Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Trump's Enemies Fall To The Wayside

Welcome to the smartest, most active and the coolest Audience on the planet.



(369) Trump's Enemies Fall Like Rats - YouTube

We are watching President Trump’s Enemies fall before him.

Consider those who have died after Trump became the Republican Front Runner

1) David Rothchilds
2) David Rockefellar
3) The Original Big H
4) George Soros - His Double Is So Bad
5) The Original George Bush Sr. - The Doubles are so very bad.
6) Four members of the Ruling Council - 3 more within 22 days
7) Brazinski - the Meanest, Most Evil of them all.

Now he has arrested several key figures like Congressman Anthony Weiner and is preparing cases against at least 100 Key Politicians in DC - Like Senator McCain and His Rat Pack in Arizona.

After President Trump met with the Roman Pope he was - shall we say been “Anointed.”

What he managed to do was change the plans of the Jesuits so as not to destroy the populations of America and Japan - but to bring them into Economic Prosperity.

As you can see from the Front Cover of the Economist Magazine - a Prelude of things to come - President Trump will now take away the Economic Leadership from Angela Merkel and shift it to the United States.

He will lead Christian Revolution in America and Russia, tear down to Old World Order, reshuffle the major players of the world and make Europe pay it’s fair share for it’s own defense.

Within a year those who remain in the media will no longer be lying skunks and those who support Trump will be as the stars.

So now - thanks to his visit to Rome, he has been Anointed - no - Consecrated - to lead the world into a New Era with --- remarkable enough - with the blessings of the Jesuits and Catholic Church.

For those who do not know - Lucifer the Loozer has been defeated and his Demons are on the run.

In Other News:

First - The Government of El Salvador is Furious as President Trump is sending their criminals back to where they came from.

Rather than releasing these Criminals after their Conviction onto our streets like the last President Did for the last 8 years the New President has decided to send these Illegal Murders and Rapists Home Per International Law states.

Already 398 have been sent back to El Salvador and they must now deal with these criminals.

This is actually happening across the globe as the New President has already arrested, and processing for return to country of origin,  over 41,318 Illegal Criminals.

Finally - in a story near and dear to my heart: Lawmakers in Washington State propose defunding Evergreen State College.

Apparently Professor Bret Weinstein questioned the school’s decision to remove all white people from the campus for a day of Diversity Training and was severely chastised for it.

Well - that was enough for Washington State Law Makers.

If you ever manage to go to Evergreen State College you will realize just how nasty their staff is. They do not teach - they Indoctrinate.

It is about time they got fully defunded.

For You Intel Geeks:

With Brazinski Dead the members of the Council will be replaced shortly. Then - 5 days later the next council member. 16 days later the next member.

Their replacements will have identical DNA but those replacing these Council members have control of the Computer System anyway.

End game CIA - Put up or shut up.

My guess is your leaders are too arrogant to act.



Thank GOD for Ronnie’s Get The Tea

Today - despite fevers all night - I am working thanks to his Colostrum, Ceylon Cinnamon, and Allicin-C.

I will restart the Life Change Tea today.


Please pray that President Trump is protected.

Please also pray that your family is protected in what is coming.


The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

El Salvador Freaks Out As Trump Deports Hundreds Of MS-13 Gang Members


Lawmakers propose defunding Evergreen State amid protests

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Google, Facebook Fuming Over New Bill

Google, Facebook Furious Over New Bill

To the Smartest, most active and one of the largest audiences on the net - welcome

And to the coolest Audience.


(300) Google, Facebook Fuming Over New Bill - YouTube

For years this Politically Correct group of Internet Controllers has been selling personnel information about it’s users - from food tastes to bank account data.

So linked has this become that after opening accounts up on the Video Channels Daily Motion, Vidme, and Steemit my accounts were blocked within 24 hours of posting my first videos - kittens playing.

In fact - they have tied several accounts together without my permissions - linking bank account numbers with other bank account numbers.

Now the BROWSER ACT has been introduced by Republican  Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee that mandates that people must explicitly give permission before they sell their information or tie Bank Accounts together.

Of course - Google, Facebook and Amazon will fight back and are likely to ignore any legislation that restricts their use of the Internet for Their Purposes.

This bill will, of course, give President Trump a good reason to arrest the leaders of these Mega Corporations for Treason come this October.

In other news:

First: White House Communications Director has resigned. Yup - Mike Dubke is leaving simply because he has gathered all of the Information about all of these leakers and will now work directly with some special prosecutors to build cases against these 3 Leakers.

These 3 Traitors, and all of their accomplices, will now go down in about 5 months.
Finally: There were several dozen Illegal Aliens protesting outside the Texas Legislature and the Governor
 did nothing.

Governor Greg Abbot sat back and watched like a Literal Simpleton.

Apparently Congressman Matt Renaldi had had enough of this Violent Protesting dialed 911 and Called ICE.

