Thursday, May 23, 2019

Coming Declass Terrifies The Dems

Congress Goes Bonkers

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Congress Goes Bonkers

Congress Goes Bonkers, Bat Sh.. Crazy

Congress has gone absolutely MAD



Bat Sh.. Crazy

In a letter to President Trump 400 Members of Congress have demanded that President Trump keep our troops in Syria and keep the Syrian War going forever, just as they did with the Afghanistan War.

Over 15,000 Bombs dropped every year there and a couple of hundred people are killed - at $1 Million Dollars/Bomb - that's Allot Of Arms Being Sold.

Four Hundred Of them

All Paid Off - Of Course -

DOJ - Why Are They Not In Jail For Treason

Oh - I Forgot - You In The DOJ Are 100% Worthless Thieves and Drug Dealers

That;s why GOD is cursing your employees worse than any one else.

Video:  (26) Congress Goes Bonkers - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

What We Use To Help reverse The Aging Process



The Coming 5G "Zombification" Of America

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Coming 5G "Zombification" Of America

The Coming 5G Killer Network

Whether we like it or not 5G is Here

Despite Court Orders and common sense we are all about to be blasted by Killer 5G Waves.

In this video we discuss where 5G is and where it is going this year and where it is likely to head.

We also discuss ways to avoid these Killer Microwaves

Since all of the money for the nation wide installation of Fiber Optics was stolen by the CEO's of large telecommunication companies they all now demand $200 Billion Dollars A year to install 5G - for a total cost of 41 Trillion Dollars
We are not building new roads or Bridges

We are not building electric cars with a 3,500 mile range like we had in hte military 35 years ago

---35 years ago---

We are installing Killer 5G - this is our "Infra Structure" plan.

Rather than arresting these Massive Dollar Thieves and going back to the original Fiber Optics Plan the US Federal Government has agreed, under President Trump, to move forward with the Massive Installation of a 5G Network in every city in America.

Our Government is a Plague to  Planet Earth

Here we discuss that the effects of 5G are to the human body, and what YOU can do to counter these effects.

Video:   (951) The Coming 5G "Zombification" Of America - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Brought To You By a Product That We think Slows The aging Process: