Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Epstein Judge & Cop Found Dead As Dow Down 700 Points

Epstein Judge & Cop Found Dead As Dow Down 700 Points

Epstein Judge & Cop Found Dead as Dow Down 700 Points

The Epstein Distraction is working

Rather than focusing on the coming Depression we are all looking at the latest "Tid Bits" surrounding Jeffery Epstein

Consider that the evidence has been in the hands of the DOJ of over 10 years - or 2,0000 Working Days - Yet NO Arrests





There is another Pedophile Island on an Island just north of Cuba and one in Sumatra

Si while we are focused on Epstein and Clinton - the world may be falling apart around us.

Pray At 9 PM Every Night President Trump does as GOD has Directed him - not Lucifer.

VIDEO::: (1958) Epstein Judge & Cop Found Dead As Dow Down 700 Points - YouTube

The Wall Of truth

Dr William B. Mount
Learn To Earn More AS The Economy Tanks

We Went To:   Trade Genius | Trade smarter.

Epstein Island Raided Again As World Economy Falling

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Epstein Island Raided Again As World Economy Falling

Epstein Island Raided Again - As World Economies Are Falling

Yep - Once again Epstein Island was again raided by the FBI.

Despite overwhelming evidence and videos showing thousands raping little girls and murdering them no one has been prosecuted yet.

US attorney's General William Barr implicated himself in Treason, Rape and Murder when he stated Epstein was dead - knowing he was moved the night before

We are entering a time when the US Justice System is absolutely worthless and takes down the goodd guys - not the bad guy

Across the planet they world is seeing hte worthless US Justice System being exposed

As our dollar begins to fall hard and Hyper Inflation grows we had all better learn to earn more money or plan on moving into a tiny home of a few acres off the grid.

REMEMBER - The FBI and DOJ have had most of these Log Books and Videos Tapes since 2008 - but never arrested anyone - Right?

Now - however - that our President's Life, and those of his family, depend on him arresting these fine upstanding Rapists and Murderer - we shall see what happens


VIDEO:   (1917) Epstein Island Raided Again As World Economy Falling - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Learn To Earn More In This Now Banana Republic

We Went To: Trade Genius | Trade smarter.

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Are We Living In The Last Days?