Saturday, January 5, 2019

National Emergency + Army = Martial Law

President Trump is waiting for a Bill, Any Bill, from Congress to Build the Wall

The DemonCrats are proposing $50 Billion of YOUR money to find world wide abortions

The DemonCrats have effectively  lay off ALL Boarder Patrol Agents.

The DemonCrats are proposing to Ban the Constitution

But The DemonCrats will not spend $5 Billion to secure our Boarders

The DemonCrats will cuss out our President openly and threaten to kill him

As the DOJ Does Absolutely Nothing

So President Trump ma declare a National Emergency and send in the Army to build the wall.

Video: (838) President's "National Emergency" Means Martial Law - YouTube

Please continue to pray for our President's Safety and that those demon Possessed Jesuits  get out of our White House and out of our nation.

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount




1) Just South & East of Port Said

2) Near Rostock - so very near.


They are about to be distributed from an island fortress just off the West African Coast.

The Chemical Weapons - They just disappeared into a Fortress on the West African Coast - they are gone.

China is on the verge of literally Falling Apart.

Kremlin: "Deep State War Turns Deadly"

Friday, January 4, 2019

Kremlin: Deep State War Gets Deadly & Dangerous

The SVR Russian Intelligence has just put out a Disclaimer that the Deep State war has just turned deadly.

With the attempt on Putin last month, a Nuke headed towards Moscow and the attempted hit on trump the conflict is now has now turned deadly as those in charge desire to destroy the entire Human Race now - not just 7 Billion People.

VIDEO: (781) Kremlin: "Deep State War Turns Deadly" - YouTube

Deep State: The Death Threat You Just Sent Me Will Be Turned Around On You. Be Afraid. So Says the I Am That I Am, Who Was, And Is, And Is To Come. GOD will now deal with ALL of you involved in the threat. So HE has said it, so it shall be.

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William Mount