Thursday, April 15, 2021

China's Economy Falls As 3 Gorges Dam Cracks


VIDEO:   (211) The Mount 1 Report Premier Entertainment 4-15-21 - YouTube

China - You made You bed & Now You Must Lie In It

If 3 Gorges Dam busts loose tis will be the end of Chinese Food Production

The CCP was told by GOD to come for solutions - they did not

Now they face the consequences for Rebellion against GOD

Not only will the 500 members of the CCP go broke, they will also go to the Put - Hell. 

further - this is happening while the RED DRAGONS are meeting in a Secret meeting underground in the mountains to discuss the New Man Made Eastern RESET

It will fail miserably

You trusted the Rothchilds & Satan - Satan is dead and the Rothchild's Power Base is gone

The Black Hole creature is gone. so the Vatican Power Base is gone. who lead the Rothchilds

Too Bad the CCP did not listen to GOD and even their illustrious leader Xi Jinping is being played by his brother.

Chinese Communist Party (Chicoms) Leaders - Hell Awaits.

Wish I were kidding - but by now you already know this as the Demons will die like mortal men

No escape as CERN has melted down and the Portal to Hell will remain closed

CCP Leaders ---

We asked you to come forward to seek the advise of GOD or your economy will collapse

GOD would have been more than willing to help you stabilize your economy

Look in the mirror - you did not come.

Too Bad, So Sad, Touche'


Apparently The CCP Idiots Needed This Ambassador To Dance On their Heads To Warn them Shaking a Rattle & Screaming a Derge??

Naaaaa - If They Ignore The Warnings From GOD let It Fall

Arrogantly Ignorant Stupid CCP members


As For ERCOT - GOD will deal with you thieves as we speak

Those who are raising Power Rates and Letting it happen - like Gov Abbot - Hell Is Forever and your Demons will die like Mortal men soon, very soon.

Repent, fix the rates, or face an eternity in The PIT. Perion .... Gov Abbot.

So GOD has said it, so it shall be. 

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

The Mount 1 Report Premier Entertainment 4-15-21

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Prepare For Regional Nuclear War & Then Civil War


VIDEO:   (210) William Mount 1 Report Premier Entertainment 4-14-21 - YouTube

If Pres Biden Keeps Us In Afghanistan, Syria and Ukraine we may see our soldiers brought home in a paper bag - ashes

Regional Nuclear Weapons are being deployed by both the US and Russia in an attempt to start WW3

Further - If China continues to bark GOD will destroy their Economy and their Nation - test GOD Red Dragons - DO IT.


You are likely to shatter into 100 pieces, so says the I Am That I Am, who Was and Is and Is To Come.

As for the Ukraine - Go ahead Pres Zalinski - start a AWAR and become a Government In Exile - So GOD has said it, so it shall be.

We are not allowed to state this on You Tube - So Sorry, we are censored so if you loose your nation and never read this - too bad, so sad, touche'.

The Ukrainian people will be better off as part of Russia anyway.

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

William Mount Blogspot - The Satanic Turf Wars Have Begun


VIDEO:  (209) William Mount Report 1 Premier Entertainment 4-13-21 - YouTube

With Daddy Satan, Grand Daddy Lucifer and the Serpent all contained in the Pit with no way out the 7 Sons Of Satan have begun their Turf wars

Over their heads is an Orb - a Weapon so powerful it will dissolve Satan's Sons and their armies

So expect Chaos and regional Nuclear Wars

San Jose/Hayward California are Prime Targets (Silicon Valley) and if we reman on You Tube we may be able to stop the destruction of this area - otherwise - bye bye  

Just be ready and the entire prophesy will be ready on - the only non-censored site we have at the moment

If we have another Nuclear Detonation in the Ukraine then more than likely I will say "I Told You So" and You Tube will pull my channels and within a year Silicon Valley - Including You Tube and Google - will vanish - Poof, everyone gone to their maker.

So Pray our channel is n longer censored and we can continue with our work

By the way - Cheyenne Mountain is now vulnerable to Nuclear Attack - we may describe it tomorrow.

We may also see the use of Tactical Nukes surrounding China as their economy collapses, around Syria and Libya and in and around other Hot Spots Satan's 7 sons contest 

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Monday, April 12, 2021

Mount Blogspot - The Earth Is Dying


VIDEO:   (207) The Mount1 Report 04 12 21 For Your Entertainment - YouTube

Pray those destroying the Earth are themselves destroyed.

Plus the video contains a Special Secret messages to the World's Elites and those who truly follow GOD.

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

The Mount1 Report 04 12 21 For Your Entertainment