Friday, July 31, 2020

UN Openly Undermining Pres Trump


The United Nations Is Now Openly Undermining President Trump and those are fighting words

Whether we like him or now - he is OUR President and they need to get out of our nation.

They are alSo using UNICAF Funds to help BLM and ANTIFA burn down our cities - just like the NAZI BROWN SHIRTS did to bring in Adolf Hitler and WW2.

Only this time it is to bring in Joe Biden #2 And the UN to rule over us like NAZI Overlords. 

Continue to pray for President Trump's Safety and that the immediately stops funding the United Nations, A Corporation Wholly Owned By the Rothchilds. 

UN Now Openly Undermining Our President

They Will Do Anything To Destroy

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

They Will Do Anything To Destroy


When I was in college 45 years ago I noticed the Sierra Club and the National Audubon Society lied about anything to shut any American Business Down - From Fishing, to agriculture to Forestry and Mining.

These organization swill publish fake articles with fake pictures of species that do not even exist to destroy

It was not about Sustainable Harvests - but to destroy.

No one could ever figure out who the took order from - until today

They take their orders form Lucifer and his Demons

America must be destroyed to eliminate the Bible, Freedom and Free thought.

Then, and only then, can the world be destroyed ponce america has been destroyed.

So here we are - a Once Great Nation - cowering before a demon Possessed Double (Dr Fauci) afraid to take a worthless mask off that may be killing you

A once proud nation which sold their soul to Lucifer for Pleasure and "Safety - that will soon find neither as their children are destroyed by their own Government. 

What more can be said?

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

US GDP Down Over 50%

US GDP Down Over 50%