Friday, September 6, 2019

Exclusive: US Navy Now Following Lucifer

The US Navy Is Now Creating Earthquakes and Bursting Methane Pockets In An Attempt To Kill Of The Human Race

So - if the US Naval Submarines are in full cooperation with Lucifer why the "HE#@" are they fully funded?

Either President Trump has never heard of this or he has approved this.

I suppose it does not matter as the bursting of all Methane Bubbles will result in the Entire Human Race dying off with what will appear  like "The Flu."

Now these earthquakes being attempted by the US Navy - they appear to be disrupting the Fault Lines across the globe.

The Admiral in charge of the US Submarine Fleet is Rear Admiral Blake L. Converse - Commander Of Comsubpac.

Pray he either ceases and desists will all cooperation with the Fallen Angels or is removed from this planet Post Haste and replace with an Admiral with the Stones Below The Belt to stop this insanity immediately.

VIDEO:  (589) Exclusive: US Navy Creating Earthquakes & Bursting Methane Bubbles With Sonic Waves - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Be Ready For What Is Coming

We Buy Silver (& gold) from:

Noble Gold Investments - #1 Gold & Silver IRA Advisor



Hundreds of bubble streams link biology, seismology off Washington’s coast | UW News

Reported Methane Bubbles In Tacoma Bay - Will IPCC Blame Whale Farts?

Seismic Monitor: North Pacific

Recent Earthquakes in the N Pacific Region

Blake L. Converse - Wikipedia

Exclusive: US Navy Creating Earthquakes & Bursting Methane Bubbles With ...

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Wall Street Panics - GOD Now Moves

Why are the boys on Wall Street In Total Panic?

Why are most people selling their stocks at record levels?

Why did $10 Billion Dollars on Insider Trading occur in the last 5 months?

Why is record Trading of $600 Million occur every day in August 0 record numbers we have not seen since the crash of 2008?

Learn Why: Video:  (557) Why Is Wall Street In Total Panic? - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Get Ready - We Are Entering An Inflationary Depression

Buy Gold/Silver Form A Reputable Source -

Buy It From Someone Who Has It In Stock -

We Go To: Noble Gold Investments - #1 Gold & Silver IRA Advisor



Why Is Wall Street In Total Panic?

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Why Is The IMF Trying To Kill Pres Trump?

IMF Now Trying To Kill Pres Trump - Why?

Why is The International Monetary Fund (IMF) now trying to destroy President Trump?

What s President Trump doing that upsets the International Bankstas?

Would you not say funding Rogues Nukes headed to DC, Moscow, Paris & Other Cites amounts to Attempted Murder?

The IMF goes in tow with the Fallen Angels at the UN and they have announced the destruction ff Humanity in a:

"Grand And Glorious Celebration We Will All Ba Proud To Participate In 21-29 December"

They Have 110 Days To Create:

1) Hyper Inflation
2) Depression
3) Economic Collapse
4) Full Scale Nuclear War
5) Total Destruction of Humanity
6) Complete Desertification of the Earth

These Demons will not rest until the Earth looks like Mars

And President Trump says - NO!

And yet - those trying to openyl kill our President are not in jail

So - something is amiss ---- no arrests?????

Wee also discuss what is coming in this video:

VIDEO:   (512) Why Is The IMF Trying To Destroy Pres Trump? - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr WIlliam B. Mount
One thing is for sure- our economy is a mess and we are saving now in dollars but in Gold & Silver

We went to Noble Gold Investments because they do no t sell Fake gold & Silver

Noble Gold Investments - #1 Gold & Silver IRA Advisor



Tuesday, September 3, 2019

IMF - Sovereign Bonds Ready To Collapse

The IMF International Monetary Fund) just put out a prelude to it's October World Economic Status Report.

The IMF has concluded that Sovereign Bonds that are Systemic across all  economies - US/German/Chinese/Euro Nations/ India/ Etc - are nearing collapse.

"The End of the Cycle is in sight"

In April the IMF concluded that the World economy is at the end of the FIAT Money Stage.

FIAT meaning by decree - By Order Of A King

FAKE meaning Covered up - like hiding it under a blanket

So the International Monetary Fund is ready to collapse the Fake Fiat Monetary System by trashing the bonds held by he Major World Powers.

Let that sink in for a while


The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount
Time to buy gold/silver/food?

Convert your 401Ks - NOW?

We go to a place that does not sell fake gold & silver

We go to: Noble Gold Investments - #1 Gold & Silver IRA Advisor