Democratic Congressman Nevarez, after finding out what he did in Private, became upset and threatened to kill him when he went out to his car - to which Congressman Renaldi said: Got For It - I am armed you creep.

Oh Governor Simpleton Greg Abbot of Texas - you have an Obligation to have Congressman Nevarez - you have a “Duty To Engage” and arrest Congressman Navarez arrested for Assault and Battery???

Hello Governor Abbot - Hello Wimpy Simpleton Abbot???

As an Ambassador - Governor of Texas - Simpleton Abbot - you are a disgrace to Texas and to America. You making those who fought at the Alamo turn over in their graves.

For You Intel Geeks:

One of the three people who leaked FAKE stories about President Trump while he was in Europe also has access to his Calendar and she is very busy trying to set up this meeting between the President and Vive President 8 June (+-3 Days).

You will find that one of her contacts is Military and has access to Micro Nukes.

Please pray that President Trump is protected.

Please also pray that your family is protected in what is coming.

Please also pray that President Trump is informed that his brain leaks - is easy to read - and as long as he continues on this course he has my 100% support.


The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Blackburn's Browser Act: Google, Facebook Need Data Consent | The Daily Caller

Trump's White House Communications Director Has Resigned

Texas Democrat Threatens To Kill Republican On Legislative Floor After He Called ICE On Protesting Illegal Immigrants | Zero Hedge

Monday, May 29, 2017

Trump Busts 3 More White House Leakers

Understand This - Understand The Level Of Lies

To the Smartest, most active and one of the largest audiences on the net - welcome

And to the coolest Audience.

What you are about to see has been on the internet -- off and on -- for about 6 years.

The American’s pull it off, the Russians put it back on.

When I was living in the Ukraine I can confirm that before the Censorship Google has been conducting over the last 10 years -- this landing was real.

The video:

(157) Us-Ussr Landing On Mars 1962 Using Alien Technology - YouTube

The Woman Behind Hitler's Flying Saucers | Maria Orsic [Orschitsch], the Vril Society and Aldebaran | Stillness in the Storm
In other news:

As for the grid failures reported today - isn’t it interesting they are all occurring in the cities the Intel Told us they would occur 3 years ago.

Current Solar Data: NOAA data

Powerful Geomagnetic Storms Hit Earth - Will Stocks Fall Next Week? | Zero Hedge

Please pray that your family wakes up and that it is ready for what is coming.


The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Trump Busts 3 More White House Leakers

To the Smartest, most active and one of the largest audiences on the net - welcome

And to the coolest Audience.


As President Trump drains the swamp he has apparently identified 3 more leakers working right there in the White House.

Before he left on his trip to Europe and demanded European Leaders  pay America what they are contractually supposed to pay America he left behind a few “Tidbits”

These Tidbits were actual Fake Internal Documents.

Each suspected Leaker was left a different story so when the story broke President Trump’s Team then knew:

1) Who the leaker was

2) Which Reporter received the Top Secret Fake Story

3) Which News Network Director approved the airing of this FAKE Top Secret Story.

So through these 3 Leakers President Trump now has a Pack Of DC Rats who have participated in Treason - Busted -  and there is No Room to Squirm.

These Simpleton Leakers - busted.

These people were identified already by Congressman Anthony Weiner and Huma Abadeen - but the legal system needed that “Extra” bit of evidence before they are sentenced to 20 years to life in prison.

Now he has that evidence.

He will act quickly, quietly and under the radar.

Ta Da Trump

As part of Yesterdays Technological Revelations - here are the Latest Tacheon Generators being produced - one in Russia, one in Australia - although the Australian Bunch has been shut down.

Kind of goes along with the Water Powered P-51 Aircraft in 1941- right?

The two videos:


I have been down for about a week.

First I cut myself with a rusty knife from the shop, then I ripped off part of  my tow playing with the cats outside.

So - I ate too much Immusist and Citricare together - max we are learning is 30 drops of each per day.

Then I rediscovered Get The Tea’s Allicin C.

Fevers are gone.

Last night I woke up with a horrible dry throat so after trying other brands I finally ate 3 Get The Tea’s Ceylon Cinnamon tablets. Within one hour my Dry Mouth was gone.

Every time I turn around I am amazed at Ronnie’s Get The Tea Products.

I now know to sue the Citricare and Immusist sparingly as they are very powerful

I now know how very powerful Get The Tea’s Cinnamon and Allicin C is.

Just access them through this video and say “Mount” sent you.

Please pray that your family learns from this video to be ready.

Please also pray that Sean Spicer has the Moxy to continue in his roll as White House Press Secretary.


The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Three Leakers Of Classified White House Information Said To Be Identified, Expected To Be Fired | Zero Hedge

(207) Russians Create Free Energy Device! It's REAL! - YouTube

(207) Lutec Australia Proof Of Concept - YouTube

Sean Spicer - Wikipedia