Friday, January 29, 2021

Is China Collapsing From Within?


Scott McKay just put out a video on Before Its News where he spoke with an American living in China and she said that the Chinese Economy was collapsing

China's Dictator Xijinping will now be working with the Taiwanese and US Governments to help stabilize China  and hold it's 6 internal nations together

China is actually a conglomeration of 6 different nations united under Mao and hte intent is to hold them together and feed the people as well

China will hold together Manchuria, Tibet, Mainland China Near Peking, Southern China, Menjian and Western China

After WW2 Mao united these provinces as the US Double Crosses Chan Hi Check so he fled to the Island of  Taiwan with as much gold as he could carry

Now, After being lent $trillions Of Dollars by the Rothchilds - the 13 Banking Families Banker - China is falling apart as their economy collapses

The intent of the US now is to help stabilize China, hold it's 6 provinces together, and try and feed it's people as NASA releases 1.5 Trillion Grasshoppers on the Eastern USA to destroy crops and Bill Gates shades out the sun top kill agricultural production.

GOD said that the CCP would choke on it's own puke several years ago - well - here it is

Further- as the Yuan rises in value it's Bond Market just died

We know one thing p the Rothchilds and Rockefellars are never to be trusted - never

We shall see what happens - right?

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

The Mount1 Report 1-29-21 For Your Entertainment

The Mount1 Report 1-28-21 For Your Entertainment

Thursday, January 28, 2021