Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Red Wave Sweeping Planet Earth

People are awakening across the planet.

(789) Red Tsunami Sweeps Planet As Millions Awaken - YouTube

Brought To You By


The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Trump Opens Indictment for VP Biden - That makes 2



(777) President Opens Indictment For Vice President Biden - YouTube




Welcome to the smartest & most active audience on the planet


The Points of view, and purpose of this video, is not to bully or harass anyone, but rather share those opinions and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about these subjects.



Last night Jane used the DENAS PAIN RELIEF STORE Machine just like Coach Jimmy k told Her - and slept all night.

It’s a Miracle.


Yesterday Russian Foreign Minister Sergio Lavrov spoke with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo abot their upcoming meeting regarding the Indictment against former Vice President Joe Biden and exactly what the President intends to do with it.

You see - Joe Biden and his son got involved with a company called Barisma Holdings - a company now pulling Natural Gas out of the mountains near the Crimean Penninsula - Natural Gas I was told by their representative in 2007 they thought was not there.

In fact - Joe Bidens Son Hunter Biden was placed on the Board of Directors of Barisma.

So - as the former President Yanakovich - was meeting with Russia and signing 10 year Natural Gas Contracts for Wheat with them
when the US Began the Ukraine Coup - stealing not only all of their gold but hundreds of Millions from their banks and illegally cancelling their contracts for Natural Gas and gasoline from Russia.

Shortly before the Ukrainian Coup I was there and my adopted little sister was dating Yanakovich’s Finance Minister and he was an honest guy. When I left Yanakovich became President - imagine - an honest guy running the Ukraine.

So the US destroyed him.

Today Barisma Natural Gas is supplying the Ukraine with about 30% of their Natural Gas needs from wells as deep as 20,000 feet.

So not only is Former Vice President Biden going to be indicted on Treason charges under USC 18, but on a host of other laws - like Mass Murder, theft, torture - the list goes on.

Further - Russian Foreign Minister Sergio has made it very clear that talks with the United States over anything will halt until President Trump agrees to try Former Vice President Biden and his son Hunter for these crimes against both the Ukrainian People and the Russian People.

This Sergio will stand firm on, this I can personally guarantee you. He is a no nonsense guy.

Of all those in Russia it is he who I would negotiate with because he is a man of his word

Those who have committed Treason and Mass Murder with the former Vice President - such as Meuller and Comey - are far and wide stretching into the realms of the US Department of Justice to the 5th level down.

As for the arrest warrants put out by the Constitutionally Illegal Special Council Robert Mueller, son of Heinrich Mueller head of the NAZI Gestapo and SS - they are not only illegal but laughable by every nation across the planet.

As a former Ambassador I am deeply saddened by the actions of the Former US Presidents and Vice Presidents.

Pray these criminals pay for their crimes quickly and that President Trump does not delay on the arrest and prosecution of all those guilty in this case.


The Russian Ship Lada, currently sitting in a South African Port, still has on board a Nuke meant to detonate in both New York City and Washington DC - both meant to take out our President.

It is my firm belief that the President and his staff are actually awakening to the fact that those on the Left wish to kill him - by any means necessary.

If he does not take action to protect his staff and those protecting him he leaves himself vulnerable to these ongoing attacks - which the Lefty Loonies are now accelerating.

Since President Obama is now Obama #6 it is doubtful little information can be obtained from him.

However - since the Nukes planned on taking out the CIA Headquarters East (Langley) the President may begin to get assistance from those who may very well die soon unless they act with the President, not against him.

The arrest and prosecution of Joe Biden will open up a doorway into the Deep Dark Recesses of the Deep State. Without doing this - who knows when the next ship carrying 4 Nukes headed to the US will be.

Joe Biden knows. So does his Former Admiral of the Naval Port of Virginia Special Ops ships.

The only way I can get out this information is through the Social Media - and they are pressing hard to take down - which threatens every one in New York, DC and yes - ever Hayward California.

The worse my Health Care - the less I can focus and the bigger the threat to President Trump

Those are REAL Nukes on the ship Lada - or it could not have been held under the Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons Treaty of 1995.

So when President Trump tweeted this morning that he was very upset about censorship by the Social Media - Google, Twitter, Facebook - he may be ready to act to save his own hide. Time will tell.

Further - in Facebook’s attack on Coconut Oil and  Vitamin D, on the cover up of Illegal Aliens killing Americans, and on supporting ANTIFA - now calling to murder millions of Americans with armed conflicts - it may be his life he is saving if he Nationalizes these Social Platforms.

Pray that the Censorship ceases and those censoring these media platforms are immediately paralyzed for life.


Hillary’s Entire Email Account was hacked by the Chinese - so - every secret was exposed when Hillary committed Treason - and - she and her handlers are still free ---- never arrested for torture, murder, treason, theft, election fraud…..the list goes on and on.

One thing is for sure - because President Trump refuses to listen to the Living GOD what he is doing is not working very well as Car Sales and Home Sales begin to plummet across America, is it?

Pray for President Trump’s Safety

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


White House In Turmoil After “Sealed Indictment” Issued For Arrest Of Former US Vice President Joe Biden

Joe Biden, His Son and the Case Against a Ukrainian Oligarch - The New York Times

Burisma | Oil & Gas Company in Ukraine

President Trump Slams Google for Censoring GOP Voices and Positive White House Coverage - One America News Network

Left-wing media declares WAR on human health: Coconut oil, vitamin D and nutrition under extreme attack –



Left-wing Antifa group calls for mass armed takeover of America: “Revolutionary violence” to “take power” –


The Crash Has Begun

Monday, August 27, 2018

The Crash Has Begun

Chinese Pay Big Bucks To Destroy American's Health Care

The Crash Has Begun


(744) The Crash Has Begun - YouTube


Welcome to the smartest & most active audience on the planet


The Points of view, and purpose of this video, is not to bully or harass anyone, but rather share those opinions and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about these subjects.



 Denas Pain Relief Store may have yet another Seminar on Wednesday. When you buy his SCENAR Machine the Seminars are free.


This Crash is unlike anything we have ever seen before.

While the Central Banks are propping up the markets world wide to prevent the collapse of so many Pension Funds two things are happening we have never seen before

1) As stated earlier all debt is denominated in US Dollars and so many currencies are now devaluing.

So in Turkey, for example, instead fo paying $15 Billion a year for debt they now have to pay over $70 Billion per year now and their Federal Budget is only $65 Billion per year.

This devaluation in reference to the Dollar is happening all across the globe.

Nations such as Argentina, Brazil, Greece, and dozens of others are now unable to pay on their debt - the are bankrupt.

2) The Central Banks had gone form Quantitative Easing - pumping Trillions and Trillions of Dollars into the markets and has now moved to Quantitative Tightening and pulling in US Dollars and raising Interest Rates.

What this means is that nations with devaluing currencies not only cannot repay their debt but cannot even refinance due to the lack of US Dollars.

What this means is that nation after nation after nation will now be forced to declare bankruptcy - OR - move to a Trade Payment System that completely bypasses the US Dollar like the new Chinese CIPS System - or Chinese Interbank Payment System just to trade for things like Oil and Food.

This switch away from the US Dollar will mean that the US Dollar will go up and up and up in value but not be used across the globe to do business with.

Any attempt to use the SDR to trade with instead of the Dollar will fail and the world will more than likely move towards Gold as the International Form Of Trade.

As for the US - We have NO Gold - only 8,000 tons of Gold Plated Tungsten.

We may not see the markets collapse but what we are sure to see as nations move away from the US Dollars prices will begin to go up and up as the US Compensates the collapse with more Dollars being printed - the Perfect Venezuela Scenario.

We will need to become more self- sufficient.

This has to occur. A Nation where 41% of all households are collecting some sort of Government handout can not exist for very long and is doomed to utter failure.

Exactly what is coming we do not know but with massive crops failures world wide this cannot be good.

President Trump is - however - in the back round trying to fix what he can - but it is all beginning to fall apart.

This can be evidenced by three things:

…a) Almost every Chief Executive at Goldman Sachs has been sacked in the last year.

…b) The New York Central Bank’s Roof caught on fire a few weeks ago while they were burning records.

