Friday, August 13, 2021

Mount 4 Report Pro Cop Channel 8/13/21

Mount 1 Report Premier Entertainment 8/13/21

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Food Harvests Down 50% World Wide - Prices Will Skyrocket

 Food Harvests Down 50% World Wide

Wheat, corn, barley, soy beans, rice  - all cut in half as transportation networks are destroyed

The US Dept Of Agriculture Lies & lies, & lies, & lies about everything

VIDEO:   (16) Mount 1 Report Premier Entertainment 8/12/21 - YouTube

This includes the harvesting of Herbs - and many of them cannot even get to market due to rivers running dry and roads washed out

1) Draughts: 

Plants Are dying

Rivers dry up

Many regions have no roads or rail Roads - only River Transportation

2) Flooding:

Many crops are - underwater

The Winds and Rains are causing the crops to blow over or wash away

Hugs Mud Slides are covering the crops with - mud.

3) GMO's

The crop production from the Genetically Modified Wheat, Corn, Soybeans is lower than the non GMO 

The banks force you to buy GMO Seeds - Zeig Heil

rail Lines will not transport non GMO Crops - Zeig Heil

Arthur Daniels Midland - The Major Buyer Of Food Crops (Zeig Heil) will not buy non-GMO Crops

So if it does not kill you they will not buy it and bring it to market

We, as a race, are in deep Doo Doo

4) Lucifer Has Announced They Are Warming Up the Sun On Purpose

Lucifer has stated he will BURN UP THE HUMAN RACE

Man Kind is in deep, deep trouble

So unless GOD acts quicker - Man Kind is Dead, Lock, Stock & Barrel

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Mount 4 Report Support You Local Cop 8/11/21

Fear - The Deep State's Major Weapon


VIDEO:   Fear - The Deep State's Secret Weapon

Just calmly play harp music on your cell phone and go about yout day calmly

Fear is what the Deep State uses to control us

Just type FEAR into your Search Engine - it's almost the number one gatherer of stories out there


Almost 13 Billion Stories with hte word FEAR ion the intermnet

Adrenalin gets going, blood vesssels shrink and harden, you go get the COVID 19 Shot and you have a stroke or Heart Attack and die

calm down, and try some B complex, or Take Down or Cinnamon from GETTHETEA for your Spiking Blood Sugar Levels.

Fear is good in a physical battle - buy for daily living is horrible on your body

Multi Minerals and Sea Vegetables is great as well

The Wall Of truth

Dr William Mount

Mount Report 1 Premier Entertainment 8/10/21

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Machinations Of A Mad Man

 This Insanity Now Pervasive Throughout Our Nation Are The Machinations Of Mad Men

VIDEO:   (14) Mount 1 Report Premier Entertainment 8/10/21 - YouTube

this planned destruction across America is all planned

From the Biden 414 Trillion Deficit to tearing down of dams

All is set to destroy our Great Land

Lucifer is making his play to utterly destroy all of Man Kind - Starting with America, Her constitution and her Bible

22 and 23 July the Lucifer Trust outlined the fact that they are heating up our sun to turn us all into fried humans 

Barring their planned Nuclear War they will now turn our planet into a Lake Of Fire

"If we resist death we will only be committing suicide"

What the hell does that mean?

It means we have a very, very bad and powerful enemy using our tax dollars to kill us.

So we fight

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount