes - a nasty set of taxes used to shut down companies across the nation.

9) If that is not enough - NASA is still trying to create a Second Sun on Jupiter by trying to light it up by throwing ever larger 10,000 KT Firecrackers at the planet.

The goal here is to then create habitable planets and run to them just as fast as they can.

10)  Fear not as Cattle Ranchers are optimistic that their cattle will soon be purchased by China to feed their ever growing population.

Please pray that congress falls flat on their faces and cannot pass this evil bill.

Please also pray that if we do have an economic “Crash” that you and your family are ready for it.

We Can win - we have over ½ a million people praying every day that not only does the United Nations close down and President Trump succeed in his endevours but that those following Lucifer either Repent or leave the Planet immediately.


Again - This program is brought to you by You Tube’s William Mount Cooking.

Here we show you haw to save money on your grocery bill and eat well using Freeze Dried Foods.




This is MY country and here I stand for FREEDOM.

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Sperm counts in the West plunge by 60% in 40 years as ‘modern life’ damages men’s health

The U.S. Empire Continues to Stumble Towards Ruin

This American Town is Now FULLY Under Sharia Law – EVERYONE Needs to See This -

Shocking report reveals that diabetes and its precursor are now impacting nearly one-third of the population –

CONFIRMED: Amazon going all-in with Big Pharma, plans to launch online pharmaceutical sales to earn billions in drug profits –

The Saudi Power Balance Is On A Knife-Edge | Zero Hedge

DHS is paying college students to create extremist propaganda games and videos

BAT Is Dead: Republicans Kill Border Adjustment Tax | Zero Hedge

Project LUCIFER, The Strangest Conspiracy Involving NASA



Charlotte's Boooberry Macroons With Wogga Wabbit

Dollar On Verge Of Being Rejected World Wide

Dollar On Verge Of Being Rejected World Wide

Welcome to the smartest, most active, and the most loving audience in the world.

We started this channel to garnish prayer to change to help save America and stop the coming World Conflict and so far, so good.

This show is brought to you by the Golden Jackass and Noble Gold

Yet another Crypto Currency - part of Etherium -was hacked over the last few days called Veritasium. They lost $8.4 million.

If you do not hold it in your hands, or have it in a secured, insured vault, then it is not your.




(1110) Dollar On Verge Of Being Rejected World Wide - YouTube

Congress is on the verge of overwhelmingly passing a Bill that would gut the Russian Federation Mining, Oil and Transportation industry through Sanctions.

Further - it would cripple most of Europe through higher prices for American goods.

The Bill is called the “Russian, Iran and North Korean Sanctions Act.

If would force all European nations to retaliated by stopping the importation of all American Goods into this region.

With the coming Chinese Yuan backed by Gold to soo sweep most of Asia this would almost completely isolate the United State s form almost all trading partners.

No more Car Parts, Furnace Parts, Military parts…

Since the US Marshals and Girly FBI Agents refuse to arrest those committing Treason in the Congress and since the CIA Rats refuse to do their duty in protecting the United States then:

Pray that Congress turns in on itself and begins fighting among themselves and becomes too confused to do anything.

Remember Congress: TEKEL.

You have been warned by the Collider (Cyclatron) in Cern and now by GOD.


In Other News:

1) President Trump has banned Transgendered folks form the military.

Yup - those people who wear dresses one day and pants the next would definitely be a distraction for the military.

The Polls show very clearly that the public overwhelmingly supports this move.


2) President Trump donated this quarter’s salary to the US Department of Education

3) In just New York alone - ICE arrested 114 Illegal Aliens this week and Fugitives and they will be prosecuted and most will be sent back to their country of origin.


4) Anthony Scaramucci - the New White House Communications Director - is now firing people for leaking information. He is a no-nonsense guy.

You leak Classified Information you are fired and charged with a Felony. Period.


5) NASA has openly admitted that Sea Levels across the world are now falling and that the planet is cooling.

Whether this is true or not we cannot confirm.

I have a friend with a house on Vashon Island and his Grandmother has owned this house for over 90 years until it passed into his hands and he has seen Sea levels rise over this period of time - occasionally covering the County Road.

So between the Sun Enlarging, the Solar Minimum we are entering and the Chemtrails blocking out the sun - we just do not knw - do we.

6) Finally - the Who’s Who of modern Jihadists.


Please pray that congress falls flat on their faces and cannot pass this evil bill.

Please also pray that if we do have an economic “Crash” that you and your family are ready for it.


Again - like the old Radio and TV shows - This program is brought to you by Jim Willie and the Golden Jackass and Noble Gold.

If it is not in your hands you do not own it.

If you wish to save in silver and gold but are afraid your house may get robbed call Noble Gold and have them store it in their Insured Vaults.




This is MY country and here I stand for FREEDOM.

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Russia-EU Unite Against America As Trump Becomes Prisoner Of Mass Hysteria


Here is a list of all Compromised DEMONRATS involved in the AWAN-SCANDAL – InvestmentWatch

Pres. Trump to Ban Transgender People From All Military Service | One America News Network

Trump Says Transgender People Will Not Be Allowed in the Military - The New York Times

One America News Network | Your Nation. Your News.

