Monday, July 29, 2019

Treasonous Billionaire Rats Now Begging Trump For Help

Deep State Rats Turning To Trump To Stay Alive

The Deep State Rat Billionaires Are Now Turning To Trump To Stay Alive

they are beginning to realize that if they stay with the Traitorous Deep State they will be killed to shut them up

They have no choice but to turn to President Trump and William Barr to stay alive.

The Deep State is soooo evil they are just killing those who have any knowledge of how this Coup actually worked

It is getting very exciting now and should accelerate towards mid-September through Early October and continue to rise in excitement from then on.

So hang in there and watch the show - pray - and if you are a Billionaire - you have 2 choices

1) Turn to Trump for help

2) Die

VIDEO:   (1464) Treasonous Billionaire Rats Now Begging Trump For Help - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Time to stock up on Gold

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Deep State NBC Openly Threatens President Trump - TREASON!

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Whako Left Stupidity Exposed, Trump Has Huge Win, Epstein Case Sealed


The Lunatic Whacko left just keeps getting dumber and dumber

these Nincompoops just ruled that the North Eastern US cannot have a new electrical source nor a new Natural Gas pipeline

The burning of wood for home heat is also being heavily restricted in this region by these same CIA Elected Whacko Stupid Leftie Politicians.

Expect Rolling Blackouts to begin in - October

I will bet $1,000 not one Whacko Left judges or Governor will be put to death for the using Pedophile Island - Raping, Torturing and Murdering little boys and girls not that the court case has been sealed by some Whacko Judge

And -

Our President keeps winning - today in the US Supreme Court - even though the FAKE Darth Vader Gisnberg is now in session.

VIDEO:  (1384) Whacko Left Stupidity Exposed, Trump Has Huge Win, Epstein Case Sealed - YouTube

The wall Of Truth

Dr William B, Mount

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President Threatened By Treasonous Navy Faction