Thursday, February 14, 2019

Congress Has Now Become Useless, Irrelevant

Congress Has Now Become Useless, Irrelevant

Congress Is Now Worthless, Irrelevant To Pres Trump

The Corruptness of both the US Congress and the US Supreme Court has been noticed around the world.

Congress just voted on a $1 Trillion Dollar Boll No One Is Allowed To Read???


VIDEO: (214) Congress Has Now Become Useless, Irrelevant - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Don't continue to sink into debt

We Went To:  New Trade Genius Academy | Trade Genius

Behind The Scenes With President Trump

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Behind The Scenes With President Trump

Behind The Scenes With Pres Trump

What you are about to hear is what our President has on his plate.

His promises were to stop Illegal Immigration and rebuild our economy.

How the wall gets built - who cares - just build it.

VIDEO: (163) Behind The Scene With President - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


1) GOD has placed a curse on all those working for the US Department of Justice to the 4th and 5th Generation - Except Boarder Patrol

Until you do as GOD has directed the curse will remain.

Go ahead - laugh. Remember Fukushima GOD warned Japan about on APFN and the TV?

2) Japan PM Call Me. Your nation is about to be shaken once again and YOU have been warned.

3) Got 2 calls from 2 CIA Agents - If you are too ignorant to include GOD in the picture you will go nuts - I work with no one.

4) 10-12 June 4 Rogue Nukes being brought in by naval Special Ops Through the following ports for detonation 14-17 June +- 3 Days. I have the locations - but you figure it out. You idiots cut me off of You Tube for these warnings. Now YOU  guess where.

.....a) Boston - Near The Commons
.....b) NYC
.....c) DC
.....d) Charleston - May Head To Richmond

These are old Nukes removed From a Submarine and Disposed of - Off the Books and they were on their way to Hanford Nuclear reservation to be dissolved and Leached Into the Columbia River.

We all Know some of Hanford's Radiation is dumped North Of Bonner''s Ferry, Some At Welpinit in Washington, Some in the Puget Sound and some leached into the Columbia river.
Special message:

"Silly Intel Geeks
Finding Nukes Is God's Work
Stopping Trump Assassinations Is For Adults
Not For Silly Intel Geeks"


"Pegasis Still Can't Fly Because Ethyl Still Has the Keys"

5) Depending on what President Trump does:

a)  If he does as GOD directs Him Then: 1 Attempt On His Life on the 14th Just- another FBI Shooter - Easy to Stop

b) If Trump Fails To Do As GOD Directs then 4 Attempts on his life June:

.....1..Rotor Mysteriously BREAKS on his chopper
.....2..Front Tires Slashed On AF 1
.....3..Angry Cook - Poison
.....4..Bomb looking like a Briefcase Placed Near Him In the White House - Operation Valkyrie USA.

In Mid-June there will be an Accidentally - On Purpose - Release of a deadly Virus released form a Lab in Central Brazil. Once released nothing short of a Nuke will stop it. It appears to be very similar to an airborne Hep C Virus. They are working on what they call the "K Factor."

Brazil's Economy will completely shut down for a while.

6) Beginning In March - CIA Will Increase False Flags.


7) Unless Arrested - the Mayor if NYC and the governor if New York will conspire to shut down transportation in and out of New York - Mid May.

8) April the Sun will really "Pulls" causing electrical distribution problems.


9) FBI - forget about the Young and Cute "Honey Bucket" you sent last night. I'm married. that means everything to me. When YOU return the money YOU Stole we can talk. Period.

Until then your outfit (The DOJ Except Boarder Patrol) is Cursed By The Living GOD - to the 4th and 5th Generations. They will be cursed in their appearances, they will be cursed in their health and Poverty will overtake them. So GOD has said it - so it shall be.

OK - My Plate Is Relatively Clear.

The Rest is For Us To Know And You Not To Know.

President Trump Leading The Charge World Wide