Tuesday, September 4, 2018

And So It Begins - The RESET


(1057) And So It Begins - The Reset - YouTube


Welcome to the smartest & most active audience on the planet


The Points of view, and purpose of this video, is not to bully or harass anyone, but rather share those opinions and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about these subjects.





We just got off the phone with a company that sells Gold, Silver, Paladium and Platinum and they had their bank account frozen to prevent them from shipping out any orders.

The bank refused to tell them why their accounts were frozen and then they closed their accounts.

Further - the Silver that was shipped out was rifled through by those either in Customs or the Post Office.

All Gold and Silver purchases are now being recorded by the US Post Office and sent to the US Treasury Department.

So - say you spend $300 and buy 20 One Ounce silver coins from a dealer. Someone at the Post Office is now waiting to open up your box and physically count every thing you have purchased.

Your “MINT” coins now have greasy finger prints on them.

Greg Hunter had a couple of guests on a few day ago and they stated that not only is the US Treasury looking to buy as much Gold and Silver as they can but so are the Elites.

As the Gold is moved from Switzerland to China the European Union (Owned by the United States) is desperate to acquire over 20,000 tons of Gold - Desperate.

This means that very soon Gold and Silver will no longer be available.

After these Treasury Folks seize the remaining gold and silver the prices will begin to sky rocket on these Metals iuntil they hit hteir respective values.

Many predict Gold will hit around $150,000 per ounce and silver well over $30,000 per ounce when things finally settle out.

These values will then allow nations across the planet to use the Gold Backed Yuan for international trade.

One thing President Trump is trying to do is redo the expired Treaties - like NAFTA - so that after the RESET all trade is completely balanced.

If you are living on Welfare or some form of Social Security and you did not pay into the system - it’s over.

We also hope the VA is terminated and Disabled Soldiers are paid by the Department of Defense Disability Agency.

Either way - Mental Disability and Refugee Pay will be terminated.

We were told that Retired Soldiers, Physically Disabled Veterans, and Old Age Social Security will survive.


We will discuss this further if we can get one of the two owners of Noble Gold on this week to give us an update on these issues

So Stay Tuned

Thus begins the RESET as two things happen:

1) The end of the Syrian Resistance - or as many claim the end of the Draconian Empire.

2) The Re-Intigration of the Ukraine into Russia as they clean out the Dirty NAZI Politicians.

Many believe the Old Kazar Empire was made up of Draconians and it is now finally being destroyed.

We know we have Star Ships because I saw a US Anti Gravity Ship and the head of Lockheed Martin’s Advanced Technology Division discussed them on several occasions.

We know that much of our technology was given to us by someone not from Earth - the NAZI’s under Hitler discussed this openly in the VRIL Project.

Beyond that - we cannot confirm anything.

Except - that you need to get Gold and Silver NOW.



The Largest RED TIDE in history has now landed on the South Western Florida Coast.

The Entire area is dead - devoid of Fish, Crab, Shrimp, etc.

What is worse is the 30 Miles an hour Winds form these Tropical Storms Gordon is now blowing in Toxic Fumes as far North as New Orleans as thousands report trouble breathing and rashes caused by these high winds.

The Toxins - as you recall - consist of chemicals sprayed across toe coast after the Oil Well Disaster several years ago.

In fact - they have never sealed up the Broken Oil Wells that have been abandoned - now 5 in all thanks to the US Coast Guard. They are spewing Oil just as fast as they can into the Gulf - killing every thing from the Algae to the Whales.

But that is not all that is dying.

As you can see from the Map - huge areas of the Ocean are now dying.

Without the Ocean Oxygen Making Machine we all die.

Everything else  is a Political Side Show.

Please pray for President Trump’s Safety and that he does as GOD directs, not what he wishes.

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Russia Responds To Trump Syria Threat With Nuclear Weapon Flights Targeting US Navy

Red tide: why Florida’s toxic algae bloom is killing fish, manatees, and turtles - Vox

Crab season canceled for Tacoma, Vashon, south Puget Sound for summer 2018 | The News Tribune

Red tide may be 'natural' but scientists believe coastal pollution is making it worse

Map Of Worldwide Marine Dead Zones - Business Insider

Dead zones in our oceans have increased dramatically since 1950, and we’re to blame | World Economic Forum

Cape Harbour

Mueller's Gone Bonkers - Time To End This Travesty

Monday, September 3, 2018

Robert Mueller Has Gone Bonkers, Caddy Whompus Stupid

Robert Mueller, at 74 year old, has gone absolutely insane crazy

See for yourself

Alzheimers -- we can cure


Stupidity and the Loony lefty Disease - there is no cure

(1011) Mueller's Gone Bonkers - Time To End This Travesty - YouTube

The Wall of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Brought To You By Noble Gold Investments

Time to take back YOUR investments from the Banks.

