Monday, June 7, 2021

Mounty Four Report Fun 7 June 21

XXX - Operation Polygon -- Shutting Down The Supply Chain


VIDEO:  (277) Mount One Report Premier Entertainment 7 Jul 21 - YouTube

An On Line Exercise Designed To Shut Down Or Supply Chain

thank You World Economic Forum, Geneva, Switzerland

There now exists a curse on all those crashing our Supply Chain to try and destroy our freedoms from the Living GOD, so HE has placed it on their heads for all eternity that all that they do fails form this day forward

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Continue To Pray That the One suppressing Our Videos On Before It's News Is Removed As GOD has placed a curse on him and his censoring computer that all he does fails and his income dries up, so HE has said it, so IT shall be. 

Mount One Report Premier Entertainment 7 Jul 21

Sunday, June 6, 2021



VIDEO:   (7400) Mount 2 Report Pure Entertainment 6-6-21 - YouTube

Food is about to get hard to get as the Dollar and Markets tank

Just be ready folks- as SHI*** hits the fan

I don't get paid to do these videos in any way - and all advertising dollars go to help folks

However - WE have a responsibility to warn everyone who will listen to get ready

The King of Kings & Lord of Lords says it all hit the fan NOW, Today, This Very Day 

GOD has place a curse on everything anyone who blocks these messages form GOD down to the 5th generation all that they do will fail form this day forward and a curse on the servers and AI's and their managers that everything they do fails miserably. So GOD has said it, so it will be. 

To the Fallen Angels & Demons blocking GOD's Messages GOD has cursed you in that every thing YOU do will fail - everything - for all eternity beginning today

And to all those involved in destroying this nation and our freedoms through weather manipulations - you are cursed down to the 5th generation and that everything you do will fail and every tool you have will fail form this day forward

Please stock up folks

For food goto:

Chance's Simply Clean Foods

1) Gmo Free Food - Simply Clean Foods

Prepare With William Foods:

2) 4-Week Emergency Food Supply -

Thrive Life Foods - Out Of Allot Of Foods Now

3) Jane Mecklenburg - Thrive Life Consultant

Just stock up folks - get food NOW!!!

Poop hits the fan tomorrow

Pray Beforeitsnews, Patreon, Bitchute, Blogspot, Google & You Tube stop censoring our videos.

The Wall Of truth

Dr William B. Mount

Mount 1 Report Premier Entertainment 6-6-21