(1263) Prepare For Huge Tax Increases - YouTube
You thought taxes were high now - prepare for a huge increase nation wide.
For years large Pension Funds have been overseen by some type of Federally Mandated Insurance Company that was supposed to conduct “Oversight” into their activities.
In 2014 the US Treasury changed and the New Federal Insurance Office under the Dodd-Frank Act took over as an Oversight Organization.
Now most of these “Insured Pension Funds” are running out of money because the US Treasury allowed 2 things to illegally take place under the last president:
1) The Pension Funds are still illegally giving huge sums of cash to the Democratic Socialist (NAZI) party.
2) Much of the Fund Dollars have been rerouted into the state General Funds - where they currently sit in large banks doing nothing.
California alone, according to their Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - has around $500 Billion sitting in banks across the nation.
So now the Federal Reserve System - a Foreign Owned Corporation - is proposing an additional 1% tax on all American Residential Homes in Illinois, followed by one across the nation.
So if you own a home worth $300,000, for example, you will pay an additional $3,000 a year on taxes.
Senior Citizen and Low Income Discounts will not apply.
So rather than obeying existing laws - this Foreign Corporation is planning to raise taxes illegally.
If this is allowed to stand the overall goal here is to raise this to 3% of your home to stabilize their income as the dollar falls in value.
What this means is that taxes will sky rocket. The taxes, for example on a $300,000 home will go up an additional $9,000 per year as the dollar falls - leaving a home owner with an average of around $1,800 in taxes per month.
In a more personal example if you are living on say $1,200 a month on Social Security in a $150,000 home your taxes paid under the Senior Low Income housing is around $25 a month. Now the Federal Reserve System Corporation plans to raise that to over $475 per month over the next year.
In our case we already pay around $500 a month in taxes and it will raise our tax load to around $1,300 per month.
Just think of what it will do to renters rates just so a few people living on Treasury Insured Pensions can keep up their standard of living.
The slow squeeze just go a whole lot faster, didn’t it?
Why Doesn’t the US Treasury or the US Corporation sell some of it’s $ Trillions in Stocks and Bonds to fund this?
Please pray that the US Treasury does it’s job an seizes these Pension Funds and returns the stolen cash to these funds immediately.
1) Deutsche Bank - the German Bank that holds all other European Banks together - is coming unwound thanks to the actions of the last President in dumping $ trillions of worthless Hedge Funds into their portfolio.
Further - by not following GOD Deutsche and it’s CEO’s have chosen Suicide over financial success.
If they come unglued financially, so too will most European Banks.
Since the “U.S. Corporation” owns the “Euro-Nations Corporation” and is pegged to the Euro - the Euro Unwinds, the Dollar unwinds.
According to an Intel Brief I had a few weeks ago - the Euro will tumble and then 2 weeks later the dollar will tumble. This is supposed to occur in the winter for a “Maximum Kill” but President Trump is trying to force the Financial Reset to occur in the Summer.
With NO gold to back the dollar it will fall hard.
2) Major Bank Structural Changes are now taking place at the highest levels.
There have been multiple Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) filings made by the US Agencies that will result in the shut down of many banks that operate within the Rothchild’s Realm.
Exactly which banks will close, and when, we do not know but they are scheduled to begin shortly.
Pray that the disruption will be small and your family is taken care of.
3) As a final note - no one wants to purchase Poisonous US GMO crops.
For years the US produced huge amounts of food and literally “Fed The World.”
With the advent of GMO foods and the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals destroying the southern California Agriculture Crops by cutting off their water supply - US Crop Production has been falling drastically.
What this means is that we are about to get very high prices across the board as our dollar now begins to fall in value and food price3s increase.
Please pray that our families learn to make more money ASAP
Thank ou Trade Genius.
Its time we pray for your family and again pray for the President’s Safety.
Be ready folks for what is coming.
These stories come from you - the viewer
YOU have a voice
The News You Need
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
An "Audible Gasp" Was Heard When The Chicago Fed Unveiled Its "Solution" To The Pension Problem | Zero Hedge
How Should the State of Illinois Pay for its Unfunded Pension Liability? The Case for a Statewide Residential Property Tax | Midwest Economy
Navigating Pension Reform in Illinois: What Lies Ahead? | The Civic Federation
Deutsche Bank: A SD Exclusive Crash Course On What Could Blow Up The Global Financial System | Silver Doctors
Jim Willie: The Global Reset Challenge - It's Not Fantasy But Very Real And In Progress | Silver Doctors
TradeGenius Academy | Learn how to stock trade like the pros!
Trade Genius - YouTube - YouTube
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Saturday, May 12, 2018
More Swamp Creatures Rounded Up Like Rats
(1248) More Swamp Creatures Rounded Up Like Rats - YouTube
Brought to you by Trade Genius - a Serious Trading Company for Serious Traders
Bad Boys, What ya gonna do When they come for you, bad boys bad boys.
And yet another Bad Boy Swamp Creature has been smoked out of his hole.
This time the man is Stefan Halper inserted deep into the Trump Campaign by none other than James Comey, former director of the FBI.
James Comey inserted this RAT into the Trump Campaign using FBI Dollars and Dollars received from the Clinton Foundation to discredit President Trump and cause him to stumble and loose the election.
This would have place the Frazzled Rat in as President and dismantled the United States within her first 30 days in office - causing an Internal Revolution, and a Massive World Wide Nuclear Conflict which would have ended Planet Earth.
Thanks to the help of allot of insiders in the Intelligence Community who do not wish to see their Children and Grand Children fried in a massive Nuclear War these Deep State Rats are now being exposed at an ever increasing rate - to be dealt with by President Trump’s own internal Intelligence Agency.
Either you stand with Lucifer and the Deep State and continue to work towards the destruction of Planet Earth or you stand with GOD and assist the President in exposing these Freakish Evil Loony Toon Lefty NAZIs.
There is no middle ground here and as viewers 99% of you are now praying that these Evil Loony’s are exposed and dealt with in such a way that they can never act against GOD again.
Other Deep State Swamp Rats now being exposed include people like FBI Counter Terror Chief Peter Strozok, Andrew McCabe, Senator Traitor McCain, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, the Frazzled Rat and her 5 doubles and her “Husband” - the list goes on and on.
The Russian Intelligence Agencies have been assisting with ratting out these Loony’s out as well as their leaders do not wish to see the end of the Human Race.
Unfortunately- the Chinese have not assisted much at all as their greed now consumes them and the Living GOD will now humble their leaders. So HE has said it, so it shall be.
Further - the French, British, and Canadian Intelligence Agencies - leaders in their Lucifarian Worshipping Cult, have also not lent much assistance in the routing out of these Rats ==== although there have been some notable exceptions - like when 2 Chinese submarines seized a Rothchilds Personal Submarine carrying a Nuke headed to blow Rome up into little tiny pieces after we alerted them of this plot just as Pope Francis took the Thrown 5 years ago.
385 AD - the Pope is the Holy Roman Emperor.
So now it is all exposed for the world to see and either these men will Sing like Canaries or face the wrath of some pretty powerful folks who do not wish to see this planet destroyed.
One of the things these Swamp creatures are about to face is some pretty peaceful Powerful armies - not including the Mafia as well..
Black Water was started by two men - one of which now runs President trump’s private Intelligence Force.
The other man Erik Prince - literally has a Private Mercenary Army that spans the globe.
They are not tied to “affirmative Action” or the “Loony Lefty Rules of Engagement” now plaguing the US military.
If they are paid to do a job - they just get it done.
Eric Prince receives Billions every year from the US Department of defense, as well as Dozens of other nations and Eric does not wish to see this planet go up in smoke either.
As such his company is now working with President Trump to put an end to these Loony Swamp Creatures bent on World Annihilation.
My military experience with these Hot Shots is: Give them what they need and get out of their way.
Thanks to Eric Prince - outsourcing our military is a thing that is now the norm.
One wonders how Elon Musk can steal a company away from it’s owners, raise dollars from Stocks and Bonds and then launder it to develop AI programs for the Super Duper Top Secret Space Program run by Lockheed Martin out of Bethesda Maryland?
Apparently Tesla’s Chief Engineer wonders the same thing and just left the company for a “Sabbatical.“
Doug Field - just left.
Elon Musk is also involved in the Boring Company in Los Angeles - building more Subways using machines to bore holes developed 120 years ago - instead of the Heat Boring Machines now used in our Underground cities.
Here is the Caveat - he also runs Space X - which was not created to launch Satellites but use OUR Taxes to test out different metals and plastics for our Space Program.
So Elon Musk is allowed to conduct Money Laundering and theft, steal companies, and destroy people as long as it is for the Space Program.
Don’t think Elon Musk is the First Murderer and Money Launderer for Lockheed Martin’s Super Duper Space Program.
Way back in 1983 the Nuclear Energy Commission - part of the Department of defense - stole $8.9 Billion Dollars in bonds to construct 3 Nuclear Reactors to process Uranium 238 - a Waste Byproduct of making Uranium 235 for Nuclear Weapons - into Plutonium 239 to make more Nuclear Weapons and they are still dumping the waste all over Washington and Idaho.
Anyone who thinks Nuclear Reactor’s Primary Purpose is to produce electricity is misled - it is to produce Weapons Grade Plutonium and Plutonium to power our Super Duper Star Ships controlled by Lockheed Martin.
Please pray these actions cease immediately.
NASA is now going to test Sperm in Space.
So get ready Super Duper Space Program your men are about to get allot of companionship.
May I suggest Immusist & Citricare from Ebay and the 8th Element from to “Spice It Up?”
Tomorrow - if we are lucky - we may have a guest on to discuss our economy and what we can do to stay ahead of the game.
Its time we pray for your family and again pray for the President’s Safety.
Be ready folks for what is coming.
These stories come from you - the viewer
YOU have a voice
The News You Need
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
World In Shock After CIA-MI6 Operative Stefan Halper Confirmed As Mole FBI Director Comey Used To Destroy Trump
McCain Defends Giving Trump Dossier to Comey: ‘Duty Demanded I Do’ It
Limbaugh: Mueller's Investigation 'a Cover-up' of Obama DOJ, FBI Effort to Destroy Trump Presidency | Breitbart
Mapping Erik Prince's Private Mercenary Empire | Zero Hedge
Tesla’s Engineering Chief Takes Leave of Absence at Pivotal Moment - WSJ
Elon Musk unveils video of his first underground L.A. tunnel, predicts rides within months
Space Webcasts: SpaceX's 1st Falcon 9 Block 5 Launch Replay
Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Wikipedia
NRC: Home Page
NASA starts space study to see if sperm can still function in weightless environments –
(1248) More Swamp Creatures Rounded Up Like Rats - YouTube
Brought to you by Trade Genius - a Serious Trading Company for Serious Traders
Bad Boys, What ya gonna do When they come for you, bad boys bad boys.
And yet another Bad Boy Swamp Creature has been smoked out of his hole.
This time the man is Stefan Halper inserted deep into the Trump Campaign by none other than James Comey, former director of the FBI.
James Comey inserted this RAT into the Trump Campaign using FBI Dollars and Dollars received from the Clinton Foundation to discredit President Trump and cause him to stumble and loose the election.
This would have place the Frazzled Rat in as President and dismantled the United States within her first 30 days in office - causing an Internal Revolution, and a Massive World Wide Nuclear Conflict which would have ended Planet Earth.
Thanks to the help of allot of insiders in the Intelligence Community who do not wish to see their Children and Grand Children fried in a massive Nuclear War these Deep State Rats are now being exposed at an ever increasing rate - to be dealt with by President Trump’s own internal Intelligence Agency.
Either you stand with Lucifer and the Deep State and continue to work towards the destruction of Planet Earth or you stand with GOD and assist the President in exposing these Freakish Evil Loony Toon Lefty NAZIs.
There is no middle ground here and as viewers 99% of you are now praying that these Evil Loony’s are exposed and dealt with in such a way that they can never act against GOD again.
Other Deep State Swamp Rats now being exposed include people like FBI Counter Terror Chief Peter Strozok, Andrew McCabe, Senator Traitor McCain, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, the Frazzled Rat and her 5 doubles and her “Husband” - the list goes on and on.
The Russian Intelligence Agencies have been assisting with ratting out these Loony’s out as well as their leaders do not wish to see the end of the Human Race.
Unfortunately- the Chinese have not assisted much at all as their greed now consumes them and the Living GOD will now humble their leaders. So HE has said it, so it shall be.
Further - the French, British, and Canadian Intelligence Agencies - leaders in their Lucifarian Worshipping Cult, have also not lent much assistance in the routing out of these Rats ==== although there have been some notable exceptions - like when 2 Chinese submarines seized a Rothchilds Personal Submarine carrying a Nuke headed to blow Rome up into little tiny pieces after we alerted them of this plot just as Pope Francis took the Thrown 5 years ago.
385 AD - the Pope is the Holy Roman Emperor.
So now it is all exposed for the world to see and either these men will Sing like Canaries or face the wrath of some pretty powerful folks who do not wish to see this planet destroyed.
One of the things these Swamp creatures are about to face is some pretty peaceful Powerful armies - not including the Mafia as well..
Black Water was started by two men - one of which now runs President trump’s private Intelligence Force.
The other man Erik Prince - literally has a Private Mercenary Army that spans the globe.
They are not tied to “affirmative Action” or the “Loony Lefty Rules of Engagement” now plaguing the US military.
If they are paid to do a job - they just get it done.
Eric Prince receives Billions every year from the US Department of defense, as well as Dozens of other nations and Eric does not wish to see this planet go up in smoke either.
As such his company is now working with President Trump to put an end to these Loony Swamp Creatures bent on World Annihilation.
My military experience with these Hot Shots is: Give them what they need and get out of their way.
Thanks to Eric Prince - outsourcing our military is a thing that is now the norm.
One wonders how Elon Musk can steal a company away from it’s owners, raise dollars from Stocks and Bonds and then launder it to develop AI programs for the Super Duper Top Secret Space Program run by Lockheed Martin out of Bethesda Maryland?
Apparently Tesla’s Chief Engineer wonders the same thing and just left the company for a “Sabbatical.“
Doug Field - just left.
Elon Musk is also involved in the Boring Company in Los Angeles - building more Subways using machines to bore holes developed 120 years ago - instead of the Heat Boring Machines now used in our Underground cities.
Here is the Caveat - he also runs Space X - which was not created to launch Satellites but use OUR Taxes to test out different metals and plastics for our Space Program.
So Elon Musk is allowed to conduct Money Laundering and theft, steal companies, and destroy people as long as it is for the Space Program.
Don’t think Elon Musk is the First Murderer and Money Launderer for Lockheed Martin’s Super Duper Space Program.
Way back in 1983 the Nuclear Energy Commission - part of the Department of defense - stole $8.9 Billion Dollars in bonds to construct 3 Nuclear Reactors to process Uranium 238 - a Waste Byproduct of making Uranium 235 for Nuclear Weapons - into Plutonium 239 to make more Nuclear Weapons and they are still dumping the waste all over Washington and Idaho.
Anyone who thinks Nuclear Reactor’s Primary Purpose is to produce electricity is misled - it is to produce Weapons Grade Plutonium and Plutonium to power our Super Duper Star Ships controlled by Lockheed Martin.
Please pray these actions cease immediately.
NASA is now going to test Sperm in Space.
So get ready Super Duper Space Program your men are about to get allot of companionship.
May I suggest Immusist & Citricare from Ebay and the 8th Element from to “Spice It Up?”
Tomorrow - if we are lucky - we may have a guest on to discuss our economy and what we can do to stay ahead of the game.
Its time we pray for your family and again pray for the President’s Safety.
Be ready folks for what is coming.
These stories come from you - the viewer
YOU have a voice
The News You Need
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
World In Shock After CIA-MI6 Operative Stefan Halper Confirmed As Mole FBI Director Comey Used To Destroy Trump
McCain Defends Giving Trump Dossier to Comey: ‘Duty Demanded I Do’ It
Limbaugh: Mueller's Investigation 'a Cover-up' of Obama DOJ, FBI Effort to Destroy Trump Presidency | Breitbart
Mapping Erik Prince's Private Mercenary Empire | Zero Hedge
Tesla’s Engineering Chief Takes Leave of Absence at Pivotal Moment - WSJ
Elon Musk unveils video of his first underground L.A. tunnel, predicts rides within months
Space Webcasts: SpaceX's 1st Falcon 9 Block 5 Launch Replay
Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Wikipedia
NRC: Home Page
NASA starts space study to see if sperm can still function in weightless environments –
Friday, May 11, 2018
Huge Spy Ring Unwinds In Ameirca
(1235) Huge Spy Ring Unfolds Across America - YouTube
Brought to you by Trade Genius - a Serious Trading Company for Serious Traders
Over the last few years China has crippled the CIA in China by executing 20 CIA Spies - at least that is what they are admitting.
Inside sources clearly state that the Entire CIA Spy ring was completely dismantled in the country and hundreds of Spies simply - Vanished.
This whole affair began when China began sending the Clintons Hundreds of Millions of US Dollars to help them politically in 1995 in violation of US and Chinese Election Laws and in return President Clinton compromised our entire intelligence community - something known as “China Gate”
Over the last 12 years it did not help that every step of the way not only did the CIA not listen to what GOD said over and over again - they often times did exactly the opposite.
It’s almost like - they purposely tried to commit suicide - and they have.
Not only are there foreign agents being killed now in mass their entire Data Base has been fully compromised.
What makes matters worse is the FBI is responsible for stopping Domestic Spying and all they did was fund it.
So now - across the nation - we have Chinese Spy Rings operating and stealing trade secrets and teaching kids on college campuses the “Wonders” of Communism & Socialism.
There are some great agents that are patriots in these agencies doing a great job for America, it is too bad their leadership wants them dead - why else would they let their entire Data Base be compromised.
Did we not warn them of how they were going to break into the main US Data base, when they were going to do it, who was involved, weeks before it happened?
Apparently these Intelligence Leaders never learned the phrase:
John Wayne once said: Life is hard, it’s harder if you’re stupid.
Please pray that the 78 US Intelligence Agencies are cleaned of Stupid, un-patriotic people.
Please also pray that when we give a warning about something before it happens - like the 3/11 Fukushima Disaster or a volcano getting worse - like in Hawaii - they listen and act to save lives.
1) America’s Newest Nuclear Powered Air Craft Carrier Suffers Breakdown At Sea, just like we said it would last week.
Yup - Just like we told the Intel Geeks right here on You Tube our latest carrier is broken - a swollen propellar shaft caused by an Air Bubble blew out it’s bearings.
In other words - a 90,000 ton US Naval Ship is crippled because the did not listen to what GOD told them.
Stupid Is as Stupid Does
2) The volcanoe on Hawaii is getting much worse, just like GOD said it would get here a few days ago.
Finally- finally they are evacuating most of the Island.
I guess the state of Hawaii needed a written invitation before they got their act together, right?
3) Starbucks has now become America’s largest public restroom. Thanks to a new policy the restrooms are now open to the anyone.
4) Stormy Daniels - A Fading Porn Star with no real parts - hired an attorney named Michael Avenatti.
This Slimy “Attorney” paid the FBI to acquire President Trump’s and Michael Cohen’s financial records and tried to present them in court to harass the President.
Now President Trump is fighting back as this “Attorney” may soon face sever legal troubles by declaring himself an attorney illegally and committing Treason after loosing his case in court.
Apparently this little stunt has gotten Stormy Daniels, and her Fake Attorney, into some real trouble.
5) Twitter now cranks up it’s Censorship of the news and the FCC and President Trump do nothing to stop this monopoly from controlling the news.
Pray President Trump grows stones below the belt and stops the censorship of the truth.
6) The reunification talks between North and South Korea will take place in Singapore 12 June.
Please pray for success there and for President Trump’s Safety and that those employed by the Chinese Intelligence Agency to clog the sewers and harass the President during this trip are “Pooped On” before they can clog the sewers of the hotels in central Singapore on 11 June using construction equipment.
1) Coast Guard Cutter “James” just unloaded 6 tons of Raw Cocaine seized over the last few weeks just outside of Florida.
2) Since taking office President Trump has brought home 14 Americans detained abroad.
So please pray for President Trump’s Safety.
The continued eruption of the Hawaiian Island Volcano is happening new across the globe.
Either we unite as a planet immediately or there may not be a planet in the near future.
Its time we pray for your family and again pray for the President’s Safety.
Be ready folks for what is coming.
These stories come from you - the viewer
YOU have a voice
The News You Need
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
Russia Slams American Hypocrisy For China “Free Pass” After Nearly 20 CIA Agents Executed And Beheaded
China crippled CIA by killing US sources, says New York Times - BBC News
U.S. indicts Jerry Chun Shing Lee, ex-CIA officer suspected of passing info to Chinese agents - CBS News
SOS: America's Newest Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier Suffers Breakdown At Sea | Zero Hedge
Toxic Gas, Massive Explosion Fears Mount As Lava Nears Hawaii Power Plant | Zero Hedge
Starbucks Becomes America's Largest Public Restroom | Zero Hedge
Avenatti Exposed: Stormy's Lawyer May Face Disbarrment, Legal Action As Past Catches Up | Zero Hedge
The Death Of Free Speech: Twitter Ramps Up 'Censorship' Of "Hate Facts" | Zero Hedge
Singapore Prepares for North Korea Summit | One America News Network
Coast Guard unloads 6 tons of seized cocaine in Florida
Trump Era Brings Home 14 Unjustly Detained Americans and Counting | Breitbart
(1235) Huge Spy Ring Unfolds Across America - YouTube
Brought to you by Trade Genius - a Serious Trading Company for Serious Traders
Over the last few years China has crippled the CIA in China by executing 20 CIA Spies - at least that is what they are admitting.
Inside sources clearly state that the Entire CIA Spy ring was completely dismantled in the country and hundreds of Spies simply - Vanished.
This whole affair began when China began sending the Clintons Hundreds of Millions of US Dollars to help them politically in 1995 in violation of US and Chinese Election Laws and in return President Clinton compromised our entire intelligence community - something known as “China Gate”
Over the last 12 years it did not help that every step of the way not only did the CIA not listen to what GOD said over and over again - they often times did exactly the opposite.
It’s almost like - they purposely tried to commit suicide - and they have.
Not only are there foreign agents being killed now in mass their entire Data Base has been fully compromised.
What makes matters worse is the FBI is responsible for stopping Domestic Spying and all they did was fund it.
So now - across the nation - we have Chinese Spy Rings operating and stealing trade secrets and teaching kids on college campuses the “Wonders” of Communism & Socialism.
There are some great agents that are patriots in these agencies doing a great job for America, it is too bad their leadership wants them dead - why else would they let their entire Data Base be compromised.
Did we not warn them of how they were going to break into the main US Data base, when they were going to do it, who was involved, weeks before it happened?
Apparently these Intelligence Leaders never learned the phrase:
John Wayne once said: Life is hard, it’s harder if you’re stupid.
Please pray that the 78 US Intelligence Agencies are cleaned of Stupid, un-patriotic people.
Please also pray that when we give a warning about something before it happens - like the 3/11 Fukushima Disaster or a volcano getting worse - like in Hawaii - they listen and act to save lives.
1) America’s Newest Nuclear Powered Air Craft Carrier Suffers Breakdown At Sea, just like we said it would last week.
Yup - Just like we told the Intel Geeks right here on You Tube our latest carrier is broken - a swollen propellar shaft caused by an Air Bubble blew out it’s bearings.
In other words - a 90,000 ton US Naval Ship is crippled because the did not listen to what GOD told them.
Stupid Is as Stupid Does
2) The volcanoe on Hawaii is getting much worse, just like GOD said it would get here a few days ago.
Finally- finally they are evacuating most of the Island.
I guess the state of Hawaii needed a written invitation before they got their act together, right?
3) Starbucks has now become America’s largest public restroom. Thanks to a new policy the restrooms are now open to the anyone.
4) Stormy Daniels - A Fading Porn Star with no real parts - hired an attorney named Michael Avenatti.
This Slimy “Attorney” paid the FBI to acquire President Trump’s and Michael Cohen’s financial records and tried to present them in court to harass the President.
Now President Trump is fighting back as this “Attorney” may soon face sever legal troubles by declaring himself an attorney illegally and committing Treason after loosing his case in court.
Apparently this little stunt has gotten Stormy Daniels, and her Fake Attorney, into some real trouble.
5) Twitter now cranks up it’s Censorship of the news and the FCC and President Trump do nothing to stop this monopoly from controlling the news.
Pray President Trump grows stones below the belt and stops the censorship of the truth.
6) The reunification talks between North and South Korea will take place in Singapore 12 June.
Please pray for success there and for President Trump’s Safety and that those employed by the Chinese Intelligence Agency to clog the sewers and harass the President during this trip are “Pooped On” before they can clog the sewers of the hotels in central Singapore on 11 June using construction equipment.
1) Coast Guard Cutter “James” just unloaded 6 tons of Raw Cocaine seized over the last few weeks just outside of Florida.
2) Since taking office President Trump has brought home 14 Americans detained abroad.
So please pray for President Trump’s Safety.
The continued eruption of the Hawaiian Island Volcano is happening new across the globe.
Either we unite as a planet immediately or there may not be a planet in the near future.
Its time we pray for your family and again pray for the President’s Safety.
Be ready folks for what is coming.
These stories come from you - the viewer
YOU have a voice
The News You Need
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
Russia Slams American Hypocrisy For China “Free Pass” After Nearly 20 CIA Agents Executed And Beheaded
China crippled CIA by killing US sources, says New York Times - BBC News
U.S. indicts Jerry Chun Shing Lee, ex-CIA officer suspected of passing info to Chinese agents - CBS News
SOS: America's Newest Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier Suffers Breakdown At Sea | Zero Hedge
Toxic Gas, Massive Explosion Fears Mount As Lava Nears Hawaii Power Plant | Zero Hedge
Starbucks Becomes America's Largest Public Restroom | Zero Hedge
Avenatti Exposed: Stormy's Lawyer May Face Disbarrment, Legal Action As Past Catches Up | Zero Hedge
The Death Of Free Speech: Twitter Ramps Up 'Censorship' Of "Hate Facts" | Zero Hedge
Singapore Prepares for North Korea Summit | One America News Network
Coast Guard unloads 6 tons of seized cocaine in Florida
Trump Era Brings Home 14 Unjustly Detained Americans and Counting | Breitbart
Thursday, May 10, 2018
The Anatomy Of A Murder
(1221) Anatomy Of A Deep State Murder - YouTube
Brought to you by Trade Genius - a Serious Trading Company for Serious Traders
What you are about to learn here --- it reads like a spy novel.
Basically Seth Rich was moved to run the Democratic Socialist (NAZI) Party and learned a whole lot of things he did not want to know.
He turned the records - including Hillary’s Emails - over to Wikileaks - the CIA and they published them.
On 9 May the FBI Claimed that an FBI Car war broken into and a pistol stolen out of it - which was an absolute lie as part of the training received by FBI Agents ifs to mever, ever leave a pistol in a car - a car is not a Gun Safe.
Christopher Snyder was then contracted by the FBI to kill the NAZI Lover Seth Rich using this pistol at 4AM on 10 July 2016.
Of course - the question remains - why was Seth Rich roaming the streets of DC at 4AM?
The FBI then covered the whole thing up.
Those involved in their murder include the AWAN Brother s and DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Christopher Snyder then bought a house for $1 Million Dollars and walked across the street to kill Dr Mary Ann Snyder-Olsen and Danny Murphy.
Christopher Snyder was the supposedly killed by local police - Right?
Christopher Snyder’s Wife Kru Snyder was also a “Hit Woman” for the FBI.
So we can be assured that in the future this man pops up again and again killing for the FBI.
When there is a Mass Murder you can be assured that there is a connection to the Super Duper Top Secret Space Program run our of Bethesda, Maryland by Lockheed Martin.
So let’s follow this in succession:
1) There is a current Ebola outbreak in the Congo - which is loaded with the Mineral COLTAN used for wiring and hulls in our Space Program.
2) The Congo just approved the Ebola Vaccine for use in the area near the Outbreak.
Keep in mind that US Army FM 8-33 had the cure for E-Bola before the disease was discovered.
3) The Ebola vaccine (rVSV-ZEBOV) was created by National Microbiology Labs in Winnipeg, Canada which was licensed by NewLink Genetics - which in turn licensed it to Merc.
4) The owner of NewLink is Dr Link MD who has an office in Ohio but lives and works in Texas in Oncology - Cancer Clinics.
Keep in mind that the head of John Hopkins University medical School stated a few years ago at a Lucis Trust Seminar that we do not cure cancer patients but instead watch them die and in this way we may learn how to fight our way back into Heaven.
The Seminar is available on the internet.
Also keep in mind that the use of Citricare, Immusist and Sea Weed has a 100% cure rate for ALL types of cancer and we have been giving this stuff away now for over a decade.
5) Dr Link was appointed to the Air Force Academy by - yup - John Glenn - “First Man On The Moon” who is part of the Super Duper Top Secret Space Program.
And of course the American Flag did not wave in the wind at Area 51 Edwards Air Force base (I mean the moon) when he planted that flag there in 1969, right?
So there It is.
1) Not only is the VA using Mustard Gas (Lewisite) to kill cancer patients (I mean treat) at the VA Hospitals the USDA is slowly baking hundreds of kittens to see how long they live.
No arrests have been made of these perverts torturing these little baby kittens and no one was even fired.
The bonds for Royal Maya were backed by Gold and Silver held outside the United States. There would have been enough to stabilize the US Dollar world wide.
I am saddened that the US State Department got it’s ugly nose in the mix and the man who controls the gold was double crossed and pulled his backing before any of the bonds were actually sold so no international laws were violated.
The world are leaving for your grand children that is divided and splintered.
It will succumb to economic collapse and environmental collapse.
What you did to was -
GOD will now act. So HE has said it - so it shall be.
So please pray for President Trump’s Safety.
The continued eruption of the Hawaiian Island Volcano is happening new across the globe.
Either we unite as a planet immediately or there may not be a planet in the near future.
Its time we pray for your family and again pray for the President’s Safety.
Be ready folks for what is coming.
These stories come from you - the viewer
YOU have a voice
The News You Need
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
Assassin Of Hillary Clinton Email Leaker Seth Rich Gunned Down In Fierce Gun Battle That Leaves 4 Dead
Ebola Virus Outbreak in the Congo Kills 17 — Precision Vaccinations
Congo approves use of Ebola vaccination to fight outbreak | Top News | Reuters
rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine - Wikipedia
Charles J Link, Jr. | Oncology and Hematology Des Moines
Oncology - Wikipedia
Dr. Charles Link Jr., MD – Austin, TX | Oncology
Charles J. Link, MD, FACP
USDA caught murdering hundreds of kittens in “incineration ovens” as part of cruel medical experiments –
(1221) Anatomy Of A Deep State Murder - YouTube
Brought to you by Trade Genius - a Serious Trading Company for Serious Traders
What you are about to learn here --- it reads like a spy novel.
Basically Seth Rich was moved to run the Democratic Socialist (NAZI) Party and learned a whole lot of things he did not want to know.
He turned the records - including Hillary’s Emails - over to Wikileaks - the CIA and they published them.
On 9 May the FBI Claimed that an FBI Car war broken into and a pistol stolen out of it - which was an absolute lie as part of the training received by FBI Agents ifs to mever, ever leave a pistol in a car - a car is not a Gun Safe.
Christopher Snyder was then contracted by the FBI to kill the NAZI Lover Seth Rich using this pistol at 4AM on 10 July 2016.
Of course - the question remains - why was Seth Rich roaming the streets of DC at 4AM?
The FBI then covered the whole thing up.
Those involved in their murder include the AWAN Brother s and DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Christopher Snyder then bought a house for $1 Million Dollars and walked across the street to kill Dr Mary Ann Snyder-Olsen and Danny Murphy.
Christopher Snyder was the supposedly killed by local police - Right?
Christopher Snyder’s Wife Kru Snyder was also a “Hit Woman” for the FBI.
So we can be assured that in the future this man pops up again and again killing for the FBI.
When there is a Mass Murder you can be assured that there is a connection to the Super Duper Top Secret Space Program run our of Bethesda, Maryland by Lockheed Martin.
So let’s follow this in succession:
1) There is a current Ebola outbreak in the Congo - which is loaded with the Mineral COLTAN used for wiring and hulls in our Space Program.
2) The Congo just approved the Ebola Vaccine for use in the area near the Outbreak.
Keep in mind that US Army FM 8-33 had the cure for E-Bola before the disease was discovered.
3) The Ebola vaccine (rVSV-ZEBOV) was created by National Microbiology Labs in Winnipeg, Canada which was licensed by NewLink Genetics - which in turn licensed it to Merc.
4) The owner of NewLink is Dr Link MD who has an office in Ohio but lives and works in Texas in Oncology - Cancer Clinics.
Keep in mind that the head of John Hopkins University medical School stated a few years ago at a Lucis Trust Seminar that we do not cure cancer patients but instead watch them die and in this way we may learn how to fight our way back into Heaven.
The Seminar is available on the internet.
Also keep in mind that the use of Citricare, Immusist and Sea Weed has a 100% cure rate for ALL types of cancer and we have been giving this stuff away now for over a decade.
5) Dr Link was appointed to the Air Force Academy by - yup - John Glenn - “First Man On The Moon” who is part of the Super Duper Top Secret Space Program.
And of course the American Flag did not wave in the wind at Area 51 Edwards Air Force base (I mean the moon) when he planted that flag there in 1969, right?
So there It is.
1) Not only is the VA using Mustard Gas (Lewisite) to kill cancer patients (I mean treat) at the VA Hospitals the USDA is slowly baking hundreds of kittens to see how long they live.
No arrests have been made of these perverts torturing these little baby kittens and no one was even fired.
The bonds for Royal Maya were backed by Gold and Silver held outside the United States. There would have been enough to stabilize the US Dollar world wide.
I am saddened that the US State Department got it’s ugly nose in the mix and the man who controls the gold was double crossed and pulled his backing before any of the bonds were actually sold so no international laws were violated.
The world are leaving for your grand children that is divided and splintered.
It will succumb to economic collapse and environmental collapse.
What you did to was -
GOD will now act. So HE has said it - so it shall be.
So please pray for President Trump’s Safety.
The continued eruption of the Hawaiian Island Volcano is happening new across the globe.
Either we unite as a planet immediately or there may not be a planet in the near future.
Its time we pray for your family and again pray for the President’s Safety.
Be ready folks for what is coming.
These stories come from you - the viewer
YOU have a voice
The News You Need
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
Assassin Of Hillary Clinton Email Leaker Seth Rich Gunned Down In Fierce Gun Battle That Leaves 4 Dead
Ebola Virus Outbreak in the Congo Kills 17 — Precision Vaccinations
Congo approves use of Ebola vaccination to fight outbreak | Top News | Reuters
rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine - Wikipedia
Charles J Link, Jr. | Oncology and Hematology Des Moines
Oncology - Wikipedia
Dr. Charles Link Jr., MD – Austin, TX | Oncology
Charles J. Link, MD, FACP
USDA caught murdering hundreds of kittens in “incineration ovens” as part of cruel medical experiments –
Royal Mayan Announcement 10 May 2018
(1215) Royal Mayan Announcement #2 - YouTube
10 MAY 2018
Due to the Despicable Actions of the US State Department and the Roman Knights of Malta Inside Sources have told me that the Royal Mayan Gold and Silver Backed Bearer Bonds are no longer backed by Gold and Silver.
Buyer be ware.
They are currently backed by thin air.
When the Gold and Silver was acquired it was stored in vaults not inside the United States or Canada and NO - US State Department - you cannot have this Gold or Silver.
The Living GOD will now deal with the US State Department and the Roman Knights of Malta in an ever so harsh manner.
So HE has said it, so it shall be.
Stay tuned to this channel for further updates.
Thank you for your prayers and I refuse to participate in anything that is dishonest.
Ambassador, Dr William B. Mount
(1215) Royal Mayan Announcement #2 - YouTube
10 MAY 2018
Due to the Despicable Actions of the US State Department and the Roman Knights of Malta Inside Sources have told me that the Royal Mayan Gold and Silver Backed Bearer Bonds are no longer backed by Gold and Silver.
Buyer be ware.
They are currently backed by thin air.
When the Gold and Silver was acquired it was stored in vaults not inside the United States or Canada and NO - US State Department - you cannot have this Gold or Silver.
The Living GOD will now deal with the US State Department and the Roman Knights of Malta in an ever so harsh manner.
So HE has said it, so it shall be.
Stay tuned to this channel for further updates.
Thank you for your prayers and I refuse to participate in anything that is dishonest.
Ambassador, Dr William B. Mount
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