Friday, January 11, 2019

World Set For Massive Economic Upheaval

This Will Be A Very Hard Reset - Just Be Ready

This Will Be A Very Hard RESET - Be Ready

What is coming will be a very hard RESET.

What was initiated by the Lunatic Liberals across the planet was designed to lead to World War 3 and the death of 7 Billion Humans

The WAR has been stopped as Trump begins puling troops out of Syria and Afghanistan and turns these areas over to Blackwater Mercenaries.

Thank God Donald Trump Is Our President


(96) This Will Be A Very Hard Reset - Just Be Ready - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Trump Stumps Pelosi & Otter DemonCrats

President Trump has finally walked out of Pelosi, Shumer and other Democrats when the refused to build the wall.

President Trump just told the Masons and other workers of Lucifer they cannot destroy America - Period.

Along with that President's around the world are rejecting this terror now being ordered by the New World Order - Chief Palladian Masons - that  the war is over.

One wrongly misplaced Nuke and Planet Earth ceases to exist.


Video:(31) Trump Stumps Pelosi, Shumer & Other Dems - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

We went to Noble Gold Investment & Converted Our Savings to Silver
We love Charles & Collins at 877-646-5347

Trump Stumps Pelosi, Shumer & Other Dems

DC Turns Creepy - It's All Being Exposed

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

DC GETS WEIRD - Exposing The Deep State

The speeches last night got really weird

Further - the CIA Troll Comments were so intense on our video we had to cancel the comments

We struck a nerve


Maybe when we said DC needs a wall Around It


(1057) DC Turns Creepy - It's All Being Exposed - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount