Wednesday, January 15th, 2014 | Posted by Preston James, Ph.D
Alien Agenda III
Sharon’s Death, the Third Force and the Planned Desolation of Jerusalem
…by Preston James
Last week Ariel Sharon was unplugged from his respirator after 8 years of existing in a coma-like state.
Does Sharon’s death signify a new turning point in the future of Israel?
However, before that can be answered folks need to investigate and gain understanding why was he allowed to die now after being kept “alive” on life support for eight years.
And they also need to understand why Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated as well as a very strange and evil Alien Agenda that is engineered to “take no prisoners”.
This Alien Agenda responsible is now being imposed on the whole world through only a few top Policy-Makers.
These Top Policy-Makers are strategically positioned at the top positions of power that sit at the nexus of the hidden worldwide occult network and the secret shadow government.
It is now known that these top Policy-Makers have been involved with Alien ET entities and received secret power.
This positioning as top Policy-Makers has placed them in key positions as principal Cutouts for the Third Force. And the Third Force is only beginning to make its presence and power evident to the masses. Holding such strategic positions places them at the top of world power hierarchies, thereby allowing them to set top policies in every government of the world.
At the time Sharon entered into the coma, it certainly signified an abrupt end to the secret agreement negotiated with him on behalf of the State of Israel for a workable, true Peace Agreement between Israelis and Palestinians. But why was he unplugged now rather than years ago? That is the key question here.Some thought that Muslim Intel operatives poisoned Sharon as revenge for Yassar Arafat whom they believed was murdered at Sharons’ orders.
Recently evidence has emerged suggesting that Arafat was assassinated by the administration of Polonium, something Israeli Intel has been believed to have access to.(1)
Some international Intel experts believe that there was a sophisticated assassination attempt on Sharon, but it was not done by Muslims as revenge for Arafat’s alleged assassination.
They believe that Sharon was taken out of play because he had made a 180% degree turn from a fierce, exceedingly aggressive warrior to a peace advocate. He had agreed in principal for a workable Peace Agreement between Israelis and Palestinians that was being promoted by the man who was the President of the United States at the time.
Sharon’s death has been attributed to extreme hawkish elements in the Israeli Defense and Intel establishment that just could not accept his recent personal changes. These changes included his morphing from a warrior with a record of extreme military aggression into a man who wanted peace between Israelis and Palestinians. To understand this possibility and likelihood, an examination of the facts around the assassination of Rabin is certainly in order.
Several times in recent years there have been serious efforts made to create a workable Peace Agreement for Israel and Palestinians, and both sides have agreed in principal. However before such agreements could be activated, in every instance, strange events have occurred that that interfered and prevented the enactment of any workable, real Peace Agreement.
It was during the Presidency of Ronald Reagan that a real and workable Israeli-Palestinian Peace Agreement was at hand. Few know that A true Peace Agreement was negotiated by Presidential Secret Agent Lee Wanta with Yitzhak Rabin. Had Rabin not been assassinated, this Agreement would have been actuated.
The involvement of Rabin in changing his views and becoming willing to advocate a workable, true peace agreement between Israelis and Palestinians, with full recognition of both nations and the establishment of fair borders for both in a compromise arrangement is a story that has not been told before.
Now for the first time you will learn what really happened, that is the true story and context that led to Rabin’s assassination and who the likely string-pullers that ordered his murder and why.
Rabin, the Israel Leader who became serious about establishing a true
Peace Agreement between Israelis and Palestinians after secret
negotiations with Secret Agent Lee Wanta on President Reagan’s behalf.
Rabin was assassinated upon the orders of radical elements of the secret command structure of the Israeli intelligence system. These highest elements within the Israeli Intel and Defense structure have been alleged to be functioning as Third Force operatives (Cutouts), knowingly or unknowingly.
The bottom line is that these top Israeli Policy-Makers maintain and have maintained a 100% policy of no true Peace Agreement with Palestinians will ever be permitted.
They will allow lots of talk and many promises but no real Peace Agreement ever. Their extreme commitment to the zionist “Greater Israel” racist delusion/compulsion/obsession and as long as they are in power will never allow Israel to make peace.
The question is why, and although the answer will seem incredulous to many who consider it for the first time, there is now good evidence to support the answer for those that are willing to take the time to examine the supporting evidence.