ICE Arrests 114 in Sweeping N.Y. Sting Targeting Fugitives, Illegal Aliens | One America News Network

Scaramucci: “If they don’t stop leaking I’m going to put them out on Pennsylvania Ave.” | One America News Network

NASA confirms: Sea levels have been FALLING across the planet for two years … media SILENT –

The "Who's Who" Of Today's Modern Jihadi Terrorist Groups | Zero Hedge

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Troubled Waters Ahead - US In Big Trouble

Troubled Waters Ahead - US In Big Trouble

Troubled Waters Ahead - US In Big Trouble

Troubled Waters Ahead - US In Big Trouble

Welcome to the smartest, most active, and the most loving audience in the world.

We started this channel to garnish prayer to change to help save America and stop the coming World Conflict and so far, so good.

This show is brought to you by Get The Tea. We have just discovered that Life Change Tea is gentle enough to use with a Colosotmy Bag, as are their other products such  as Protein powder, Cinnamon and Gymnema for Blood Sugar Control.

In Fact - The Life Change Tea is almost essential if you have a Colostomy Bag as it helps things flow.



(1092) Troubled Waters Ahead - US In Big Trouble - YouTube

The United States has some very troubled water ahead sop pleas be ready for anything.

Take the economic conditions where home prices are falling, combined with the media lies we are in for some rough times.

Here are three instances that happened just yesterday…

…a) In a recent announcement President Trump and Apple Corporation announced that Apple will be building 3 huge plants in America.

It was not 10 minutes later that the Lying Fake Main Stream Media  announced the President was wrong.

…b) In yet another direct attack of Treason President trump began working on Foreign Policy and met with the leaders of the Kurds to set up a Kurdish Nation.

Not 10 minutes later the Lying Fake Main Stream media accused President Trump of ignoring Domestic Issues.

…c) Finally - the President met with the Election Integrity Commission to purge the Voter Rolls of 15 Million Illegal Votes from dead people and Illegal Aliens.

A few minutes later the MSM stated President Trump was going on a witch Hunt.

In yet another attempt to take down the President the Bill we discussed yesterday where Congress declares WAR on Russia and strips President Trump of his power passed in the Senate 98 to 2 and in the house 413-3 - although it appears that there were 4 different bills passed by the House that are attempting to do this.

The entire Congress is in full rebellion to the United States and is now demanding a Full Scale World Conflict involving 1,000 KT Firecrackers.

Why does the President not arrest those in Congress currently committing treason?

Why does Vice President Pence not take a “Verbal” vote in the Senate and block these bills?

Where are the US Marshals?

Where is the FBI?

Please also pray that the confusion in Congress grows so intense that the cannot pass any legislation.

Also - Please pray that if they start this conflict that the First 2 Targets to be hit are the Halls Of Congress and the CIA Headquarters across the globe.


In Other News:

1) China is about to begin buying oil from Saudi Arabia in Gold Backed Yuans - which would destroy the Dollar overnight in exchange Russia has guaranteed to support their Current Royal Family.


2) In response - Yemen fired a Long Range Missile at Saudi Oil refinery - Direct Hit. Scratch one Saudi Oil Refinery.

So before any deal is make Saudi Arabi must end this US Backed war with Yemen - not so easy after slaughtering tens of thousands of Yemens with bombs, bio weapons, and Gas.

3) Debbie Wasserman Schultz IT Aid arrested trying to flee the country.

Something about Bank Fraud. Something about raiding the DNC Bank Accounts for her boss???

We shall see what shakes out on this one.

4) The Aircraft Carrier Gerald Ford set out with NO urinals.

Yup - that is correct. No Urinals.

Apparently Political Correctness has now reached into our carriers -

So women - rather than being treated well with special bathrooms and quarters you will have to share rooms and bathrooms with your men - who tend to leave the toilet seat up ad miss the target.

Political Correctness (Satanism) at it’s finest.

Please pray that  President Trump to either moves in US Special Forces Command - the First Special Forces - to the White House or move me in there with my choice of Combat Engineers to protect him.

Please also pray that if we do have an economic “Crash” that you and your family are ready for it.

Again - like the old Radio and TV shows - This program is brought to you by: Get The Tea

This morning we ate the Life Change Tea and Cinnamon.

Just tell them MOUNT sent you and all profits go to a Non-Profit Company.
We also put Immusist and Citric are (Kills Yeast) to aid in the absorption of these products. Both these products are available on Ebay.



This is MY country and here I stand for FREEDOM.

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Trump says Apple has plans to build 3 U.S. factories; Apple doesn't comment - LA Times

Trump Administration Shifts Focus to Foreign Policy Amid Healthcare Stall | One America News Network

Kurdish Government Officials Meet with Trump Administration Ahead of Independence Vote | One America News Network

Election Integrity Commission Meets at the White House | One America News Network

Is This China's Next Step To Destroy The Dollar? | Zero Hedge

Yemen Hits Saudi Oil Refinery with Long-Range Ballistic Missile

REPORT: Debbie Wasserman Schultz's IT Manager Arrested Fleeing Country - Breitbart

House overwhelmingly passes Russia sanctions bill -


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Elites Tip Hand In Attempt To Take Down Trump

Elites Tip Hand In Attempt To Take Down Trump

Elite Tip Hand In Attempt To Take Down Trump

Welcome to the smartest, most active, and the most loving audience in the world.

