Saturday, May 26, 2018

Sink Hole Growing At The White House


Sink Hole Growing At The White House + Pvt UN Meeting - YouTube


Brought to you by Ancient Life Oil - we eat it every day.


Yesterday we reported on how large, round Sink Holes are formed.

As the Underground bases are created by the use of Tiny Nuclear Weapons surrounded by Accelerants like Lithium 6, they often begin to degrade 60 years later like Professor Einstein stated so many years ago.

The caves - the Underground Cites - are then evacuated and these caves then collapse.

Well - apparently the White House has fairly large Sink Hope of it’s own to worry about.
Apparently the US Park Service now is managing the hole.

There are so many Water Lines, Electrical Lines and tunnels under and around the White House no one can really say what is causing this hole.

It could be an old tree root rotted away or a Sewer Line.

In my opinion what the US Park service will find is an old sever line that has finally given way and is collapsing. The Maintenance Man that retired 3 years ago will more than likely know where the Archived Maps of the White House Sewer lines are and  one could also use Ground Penetrating Radar in our newer Super Duper Tops Secret Cell Phones to also locate the comma song line.


Today was the first part of a UN Broadcast that was held in London.

To sum it up - the Fallen Angels that run the UN wish to understand all of the processes now occurring on this planet and learn to control them to create their own Heaven on Earth here.

This means, of course, sterilizing the surface of the planet and forcing the remaining Humans to mine for metals they need underground.

Large hexagonal Star Gates are now being constructed to replace those currently on Planet Earth after the current ones are permanently sealed off and destroyed.

Thus they plan to live on a Sterilized Planet that mines - a Mining Colony. Look what they did to Mars.

The Super Duper Top Secret Space Program run by Lockheed Martin out of Bethesda Maryland is supplemented by Skunk Works (Alex Jones Employer) and Ratheon by the advanced Technology Center in Palo Alto California and in New Jersey and run by Rick Berto.

Atheon = Athiest = Godless

By reducing the population and lifting the veal separating the different dimensions we can learn to live on next to nothing and pursue our Spiritual Side, not our Material Side.

So every thing we now experience - Music, TV and Radio Shows - 5G Networks, False Flag Shootings, Stripping your constitutional rights, the Negative News, Men portraying women on TV, Women portraying men on TV - all is done by Lucifer to destroy everything you know as right and correct and lead to this Nuclear Conflict.


Microsoft, Google, Ratheon and many other are in full cooperation to accomplish ‘THE PLAN.’

When someone steps up to the plate and says - NO - then they are considered a Rogue Player and deemed to be “Selfish.”

So they will now step up the funding for these False Flags and everything they can fund to destroy us - especially the Land of the Free - Everything.

Further - they have developed New DNA Modifying Retroviruses that are now being tested across the nation in our foods to change our DNA to become the Humans they wish us to become.

As part of this modification scientists at the Rockafellar University  in New York have combined a Human Gene with a Chicken Gene using OUR TAX DOLLARS.

So I suppose we will soon have Human Egg Layers with Beaks?

I believe it is the 6th floor under the Pentagon (Floor - 6) is run by Humans with Modified DNA.

Hang on.

As long a the President refuses to arrest those who have committed First Degree Torture and Murder and Treason - this process will accelerate.

GOD has informed the President of this and now Lucifer’s Fallen Angels are saying the same thing.


1) Nebraska police have just seized enough illegal Fentanyl to kill 26 Million Americans. In April the Nebraska State patrol seized 118 pounds of Raw Fentanyl - the largest haul in history. 

Four days later they seized 37 pounds of Raw Processed Cocaine and 44 more pounds of Raw Fentanyl.

Pray President Trump cuts off the FBI Money Immediately for transporting these drugs to destroy America.

2) In an attempt to justify more deaths caused by Vaccinations the World Health Organization has reported that 3 infected patients got loose in the city of Mbandaka, Congo - a city of 1.2 million.

This should cause some panic - allowing more “Mandatory” mass  vaccinations and sterilization and mass deaths.

3) In an attempt to destroy Family Integrity - a new study (pulled off the net by Google) it was found that more than 3,300 Android Apps are used to track and program your children.

If you can think of any more please post them below.


While the US Main Stream Media was lying again about the lack of progress in the reunification of the Koreas, the leader s of North and South Korea were discussing just that in a Private Meeting.

Further - the expected conference between President Trump and Kim Jung Un, Leader of North Korea, is still active and appears it will take place.



12 October (+-3 Days) put a Human Shield around the President and Vice President. Do not ask why - just do it.

Further - keep President Trump away from US Embassies and Consulates - period.

Just do it.

Its time we pray for your family and again pray for the President’s Safety.

Be ready folks for what is coming.

These stories come from you - the viewer

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Sinkhole on US President’s Lawn Grows Into Twitter Storm - Sputnik International

Fowl Play? Scientists Create Human-Chicken Hybrid to Observe Embryo Formation - Sputnik International

Nebraska Troopers Seize Enough Fentanyl To Kill 26 Million Americans

Revealed: US Troops Guarding Nuclear Missile Base Used and Distributed LSD

Infected EBOLA carriers escape quarantine hospital in the Democratic Republic of Congo –

Researchers discover more than 3,300 Android apps used to track children improperly –

Friday, May 25, 2018

Massive Internet Censorship Begins In Europe


(1464) Massive Internet Changes Sweep Across Europe - YouTube

Brought to you by Ancient Life Oil - we eat it every day.

These is a New Law that has just gone into effect all across the European Union - Which is owned by the US Corporation, which dissolved doing Bankruptcy 9 March 1933 and is run by the IMF through the United Nations, which are both owned by the Rothchild’s Banking System.

A New Law called the “Updated” General Data Protection Regulation (GPDR) took effect this morning.

What this bill tries to do is:

1) Fine companies for lying on the internet - focusing on companies like the Washington Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, ABC, etc and will fine these companies up to $23.5 Million (Or 4% of their Gross Earnings) for each and every violation of this regulation.

2) Demands companies delete personal information without a person’s prior written consent.

3) Allow the coordination of all Law Enforcement Agencies across the Euro Nations to enforce these New Regulations.

4) Allow Internet Users the right to sue internet content providers like Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, Instagram for either editing or eliminating their posts.

So - for example - when we post a comment of video on Facebook and Twitter and they pull it (Shadow Ban) they may be sued and for our loss and fined up to $23.5 Million per violation.

Both Facebook and Google face massive amounts of Lawsuits concerning their violations of these laws.

If these internet Content provides fail to comply their fines will run into the Billions of Dollars and likely make all Google Companies unprofitable - which would crash their stock values.

To ad insult to injury the Director the of the Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel and Trump 2030 Chairman Brad Pascale have written the CEO’s of both Facebook and Google asking hem not to Censor Conservative Voices.

Apparently President Trump tried to censor Twitter Users and a Federal Judge ruled that since Twitter is a Public Forum this is illegal and Public Forums include Google, Facebook, Twitter and You Tube.

So throwing people off as subscribers and reducing hits is now illegal.

Further - this means that when Google and Daily Motion made our videos X-Rated for telling the news they stepped over the line.


We shall see how the EU and the US Courts implement these new laws but considering Italian Bonds and US Bonds are about to enter the Junk Bond Status the EU and US Directors may find that these blatant violations of Free Speech will pad their pockets with enough revenue to keep this FIAT system going for another year or two.


There is now low humming and loud explosions being heard across this nation.

There are 2 things going on causing these noises:

1) Large tunneling machines using Nuclear Power Packs are boring holes in solid rock about 14 feet in diameter for the construction of underground roads and rail systems.

2) The large explosions are the sounds of smaller Nuclear Weapons being detonated to create large caverns for our underground complexes.

The bombs use tiny amounts of Uranium or Plutonium surrounded by an accelerant like Lithium 6 so when these caves are created there is almost no radioactive residue and the areas may be inhabited within weeks after the detonation.

As for the Older Bases built - after 60 years the caverns begin to disintegrate - leaving a Large Sink Hole above and they eventually collapse. This is why all the sink holes are perfectly round.

