Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019 - Economic Collapse, Reset, Military Tribunals

What I was shown for 2019 is not good for the average American

This nation, and this planet, will now be humbled as the Elites are dealt with. So GOD has said it, so it shall be.

As this nation is humbles so will it's leaders in the Financial and Political Realms.

If President Trump clears the swamp GOD'S WAY the elites will melt away.

If he does it his way it will turn into a Knock Down Drag Out Fight.

Video: (557) 2019 - Economic Collapse, Reset and Tribunals - - YouTube

Please pray for President Trump's Safety ass the elites will try to kill him a dozen or more times.

Already we have elucidated 5 more hits against our President just in January, Feb and March of this year. If President Trump wishes the entire year on a Calendar then we will give it to him - but that far out there are changes to the schedule and updates will need to be added as time moves forward.


The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B,. Mount

2019 - The Year It All Falls Apart

Monday, December 31, 2018

2019 - The Year It All Falls Apart

2019 - The Year It all Falls Apart

For 12 years GOD has had me getting folks ready for what is coming

It is here

We will see a slow unwind of the World's Economy as the Elites are taken out and our financial system is replaced with something sustainable.

Thank GOD we have President Trump on top leading us. The Frazzled Rat would have been a disaster.

VIDEO: (497) 2019 - The Year It All Falls Apart - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount
Former Ambassador
Russian Orthodox Bishop
Russian Knight of Malta - My Oath: "I Will Do As God Directs"
Russian Passport AA-0029
Captain, US Army IRR
Former Forester - For 7 years.

Holiday Sales Collapse - Massive Layoffs Coming Soon