We started this channel to garnish prayer to change to help save America and stop the coming World Conflict and so far, so good.

This show is brought to you by Get The Tea. We have just discovered that Life Change Tea is gentle enough to use with a Colosotmy Bag, as are their other products such  as Protein powder, Cinnamon and Gymnema for Blood Sugar Control.



(1077) Elites Tip Hand In Attempt To Take Down Trump - YouTube

The Elites have shown their hands in an attempt to take down the President  - and there is nothing worse than tipping your hand to your opponent.

Pray that the Elites fail at every step and are Neutralized immediately. TEKEL.

In a recent set of Tweets “Julian Assange:” has clearly stated that the Big “H” is about to take out the President. So  - since the Original Big “H” and Julian Assange are not on this planet (6 Feet Under) these tweets seem rather odd, wouldn‘t you say???

Wikileaks, a Chinese Based Company, has stated in a series of Tweets that The Big “H” - the Wicked Witch Of The West - plans to take out the President?

..a) First - Let us find out who really tweeted these posts.

..b) Lets’ find out where “Julian Assange” go this information.

..c) Lets prosecute those who are in open rebellion to the President and the United States.

CIA - Obey Your Charter and take out those in open rebellion to the United States or GOD will deal with you. Capice’?

In response to this threat President Trump has asked US Attorney’s General Jeff Sessions to investigate the DNC’s, (and the Big “H’s”) Russian Connections and how she:

….a) Was able to sell the Russian Federation 25% of all US Uranium Ore

….b) Where did her Foundation get all this money.

….c) Was foreign money used in her election campaign and/or given to the DNC for any US Elections???

In addition - as we all saw several days ago - 98 Senators -  (including Traitor John McCain) voted in a Bill originating from the Senate to literally declare WAR on Russia and strip the President of his powers.

Bills dealing with money are not allowed to start in the Senate - not even under the 1871 Organic Constitution.

This means that - again - 98 Senators are violating the US Constitutions and in full rebellion against the United States - it is called treason.

Hello US Department of Justice. It appears that 98 Senators are ready to be arrested.

We shall see if House follows suit in their voting for this bill.

In Other News:

1) President Trump addressed a Boy Scout Jamboree and they Booed when the name of the last President was mentioned.

The Last President had a 15% approval rating among those who actually voted legally - but was put in place by the “Elites.”

No more.

The illegals and Dead People are being purged from the system

Those who stuffed the ballots will also soon be arrested.

Then they will go after the Vote Counters - the County Workers -who lied about  the votes.

2) the FBI Seized Crushed Hard Drives from Debbie Wasserman Schultz IT Aid.

So - what are they hiding?

Please keep in mind that ALL Emails are saved in the master computer out of Salt lake, Utah so Shultz’s IT Tech


So Awan Brothers Abid, Imran and Jamal - you are all in deep doo doo.

3) President Trump is about to roll back the last President’s  Fracking Regulations.

Maybe we will not get benzene in our water any more???

4) President trump commissions the New Air Craft Carrier the Gerald Ford - a $13 Billion Dollar Carrier.

Please pray that  President Trump to either moves in US Special Forces Command - the First Special Forces - to the White House or move me in there with my choice of Combat Engineers to protect him.

Please also pray that if we do have an economic “Crash” that you and your family are ready for it.

Again - like the old Radio and TV shows - This program is brought to you by: Get The Tea

This morning we ate the Life Change Tea and Cinnamon.

Just tell them MOUNT sent you and all profits go to a Non-Profit Company.
We also put Immusist and Citric are (Kills Yeast) to aid in the absorption of these products. Both these products are available on Ebay.

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Frightening Endgame Begins In America As Final Takedown Of Trump Begins



Julian Assange Issues Warning to President Trump: Clinton Deep State Is Pushing a Mike Pence Coup

President Trump Finally Does It! He Asks AG Jeff Sessions To Investigate Hillary’s Ties With Russia! – InvestmentWatch

President Trump Urges ‘Loyalty’ as Boy Scouts Boo Barack Obama at Jamboree

FBI Seized Crushed Hard Drives From Home Of Wasserman-Schultz' IT Aide | Zero Hedge

Trump administration seeks to repeal Obama fracking rule | TheHill


Saturday, July 22, 2017

Intel Rpt: Euro Cracks As Germany Prints Deitch Mark

Euro Cracks As Germany Prints Deutsche Mark

Welcome to the smartest, most active, and the most loving audience in the world.

We started this channel to garnish prayer to change to help save America and stop the coming World Conflict and so far, so good.

This show is brought to you by Noble Gold. Remember - if it is not in your hands it is not yours.


We have just learned that Germany is now printing their own Deutsche mark Again.

Now that President Trump is in office the Marshal Plan - the shipping of $ Trillions of Dollars to Europe to rebuild Europe after WW2, has ended.

The Bankers in Germany are now refusing to be  pulled down by the PIGS Nations - Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain.

What we are watching was planned in 1944.

Within a few short months the Nordic Euro will form, including the nations of Germany, Austria, Finland, Sweden and perhaps France.

As for this insane influx of Africans into these regions - either they will be sent back of the Elites causing this will simply be “Taken Off Of Planet Earth.” So HE has said it, so it shall be.

What is supposed to happen is:

1) Paid Black Riots in Cincinnati - Stopped by Pres Trump

2) Paid Black riots in Chicago - Stopped by Pres Trump

3) Three large Firecrackers detonated in US cities and two in Europe- Le Havre and Rostock I believe - stopped by Pres Trump and Pres Putin.

4) Crack up of the Euro - Huge Devaluation by 90%

5) Dollar Devaluation by 905 within a year - Stopped by Pres Trump

As for the CIA - 955 of their forces are now lining up behind Pres Trump as they do not wish to see their families, their children, and their grand children fry in a huge conflict involving 10,000 Megaton Firecrackers.

As fopr the other “US Departments - like the FBI - we will know when they trun towards President Trump when they do as GOD directs them to do.

Until then - their leaders remain “Open Targets” for their opposition. So GOD has said it, so it shall be.

So we suppose this is about 5 “Ta Da Trumps” today.

In Other News:

Joseph Rago - Reporter of the Wall Street Journal, wwent to the Russian Consulate to get info about the Big “H”. and was found 2 days later dead.

The Wicked Witch of the West Strikes Again.

2) DNC is $3 Million in debt and any Foreign Investing into the DNC will be seized per the Election Laws of the US.

These NAZIs in the DNC are hated wherever they go.

Democratic Socialist Party - DNC - is the same party as Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, etc.

3) Former Prime Minister of Australia Gordon Brown has revealed that 130,000 children were imported into Australia from 1945-2017 for child porn rings and only 2,000 remain alive today.

These 90,000 porn Kings days are numbered, so GOD has said it, so it shall be.


4) The White House has a New Press Secretary.

President Trump - you need to fill the Front Row of  Press Briefings not with “Has Beens” of the MSM but with those reproters who are bringing in the real hits and are Pro-Trump so you can get asked some intelligent questions.

You need to do it now while your approval rating is 79% among those who actually legally voted last year.


Please pray that your family is safe in the coming months and ask GOD to help with your finances - HE does hear you.

Again -- YOU are SOOOO important to GOD. You - from the confines of your house, your prayers are changing America. YOU.

Please pray for a comp0lete recovery for Jim Willie and his bronchitis.


Again - like the old Radio and TV shows - This program is brought to you by:

Noble Gold - who can convert your IRA to Gold and Silver.

They can also store your Gold and Silver in thr vault and it is fully insured.

You might want to think about it if your spouse is contemplating a Divorce or Separation.


The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

References: I am in allot of pain so let us just say that:

Almost all  articles come from Zero Hedge, Investment Watch Blog, Whatdoesitmean, and Blacklisted News

12 States Initiate Emergency Procedures 20 August 2017

Friday, July 21, 2017

12 States Initiate Emergency Procedures 20 August 2017

12 States Initiate Emergency Procedures 20 August 2017

States Across America Implement Emergency Procedures 20 Aug

Welcome to the smartest, most active, and the most loving audience in the world.

We started this channel to garnish prayer to change to help save America and stop the coming World Conflict and so far, so good.

This show is brought to you by Get The Tea. Just call and tell them MOUNT sent you and all the profits go directly to a nonprofit corporation.




(1009) 12 States Initiate Emergency Procedures 20 August 2017 - YouTube

We have just learned, through telephoning Governor’s Offices and Transportation Office across America that 12 states are preparing for a huge influx of people top watch the Eclipse.

Since the tourism Industry died a decade ago this means that there are fewer hotels, restaurants and gas station.

If several million people decide to begin traveling on 20 August to watch the Full Eclipse then the Infrastructure of these small towns may be pushed to the limits.

The State Emergency Office in the path of this Eclipse are preparing for this large influx ox people.

So be patient, be polite, and Be Read with water, food, Toilet Paper and a Tiny portable place to go to the bathroom in your car.


In other news:

1) Today North and South Korean representatives met to discuss r-re-unification of the Koreas.

Please pray they are successful.

2) White County Tennessee is offering prisoners shorter sentences if the get sterilized.

They are lining up for  the procedure.

3) President Trump is working with the Intelligence Communities to end the bad guys in the area where we buy oil - can’t even say the region - but you know - it is hot and sandy there.

4) OJ Simpson is free

5) Washing State - (Nanny Inc) has just passed a law where DUI includes: Eating, Smoking, Putting on make Up, talking on the Cell Phone, texting, etc.

6) US Justice Department just closed down a Huge Gun/Drug running Dark Web Site called “Alpha Bay”

You cannot hide Dark Websites as the Internet was set up, and is still controlled, by the CIA.

