Tuesday, September 18, 2018

President Strikes Back Hard

President Strikes Back Hard

Monday, September 17, 2018

Trump Strikes Back Hard


(1429) President Strikes Back Hard - YouTube


Welcome to the smartest & most active audience on the planet


The Points of view, and purpose of this video, is not to bully or harass anyone, but rather share those opinions and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about these subjects.




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Today President Trump has decided it is time to begin striking back.

Those Nukes that were just brought into the USA to light up DC, NYC, Chicago and Langley seized by the US Navy were meant to light him up and he feels it’s about time to expose these Creepy Lucifatrian Cabalists.

Apparently the Deep State - those in the NSA, CIA and other “Secret Tax Payer Funded Departments”  are not fond of being vaporized either.

A few hours ago President Trump ordered the release of all Texts and FISA Applications - in full and un-redacted - concerning the Russian Collusion Investigation.

These text messages include all of them between James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strozok, Lisa Page and Bruce Ohr.

Before any prosecution begins we need to see the evidence that will hang these Traitors - Literally Hang them.

Conspiracy to start a Nuclear War and kill a standing President is no small matter.

This means that the recently uncovered FBI files regarding these actions by these Traitors will also be exposed in full.

In accordance with the Wireless Emergency Alert System authorized by Congress in 2015 coordination with FEMA, the FCC, the UN’s Emergency Alert System and over 100 Wireless Companies the President will send out his first text message to all Americans world wide to explain exactly what is going on. We can expect him to use this weekly.

Once Judge Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed into the US Supreme Court the day after Yum Kippur the US Supreme Court will be cleared to begin the arrests of these Traitors.



Another Deep State Shooter expected to attack President Trump very soon was ratted out by none other than the Stool Pigeon US Senate Minority Leader Chuckie Shumer.

So apparently several CIA Paid Stanford University Psychiatry Professors were not only involved in testing LSD on Stanford Students at random but also guilty of harboring a CIA Shooter - exposing several CIA Banks that conduct Money Laundering on a daily basis - like Sun Trust Bank

One thing about Demon-Crats - they will Rat out their mothers to avoid jail time.


1) Despite huge efforts to protect the 12 Nuclear Power Plants being hit by flooding during Hurricane Florence - the New Brunswick Nuclear Reactor was hacked form inside and this cause a “HOT SHUT DOWN.”

What this means is that the Nuclear Air Filters failed and they will need to use fresh water to cool the reactor directly - dumping million of gallons of radioactive water into the oceans off of the North Carolina Coasts.

Whoever did this from within the plant - GOD says you will be hunted down and dealt with appropriately. So GOD has said it - so it shall be.

2) The Famous Sunspot National Observatory - the one everyone speculated closed due Huge UFO’s being spotted - has reopened.

So much for those Conspiracy Nuts.

If these giant UFO’s were there - don’t you think a hundred other Observatories would have picked them up?

3) In a recent discovery it was determined that ADHD is eliminated when the child is schooled at home. The child is merely bored with the lack of education at our public schools.

When I was a teacher at a Private School for a year we put most kids through High School in 1 year.

4) Canadian Citizen Ted Cruz turned his back on one of his aids who was protecting him because he had a registered pistol bu te Ammo was not registered in DC.

This Illegal Senator needs to be driven back to Canada where liberals can go out to pasture.

5) Finally - China is working with Google to ban all Christina Videos and comments from China p the complete elimination of GOD by Google.

As for the Evil Red Chinese Communist Party - GOD says he will personally take down the Chinese economy now.

As for Google: We need to pray that someone has the guts to move in and deal with these evil people now running Google before they cause a Nuclear Detonation under the white House - Not Kidding you White House Security Guards.


Under every major US Complex lies a Self Destruct Nuke.

Unless Google is contained very, very soon then: To those who are stupid and lazy - I salute you who are about to be vaporized.

Remember Mineral?

Please pray for President Trump’s Safety and for the safety of the New Putin now being groomed.

The Wall of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


The Take Down Tea has really reduced my blood sugar levels.

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Yesterday Coach Jimmy K  discussed allot during his webinar - but the best part was he explained how to use these frequencies to get a good night sleep and reduce stress.


Takedown Tea Glucose Maintenance | Life Change Tea

Trump Orders Immediate Release Of All Text Messages, Carter Page FISA Application From Russia Investigation | Zero Hedge

Uncovered FBI texts PROVE deep state colluded with complicit media to try to overthrow America’s democracy and destroy Trump: This is treason! – NaturalNews.com

FEMA to test 'Presidential Alert' system next week

Trump Will Send "Presidential Alert" To Every Cell Phone In America On Thursday | Zero Hedge

Desperate Measures: Plot to stop Kavanaugh is deep state’s last attempt to save itself from mass arrests (and military trials) – NaturalNews.com

Daughter Of CIA Assassin Paymaster Tries To Bring Down Trump Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh


Emergency declared at Brunswick nuclear power plant in North Carolina… all personnel blocked from entering the facility as “hot shutdown” under way – NaturalNews.com

NRC: Event Notification Report for September 17, 2018

Sunspot solar observatory reopens after FBI criminal investigation

No need for drugs: Parent education proven an effective solution for many ADHD challenges – NaturalNews.com

Ted Cruz Suspends Intern Arrested Over Unconstitutional DC Gun Law

China to ban online Christian content in exactly the same way Facebook and YouTube are banning Christian videos in America – NaturalNews.com


European Union Ready To Break Up

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Financial Reset 3-7 October 2018 ?


(1395) Financial Reset 3-7 October ? - YouTube

Welcome to the smartest & most active audience on the planet


The Points of view, and purpose of this video, is not to bully or harass anyone, but rather share those opinions and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about these subjects.



Your last opportunity to get a Trump Coin
Use Promocode Bill and save $5

We have just received word that our major credit cards will be down 3-7 October of this year - in 2 weeks.

Credit Cards connected to Capitol 1 will not be allowed to be used for purchases or be paid during this time.

Further - all Auto Payments will either be done before or after this 3-7 October date.

Since Capital One is one of the Big Boys, behind only American Express, JP Morgan Chase, B of A and Citigroup - this is significant.

So from Wednesday October 3 Through Sunday 7 October expect the unexpected.

Perhaps we should all pull out a couple of hundred on the 1st after we get paid just to make sure.

If you are aware of any other Banking Disruptions - please post below.

 Just be ready folks

A little extra food, Water, Cash, a way to protect yourself, Toilet Paper, and a way to heat your home is just basic common sense.


About 6 years ago we saw the Make American Great Again Corporation begin negotiating treaties that would lead the planet out of this Horrible Recession we have been stuck in for over 30 years - the day Clinton took office as President.

This insane march towards Demon-Cratic National Socialism (NAZIism) has shocked the world ever since. It’s almost as if - we in the USA are committing Economic Suicide.

If one is a subscriber to Jim Willie’s Newsletter at the Golden Jackass then you will know that the day of the Petro Dollar is dead.

Funny - when I met the CIA Director he mentioned the Petro Dollar - a term I had not heard of until this time about 10 years ago. Now, thanks to their bosses - it’s almost extinct.

Please keep in mind that the US Dollar refers to the European Federal Reserve Note.

On 15 August a Private Meeting was held between China and Russia that cemented their push for the NEW Gold Backed Yuan and the use of the New Chinese Interbank Payment System as opposed to the Cabal’s SWIFT System.

Everything was on the table - from the formation of the New Korean Cross Boarder Trade Corporations to the vile plans of the UN Agenda 21 to sterilize the planet and destroy Humanity as they strive to create Hell on Earth.

The West - they concluded - is over run by those who worship Lucifer and they also discussed actions that would eliminate these Lucifarian Human Sacrificing Pigs once and for all.

Further - the White House weaponizing the Dollar to hurt emerging markets has only caused the East to establish their Interbank Payment System at an ever faster rate and forcing Turkey to begin liquidating their Gold Reserves so they do not go bankrupt.

In other words - the European Federal Reserve System is hanging itself.

Information was then shared among those that have signed on to the BRICS Treaty - leaving the United States sitting on the sidelines.

Either way - there are huge changes on the way rather quickly so - be ready.


As the Social Security Agency prepares to dissolve 1 October 2022
Another test of the Universal Basic Income is being tested - this time in Switzerland.

It was proven to fail in Finland, Canada, California, Spain, and Kenya so why not try it is Switzerland - Right?

Well - this time they upped the income to $2,500 a month as a basic income there.

If the Federal Reserve System had paid off every one’s mortgage with the money they gave the banks during QE - the economy would be booming - right?

Remember - the Cabal has an agenda - UN Agenda 21.

So we shall see what happen in the VERY near future.


Over the last few days Emergency Crews responded to over 70 Gas Leaks and Fires across Boston. Apparently there was a Natural gas Pipeline Melt Down. The explosions and fires killed over 25 people and are not likely to be an “Accident.”

Fortunately - in a few days - the Annual Pipeline Safety Conference will occur in New Orleans (18-19 Oct) and per every Pipeline Safety Conference a Major Pipeline always seem to magically burst.

This time there were 25 death.

The VA once again refuses to cover those in the Navy for exposure to Chemicals during the Vietnam War.

Please keep in mind htat the VA also refused to cover these soldiers for radiation exposure

Please pray they shut down the VA and go back to creating a “Disable Divisions” where disabled vets can continue to serve despite their disabilities.

The VA is an absolute nightmare in terms to medical Treatment.

Not one response to the investigations we asked for over the Seattle VA issuing hundreds of thousands of Poisoned Inhalers.

The world is laughing at our VA and our US Treasury as they actually run the VA, and at it‘s Director Steve Mnuchin - a real Demon Possessed Lucifarian.

These 180 nations see the VA and run from the US Dollar to the New Chinese Payment System just as quickly as possible.


Please pray for President Trump’s Safety and for the safety of the New Putin now being groomed.

The Wall of Truth

Dr William B. Mount




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GOLDEN JACKASS.COM - The Golden Jackass Knows Gold, Currencies & Bonds"

World Watches In Horror As America Plays Russian Roulette With Its Very Survival

Turkish Banks Liquidate Gold In Currency Crisis Panic | Zero Hedge

Free cheese for Swiss? Hundreds sign up to get $2,500 a month under basic income trial

Multiple Fires And Explosions Erupt In Three Boston Suburbs After "Gas Main Meltdown" | Zero Hedge

2018 Pipeline Safety Trust Conference | Pipeline Safety Trust

VA steps up fight against plan to extend benefits to ‘blue water’ Vietnam vets

Color footage of soldiers being exposed to high levels of radiation - YouTube

Atomic Bomb Test on human subjects - YouTube