Friday, July 16, 2021

Jim Willie - The Vaccine Is An Extinction Level Event


VIDEO: Jim Willie - THE POKE Is An Extinction level Event

The Covid 19 Shot Is Designed To Kill You

these vaccines apparently change the actual structure of your Blood Vessels from donut like shaped and smooth to a round shape covered with spikes - like Velcro

These NEW blood cells clump and you die of either a stroke or heart attack within 3 years after taking the shot

In a Test Case of the Covid Vaccine mnRNA 100% of the Ferrets died

In another test involving mice almost all the ice dies - 95%

This Vaccine, manufactured in 2015 - is designed to obliterate the Human Race

Yet - General Milley, Commander of the Joint Chiefs Of Staff, A Fat Coward, Has Made These Shots Mandatory

This make General Milley A Fat Piggy Demon Possessed Coward & Traitor Of The Highest Order Whos Only Mission Is To Destroy the US Department Of Defense & America.- to literally kill as many people as he can,

Yet there hi is - 0n one has the Guts in the military to remove him

As for the Idiots in Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMB) mnRNA will go through soil and rocks and get into these Bases and also begin killing hose folks

Nothing On Earth Is Impervious to a virus.



Not Ice, Not Clay, not Solid Rock - Nothing

The Wall Of truth

Dr William Mount

Mount's One Premier Entertainment 16 Jul 21

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Jim Willie The Covid19 Vaccine Is An Extinction Level Event 3/4

 The Vaccine Is Designed To Kill You

VIDEO:   Jim Willie - The VACCINE Is An Extinction Level Event 3/4

It appears that as more and more people take the VACCINE more and more people drop over dead.

Apparently the Vaccine is designed to change the structure of your blood to promote massive clotting

The Virus, according to the CEO's of Moderna and Pfizer do not exist - but they allow them to sell their Killer Shots in violation of the Nuremburg Treaties.

So while they are conducting Mass Murder they made plenty of money on it - just like the Jew Killers did in WW3.

The video is very interesting and goes into Jim's personal experiences with hte Killer Vaccines.

The Wall Of truth

Dr William B. Mount

Mount Four's Fun

Mount One's Premier Entertainment 15 Jul 21