Friday, June 11, 2021

XXX - US Military Admits to Creating Riots Nation Wide


VIDEO   (7474) Mount Pure Entertainmetn 2 - 11 June 21 - YouTube

It is, in accordance with a new report published by hte Joint Chiefs of Staff, the  US Military that must now create Riots Nation wide to overcome the decline in America

These Folks who run the military are nothing but Demon Possessed Walking, Talking, twisted Traitors form the Git Go

How GOD is going to sort this out, or not, is a mystery.

Maybe it is the end with the US Military now working, in conjunction with the Russians and Chinese and a dozen other nations, that will seal the fate of Man Kind and obliterate us off the face of the Earth

One thig is perfectly clear - General, Milley, Commander of the US Joint chiefs Of Staff, is a Murdering Traitor

As an Ambassador and Duke of St Petersburg I do not say these words lightly. Many High Ranking masons must now die for their Disobedience and their Blood Oathes and spend an eternity in hell.

So rather than cutting women off of Welfare who have kids to get the welfare and increasing Abortion Clinics the US Military has decided to Join Lucifer in his trek to destroy Man Kind - ALL OF US

Listen the the Lucifer Broadcasts and the UN Directors - they want us dead

Not some of us, not a portion if us, but all of us including those in the military

Most of us are so self absorbed we not only cannot perceive pf such evil but ignore it

Ignoring the truth will not stop what is coming - just make you unprepared

The Wall Of truth

Dr William B. Mount

MOUNT Premier Entertainment 1 - 11 June 21

Thursday, June 10, 2021

XXX - Feds Admit To Creating Hyper Inflation - We Are All Screwed


VIDEO;   (282) Mount Premier Entertainment 1 - 10 Jun 21 - YouTube

Yup - Both the Federal Reserve System and the US Treasury Directors have admitted to creating Hyper Inflation and they say if it GOOD FOR US.

Further - Janet Yellen - Head Of The US Treasury Form Her Underground Bunker Said that Pres Biden Spending $40 Trillion Dollars This Year Is GOOD FOR US

They have lost control of their minds

The purpose of the Plannedemic Created In 1975 by the World Economic forum Demons Is to Destroy The Dollar & Kill Off Man Kind

It is in their Damned Reports 


We Initiated This 13 March 2020 when Pres Trump Signed Operation Devolution and the US Corporation Dissolved in June 2020.

The States, Licensed by the United Stated Corporations, are now wholey dissolved - but form their underground shelters these Governors of the Defunct States are raising taxes at an alarming rate


What us even worse is we have been sold out by our LYING COWARDLY JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF

These PIGS never intended to follow the Constitution when they swore to do so 

Let the entire world see how COWARDLY our Joint Chiefs are.

They are so incompetent that despite orders form the Secretary Of  Defense & the Secretary of the Army they are now mentally incapable of retiring me. 

This is how incompetent these Joint Chiefs are.

If they did not have aids they more than likely could not even tie their shoes, nor can they chew gum and walk at the same time

So Russia - China, Germany, Japan, India - see how stupid our Joint Chief's Of Staff Are as President Biden spends $40 Trillion And destroys the World Economy and they do nothing - like Bozo The Clowns

Never in my life time has anyone ever seen such incapable Demon Possessed Generals - Ever - not under Hitler in 1945 thinking they could still win the war, or under Russia thinking they could bring back the Soviet Union in 1995. 

Incapable of even following the smallest orders - but getting a medal every 4 months

Maybe tomorrow I'll tell you how I really feel about these Demon Possessed Murdering Freaky Cowardly Piggy Generals

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Mount Premier Entertainment 1 - 10 Jun 21

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

XXX RATED - FDA Recall List Tops 1,600


VIDEO:   (281) MOUNTY 1 Report Premier Entertainment 9 Jun 21 - YouTube

The amount of recalls for Human Products tops 1,600 while for animal products it is over 120

Everything from mushrooms to hand sanitizers. 

What is even worse - is the fact that thay list keeps growing and growing.

So apparently our Foods are getting worse every year

The real question is: wht do we do about it?

Watch hte video and learn how to sty healthy in an Overly Toxic environment.

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

MOUNTY 1 Report Premier Entertainment 9 Jun 21