The owner of Alpha Bay was arrested in Canada working on his computer on this website - BUSTED.

7) Finally - President Trump  just set up an agreement with Corning Glass, Pfiser and Becktel corporations to make Glass Packing for Medical Equipment .

Already there as been a $500 Million Dollar Investment to build these plants.


Please pray that your family is safe in the coming months and ask GOD to help with your finances - HE does hear you.

Again -- YOU are SOOOO important to GOD. You - from the confines of your house, your prayers are changing America. YOU.

Please also pray that this “Emergency” goes well across the nation.


Again - like the old Radio and TV shows - This program is brought to you by:

Get The Tea.

Already this morning I have had their Life Change Tea, Protein Powder, and Gymnema.

We will begin eating the Moranga to see what the results are.

Everything we eat here is not only good for the Colostomy Bag but also for Diabetes.


The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

References: I am in allot of pain so let us just say that:

Almost all  articles come from Zero Hedge, Investment Watch Blog, Whatdoesitmean, and Blacklisted News

Thursday, July 20, 2017

US Pouring Troops Into Middle East - & Working With Russia


Welcome to the smartest, most active, and the most loving audience in the world.

We started this channel to garnish prayer to change to help save America and stop the coming World Conflict and so far, so good.

This show is brought to you by Tiger Stream - throw away your cable today.

Use Promo Corde Mount and save $75 off of each order.

Order one today



We stated on Monday in several texts that 12 more CIA agents will die before the end of the month so they know that GOD is real. I supposed this sort of confirms this fact.

In the lead story the US is pouring large numbers of troops into Syria.

Under Mad Dog Mattis this time - under the cover of the Russian Air Force - the US Led Forces are going to absolutely destroy ISIS and their supporters.

This means that all CIA trained ISIS Forces will be terminated and as for the 50 FBI Muslim Terrorist Camps in America - these too will be annihilated in this new attack - along with the FBI agents who are currently supporting these camps.


The Syrian War will be over very soon and is a story to cover up these three things:

1) Civil Forfeiture Laws have gone Nation Wide.

In a letter written by the New US Attorney Jeff Sessions dated 19 July 2017 the US Attorney General grants US, State, Count and City Law Enforcement Agencies the right to take your property without the Due Process Of law.

In other words - the property YOU own belongs to them and you may only use it until such time as any law Enforcement Agency deems it necessary to take it.

2) All US Departments are now reporting that their accounts have been raided by Lockheed Martin - for the Secret Space Program.

3) Elites are falling apart.

Evidence of this is that several days ago the FBI, investigating Senator Traitor John McCain and his top Staff for International Murders, ad the door slammed in their face - only - they then pushed the door open hitting the Traitor in the head.

Senator John McCain was then rushed to the Hospital where he claims he has Brain Cancer.

Well - If he and his staff want brain cancer - then the Living GOD is obligated to give them Cancer - only the Traitor Senator’s Staff will receive cancer. So HE has said it, so it shall be.

Please keep in mind that no Senator is above the law as the Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert just got out of prison for Child Molesting.

In other Important News

A) There was a Nation Wide Black Out for all Bank Of America Branches as their entire Computer Network was taken off live yesterday and bank employees went home - the bank that does most of the Trading for the United States Corporation.

Remember - Computers Do Not Make




If you do not have it in your hands it is not yours.

B) US forces has North Korean President Kim Jong Un in their Sniper Sights and could have killed him a few days ago but were ordered to leave him alive as both Koreas are now discussing reunification.

C) Boarder Patrol Union chief praises President Trump for huge drop in Illegal Immigration.

According to recent numbers - the rate has been cut by 53%

D) Finally … the terminally Ill child in Britain that has a Genetic Disorder has been granted US Citizenship and will come to America if the NAZI British Government will release the child from their grips

Pray that Britain releases this child to come to America for treatment.

Ta Da Trump - Thank You Mr President.

Please pray that your family is safe in the coming months and ask GOD to help with your finances - HE does hear you.

Again -- YOU are SOOOO important to GOD. You - from the confines of your house, your prayers are changing America. YOU.

Abraham Lincoln arrested 14,000 traitors and shut down over 200 Newspapers and Magazines for Sedition. Please pray President Trump has that kind of resolve to preserve our nation.


Again - like the old Radio and TV shows - this program is brought to you by tiger stream - we watch our cable channels for free.

Go to their website - and order one today.

Use the Promo Code Mount and save $75 off of each order.


The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Trump Moves To Destroy CIA As US Forces Flood Into Syria Under Russian Protection

The Feds Just Expanded Civil Asset Forfeiture 'Laws' Nationwide | Zero Hedge

Ben Carson Finds $500 Billion (Billion!) In Errors During Audit Of Obama HUD | Daily Wire

Russian Lawyer Who Met Donald Trump Jr. Survives Murder Plot Linked To US Senator McCain


US Forces Could Have Killed Kim Jong-un on July 4 But Didn’t Take the Shot - Sputnik International

Border Patrol union chief praises 'miraculous' drop in illegal immigration under Trump

Terminally-Ill British Infant with Rare Genetic Disorder Granted U.S. Residency | One America News Network







Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Jaiden's White Chile

New GOP Budget Guarantees Dollar Collapse

New GOP Budget Guarantees Dollar Collapse

Welcome to the smartest, most active, and the most loving audience in the world.

