Friday, June 14, 2019

We Can't Say Notin About Notin

We Can't Say Notin About Notin Anymore

In a most recent threat by Facebook they have threatened to sue everyone who tells the truth abputi anything

Everything - According toe the CIA (I Mean Social Media) MUST be a lie

The Truth must be eliminated

We can't talk about the fact that the Mark Zuckeberg, Jeff Bazos, Elon Must, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton,, etc --- were chosen by the CIA as children to be their slaves and they all have doubles.

They are all there now as Slaves of Lucifer to destroy Life on Earth

They are all supported by all of our "Federal Agencies" - Private Corporations Owned By Foreign Companies -- like the FBI A French Owned Corporation.

This little Iranian/CIA/Japanese False Flag in the Persian Gulf on 3 - not 2 - Tankers was just another example of of the Garbage thy pull.

As for the MOBILE FALSE FLAG UNITS Run by the CIA - 7th  & 8th Floor Under Langley's CIA Base are all paid for with OUR TAX DOLLARS.

Still following the precepts of US CONPLAN 8010-09 - Updated to CONPLAN 8010-18 calls for the initial Nuking of the "FAMILY OF NATION" called China, Russia, Iran, Syria and North Korea

So their ongoing attempt to destroy life on Earth just goes on and on and on.

Supported,of course, by these Psychotic Hypocrites like the Demon Rats in Congress, Joe Biden, Governor Jay Inslee

The fact that the Demon Rats support Slavery, Illegal Voting and Infanticide should be an eye opener

Infanticide defined as the murder of Children up to 1 year of age.

So now GOD will move to open the eyes of those programming THe AI's to destroy this planet and what the Eternal Consequences will be for them if they continue


So Here Are Some Particulars On this Subject:


The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

As we crawl deeper into this INFLATIONARY DEPRESSION  we will all need extra income

We are learning to trade at .... Trade Genius | Trade smarter.

Breaking - We Are Entering An Inflationary Depression