In 1993, Lee Wanta negotiated a true Peace Agreement between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Involved was a 5 Billion USD aid package to each party for their cooperation in activating the Agreement. It was a done deal, already to sign when Rabin was assassinated. Here is a copy of the letter which Rabin sent to Lee Wanta who was serving as Ronald Reagan’s secret agent responsible for negotiating this Peace Plan.
Below is a copy of the Totten Doctrine [92 U.S. 105, 107 (1875)] Rogers Houston Memorandum:
Lee Wanta, President Reagan’s Secret Agent and a Great American Hero, served Reagan under the Totten Doctrine.
For those that are skeptical of Wanta’s claims which seem quite incredulous to those who have never heard of them before or taken the time to truly examine the evidence, let me assure you there is ample documentation available to support them. (1)
This includes massive documentation included in his book, Wanta! Black Swan, White Hat, now available on Kindle in digital form in its latest edition for about $10 (2 ), or free in an earlier edition on Lee Wanta’s website. (3)
I have spent two months examining and studying the documents available which took Wanta and his biographer Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall about 5 years to recover and assemble. Fortunately two top Generals assisted by providing docs. And despite misinformation from detractors in the past, I am well convinced that Wanta’s claims are fully supported.
There is a radical Alien Agenda that has been imposed on the world and it has involved setting up and using Cutouts, best described as several top Policy Makers or “Kingpins.” Once these Cutouts have attained their ascribed goals, a later phase of the Alien Agenda involves getting rid of them and throwing these Cutout/top Policy-Makers on the trash-heap of History once the Third Force is done with them.
It has been alleged by insiders close to top policy-Makers that Marduk came down from the heavens within the last year after many years of exile, was greeted by numerous top world officials, and was crowned King of Africa at Mandela’s funeral.Soon Abbadon (aka Appollyon) will allegedly come up from the “pit” though Mount Herman to bring absolute Chaos to the whole world. This will then be followed by his “complete” NWO solution after he is crowned the Caesar of the Ages in the New World Order Temple built in Jerusalem over the previous location of Salomon’s temple.
Supposedly Marduk’s exile of many years ago (going back to the Enochian Epoch) was a sentence enforced on Him for violating God Almighty’s Cosmic Rules of Play.
And one of the main rules is this, unless a certain critical mass of the earth’s human inhabitants violate the Golden Rule of “do unto others as you want them to do to you” (AKA “love your neighbor as you love yourself), Marduk and such ET alien leaders cannot bridge humans sovereignty.
So obviously alien Mass mind-kontrol and Hollywood culture (AKA Hollywoodism) are major tools that have been employed to “dirty up” humans and seduce them into giving consent to the Alien ET beings. These Alien ET beings are believed to be inter-dimensional spirit beings, many regard as fallen angels, Nephilim, demons, Jinns or evil entities that live many centuries. (4 & 5)
The UN has an office on Mount Herman. Why? Preparing the way for Abbaddon to rise from inside the earth (aka the “Pit”) where he has been held captive for his earlier crimes against humanity during what many call the Enochian Epoch (as described in the Book of Enoch).
After Abbaddon has risen and deployed massive, worldwide disorder, chaos and destruction, and has cleared and depopulated the city of Jerusalem and probably most of Israel, he will then pave the way for the seating of the anti-Christ to descend. Some say he will descend from a large Alien ET UFO to become seated in the New World Order Third Force Temple at Jerusalem as the Caesar of the Ages).
There is considerable disagreement of Marduk’s part in all this. Some believe that Marduk was crowned King of Africa and will serve as the great prophet that will prepare the way for the NWO Caesar of the Ages. Others suspect Marduk will rise again and then descend in an ET UFO for the masses to witness on worldwide Television, and will himself become seated and crowned as the New Caesar of the Ages in the NWO Third Force Temple in Jerusalem.Before Abbaddon can be crowned Caesar of the Ages in a new temple in Jerusalem built on the Temple of the Mount, first Jerusalem must be made desolate, and it is likely this will be done some some new type of nuclear device.
Some believe that Israel will also be depopulated and most Muslim countries weakened economically to the point of collapse. Perhaps a nuclear exchange will decimate Jerusalem, Israel and much of the Arab Middle East, creating radical depopulation in those areas hit.