We started this channel to garnish prayer to change to help save America and stop the coming World Conflict and so far, so good.

This story is brought to you by Noble Gold - who will convert your IRA to a Hard Asset and teach you how to preserve what you already have.



The First US Budget in 9 years was just put forward by the House and it ignores reality.

The House Budget clearly shows that they believe the Deficit will be eliminated in 10 years, but the Congressional Budget Office clearly shows all it does is raise the Deficit.

The problem here is - No one will buy US Treasury Bonds but the Central Banks - and they are leading is down the Primrose Path to Perdition.

Already we are seeing the results as  Wells Fargo bank - ripe with Fraud - has just announced it is closing 450 branches across this country.

Expect this to occur across the board for all major banks.

So whatever road Congress is trying to take us down is absolutely wrong.

Remember Elites:


There is yet time for you and your Fallen Angels to repent, but time is short for you.

In Other News:

1) There have been 2 primary purchasers of stocks since 2007:

   A) The Feds have purchased 18% of the stocks

   B) The companies themselves are buying back their own stocks and giving their CEO’s lots and lots of bonuses.

2) Jim Willie has just stated our Dollar is at risk in his latest News Letter.

To sum it up - the US Dollar and it’s Treasury Notes are used as a Basis for trade world wide.

With the Introduction of the Gold Backed Chinese and Russian Currencies these will displace the Dollar within 14 - 18 months - if not in a shorter period of time.

What this means is that the New “Sheist” Dollar will have to be introduced and if these Paid Off Criminals in DC continue down this road then every 6 months the NEW Dollar will be devalued 30%.

We can then expect a break down of the Supply Network, huge inflation and shortages in Food, Car Parts and Electronics - such as parts for your furnace, dryers, washers, refrigerators, etc.

If you want more then please go to:

The Golden Jackass

Cost for a year’s subscription is around $2 a week - or $100 a year.

Then YOU will have an idea of what is coming.


Welcome to the Golden Jackass, Hat Trick Letter, JimWillieCB, Gold, Stocks

First two paragraphs in Jim Willie's Newsletter. Jim gave me permission to show you the forst two paragraphs of his Newsletter:

Within the US borders, the population remains largely ignorant of the true significance of the global currency reserve concept. It is of paramount importance, yet almost never discussed in the financial press. The public within the United States simply assumes the country operates with the USDollar as its currency, with near blindness to its global role in trade and banking. The end of an era is coming, as the change will be powerful in its effect. The shock wave could hit this year in some form, in a manner to highlight its importance.

The term is tossed around in common manner, often without an explanation of what it means. A strict meaning is followed by a practical meaning. The USDollar serves as global currency reserve, insofar as the USTreasury Bond is the standard for bank reserve core asset usage. Numerous countries have a core foundation to their national banking system. They maintain core assets and ratios. It is not gold bullion, but rather the USGovt debt. It is the USTBond denominated in USDollars. Of course, such practice is upside down and lunatic. Debt operating as core assets in the global banking system is utterly reckless, insane, and bound to force a systemic breakdown. Such is the heresy and risk from the banker cabal.


If we are lucky we can interview the owner of Trade Genius and learn how to make more money.

Capitol Preservation through Noble Gold is great.

But all know that to keep our heads above water we need to make more money that we spend.

IE- Trade Genius.

Why watch TV when you can make money - and it is more fun..

Please pray that your family is safe in the coming months and ask GOD to help with your finances - HE does hear you.

Again -- YOU are SOOOO important to GOD. You - from the confines of your house, your prayers are changing America. YOU.

Abraham Lincoln arrested 14,000 traitors and shut down over 200 Newspapers and Magazines for Sedition. Please pray President Trump has that kind of resolve to preserve our nation.


Again - like the old Radio and TV shows - this program is brought to you by Noble Gold - Preserve what you already have in hard assets.

If it is not in your hands - you don’t own it.

Just tell them MOUNT sent you and all profits go to a Nonprofit Corporation to help people world wide do something silly - like - eat.

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


House GOP Unveils 2018 Budget: Here Are The Highlights | Zero Hedge

Wells Fargo to close 450 branches - AOL Finance

There Has Been Just One Buyer Of Stocks Since The Financial Crisis | Zero Hedge

Global Currency Reserve at Risk

Noble Gold - Your Trusted Gold IRA Experts

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Russian Hysteria - Follow The Money - Big Oil

Russian Hysteria - Follow The Money

Welcome to the smartest, most active, and the most loving audience in the world.

We started this channel to garnish prayer to change to help save America and stop the coming World Conflict and so far, so good.

This story is brought to you by Food For Liberty - who will save you 10% on all Numana, Legacy and Heaven’s Harvest purchases. Just use the Promo Code Mount.


(906) Russian Hysteria - Follow The Money - Big Oil - YouTube


After several thousand more Emails were leaked we have learned where this “Russian Hysteria” has come from.

Valery Solovi - Professor at the Moscow State International Institute of International Relations, run by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Harvard Of Russia) created this entire Russian Hysteria.

This Hysteria - we might add - includes the elimination of President Putin as the leader of Russia.

Working with US Air Force Three Star General Robert Otto - Part of the US Bureau of Intelligence Research - created this entire Russian Hysteria and then:

Used SERCO and Entrust to notify all Main Stream Fascist Media.

After he was busted he immediately resigned and went to work for

Are You Ready???

Black Hills Corporation

Which began as a Small electrical Company and by overcharging it’s customers now owns 169 Billion Cubic Feet of Oil and Natural Gas.

With Putin Gone this Oil Company was planning to sell their Oil and Natural Treated Natural Gas (LNG) to Europe - displacing the Russian Oil Company GAZPROM.

Are you surprised????

Please pray that this Public Utility returns the $Billions of Dollars to their Electrical Customers they have stolen over the last 115 years.

Please also pray that President Trump can continue to Drain The Swamp just like President Lincoln did just after taking office.

President Lincoln arrested 14,000 traitors - including Governors and Congressman - and shut down hundreds of Newspapers and Magazines for committing Treason.

Remember - the Democrats support slavery and they created the Civil War in 1860 and are creating another Civil War today.

Please pray that President trump can cut off their funding and arrest their Treasonous leaders no matter where they are hiding.

1) In Other News:  China has killed a Nobel Prize Winner.

Liu Xaiobo wro in 2008 that he would like the Chinese Government to adopt a Policy of Freedom of Speech.

He was arrested by the Red Chinese in 2009.

In 2010 the Nobel Peace Prize Corporation awarded him the Peace Prize.

Early in 2017 President trump petitioned the Chinese to release him into US Custody because he was very sick. He Chinese said no and then he died be with a Drug Overdose in Prison.


2) The Big H Strikes Again - This time killing the Pilot that overhead the conversation between Loretta Lynch and President “C” right before he was to testify about it.

Yup - Dmetri Noon, a Pilot working for the Justice Department for 25 years, was found dead. Details are not available.

Will the Big H Murders Never Cease?

Please pray that all those involved in his murder are brought to justice immediately and that they themselves repent before it is too late.


3) Our Demon Possessed Leadership has gone completely insane in America.

California has been found to have 7 electoral Votes that were created by Illegal Aliens.

In fact - several states have done this and there will now be a re-apportionment of these “Electorial Votes.”

4) Finally: Do not argue with Police. Here is a guy who tried to argue with both a Cop and his dog by attacking the cop - wrong thing to do.

Kudos to the Cop - he did exactly what he should have done.

Please pray that your family is safe in the coming months and ask GOD to help with your finances - HE does hear you.

YOU are SOOOO important to GOD. You - form the confines of your house, your prayers are changing America. YOU.

Also pray that President Trump is successful in stopping all those who are committing Treason against the American People - including those elites who live in China, Russia, German, France, etc.

Again - like the old Radio and TV shows - this program is brought to you by Food For Liberty

Shop anywhere on the Net for Numana, Heavens Harvest, and Legacy Foods

Then call Dave and he will save you 10% on ALL your purchases.

Use The Promo Code MOUNT

Call Him In Montana At:



The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount



Hacked Government Emails Reveal “Fake News” Plot Destroying US Was Devised In Russia

Black Hills Corporation - Wikipedia

Black Hills Corp. Names Robert P. Otto to Board of Directors | Black Hills Corporation

'Top' Russian Intelligence Expert's Emails to CIA Officers Hacked: Report

Mysterious Hacker Leaks Emails Of Top US State Department Expert On Russia | Zero Hedge

US Patent 6506148 – Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors | Speak Truth 2 Power


BREAKING: Pilot Who Heard Every Word Of Clinton/Lynch Secret Meeting Breaks His Silence – Land Of The Free – Home Of The Brave

California driver licenses given to 800,000 undocumented immigrants

California should be stripped of Electoral College votes due to high number of illegals in the CA census –

Illegal Immigrants Distort Congressional Representation and Federal Programs

Saturday, July 15, 2017

80 Paid Protester Arrested For - Treason - We Hope

80 Paid Protester Arrested For - Treason - We Hope

80 Paid Protesters Arrested We For Treason

Welcome to the smartest, most active, and the most loving audience in the world.

We started this channel to garnish prayer to change to help save America and stop the coming World Conflict and so far, so good.

This story is brought to you bay Trade Genius - who is set up to teach you how to make money. It can be accessed through our Video channel.


(888) 80 Paid Protester Arrested For - Treason - We Hope - YouTube

Yup - the SERCO Corporation, funded by the GSA, has done it again. The set up another Paid Protest - a False Flag.

Flying people in from across the nation they managed to get about 75 people past the US Senate and House Security Armed Guards, through heavy secured doors, and into Senate and House offices across DC.

Then SERCO sent the story to the Federal Bridge Corporation (Entrust) and they sent the story out to every major news organization across the planet using the program Deamon.

SERCO Paid the Center for Popular Democracy to actually do the Dirty Work as they wish to keep their hands “Clean” … dirty little cowards.

All paid for by you - the Tax Payer - using Actors trained in the CIA Acting School in Pima, Arzona.

When the protesters entered these offices the Senators And Congressman did not have the guts to throw the Bums out.

Senator Bob Portman of Ohio is such a Coward he offered the Protesters Crackers and water.

So - another 80 Protesters arrest for - we hope - treason but it is unlikely the DC courts have the guts to charge them with this without Federal Involvement.

So apparently we will have to put up with those conducting Treason for a while longer.

Please pray that GOD Permanently Flattens those committing Treason against America and gives President Trump the Ump to put these Paid Protesters away for life as stated in the Espionage Act - USC 18, Sec 700.

1) In Other News:

In the last 30 days alone the Arizona Boarder Patrol has nabbed 560 people trying to enter the Unites States Illegally - 80 of which whom they found lost in the desert without food or water. All 560 will be charged with and sent back to the Country of Origin.

So the Boarder Patrol just saved 80 lives under the Trump Initiative ‘One And Done.”

Eighty lives saved in one state in one month.

80 Lives Saved by our Boarder Patrol - Yea Baby.

Ta Da Trump, Ta Da Trump, Ta Da Trump Trump Trump…..

Of the 560 of those arrested only 336 were originally from Mexico - the other 214 from countries as far away as Iran.

Please pray that the situation in Mexico gets better so these folks can live good lives south of the Boarder.


2) The Big H Strikes Again

Republican Operative Peter Smith was found “Suicided” in his Hotel Room just after revealing the source of the fake “Russian Collusion” story.

Just before his death he told a CIA Operative the 30,000 Emails the 30,000 “Missing Big H” emails were fake.

Testify against the Big H and you die.

Please be aware that these Elites have signed a Blood Oath to Lucifer and if they disobey this oath Lucifer’s Evil Workers have the Legal Right to kill you.

Yeshua is the only way out of this contract.

3) Finally - here is a vide about some “SLIME SNAKES” who have covered the road in Arizona in Oregon.”

If you have a business do not set it up in that state as a Bill just passed that allows anyone to complain about you and the local Police then have the right to seize, without a Court Order, whatever they like form you - to include weapons, cars, knives, forks, spoons - and anything else they deem as Dangerous.

Any BLUE State now has these laws so - be very careful where you set up any business in this nation.

Our Demon Possessed Leadership has gone completely insane in America.
Please pray that your family is safe in the coming months and ask GOD to help with your finances - HE does hear you.

Also pray that President Trump is successful in stopping all those who are committing Treason against the American People - including those elites who live in China, Russia, German, France, etc.

Again - like the old Radio and TV shows - this program is brought to you by trade Genius - who’s videos we are now studying to learn how to make money.

The News YOU need

The Wall Of Truth

Where you get more news in 15 minutes that you get all day from the entire Main Stream Media

Dr William B. Mount

For you Intel Geeks:

A) 3 Nukes Destroyed on the KC 130 that blew up

B) 1 Russia shot to pieces on the ship headed towards Seattle, destined to Salt Lake - who’s leadership will now fall apart for their ungratefulness.

C) 3 Seized on ships headed to the East Coast

D) 1 - Being moved to an Old Subway Tunnel under DC - that should be easy to find - except - 5KT Fire Cracker, wrapped in Aluminum,, Titanium, and then a metal I have never seen before.

E) 1 - to be dumped into a Dumpster that looks like a Pig Sty 2 blocks NE of the Trump Towers - Blue (perhaps green) Dumpster, paint coming off.

F) 3 Still being sent out by a 2 Star Admiral in Norfolk, he runs 3 Top Secret Stealth Destroyers - one is having Cloaking Device put on it as we speak.

The Stealth Destroyers are almost completely submersible.

The cloaking device still lets the ship leave a wake and slows the ship down because the “4th Phase of Water” attaches itself to the Ships Hull …… that can be solved by very easilyby…. Well - you are the “scientists” …. you figure it out.

He is a Tall (5’6’ - 8”) this man who has allot of metals - a High Lucifarian Priest.

One nuke is again headed to just South of the Chicago Exchange on top of the Old French “Doc.”

And as for those ready to Pounce on Trump 28 August - try it and the Living GOD will kill your bosses. So HE has said it - so it will be.

President Trump - surround yourself with very loyal armed folks 25-31 August. Period. Lots of loyal friends. Those who will put their lives up for yours…..

Police arrest 80 people in organized Senate healthcare bill protest on Capitol Hill

Serco - Wikipedia

Ariz. Border Patrol Arrest Over 500 Illegal Aliens Under “One and Done Initiative” | One America News Network

Republican Operative Behind WSJ Collusion "Bombshell" Committed Suicide | Zero Hedge

Eels From Overturned Truck Slime Cars on Oregon Highway | NBC4 Washington