Friday, June 28, 2019

We Have Reached Critical Mass

Layoffs Accelerate As Floods Obliterate Farmland World Wide

A Republic - If You Can Keep It

These famous worlds form Benjamin Franklin were said to a crowd of folks just after the writing of our Constitution.

then - In 1793 the Treaty of Paris gave the King of England our entire Federal Budget to be redistributed back to America as He sees fit

Then - in 1860 a member of the British Authorized Registry - BAR - Abraham Lincoln was elected into office which started a Civil War.

then in 1871 President Grant incorporated the United States - The Republic Ended

Finally - in 1913 the Federal Reserve took over our banking system and began to drain our nation of her wealth.

WW!, the Depression and Finally WW2 were merely excuses to skyrocket taxes and turn the nation into a


Departments - Agencies of a FASCIST - Government - were then formed in mass

Our Great Republic Died

So here we are at the end of an Empire - a NAZI Empire run with FIAT Currency - Sawdust with Ink printed on it.

According the the IMF we are at the END of the Fiat Currency Cycle and what the Demon-Rats demand is Communist and te Republicans want our Republic back.

VIDEO:......(506) A Republic - If You Can Keep It - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

On Sunday we will do a review of the PMC6 and PEMF form Denaas - what they are both used for.

Things Have Gone Insane Across the Planet

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Things Have Gone Insane Across the Planet

Insanity Sweeping Planet Eart

The World seems to be going insane.

As President Trump travels across the globe to try and stop both a Nuclear War and a Financial Melt Down the rest of the world seems to be going insane.

1) The Russian Legislature tore up the Intermediate Range Nuclear Treaty

2) Russia also banned Poisonous US Grown and manufacture foods

3) India is increasing it's Tariffs on American Goods - forcing Trump to counter these Tariffs.

4) The American Main Stream media and Colleges have turned Communist - something the DOJ should have stopped 40 years ago.

5) While President Trump is trying to stop this Insanity the FBI sends a shooter after him so the White House went on Lock Down a few days ago

Video.....(492) Things Have Gone Insane Across the Planet - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

The Cure For Cancer - Update 9/18