Friday, January 25, 2019

President Lays Down The Ultimatum To Congress

Trump Lays Down Ultimatum To Congress

Today at about 2:30 PM DC Time President Trump laid down an Ultimatum to Congress:

Put Up Or Shut Up.

Video:  (862) President Lays Down The Ultimatum To Congress - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

So Many Immigrants:

Guess Who Is Really Behind The Presidential Coup ?

CNN/Caladonia Trust - the New Media Pig For The Deep State

CNN was filmed waiting outside Roger Stones House before the FBI swooped down to arrest this man.

The FBI is good at arresting Old Men little Children

CNN/New Caladonain Trust knew about the arrest hours before it happened.

So a company that makes $960,000 dollars a year (Caladonian trust) bought CNN?

Video: (1613) CNN Magically Stocking Roger Stone Just Before The Arrest - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount