(1186) Lefty Loony Coup Goes Sideways - YouTube
Brought to you by Trade Genius - a Serious Trading Company for Serious Trader
Before we begin we would thank President Trump for pulling out of the “Iranian No Deal” where You the TAX PAYER must pay Iran $1 Trillion Dollars a year.
It was never signed by either party.
The last President set this deal up, flew transport after transport of OUR US Dollars to Iran - Billions upon Billions of dollars were given to their leaders and still their economy is falling.
President Trump put a quick end to that travesty the day he took office.
No Iran, No Saudi Arabia, No China - no more free money, no more free rice.
I believe up until President Trump became our President almost all of the Rice Grown in California was Short Grain Rice and shipped to China for free as part of the “Post Assistance Program’ after the end of WW2. The program just never ended thanks to the Socialist/Communists in the US State Department.
So finally - after 73 years - President Trump has ended the Free Money to Germany, France, Italy, etc and China under the Marshal Plan and their Socialist Economies are falling apart, as is Deutsche Bank.
Apparently Deutsche Bank is loosing around over 25,000 employees this year - a present from the Living GOD.
Too bad Deutsche - should have done what GOD asked you to do but it appears your CEOs aren’t that smart, are you?
Now - back to the attempted Coup going sideways.
Apparently the “Special Prosecutor“ Robert Mueller - he has apparently had a “Talking To.”
For 12 years this man, who’s father Heinrich Mueller ran the NAZI SS, has been trying to blow this planet into little pieces of dust - and somebody has been keeping records of his involvement in this crime.
The Elites work by gathering Black Mail material on everyone else and using it to gain both power and money. We are not in the game because we have never sworn loyalty to Lucifer.
Apparently President Trump has not only been taught how to play this game very well, he has allot of folks on his side who do not want to see Planet Earth turned into a Meteor Shower.
So up pops the Former New York Attorney General - a real Lucifarian Lefty Freak named Eric Schneiderman and he came against the President.
Well - within 24 hours 4 women he severely abused in Satanic Sacrifice Rituals came forward to tell exactly what kind of Sexual Pervert this attorney really is - voila - he disappears into Oblivion to face 4 separate Court Cases of Sexual Abuse, Physical Abuse, Rape and Modern Day Slavery.
President Trump and his staff are master players at this game and are now on the Offensive.
As or the 30,000 or so sealed Indictments issued by the Federal Court Systems they will never be carried out. They will, however, be used to keep these sick lefty Loony Lucifarains in line while he drains “The Swamp.”
Unfortunately - until President Trump does as GOD has asked him to do he will loose all that he loves. He will remain a strong president but will never be happy again. So GOD has said it - so it shall be.
Pray for his safety and that we can remain on You Tube to continue to save his life.
1) A young girl recently went to her High School Prom and wore a dress that was Oriental in design and the lefty’s went loony: “How could a White Girl honor the Chinese and wear a Chinese Inspired Dress.”
These lefties have gone utterly mad with hate.
2) Obama Care is about to implode - increasing in cost by almost 90% in some areas.
I have a friend that will now be paying almost $3,000 a month for health care for him and his daughter and there is a $5,000 deductible while Obama Care.
This insane Obama Care is also now running the VA Hospitals and is excluding VA Health Care for Physically Disabled Veterans.
3) Another Democrat Socialist (NAZI) - California Representative Eric Swalwell is now demanding “Assault Weapons” be banned and seized by police at Gun Point yet he cannot define what an Assualt Weapon is.
Another Lefty Loony Idiot put in office through Election Fraud.
4)The Boy Scouts are removing the world “Boy” from their title due to pressure by these Elite Lefty Nut Cases.
5) Google is announcing more Censorship for the Mid-Term Elections as the Worthless FCC and our President REFUSE to allow Free Speech on the Internet.
So until President Trump and Attorney’s General Jeff Sessions decide to get off their rear ends and enforce the Anti-Monopoly Laws the First Amendment is dead here on the Internet.
When President Trump Looses enough he may take action.
6) Finally - Deutsche Bank appears that it will now loose over 25,000 employees over the next year simply because of their Arrogant Ignorance in ignoring what GOD has asked them to do. So GOD has said it - so it shall be.
So CEO’s of Deutsche - you have lost 90% of your stock value and over 50% of your employees since you decided to ignored GOD?
If I were a stock holder who lost millions because you refused to do one thing that would have cost your bank around $10 - I would be very, very upset - but - stupid is as stupid does.
Watch and learn folks as GOD continues to tear them a New Rear End.
Smooth Move Exlax.
Do you not realize the consequences of coming against the Living GOD in our latest project?
Are you that stupid?
Now GOD will speak.
So HE has said it - so it shall be.
Its time we pray for your family and pray for the President’s Safety.
Be ready folks for what is coming.
These stories come from you - the viewer
YOU have a voice
The News You Need
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
President Trump Pulls U.S. from Iran Nuclear Deal | One America News Network
Ex: Schneiderman called me ‘brown slave,’ slapped me until I called him ‘Master’
The complete lunacy of the deranged Left’s “cultural appropriation” shaming scheme – NaturalNews.com
"Death Spiral": Obamacare Premiums May Soar As Much As 91% Next Year | Zero Hedge
Illegal aliens continue to commit child rape in the U.S. because the DC Swamp won’t give Trump the wall – NaturalNews.com
Democrats go full TYRANNY: Now demand nationwide gun confiscation from law-abiding Americans… at gunpoint, of course – NaturalNews.com
BOY SCOUTS self-destructing under the boot of liberalism… “boy” to be removed from its name – NaturalNews.com
Google Introduces New Election Ad Rules
The Purge Expands: Deutsche Bank Planning To Fire Up To 20% Of US Workers | Zero Hedge
Deutsche Bank shares fall to lowest level since mid-1980s | Business | The Guardian
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Monday, May 7, 2018
President's New Judges Rip Deep State to Pieces
(1172) President's New Judges Rip Deep State Apart - YouTube
Brought to you by Trade Genius - a Serious Trading Company for Serious Trader
Over the last few months the US Attorneys and Federal Judges President Trump has appointed are raising quite the ruckus in the camps of the Loony deep State Lucifarians.
These men and women he is appointing do not sway towards , or appreciate, these Loony Leftys. Further - these folks are sharp as a tack.
Judge Amul Thaper of the 6th Court of appeals, for example, jus upheld Michigan Counties practice of opening their meeting with a prayer.
Judge Amy Coney Barett of the 7th court of appeals just blocked the US EEO Commission from moving people based on Ethnicity.
They are now ruling in favor of police and prison guards, as well as ruling that an accused rapist be able to see their accusers.
This all started over 170 years ago when the European Press began stirring up a Civil War between the North and South in America.
This war between 1860 through most of 1865 as county after county were brought back into the united states of America cost both side enormous amounts of money.
In 1871, after Blackmailing the President, President Grant agreed to sign the Organic Act of 1871 - incorporating the America and replacing the united states of America with the Corporate United States of America as licensed in Virginia.
Fast forward to 9 March 1933 where the United States of America Corporation went into total bankruptcy and was dissolved, taken over by the Bankstas of the International Monetary Fund, which is owned by the Rothchilds. For exposing this Congressman Trafficant was jailed and murdered.
Now we find a New Corporate President Trump Appointed by the IMF as he seeks not only to stabilize the US Dollar and to return our nation back into a Manageable Corporation.
Many folks - like the last Presidential Appointees - are more interested in fulfilling the “UN PLAN” - Agenda 21 --- the murdering of over 7 Billion Humans on Planet Earth.
The problem with this is we have planted across this planet over 134 “Doomsday Weapons” and if they are jostled just the right way Planet Earth ceases to exist - we become a Meteor Shower.
So here we have Organizations like the FBI trying to start this massive world conflict that would lead to the end of Planet Earth.
There latest attempt will be in May as described in earlier videos.
So why any Sane Loony Democratic NAZI would cheer for another Major World Conflict that would lead to the end of Planet Earth is -- baffling - unless .. These Lefties were utterly suicidal and that would make them Insane, right?
So these Lefty Loony Toons are therefore - insane.
Today - as you read this - over 32 Volcanoes are going off simultaneously.
As the sun enlarges it is clear - those loony toons like the employees of Monsanto need to go away immediately and permanently.
Please pray that the War Monger and those gumming up our air, water and food are immediately and completely neutralized for eternity.
So as these Loonys and Snowflakes scream in an attempt to tear this planet apart let is look at some of the President’s Accomplishments in the few short months he has been here:
1) Work for Welfare
2) First woman head of CIA
3) We are seeing a Surplus in taxes now
4) New Rules for Fed: Hire the Best
5) Food Stamp Recipients drop in half as Illegals walk away from the program rather than face deportation.
6) Manufacturing jobs up over 1.5 million - first increase in 20 years
7) First Military budget signed in 10 years
8) President rolls back around $1 Trillion in Offshore Drilling Regulations - making the USA a Big Energy Exporter.
9) Domestic Mining up almost 30%
10) WW2 Ended
11) Korea Unification moving forward
The list goes on an on.
Unfortunately one thing he has not accomplished is taking care of Veterans who were physically injured in the service.
Apparently these Disabled Vets are now being sent to the State Welfare Departments across the nation. It appears that hospital “Financial Navigators” are aware of this and taking actions to help these vets.
As for health care while the Mental Cases receive Full medical Care by the VA as long as one takes their Opium and LSD Derivative Drugs - like Prozac. If you go to the VA and refuse these Mind altering Drugs we just found out that the Physically Disabled Veteran will get a “Mental Evaluation” that will be created by some clerk and classified as “Delusional.”
Pray that the President terminates funding for VA Health Care except for the Physically Disabled.
Its time we pray for your family and pray for the President’s Safety.
Be ready folks for what is coming.
These stories come from you - the viewer
YOU have a voice
The News You Need
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
Donald Trump's judges are ruling on politics, prayer, executions, race
THE ORGANIC ACT OF 1871 WITH NOTES | American National Militia
The Bankruptcy of the United States; James Traficant’s Speech | Adask's law
Special report: America's perpetual state of emergency
Top Trump Official Confirms To American People Existence Of “Deep State” Coup To Overthrow President Of The United States
BOMBSHELL VIDEO: Kallstrom Calls FBI a Criminal "Fifth Column" Running Illegal "Conspiracy" to Topple President Trump – True PunditTrue Pundit
The Deep State Goes to War With President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer
Donald J. Trump's Accomplishment's List | MAGA PILL
(1172) President's New Judges Rip Deep State Apart - YouTube
Brought to you by Trade Genius - a Serious Trading Company for Serious Trader
Over the last few months the US Attorneys and Federal Judges President Trump has appointed are raising quite the ruckus in the camps of the Loony deep State Lucifarians.
These men and women he is appointing do not sway towards , or appreciate, these Loony Leftys. Further - these folks are sharp as a tack.
Judge Amul Thaper of the 6th Court of appeals, for example, jus upheld Michigan Counties practice of opening their meeting with a prayer.
Judge Amy Coney Barett of the 7th court of appeals just blocked the US EEO Commission from moving people based on Ethnicity.
They are now ruling in favor of police and prison guards, as well as ruling that an accused rapist be able to see their accusers.
This all started over 170 years ago when the European Press began stirring up a Civil War between the North and South in America.
This war between 1860 through most of 1865 as county after county were brought back into the united states of America cost both side enormous amounts of money.
In 1871, after Blackmailing the President, President Grant agreed to sign the Organic Act of 1871 - incorporating the America and replacing the united states of America with the Corporate United States of America as licensed in Virginia.
Fast forward to 9 March 1933 where the United States of America Corporation went into total bankruptcy and was dissolved, taken over by the Bankstas of the International Monetary Fund, which is owned by the Rothchilds. For exposing this Congressman Trafficant was jailed and murdered.
Now we find a New Corporate President Trump Appointed by the IMF as he seeks not only to stabilize the US Dollar and to return our nation back into a Manageable Corporation.
Many folks - like the last Presidential Appointees - are more interested in fulfilling the “UN PLAN” - Agenda 21 --- the murdering of over 7 Billion Humans on Planet Earth.
The problem with this is we have planted across this planet over 134 “Doomsday Weapons” and if they are jostled just the right way Planet Earth ceases to exist - we become a Meteor Shower.
So here we have Organizations like the FBI trying to start this massive world conflict that would lead to the end of Planet Earth.
There latest attempt will be in May as described in earlier videos.
So why any Sane Loony Democratic NAZI would cheer for another Major World Conflict that would lead to the end of Planet Earth is -- baffling - unless .. These Lefties were utterly suicidal and that would make them Insane, right?
So these Lefty Loony Toons are therefore - insane.
Today - as you read this - over 32 Volcanoes are going off simultaneously.
As the sun enlarges it is clear - those loony toons like the employees of Monsanto need to go away immediately and permanently.
Please pray that the War Monger and those gumming up our air, water and food are immediately and completely neutralized for eternity.
So as these Loonys and Snowflakes scream in an attempt to tear this planet apart let is look at some of the President’s Accomplishments in the few short months he has been here:
1) Work for Welfare
2) First woman head of CIA
3) We are seeing a Surplus in taxes now
4) New Rules for Fed: Hire the Best
5) Food Stamp Recipients drop in half as Illegals walk away from the program rather than face deportation.
6) Manufacturing jobs up over 1.5 million - first increase in 20 years
7) First Military budget signed in 10 years
8) President rolls back around $1 Trillion in Offshore Drilling Regulations - making the USA a Big Energy Exporter.
9) Domestic Mining up almost 30%
10) WW2 Ended
11) Korea Unification moving forward
The list goes on an on.
Unfortunately one thing he has not accomplished is taking care of Veterans who were physically injured in the service.
Apparently these Disabled Vets are now being sent to the State Welfare Departments across the nation. It appears that hospital “Financial Navigators” are aware of this and taking actions to help these vets.
As for health care while the Mental Cases receive Full medical Care by the VA as long as one takes their Opium and LSD Derivative Drugs - like Prozac. If you go to the VA and refuse these Mind altering Drugs we just found out that the Physically Disabled Veteran will get a “Mental Evaluation” that will be created by some clerk and classified as “Delusional.”
Pray that the President terminates funding for VA Health Care except for the Physically Disabled.
Its time we pray for your family and pray for the President’s Safety.
Be ready folks for what is coming.
These stories come from you - the viewer
YOU have a voice
The News You Need
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
Donald Trump's judges are ruling on politics, prayer, executions, race
THE ORGANIC ACT OF 1871 WITH NOTES | American National Militia
The Bankruptcy of the United States; James Traficant’s Speech | Adask's law
Special report: America's perpetual state of emergency
Top Trump Official Confirms To American People Existence Of “Deep State” Coup To Overthrow President Of The United States
BOMBSHELL VIDEO: Kallstrom Calls FBI a Criminal "Fifth Column" Running Illegal "Conspiracy" to Topple President Trump – True PunditTrue Pundit
The Deep State Goes to War With President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer
Donald J. Trump's Accomplishment's List | MAGA PILL
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Judge Orders Lefty Loony Mueller Back To Court
(1157) Judge Orders Mueller Back to Court To Face The "Russians" - YouTube
Brought to you by Patriot Pantry - who is still having a 60% off sale today on their one month food sales.
Apparently late Friday Afternoon Federal Judge has just denied Robert Mueller’s Special Council request for additional time to gather information against the Fake Russian Collusion Story and ordered his team back into court Wednesday Morning.
Further - this case against Manafort will be dropped if this Special Council does not present enough evidence to show he is guilty of something pretty severe.
This judge has given the Special Council exactly 14 days to come up with any evidence on the Russian Collusion or the case will be thrown out of court with Prejudice.
Further - Attorney Rudy Juliani has openly stated that the Special Council has no legal grounds to Supoena the President - a privilege claimed by former President Clinton and his wife when htey openly committed Treason.
In the mean time - over 15,000 bikers are headed to DC as you read this to put an end to this insane Special Council.
This will not be like the latest DC March of around 50,000 Paid Snowflakes protesting the Bill of Rights. They committed Treason and the worthless DC Police did absolutely nothing.
These are some pretty hard core bikers who might just make life for the NAZI Robert Mueller very miserable.
Exactly what they are going to do is yet unknown but we can pray that Robert Mueller’s Life becomes a living He.. Immediately.
1) China has been stretching it’s military might in the South Chinese. There are 3 things China is demanding access to in this area:
1) Gold on Yangsha Island - what Google Earth calls Scarburough Shoal. This island is a large tourist attraction and literally has a Mountain of Gold on the island the US is now demanding.
2) Huge deposits of Low Grade Oil now lay off the coast of Vietnam and the Philippines and China need access to this cheap oil and is now building Islands near there coast claiming access to these Oil Fields.
3) Large deposits of Rare Earth metals are found n the Ocean Sea Floor in this South Chinese Sea and special bases and special submarines are needed to harvest these minerals.
Further - as the 7th fleet entered the area the US Aircraft Carrier Roosevelt launched an electronic jamming jet and it got jammed by the Chinese. Duh - it’s electronics were made in China.
So when China threatened to blow up an Oil Well just a few miles off of the coast of Vietnam there was no one there to challenge them - so the Oil Well up and left.
Pray that such a disaster immediately overcomes the leadership of China that they stop threatening anyone.
1) China is now claiming it will soon have all electric cars by the end of 2020.
2) A Lefty Loony Judge in France that sex with an 11 year old girl is legal.
3) In Finland a Loony Judge ruled that sex with a 10 year old was legal.
4) President Trump is no longer going to pay Iran $500 Billion Dollars every 6 months as the Iran Deal was never signed by wither party. It’s all a scam by the Lefty Loony Media.
5) Colorado’s economy is doing so well that Eviction Courts cannot keep up with the case load of over 45,000 for the state.
Just Denver alone had over 8,000 eviction cases. While over 90% of the landlords had legal council only 1% if those being evict had any legal representation.
So in the areas with large companies sucking off the Tax Payer there are huge price increases in housing and large numbers of evictions.
Pray this Tax Payer Funding of companies like Boeing and Amazon ceases immediately.
The US Army is now producing a New HUMV called the Bat Mobile - which is currently being used to patrol the US Mexican Boarder.
It is armored, fast, maneuverable and packs a very good punch and has an excellent radio for calling for backup.
Its time we pray for your family and pray for the President’s Safety.
Be ready folks for what is coming.
These stories come from you - the viewer
YOU have a voice
The News You Need
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
US Federal Judge Orders Mueller Back To Court To Face Russians—While Thousands Of American Bikers Head To Washington To Shut Down His “Sham” Investigation
Leaked Transcripts Reveal Courtroom Showdown Between Manafort Judge And Mueller Team | Zero Hedge
President Trump Lawyer Giuliani Speaks Out on Possible Subpoena | One America News Network
Good Luck With That: Biker Mob Heading to Washington to End Mueller 'Sham' - Sputnik International
Strategic Minerals: Senkaku-Diaoyu Islands Suspected of Holding Valuable Mineral Reserves
Rare Earth Elements Found At Sea
Contested areas of South China Sea likely have few conventional oil and gas resources - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Military Communications Jammers Deployed at Chinese Bases in South China Sea - Sputnik International
Beijing Vowed Strike on Vietnam Targets for Drilling in South China Sea - Sputnik International
China Could Be The World's First All Electric Vehicle Ecosystem
French man on trial for having sex with 11yo ‘not a predator’ because victim ‘not a child’ – lawyers — RT World News
Sex with 10yo not rape, Finnish court rules in migrant’s case — RT World News
US Threat to Pull Out of Iran Nuclear Deal Risks Opening Pandora's Box – Prof - Sputnik International
Colorado Eviction Courts Overwhelmed As Housing Crisis Unfolds | Zero Hedge
This Is The Military "Batmobile" That May Soon Be Protecting The US Border | Zero Hedge
USA Headquarters for DENAS Products, Support & Training
(1157) Judge Orders Mueller Back to Court To Face The "Russians" - YouTube
Brought to you by Patriot Pantry - who is still having a 60% off sale today on their one month food sales.
Apparently late Friday Afternoon Federal Judge has just denied Robert Mueller’s Special Council request for additional time to gather information against the Fake Russian Collusion Story and ordered his team back into court Wednesday Morning.
Further - this case against Manafort will be dropped if this Special Council does not present enough evidence to show he is guilty of something pretty severe.
This judge has given the Special Council exactly 14 days to come up with any evidence on the Russian Collusion or the case will be thrown out of court with Prejudice.
Further - Attorney Rudy Juliani has openly stated that the Special Council has no legal grounds to Supoena the President - a privilege claimed by former President Clinton and his wife when htey openly committed Treason.
In the mean time - over 15,000 bikers are headed to DC as you read this to put an end to this insane Special Council.
This will not be like the latest DC March of around 50,000 Paid Snowflakes protesting the Bill of Rights. They committed Treason and the worthless DC Police did absolutely nothing.
These are some pretty hard core bikers who might just make life for the NAZI Robert Mueller very miserable.
Exactly what they are going to do is yet unknown but we can pray that Robert Mueller’s Life becomes a living He.. Immediately.
1) China has been stretching it’s military might in the South Chinese. There are 3 things China is demanding access to in this area:
1) Gold on Yangsha Island - what Google Earth calls Scarburough Shoal. This island is a large tourist attraction and literally has a Mountain of Gold on the island the US is now demanding.
2) Huge deposits of Low Grade Oil now lay off the coast of Vietnam and the Philippines and China need access to this cheap oil and is now building Islands near there coast claiming access to these Oil Fields.
3) Large deposits of Rare Earth metals are found n the Ocean Sea Floor in this South Chinese Sea and special bases and special submarines are needed to harvest these minerals.
Further - as the 7th fleet entered the area the US Aircraft Carrier Roosevelt launched an electronic jamming jet and it got jammed by the Chinese. Duh - it’s electronics were made in China.
So when China threatened to blow up an Oil Well just a few miles off of the coast of Vietnam there was no one there to challenge them - so the Oil Well up and left.
Pray that such a disaster immediately overcomes the leadership of China that they stop threatening anyone.
1) China is now claiming it will soon have all electric cars by the end of 2020.
2) A Lefty Loony Judge in France that sex with an 11 year old girl is legal.
3) In Finland a Loony Judge ruled that sex with a 10 year old was legal.
4) President Trump is no longer going to pay Iran $500 Billion Dollars every 6 months as the Iran Deal was never signed by wither party. It’s all a scam by the Lefty Loony Media.
5) Colorado’s economy is doing so well that Eviction Courts cannot keep up with the case load of over 45,000 for the state.
Just Denver alone had over 8,000 eviction cases. While over 90% of the landlords had legal council only 1% if those being evict had any legal representation.
So in the areas with large companies sucking off the Tax Payer there are huge price increases in housing and large numbers of evictions.
Pray this Tax Payer Funding of companies like Boeing and Amazon ceases immediately.
The US Army is now producing a New HUMV called the Bat Mobile - which is currently being used to patrol the US Mexican Boarder.
It is armored, fast, maneuverable and packs a very good punch and has an excellent radio for calling for backup.
Its time we pray for your family and pray for the President’s Safety.
Be ready folks for what is coming.
These stories come from you - the viewer
YOU have a voice
The News You Need
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
US Federal Judge Orders Mueller Back To Court To Face Russians—While Thousands Of American Bikers Head To Washington To Shut Down His “Sham” Investigation
Leaked Transcripts Reveal Courtroom Showdown Between Manafort Judge And Mueller Team | Zero Hedge
President Trump Lawyer Giuliani Speaks Out on Possible Subpoena | One America News Network
Good Luck With That: Biker Mob Heading to Washington to End Mueller 'Sham' - Sputnik International
Strategic Minerals: Senkaku-Diaoyu Islands Suspected of Holding Valuable Mineral Reserves
Rare Earth Elements Found At Sea
Contested areas of South China Sea likely have few conventional oil and gas resources - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Military Communications Jammers Deployed at Chinese Bases in South China Sea - Sputnik International
Beijing Vowed Strike on Vietnam Targets for Drilling in South China Sea - Sputnik International
China Could Be The World's First All Electric Vehicle Ecosystem
French man on trial for having sex with 11yo ‘not a predator’ because victim ‘not a child’ – lawyers — RT World News
Sex with 10yo not rape, Finnish court rules in migrant’s case — RT World News
US Threat to Pull Out of Iran Nuclear Deal Risks Opening Pandora's Box – Prof - Sputnik International
Colorado Eviction Courts Overwhelmed As Housing Crisis Unfolds | Zero Hedge
This Is The Military "Batmobile" That May Soon Be Protecting The US Border | Zero Hedge
USA Headquarters for DENAS Products, Support & Training
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Saturday, May 5, 2018
Mueller Special Council Unwinding
(1137) Mueller Bawling As Special Investigation Unwinds - YouTube
Brought to you by Get The Tea.
We eat their Sea Weed every single day - at least 2 caps. They have more minerals than any Vitamin I have ever seen.
Apparently this investigation goes Way, Way back.
After World War 2 the Communist Party infiltrated Congress in an attempt to bring this Government down - to literally Destroy America.
In comes Warner Von Braun - NAZI Head of the Space Program in 1945 and Heinrich Mueller in 1947 - Former head of the NAZI SS, Daddy of Robert Mueller and hater of Communist Russia.
Both men hated the US and Russian Communism for defeating their Hero Adolf Hitler.
At that time the Newly formed FBI was run by a man named Edgar Hoover, who cooperated with a man named Roy Cohn and Senator McCarthy.
Up until Senator McCarty’s Death in 1957 these 3 men routed out these Communists wherever the found them with the help of their NAZI Allies.
Fast forward to 1980 and we see Roy Cohn working to help elect President Ronald Reagan and he also began mentoring a man named Donald Trump to be the US President.
This hate towards Freedom and our Republic goes deep.
In comes Robert Mueller, with his Side Kick James Comey as the head of the FBI and literally turns it into a Secret Police Force identical to his daddy’s NAZI SS with the same goals - a Full Scale Conflict that would burry the Russians, Chinese and Americans.
Cooperating fully with the UN Agenda 21 program - the elimination of 7 Billion Humans - they try over and over again to kill the Presidents and detonate Nuclear Weapons around the globe to start a Full Scale Nuclear Conflict.
After the Lonny Toon Mueller’s Worst Nightmare in the election of Donald Trump as President he went Wacco and began investigating this Russian Collusion.
When the destruction of America. Russia and China was planned way back in the 1940’s there ware three things these NAZI/Communists Loonys did not count on:
1) Internet
2) Nuclear Weapons
3) People fighting back.
Apparently when Loony Robert Mueller indicted 13 Russian Citizens and 3 Russian Companies two things happened he did not count on:
1) The Russia Legal Department told the FBI - who has attempted to take out Putin at least 6 times in the last 2 years - told the US to get lost.
2) One of the Russian Based Companies is part of a US Based Company called Concord Management and Consulting headquartered in Pittsburg Pennsylvania and has on staff 1,800 Attorneys.
Things went South for this Special Council.
These lawyers literally demanded so much information from the US Department of Justice and the SS (FBI) that they completely overwhelmed these Loony Government Employees.
On Friday the “Special Council’s Legal Team refused to comply and demanded a “Continuance” to get the information requested.
Further - US Federal Judge Dabnet Friedrich claimed that the Special Council “Forgot to serve Concord Management Consultants” and when the Mueller team asked for a Cintinuance the Judge Lambasted Them and they ran out of the Court Room like Crying, whiney babies.
Funny - go to Lexus/Nexus - what lawyers use to research other cases -and type on “US Attorney Lies” and you will get over 100,000 hits.
The US Supreme Court has clearly stated if you lie in court your testimony will be thrown out.
Every US Attorney on this Special Council, including Mueller and Comey - have been found guilty of Lying --- AND --- according to USC 42 this makes them guilty of a Felony - it’s called Treason - and they are responsible personally for the costs to the American People if they come up empty handed.
So keep in mind the goal of Mueller’s Special Council it to take down President Trump and continue with his efforts to start this World Wide Nuclear Conflict and apparently the Judge overseeing the case - a Ronald Reagan Regan Appointee Federal Court Judge TS Ellis - is trying to reel this Loony Toon Mueller in calling them liars and accusing them of displaying “Unfettered Power.”
As for this Honey Pot the Lefty Loonys tried to throw at President Trump - she has left the premises.