…c) The Central Bank in Moscow caught on fire as more record were burned and data bases erased.

What President Trump doing is nothing short of a Miracle.

He is securing this nation from a Mass Invasion of African Muslim Refugees and finishing up some trade agreements other nations agreed upon 5-6 years ago.

His announcement about the New “DEAL” with Mexico is a Good Indication he is on track while his tweets keep the Loony left chasing it’s tail.


A few hours ago - as we stated would happen - a massive amount of Plasma broke through the Earths’ Atmosphere and is currently hitting the US Midwest hard.

Exactly what this will do to our Poisonous GMO crops as the Aquifers dry out is only a guess - but it does not bid well for crop production.

We will see this time and time again and it will increase in the future. We have the solution to maintain crop production and seal off our upper atmosphere - but so far no one is listening.

Please pray that the Powers in the White House come forward for the solution before we begin to see Huge crop failures and Hyper Inflation.


A Russian Ship pulled into a South Africa Port and as they began to peel off layers of Containers something odd appeared - radiation signatures of 4 US Made Nuclear Weapons disguised as Russian Nukes.

The Ship was detained for violating the 1995 Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Weapons Act and it was initially reported that 19 Cargo Containers contained Russian Weapons.

That’s a lot of Guns and Ammunition.

The Russia ship LADA was apparently headed to South Africa ot drop off some legitimate goods - then on to:

1).. Nigeria - to unload Small Arms and Explosive to blow a Pipeline just before the Nigerian International Pipeline Technology and Security Conference  in Abuja, Nigeria 18-19 September at the Sheraton Hotel.

2).. Senegal - to unload Small Arms to the Senegal “Freedom Fighters” to retake the government for the CIA so they can continue taking the profits from drugs shipped from Columbia to Europe through Senegal.

3).. The Southern Tip of the Bahamas just south of Cat Island to unload Small Arms to help the “Bahama Freedom Fighters” retake the Bahamas so they can recapture the profits of Drugs running through the Bahamas and return it to the CIA.

4) Finally - To a US Port to unload  4 US Made Nukes provided by Saudi Arabia and run up the coast and detonate in NYC, DC, Chicago and one other location near, or at Langley, so the CIA West (Denver) can take over.

Further - a container load of Small Arms were to be picked up by the FBI for their ANTIFA Crisis Actors.

Neither Comey nor Mueller are aware of this - but they have done several operations like this themselves from 2007-2017.

As for the Sarin Nerve Gas on the ship - not sure what that was all about.

Thank You Russian and Chinese Intelligence


What we do to control my blood sugar levels is to use:

1) Citricare - From Ebay

2) Immusist - From Ebay

3) Cinnamon and Vinegar Pills and Life Change Tea from GETTHETEA.COM

4) Use the Denas Pain Relief Store SCENAR Machine exactly how Coach Jimmy K tells us to on his Seminars - and they come free when you buy his machine.

This is one incredible machine Jane and I use every day.


Each person is different so how you use the product may vary.

Please pray for President Trump’s Safety

Your prayers just stopped something awful from happening.

The Wall of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Majority Of Young Americans Live In A Household Receiving Welfare | Zero Hedge

Goldman Sachs - There's a reason attrition is so high | Glassdoor

Roof of the New York Fed catches fire

Russia's Central Bank Is On Fire | Zero Hedge

"Thank God This Is Happening": Russia Says Time Has Come To Ditch The Dollar | Zero Hedge

Trump Announces US-Mexico Trade Agreement As He Terminates NAFTA; Canada Left Out | Zero Hedge

NOAA Issues Geomagnetic Storm Warning: "A Crack Opened In Earth's Magnetic Field & Plasma Started Pouring In" | Zero Hedge

Russian Cargo Vessel Arrested In South Africa Under "Weapons Of Mass Destruction" Statute For Improper Permits | Zero Hedge

TASS: Emergencies - Lada vessel unloaded at South African port, no claims against ship owner - source

Russian Ship Detained in Port Elizabeth for Cargo of Illicit Arms


Nigerian International Pipeline Technology and Security Conference

Illegal drug trade in the Bahamas - Wikipedia

How a tiny West African country became the world's first narco state | World news | The Guardian