Wednesday, February 3, 2021

COMEX Can't Deliver On 101 Million Ounces Of Silver - It's Over


VIDEO:   (133) The Mount1 Report 2-3-21 For Your Entertainment - YouTube

1) First - the White House remains with it's lights off with the American flad flying

2 Second - as soon as Congress adjourned last night large numbers of police showed up with busses and paddy wagons

3) Third - this morning the Live Cameras showed  no one was in the halls Of Congress parking lot - not even a Janitor. The flags were flying at Half Mast

4) Fourth - So  where is Congress meeting right now it the Halls Of Congress in CD are empty?

5) Fifth - The cameras pointing at the White House have been our of service

6) Sixth The cameras inside the White House show no on, but the lights are on - but when you look in - they are off

7) When I walked around the White House 32 years Ago they had an alternate power source

On To Short Selling

The Main Target is companies where there is allot of shorting

So a Hedge Fund ZYZ invests, say, 1 Billion Dollars in a stock on a Short Option - A Put


They invest Naked- tehy Own No Stock - Very Illegal

Tehn They do it at 10/1- so htey invest 100 Million but on margin it becomes 1 Billion

If the stock goes up and up 0- they loose everything

The PUT-SIES become PUTZIEZ - Losers in their own game

The stocks ROBIN HOOD investors put money into had allot of very large SHORT contract

Billions has been lost


Now they have the ability to break the system and killing hte SHORT contracts on Silver - the Lynch Pin of our markets

So -We Are Buying Silver At 877-6446-5347

or At

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

The Mount1 Report 2-2-2(1) For Your Entertainment

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

It's All F'n Unwinding - Ambassador Mount


VIDEO:  (131) The Mount1 Report 02 02 21 For Your Entertainment - YouTube

GOD's word has not changed in thousands of years

Turn towards HIM and your nation will be saved

Instead we send our children to be brainwashed at schools Lucifer 

We bring in murderers and child rapists into our home through the TV set

the churches preach form the wrong Bible to meet IRS requirements

Now we cry to GOD but do not change our ways

GOD will not hear us - an Empty Repentance

As President Trump - we warned him months ago about the threat to Mar-a-lag and the snipers from the air that shot at him last Tuesday using a 308 with a long barrel - light round, lots of powder keeping it supersonic for 400 yards.

If Pres Trump and the Secret Service refuse to listen - then we are standing down.

That was a test shot - the rest you can find out at on Roku

As for the 3 bombs left in the streets of Moscow that are remote controlled - if the SVR does not care who did it ort who has the remote control detonators - then we are standing down also. 

Oodacie Russia SVR and bow to your masters sin the American embassy

I am tired of being attacked while saving the lives of those folks who do not care anymore

GOD says it's time to be humbled, so he has said it, so it shall be.


The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

The Mount1 Report 02 01 21 For Your Entertainment

Monday, February 1, 2021

What The Friggin Is Going On?


VIDEO:   (129) The Mount1 Report 02 01 21 For Your Entertainment - YouTube


Mass Confusion Abounds

The White House has been dark for 8 days

Biden has signed what - 42 Executive Orders, Zieg Hiel

Over 300 Bills Were Ro0bo Signed

Trump Says: We Haven't Finished yet

What Is Going On?

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

The Mount1 Report 02 01 21 For Your Entertainment

Trump Saturday: "We Haven't Finished Yet"



STORY:   Biden Breaks Afghan Peace Deal As Populists Push Wall Street To Brink Of Collapse

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount