Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Why The Deep State Is Forcing A RESET

Why The Deep State Is Forcing A RESET


VIDEO:   (191) Why Our Economy Has Gone Insane - YouTube

The Federal Reserve System has lost  control of the World Wide economy.

So many Private Corporations now pumping US Dollars into a failing economy world wide

The International Monetary Fund (IMF)  The World Bank, All 200+ Federal Reserve Banks, the Federal reserve System = All Separate Corporations.

This is is why Pres Trump can authorize &6 Trillion Corona Virus Relief and the US (Corporation) only has a $744 Billion Dollar Deficit.

the US Treasury - Another Private Corporation can get dollars form any one of the US Federal Reserve Banks and end up worth NO DEFICIT

It's 98% Digital Dollars

Total Assets In Banks  $100,000,000,000,000,000,000.00

Total Value Of Planet Earth       $350,000,000,000,000.00

We passed Insanity on 13 October 2007 when Russia crashed the World markets by pulling their oil off the market for 1 day and the world began passing insane, illogical laws to keep the Fiat System afloat.

Now the system is Exploding and Imploding simultaneously.

This is what President Trump was brought into to try and control.

Pray Before Some Idiot Pushes The Button & Nukes Begin To Fly.

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

P.S. - In a time of depression we have just trained, and placed 3 more people into permanent Jobs. So when YOU watch our videos you put Americans back to work.

Tough Times Ahead - 85 Million Unemployed Americans

Monday, May 4, 2020

Tought Times Ahead - 85 Million Unemployed Americans


VIDEO:    (169) Are Tough Times Ahead? 85 Million Unemployed Americans - YouTube

With half of the Private Sector Jobs being shut down there must be hard times to follow.

Few are left to actually make anything and fewer still to distribute what is not coming into the nation.

All - according to the CDC - for a bug that acts as a Mild Flu.

We, as a a nation, have allowed 50 Libtard Demon Possessed Governors to arrest - stop the Forward Movement - of over 330 Million Americans --- over a mild case of the flu.

We Call That Treason.

And wen the Governors are not arrested for Treason - there Is Treason In The White House?

Let us see why President Trump's Plan really is.

Pray all of these Governors, and their Demon Possessed Handlers - are removed form this planet immediately

Pray also that President Trump Grows Some Gonads (Balls) and begins arresting all 50 Governors who are Traitors and locks them up and throws away the keys.

By the way - as of today we have used out non-profit yo to employ and train 7 people, and now we may have found work for another 3 people.

So when you watch our videos you support these folks getting jobs,

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Are Tough Times Ahead?

Love, Peace, Happiness - & Here's What's Really Gong On

Cnada Being Disarmed - Are We Next


Hans Kovlenback, commander of the Jesuits for many years - who now claims to be Satan Incarnate 0- said the Jesuits will either Disarm America Or Destroy It.

So is the United States next?

VIDEO?   (477) Cananda Being Disarmed - YouTube

First - eliminate the Pro-Trump Press using DARPA Dollars provided by President Trump

Next - Disarm America and put those Americans who refuse to comply in a FEMA Camp.

If President Trump was for the american People - why does he not tear down the FEMA Camps?

Or is President Trump waiting for something to happen first?

Time will tell.

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount
