Monday, September 28, 2020

Guess What Dr Yeadon Just Said


VIDEO:   (249) Guess What Dr. Yeadon Just Said? - YouTube

Former Chief Medical Officer Of Pfizer Dr Michael Yeager just said the Pandemic is fake.

The Resurgence in September on this Virus if fake.

Finally - the tests are unreliable and detect antibodies for having a cold.

The truth began to surface3 after a Russian Big Pharma Company patented the Human DNA that was planned to be created through t he vaccine - indicating they would own those who were given the Vaccine, Not a US Based Bog Pharma company.

It's Over - US Big Pharma Looses 

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Biontech is a company using a special treatment for Melanoma

In 1946 the US Army published the CURE FOR CANCER as Sea Weed

We use Sea Weed & Immusist and over 12 years - not one cancer has ever come back - 100% "CURE" Rate.

1) The "Sea Vegies" I Use Comes From GET THE TEA

2) IMMUSUS is found on  EBAY

3) I also use Citricare Allot to help keep yeast infections down - Available on Ebay

Guess What Dr. Yeadon Just Said?

Jim Willie - The Global Conflict & RESET (1/2)

Saturday, September 26, 2020

This Could Be Fun - Be Prepared


VIDEO:     (2762) This Is Gonna Be Fun - Be Ready - YouTube

The entire nation is in a huge Depression and our President is more concerned about getting re-elected than arresting those now committing Treason

So as we roll out into this time of Open Rebellion caused by the President's Inaction just learn to take care of your fsmily.

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount