Monday, May 13, 2019

Guess Who Just Got Thrown Under The Bus???

Hillary & Obama - Now Guilty Of Treason

The latest evidence arising from various reports clearly show that President Obama and Hillary Clinton are not only guilty of Lies and Murder, but are also guilty of Campaign Financing Laws and Treason

Yes - Treason.

Whether they will actually be arrested remains to be seen.

their Underlings - those who created the Coup - are apparently going down but these Kingpins Inhabited by Demons -

We shall see.

In addition - here we go again with the US tying to start a False Flag to invade Iran.

Just blow up a few US Cities, kill a Major President like Trump and Putin - or create a False Flag  - and Voila - Instant War to hide the collapsing economy.

Complete with a Trump Double since he refuses to do as GOD has asked him to do..

So here we go all over again

Next False Flag - India and Pakistan or China - You decide.

Video: (662) Guess Who Just Got Thrown Under The Bus??? - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Why Is 5G Inevitable? Find Out Why:

5G Stocks are About to Get Red Hot


Guess Who Just Got Thrown Under The Bus???

Who Owns You - Is Freedom An Illusion?

Stew Webb - Everything Is Weaponized

Watch a 3 part interviews with Stew Webb where he reveals some amazing facts  about everything being weaponized - including your:

1) TV
2) Cell Phone
3) Planes
4) Trains
5) Cars
6) Trucks
7) Home Appliances

Everything with a Computer Chip is now capable of wither making your live miserable to killing you.

This was revealed to us in a US Senate Report by Senator Frank Church in 1975 called:



The addition of 5G will increase their ability to control, or kill, us

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

By the way - Good Luck Finding His Website

Google Has Removed It From Their Search Engine 

5G Is Coming and We Can't Stop It

Take Advantage Of This New Technology And Make Money On It.


Saturday, May 11, 2019

Who Owns You - Is freedom An Illusion?

Who Really Owns You - The Illusion Of Freedom

Who is it that Really owns you

Your body, your soul and - your very essence

For thousands of years the King claimed to own your very essence - you belong to him and him alone.

In 1789 the "united states of America" was formed and we owned ourselves - free men.

Then in 1971 President Grant sold our nation to the European Bankstas.

In 1913 then President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act allowing a Foreign corporation to print Fiat Currency and destroy the American Monetary System.

On 14 July 1944 the Federal reserve Dollar became the New World Order Currency and we went form a Capitol- IST society to a Capital ISM Society.

Our freedom was gone, we were fully owned by the US Corporation.

We lost our Freedom then and there we became SLAVES of the US Corporation, wholly owned by English Bankstas who subjugated themselves to the Roman Pope in 1605 - Illegally.

By 1960 most American Homes owned TV Sets - and they began telling us how to think and feel about every thing.

So Now What Does That Mean?

Video: (629) Who Owns You - Is Freedom An Illusion? - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

They own the paper wealth, but not your Gold & Silver

We buy from:Home - Noble Gold Investments