The bottom line is this, the several top Policy-Makers that serve the Third Force in secret and pay first homage to it even more than to family, nation, government or so-called peer groups. And lately they have been paying homage to the Third Force and making some astounding and surprising complete reversals and betrayals.
Zionists Kingpins and Cutouts all over the world are very confused at how the top Policy-Makers they thought were their allies have turned on them and are “cutting them loose”. Israeli leaders are confused because the Obama administration has turned against them and is pursuing its own Agenda, best described as a Third Force Agenda.
This reversal of policy by America is a completely new phenomena out from left field. It is a real curve-ball to the world zionist Central Banksters and their Noahide Talmudist associates, NeoCons and top Sayanims and media mouthpieces and talking heads. It is also greatly disturbing as well to those who own and operate the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM).
And many now realize that the CMMM is little more than a USG propaganda dispenser and chronic advertiser of notably, false absurd or dysfunctional Big Pharma ads, military recruiting ads, political ads, and absurd gadget and phone sex ads.
Without these advertising scams, most at night, the CMMM would be bankrupt in short order. it is no coincidence that less than a majority of Americans believe anything the CMMM says and go directly to their favorite alternative news websites like,,, and the like.
The Israeli policy of “No Peace Ever” deployed by covertly hijacking asset nations like America and use of Cutouts until the desired boundaries of Greater Israel has been conquered and the whole world is run by a zionist NWO government set in Jerusalem is a passing obsession and fancy. This obsession has kept the Israeli High Military and Intel command from allowing any true Peace Agreement between Israelis and Palestinians to be negotiated and enacted. That is why they had Rabin and then Sharon covertly assassinated.
And the best evidence so far is that Sharon was kept on a respirator for all these years to serve as an ongoing warning to anyone else who might try to negotiate such an agreement as he did.
Yes, that is correct, Sharon, the most aggressive, pugilistic warrior Israel ever had, a man blamed for numerous massacres of innocents such as the massacre of hundreds of innocent Palestinians including women and children at the refugee camps of Sabra and Shotila. He was also believed to be the primary planner for the 9/11 false flag attacks falsely blamed by the George W. Bush Administration on Middle East Muslims from Iraq and Afghanistan.
This is always a possibility that some deal was struck where it was agreed that Sharon had to go (these kind of high level back door negotiations actually do occur).
But the best evidence so far is that the Israel High Military and Intel Command (very top Policy-Makers) decided that Sharon had to go because he had completely changed his mind and became in favor of negotiating a true Peace Agreement between Israelis and Palestinians and compliance with prior UN Sanctions and Agreements.
At the time this executive action was taken, it was rumored that it was rumored Sharon’s complete and unexpected turn-around was due to the successful deployment of ultra-high tech psychotronics and pharmacological mind-kontrol. Some believe that these were deployed with the help of Third Force alien ETs and their technology as revenge for his part in the 9/11 attacks on America.
Perhaps some day the full story will emerge because as Intel assets get old, sick and close to death, they often start talking and telling what really happened behind the scenes. But at this time it does seem likely that his own high command refused to support his complete turn-around and took executive action that they are so infamous for all over the world including inside Israel and even among their own..
Conclusion: It’s a very good guess that the unplugging of Ariel Sharon marks a serious turning point for the coming desolation of Israel and much of Jerusalem as well as some Muslim enemies who have the major military capabilities.
It appears that the Alien Agenda is is control of a very few top Policy-Makers who control the Israeli High Military and Intel Command and are working in concert, knowingly or unknowingly, with other select third Force controlled top Policy-Makers in the USG and the current Administration which has been recently throwing the world zionists and NeoCons major curve-balls and reversals of previously long standing policies toward Israel.
Israel the major Cutout for the zionist City of London Central Banksters is now being Cut-loose and thrown to the dogs in systematic, incremental fashion. And it seems clear that the secret reason is an Alien Agenda to clear the land in Jerusalem and the get rid of the top Israeli High Command who has been serving the zionist world agenda and the agenda to amass major new lands surrounding Israel for the new greater Israel will that will now never happen.
