Friday, November 6, 2020

The Mount Report 11-6-20 - Thank You Pres Trump For Your Personal Message


VIDEO:   (22) The Mount Report 11-6-20 For Your Entertainment - YouTube

Thank you President Trump for your message to me - it has been months - so thank you.

I will endeavour to continue to stop Rogue Nukes and Assassinations against you but my efforts are still hampered by not having You Tube freed up and for that I am sorry and can do nothing - the ball is in your court Mr. President - as are the lives of you and your family.  

The Ball Is In Your court Pres Trump

Just Be Prepared For What Is Coming Folks

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William Mount

The Mount Report 11-6-20 For Your Entertainment

The Mount Report 11-5-20 - For Your Entertainment

Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Election Fraud Is A Distraction - Look Around, Wake Up


VIDEO:   (3534) The Mount2 Report 11-5-20 For Your Entertainment - YouTube

Mass Layoffs

Mass evictions

Failing crops

The Sun getting larger, chemtrails skyrocket

Micro storms destroying huge areas

Oxygen Levels Plummeting

Wake Up America And Pray

This is the Mass Destruction Of man Kind By the Deep State, as Outlined By the Fallen Angels at teh United Nations 

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

The Donald Has This Election Fraud Thing Handled


VIDEO:   (21) The Mount Report 11-5-20 - For Your Entertainment - YouTube

President Trump has been waiting for 3 November for 4 years now - the culmination of the Evil acts by the Main Stream Media

Sit back and watch as he unwinds this massive election day Fraud

Pray  - Pray and fast that the Main Stream Media and Social media is contained and once again we can tell the truth on You Tube, Facebook, twitter, etc unhindered or that GOD would shut them down 

More importantly - tens of millions of Americans are now being evicted because they cannot find work and are out of money

America is now under judgement for worshipping their TV, not GOD and this time GOD is very specific as he pours our really bad stuff upon our land - just look around and see.

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

The Mount Report 11-5-20 - For Your Entertainment

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