Cut off the funding to the US Navy and Super Duper Top Secret Space Program run by Lockheed Martin out of Bethesda Maryland and the explosions will cease almost immediately.

Please pray they loose their funding and stop sucking $8 Trillion a year out of our world economies.


As Europe and Asia enter the 21st Century the United States seems to be Imploding in every way - Spiritually, Financially, Ecologically and  Socially.

As Government spending increases at an never ending rate across the nation we look to the White House to do something, anything to stop this Run Away Government Theft of out resources.

Unfortunately - they are unable to even arrest a the Frazzled Rat for Torture and Murder even after a video showing her doing this was posted across the world.

Our President and his staff have apparently Pushed the Self Destruct Button as they refuse to Follow the Constitution and arrest those in high places now committing Treason against this once great nation.

Further - those Nukes that were to be fired from the Submarines to start a Massive Nuclear Conflict by Israel were made here in the USA and no one has even been called to the carpet for not deactivating these weapons through our Satellite Systems.

So as our former FBI and CIA Directors testify and speak in the news please realize these are the individuals who have been trying to start this Nuclear Conflict for years and they have not been arrested and will continue to try until they are.

You would think that after someone tried to kill President Trump 17 May and start a Nuclear conflict yesterday that the President would be willing to take action to save his own neck - right?

Nope - they are all still free and will again try to whack him soon and the CIA/Secret Service conduct yet another Fake School Shooting within 3 weeks.

Please pray that the President begins arresting these Murderers immediately.


President Trump cancelled the meeting with the leaders of North Korea 12 June until the Israeli attemppt at starting a Nuclear War was sorted out.

So expect this meeting to go through as planned as the actions he took were a distraction to stop this insanity.

Again - his conversations regarding this instance were stellar.


Its time we pray for your family and again pray for the President’s Safety.

Be ready folks for what is coming.

These stories come from you - the viewer

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


What is GDPR and how will it affect you? | Technology | The Guardian

Liberation Day Arrives In Europe As Blockade Falls On US Mainstream Media Outlets

GDPR compliance: Facebook and Google already facing lawsuits over new data law violations

Trump 2020 Campaign Puts Facebook And Twitter On Notice Over Conservative Censorship | Zero Hedge

Mystery Booms Are Being Recorded Across the Country and No One Can Explain Why

Nuke Test (1961) Creates Massive Hollow Cavity, page 1


From 1961-73, researchers carried out 27 separate experiments under Project Plowshare, setting off 35 nuclear detonations. 
Most of the tests were conducted at the Nevada Test Site, 
but some were also conducted in New Mexico and Colorado. 

(NTBM) Nuclear Tunnel Boring Machines – Switzerland Has Nothing on US – BANNED 7X |

Lost Underground City Of The Grand Canyon – An Archaeological Cover-Up? | WorldTruth.Tv

Russia-China Move Rapidly To Remake World While America Continues To Self Destruct


The US is running out of bombs — and it may soon struggle to make more

North Korea Comes Crawling Back: Stresses "Desperate Need" For Summit "Whenever, However" | Zero Hedge

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Elite Loony Democrat's Mid-Term Elections Crumbling Nationwide

America - We Are Getting Sicker Every Day


(1442) America - Getting Sicker By The Day - YouTube


America is becoming sicker by the day.

You the viewer call us every day how sick you are and the pain you are in so we have created this program to help you.

Cancer rates are sky rocketing

Arthritis is skyrocketing

HIV rates are skyrocketing

Blood disorders are skyrocketing

ADHD rates are sky rocketing

Autism rates are sky rocketing

Pain in most Americans is also skyrocketing.

When you are sick - nothing else matters - right?

Of course - this has nothing to do with the chemicals in the air and food the GMO foods and the electronics now pummeling our planet.


Ronnie - you have managed to put together 3 oils that - when combined - do amazing things to our bodies.

I am getting call after call about things like:

1) My mom is in a rest home and I began giving her 10 drops of the Ancient Life Oil and she began to remember me

2) My pain has subsided so can think clearly now.

Tell me some of the stories you are getting on the phone about what this Ancient Life oil is doing for your customers:

Its time we pray for your family and again pray for the President’s Safety.

Be ready folks for what is coming.

These stories come from you - the viewer

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Arthritis Rates are Skyrocketing – A Paleo/Evolutionary Solution

Philippines' Duterte Mocks Condom Use Amid Skyrocketing HIV Rates : The Two-Way : NPR

Blood & Dangers with Rhogam FM Autism the skyrocketing epidemic | ProHealth Fibromyalgia, ME/CFS and Lyme Disease Forums

Pahala catching summit’s drift with ash ‘coating everything’ - Hawaii Tribune-Herald

Rates of ADHD Are Skyrocketing, But That’s a Good Thing

Alzheimer's deaths are skyrocketing, CDC reports - CBS News

YouTube says natural medicine CBD videos are dangerous to society just like bomb-making videos –

Elites Angry As Advanced Russian Medical Technology Hits US

Elite Loony Democrat's Mid-Term Elections Crumbling Nationwide

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Mid-Term Elections Of Lefty Loony's Peters Out


Attention: Mid-Term Blue-Wave Election Petering Out - YouTube

Brought to you by Ancient Life Oil

  A most Amazing product

In an incredible report by Reuters apparently the Blue Wave is the Mid-Term Elections has fizzled out.

America has had enough of these Loony Lefties in the Democratic Socialist Party we now know as the NAZI party - home of such heroes as Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin and Mao Tse Tung, Barach Obama and the Frazzled Rat.

People have had enough.

Despite the fact that over half the Demo NAZI’s running for office are now Intel Agents with unlimited budgets using OUR TAX DOLLARS America has apparently had enough.

Their entire agenda is to create a massive Plague and Nuclear Conflict to kill 7 Billion Humans.


Reuters - of course - gives fake numbers as their creator has admitted at private parties they lie in every poll for money.

In our polls - all across the nation  - even here in the Loony Lefty NAZI areas of Seattle - Legal Voters who are expected to vote outnumber the Loony Lefties 3 to 1.

That is a very significant margin - 3 to 1.

Unfortunately - President Trump has not ordered those who commit election fraud to be arrested for Treason or even election fraud. Until he gets the guts to stand up like a man - the Intelligence Community will ram these Loony Lefties down our throats no matter what the real vote is.

Pray President Trump has the Guts to contain Voter Fraud this election.

Further - the Rank and File of the FBI has had enough of their leaders ordering the complete and utter destruction of America.

It is these Mid-Level FBI and CIA agents who have assisted us in stooping so many Presidential Assassinations and seized so many Nukes ready to  go off in this nation over the last 12 years.

Many of these agents have kids, grandkids, wives, parents - all of who they do not relish the udea that they will be killed in a Nuclear Exchange put together by these Fallen Angels and their Misled Workers like Robert Mueller and James Comey at the top.

Many are now petitioning Congress to Subpoenae them into a hearing so they can gain the full legal protection against these Lucifarian Murdering Scum that now inhabit the upper levels of every US Agency and Department.

We shall see whether Congress has the guts to open this case wide open or whether President Trump has the guts to arrest these Rats at the top who are still trying to kill him and start a full scale Nuclear Conflict.

A Nuclear Plot is being put to bed this very moment near Vandenberg Air Force Base to start this Nuclear Conflict.

Israel now has 5 Submarines sitting off the North Korean Coast ready to launch about 35 Nukes and are currently waiting for the “Go Ahead” after the Nuke is detonated at the Air Force base.

SERCO is ready to send out the stories that the North Koreans blew up Vandenberg Air Force base, the Israeli Subs will launch their nukes claiming North Korea started a Nuclear Conflict and Voila - Planet Earth ceases to exist

Current targets now include Beijing, Soul, Pujong, and a dozen South Korean Cities as well as Tokyo and Manilla and 29 other cities.

This is why the Israel High Command is currently in their Deep Underground Bunkers.

Further - Angela Merkel has ensured that the location of these Submarines (Built in Germany) is know to her at all times so she too can go into her deep underground bunker at the right time.

What I can’t figure out is if they crack this planet in up into a billion pieces - what good are their bunkers?

Pray that this Nuke is fully stopped and does not get detonated near Vandenberg tonight or tomorrow.

Again - pray that President Trump gets the guts to arrest those trying to Blow This Planet Into a Billion Pieces.



1) The University of Southern California in under investigation for excluding men in their Women’s Studies Courses.

Hey - if Girls are allowed in the Boy Scouts, why can’t boys be allowed in the Girl Scouts, right?

If Girls are allowed In Men’s Study Classes why can’t men be allowed in  to Women’s Study Courses?

These Blue Loony Lefties have gone insane using OUR TAX DOLLARS.

2) A Legal Precedent was set when a New York State Supreme Court Justice ordered a 30 year old son out of his parent’s house.

This filthy nutcase moved back into his parent’s house 8 years ago and in January of this year they had enough and legally evicted him - but he refused to go.

So now the New York Supreme Court has ruled that parents have the right to evict their children

3) Deutsche Bank has announced they are officially laying off 10% of hteir work force. It will top 20% by the end of the year.

For all the tea in China I would not wish to be in the shoes off any CEO at this bank

When their investors determine why they are bankrupt - but they were warned by GOD - wowzers…



The living GOD will now accelerate his actions against those who have ignored him. So he has said it - so it shall be.


1) In the Loony left update Bill Nye The Science Guy - a PBS creation using OUR TAX DOLLARS - has stated openly and without laughing that taxing cow farts is a fantastic idea because Cow Farts cause Global Warming.

2) In yet another Loony Lefty article apparently they agree that Cow Flatulence is the main cause of Global Warming.

3) Yet in another Loony Lefty report by Metro - it is not Cow Flatulence but Cow Burps that are destroying the Earth and causing Global warming.

Is it any wonder that no one will vote for these Blue Democratic Loony Lefty’s any more?


1) In a recent study doctors at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology cannot figure out why women with Breast Cancer get cancer after a Mastectomy.

In fact - the ten year survival rates for all types of cancer remains at 5%, and has been for over 80 years now.

Perhaps the doctors never really addressed the caused of cancer, ya think?

We published the cure in the US Army in 1946 - over 72 years ago and it remains the same today.

2) Breast Cancer Drug Lapatinib, in a recent study, has been shown to  accelerate cancer cell growth - go figure.

3) Scientists warn that 5G Technology now used in LED Street Lamps is now only causing weight gain and cancer, but also insomnia, nosebleeds and stillbirths.

These LED lights you use in your home emit the same frequencies found in these street lights.

In Gatesburg in Northern England, citizens are reporting an array of weird symptoms after the LED Street Lights were installed across their city. Mark Steele, a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers - IEEE, has openly reported to his society that  since the installation of these LEDs across town the reports of Neurological Disorders has been skyrocketing.

And Doctors cannot determine the causes of cancer.



Its time we pray for your family and again pray for the President’s Safety.

Be ready folks for what is coming.

These stories come from you - the viewer

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Trut


"Blue Wave" Crashes On Shores Of Reality: GOP Takes Lead In Midterms Poll For First Time | Zero Hedge

Rank And File FBI Agents "Sickened" By Comey And McCabe Want To "Come Forward And Testify" | Zero Hedge

World Holds Breath As Israel Prepares To Launch Massive Missile Strikes On North Korea


USC Under Federal Investigation For Anti-Male Discrimination | Zero Hedge

"I Want You Out": Judge Orders Man, 30, To Move Out Of Parents' Home | Zero Hedge

Deutsche Bank To Fire 10,000 Employees: 1 In Every 10 | Zero Hedge

Bill Nye: Taxing Cow Farts a 'Fantastic Thing for the World'

Cow burps rather than farts are destroying the earth's atmosphere | Metro News

Breast cancer drug lapatinib ACCELERATES cancer cell growth, concludes new study –

Scientists warn that 5G tech found in WiFi street lamps is causing insomnia, nosebleeds, and stillbirths –