Domination of Israel has been the desired Crown Jewel for hundred of years by the European kings and Nobility, the British Knights, and the Knights Templars because in the past alien ETs prophesized to them in secret encounters (some called them personal guides after making a luciferian blood contract) that a NWO Caesar of the Ages will be seated and crowned in a newly rebuilt temple like Salomon’s. These folks believed that taking Jerusalem and discovering its secrets would unlock eternal life and they would become Kings of the world themselves when the NWO ruler descended form the Heavens.
The world zionists have always believed that this NWO temple was to be their and it would be a Talmudic Noahide New World Order. Wrong on all counts because once the Alien ETs are done with their Kingpins and Cutouts, they get purged and thrown on the trash-heap of History. (6)Since the days that George H. W. Bush was President, contrary to the Prescott Bush (Sherff) Immunity Agreement, the USG has been manipulated into to deployed the American military to fight Israel’s wars in the Middle East. These proxy wars have been fought at great personal cost to thousands of fine American soldiers that were completely betrayed by their leaders. These fine American Soldiers have endured abuse beyond reason in so many ways, physically and mentally that it would fill many books to adequately describe such treason, sedition and abject betrayal.
Those who have the time and want to explore the subject of alien ETs, alien/human hybrids, and the Alien Agenda can use the search bar using the subject or author name (Preston James) or by using other search bars, the best ones are proxied for privacy.
The interesting things about this is that the few select top Policy-Makers/Controllers of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) is that they have covertly deloyed alien “beyond black” technology to deploy eugenic weapons against the world. Such weapons include aerosol atmospheric spraying aircraft, in their jet fuel and in higher concentration by direct spraying pumped through nozzles from tanks inside special aircraft of CIA and DOD contractors. This is worldwide as are other secret eugenic programs such as tainted water and special vaccine additives as well as GMO foods.
The most disturbing such weapon of all is perhaps the use of depleted uranium in bombs, guided missiles, other projectiles and cannon rounds. This DU is known by scientists to be highly toxic over many years and truly genetically Toxic and responsible for numerous permanent mutations. The use of these DU weapons were previously forbidden use by long standing US Army Regulations and Policies, but have now been deployed as a eugenics weapon in the Middle East wars.
This DU has been carefully deployed to serve as direct fertility reducer and long term mind and body destroyer. DU alters genes but kills and sterilizes slowly. Most of the DU has always drifted into the Israeli Populace and their birth rate is now less than replacement.
So the more wars that Americans have been manipulated into fighting for the Israeli High Command, the more DU is dumped into the war-zones. And the more drifts into Israeli populations by various means, air, water, food, etc. and the more is ingested into Israelis which lowers their fertility drastically and is rendering a secret soft-kill upon the entire populace.
How’s this for “what goes around comes around” or “payback is a bitch”, or “Blowback”, or never trust evil folks at the top of your nation’s government to “help you”. Sperm counts are exceedingly low and dropping. Is this just an aberration or is it another aspect of the Alien Agenda being deployed, one used as the first stage in cutting Israeli leaders loose with the next stage the clearing and desolation of Jerusalem and perhaps much of Israel? Obviously, a worldwide boycott of Israel’s apartheid system against Palestinians in growing as more and more institutions cut ties and withdraw investments. It was just reported than more Dutch firms are cutting ties with Israel.(7 )
Have the “chickens come home to roost” in the State of Israel and will they soon come home to Our Great Nation–America with the additional deployments of the Alien Agenda in the near future in America and worldwide?
A cursory look at increasingly bad public relations that the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS) has brought on Judaics worldwide is quite notable and could easily produce a second persecution. This backlash could easily be produced, especially in Europe by their hard line “global war forever” strategy against Muslims and Palestinians in order to built the “Greater Israel”, as well as by the increasing recognition by many in Europe, the Middle East and America that the IZCS and their Cutouts, the NeoCons and Dual Citizen Israeli-American Traitors were involved in planning and operating the 9/11 False Flag attack. It almost seems as if the same “big trick” that produced the first persecution in Europe by Nazis is going is now being repeated in Europe, also the Middle East, America and elsewhere. The common thread here is the top Policy-Makers that control such matters, folks who are known to be products of a lawless hidden hand, a worldwide luciferian occult network are also suspected those close to the inside of being influenced and aided by evil alien ET entities whom they have secret treaties with.
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