Friday, October 4, 2019

World Economy Ready To Blow - Insider Discusses Options

Our world is so burdened with debt she is ready to blow.

Did you ever think you would see the day the Deep State would cause such an economic crisis that the US Dollar would be rejected across the globe?

how did we get here and what can we do to keep our wealth that we now have as the Dollar falls apart?

After the CIA threatened to kill President Richard Nixon to continue the Vietnam War he pulled us off the Gold Standard and the world began to run on Fiat Debt

Two years later the CAI Ordered him to pull the bottom out of the market, he said "He.. No" and they created Water gate.

Today the world debt exceeds $2,000,000,000,000,000.00 (Two Thousand Trillion Dollars) and the IMF Computer cannot keep up with the Illegal Trade world wide and is in the process of "Running Wild."

This amount will double or Triple by the end of the year to $6,000 Trillion Dollars.

Today - for example - Chinese debt is not $5 Trillion like the news states but closer to $40 Trillion

As we hit the END of the Fiat Cycle - as the IMF states, there are alternative to preserving your wealth.

We discuss these alternative in the Video...

Either we prepare for what is coming or we rely on the Government for our Food, Toilet Paper, Protection, Etc. and that is scary

"I'm Form The Govt - I's Here To Help"

Yea - right.

Video: (504) World Economy Ready To Blow - Insider Discusses Options - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

This company is one of the few that still has Physical Gold/Silver available...

Noble Gold Investments - #1 Gold & Silver IRA Advisor

Then we called them at 1-877-646-5347

World Economy Ready To Blow - Insider Discusses Options

World Economy Ready To Blow - Insider Discusses Options

Gold/Silver Shortages Now Appearing

Gold & Silver Shortages Are Now Appearing Across The Board

we wish this was just a paid advertisement or a Joke - but it is not - Physical Sources of these Precious Metals are drying up right now

Please - convert your IRA NOW while you still can.

Many Silver & Gold Dealers are having a hard tome keeping up with Demand

Noble Gold Investments only sells what it has on hand - love it.

For Example:

So get the Silver & Gold today

Convert your Savings into something hard - something you can touch as Paper Wealth  is about to change

And as you know - we the little people always get screwed in any financial change.

Part of this show - a big part - is to keep you Physically Well, and Financially Well.

When a huge bank like Deutsche Bank announces it can no longer deliver Physical Gold 7 Silver - we are in big trouble.

We literally go to: Noble Gold Investments - #1 Gold & Silver IRA Advisor

then call at:1 1-877-646-5347

VIDEO:  (2275) Gold/Silver Getting Scarce - Still Available At Noble Gold Investments - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Supreme Court To Rule The Bible As Hate Speech?

Supreme Court To Rule The Bible As Hate Speech?

Supreme Court To Make the Bible Hate Speech?

The United States Corporate Supreme Court is about to hear 3 cases, that if ruled on, would make the Bible Hate Speech

Congress has just passed HB 5 - The "Equality Act" so if  President Trump signs this bill, or they manage to get a Demon-rat as President to sign the Bill,  the Bible Become hate  Speech - Congress has already.

There is nothing more that needs to be said.

Once the Bible is legally Hate Speech it is over for America

We fold like a house of cards...

All because President Trump ignored GOD's requests.

VIDEO:  (454) Supreme Court To Rule The Bible As Hate Speech? - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Gold/Solver - will be the only way to preserve your wealth

We go here to Buy Real Silver or Gold -

Noble Gold Investments - #1 Gold & Silver IRA Advisor

They don't sell it unless they have it

Call: 877-646-5347