Home - Noble Gold Investments

The Mother Of All Wake Up Calls

Sunday, September 2, 2018

The Mother Of All Wake Up Calls

Mother Of All Wake Up Calls


(944) The Mother Of All Wake Up Calls - YouTube


Welcome to the smartest & most active audience on the planet


The Points of view, and purpose of this video, is not to bully or harass anyone, but rather share those opinions and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about these subjects.





If you are an investor and what you hear right now does not scare the pants off of you then you need to hear it again.

This is why everyone who has anything is buying as much Gold and Silver as they can

In 2014, under our last Glorious Leader and Savior President Barach Insane
Obama a bill was passed, and approved, by the G-20 Nations that all of the money in your bank accounts belong to the banks.

The FBI later stated - although this has been pulled off of Google (Censored) but not scrubbed from Federal Court Cases - everything in your Savings Deposit Boxes belong to the banks.

If a bank is seized by some FASCIST US Department - you loose everything.

OK - maybe you have a couple thousand in your bank account and millions in your 401K or other savings arena - like through a Brokerage.

Name one brokerage not owned by a bank - thanks to our last President - and name one Brokerage that is now allowing you to deal with their bank?

We have been asking around and this is what I gather - YOUR Investments,  including most Pension Plans invested, belong to a Bank and all IRS reporting requirements are done so using Banking Forms.

1) Bank of American - Merrill Lynch

2) Wells Fargo - Wachovia

3) Goldman Sachs Bank - Goldman Sachs

4) Chase Manhattan Bank - Who’s entire wealth was stolen form the Russians - Chase Investments

5) Capital One Bank - Capitol One Investments

6) USAA Bank - USA Investments

Do you get the picture?

When the RESET occurs and bank accounts are zeroed out - what do you think will happen to your investments?

Your CD’s?

Your Mutual Funds?

All owned by banks - everything is owned by banks.

After our last Demon-Cratic President was elected he worked hard to set this up - to set you up.

Every dime you have in an investment company belongs to the Bank that owns the Brokerage - at least that’s what the Federal Courts and the FBI think.

OK - So Noble Gold Investments can turn my investments into Gold and Silver, so what?

If you trade with Gold and Silver - every sale of Gold and Silver  over $600 now reportable and Taxable to the IRS on an IRS Form 1099.

This is why YOU need professional sevice.

Maybe store your gold in a Secured, Insured Vault with Noble Gold Investments so you can trade without IRS involvement.

Maybe we all need to wake up as to what these Politicians are doing to us?

That’s why we all need a professional and take charge of our own investments.

As for Social Security - ever tried to live on $1,200 a month?


Besides - as of 1 October 2022 according to both the Social Security Agency and the US Air Force they go away - vanish - POOF!

What comes after is a Universal ID Card - a Biometrics Card using your Face, Iris, and Fingerprints as ID and your Computer Chip.

It will not be pretty as one virus will terminate the entire banking system.

So hunker down, consider putting your investments in your own hands, and be ready for a systemic credit break down for at least 2 weeks - perhaps as long as 3 months.

Yesterday morning the IMF decided to stop supporting the Indian, Malasian,  Brazilian, Argentinian and many other currencies. This means at least 12 major nations are about to switch off the Dollar and Default on their debts.

So my 1 October almost 3 Billion People will be trading exclusively without using the US Dollar.

So what happens here in America?

That all determines whether President Trump does as GOD has asked him to do. If he complies with GOD - this will be a soft landing and about ½ of all Pension Plans will go down over the next year and the dollar will loose about 50% of its value world wide.

If President Trump continues to do as he is doing - it will be a very hard landing indeed.

So maybe we need to pray for the President really hard.

There is a whole lot more news out there, like TESLA not making Spare Parts, All Federal Pay is frozen next year and the Main Stream Media is caught in lie after lie - but none is so important to US as to where OUR dollar is headed.

Please pray for President Trump’s Safety

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Home - Noble Gold Investments

PHONE 8777-646-5347

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: WARNING Bank Deposits Will Soon No Longer Be Considered Money But Paper Investments

The Money in Your Bank Account Was Stolen This Morning |

Russell Napier Declares November 16, 2014 The Day Money Dies | Zero Hedge

HSBC imposes restrictions on large cash withdrawals - BBC News

US banks suddenly close dozens of accounts, Muslim group suspects racial profiling — RT US News

Global Financial Chaos Accelerates - Be Ready