Friday, July 12, 2019

Time To Pucker - Corporate Profits Collapse

Time To Pucker Really Hard

It is definitely time to pucker as:

Corporate Profits Are Collapsing.

What you are about to see will stun you and shock you

VIDEO:  (894) Time To Pucker - Corporate Profits Collapse - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

We are l;earning like a Banchi how to trade as prices are already going up hard

We Use: Trade Genius | Trade smarter.


What We Are Facing Is Biblical

Thursday, July 11, 2019

What We Are Facing Is Biblical

Jeff Epstein Syndrome Sweeps The Planet

What We Are Facing Is Biblical

The coming economy and world disasters are Biblical in Proportion

This morning the Stocks rose as earnings fell horribly - as if - it makes no sense

Over half the Dow Jones 30 companies re putting our BBB Bonds - nearing Junk Bonds

Foreigners are no longer buying US Treasury Bonds as China and Russia bypass the Federal Reserve SWIFT System for Trade

The Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions are skyrocketing world wide

Weather patters are wiping out crops world wide

And Diseases are spreading through mandatory Vaccinations across the planet.

What comes next is incredibly higher prices for everything

VIDEO:   (877) What We Are Facing Is Biblical - YouTube

The wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

One thing is for certain - Prices are about to Skyrocket

Trade Genius | Trade smarter.

Or Call 800-949-1408


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

J Epstein Virus Sweeps Planet Earth

As Jeffrey Epstein's Little "Black Book" is being opened up every Libtard, every Lunatic Liberal Actor, Politician, Military Commander is shaking in his boots.

The BLACK BOOK of Little St James visitors has been opened - complete with Videos and Pictures.

Every Libtard Actor

Every Liberal Politician and almost half the Republicans have been visitor  to this little tiny Island in the American Virgin Islands

What we all should be asking is --

Why Is Little St James Island Still In Full Operation???

VIDEO:  (856) Jeff Epstein Syndrome Sweeps The Planet - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

As GOD slaps our nation for turning against HIM - Better learn a New Trade as Mass Layoffs have begun

We Went To: Trade Genius | Trade smarter.