The funny thing is - not one US Attorney has been arrested for Treason or Purgery that we can recall. In fact the Frazzled Rat and Huma Abadeen have not been arrested for torturing and murdering that little girl - the video we all saw a week ago.
So - exactly what game the Elites are playing on us we cannot say - but pray that all is exposed and those guilty of Murder are arrested and given justice immediately no matter who they are.
1) Yemen Rebels begin taking out Saudi Arabia’s Oil Infrastructure as the US/Russian Live Fire Range in this are continues.
Gotta blow off those munitions somewhere - keep those war factories operating. It’s good for business - right Wolf Blitzer - you perverted Loony Toon.
2) 5G Internet has been on your computer routers for about 7 years now. If you suffer from Migrains unplug it and see if they do not go away.
3) The University of Idaho in Pocatello has lost some Weapons Grade Plutonium and it appears to be around 1 gram.
4) The 3rd Annual Directed Energy Conference will be held on June 27-28 in DC. Cost is around $1,500 per head but should prove to be a very interesting conference.
Its time we pray for your family and pray for the President’s Safety.
Be ready folks for what is coming.
These stories come from you - the viewer
YOU have a voice
The News You Need
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
Special Counsel Mueller Team Faces Russian Truth In US Federal Court For First Time—Then Flee From Courtroom In Soiled Nappies
2 top Comey advisers resign from FBI - POLITICO
Judge rejects Mueller's request for delay in Russian troll farm case - POLITICO
Judge challenges Mueller's actions in Manafort case - POLITICO
Joseph McCarthy - Wikipedia
Wernher von Braun - Wikipedia
Robert Mueller - Wikipedia
Roy Cohn - Wikipedia
Eavesdropping on Roy Cohn and Donald Trump | The New Yorker
Yemeni Rebels Begin Attacking Saudi Oil Infrastructure: You Know What That Means
Computer Wifi (wireless) is a cause for me - Migraine.com
NRC Inspection Report 030-32322/2017-001.
Directed Energy & Next Generation Munitions
(1137) Mueller Bawling As Special Investigation Unwinds - YouTube
Brought to you by Get The Tea.
We eat their Sea Weed every single day - at least 2 caps. They have more minerals than any Vitamin I have ever seen.
Apparently this investigation goes Way, Way back.
After World War 2 the Communist Party infiltrated Congress in an attempt to bring this Government down - to literally Destroy America.
In comes Warner Von Braun - NAZI Head of the Space Program in 1945 and Heinrich Mueller in 1947 - Former head of the NAZI SS, Daddy of Robert Mueller and hater of Communist Russia.
Both men hated the US and Russian Communism for defeating their Hero Adolf Hitler.
At that time the Newly formed FBI was run by a man named Edgar Hoover, who cooperated with a man named Roy Cohn and Senator McCarthy.
Up until Senator McCarty’s Death in 1957 these 3 men routed out these Communists wherever the found them with the help of their NAZI Allies.
Fast forward to 1980 and we see Roy Cohn working to help elect President Ronald Reagan and he also began mentoring a man named Donald Trump to be the US President.
This hate towards Freedom and our Republic goes deep.
In comes Robert Mueller, with his Side Kick James Comey as the head of the FBI and literally turns it into a Secret Police Force identical to his daddy’s NAZI SS with the same goals - a Full Scale Conflict that would burry the Russians, Chinese and Americans.
Cooperating fully with the UN Agenda 21 program - the elimination of 7 Billion Humans - they try over and over again to kill the Presidents and detonate Nuclear Weapons around the globe to start a Full Scale Nuclear Conflict.
After the Lonny Toon Mueller’s Worst Nightmare in the election of Donald Trump as President he went Wacco and began investigating this Russian Collusion.
When the destruction of America. Russia and China was planned way back in the 1940’s there ware three things these NAZI/Communists Loonys did not count on:
1) Internet
2) Nuclear Weapons
3) People fighting back.
Apparently when Loony Robert Mueller indicted 13 Russian Citizens and 3 Russian Companies two things happened he did not count on:
1) The Russia Legal Department told the FBI - who has attempted to take out Putin at least 6 times in the last 2 years - told the US to get lost.
2) One of the Russian Based Companies is part of a US Based Company called Concord Management and Consulting headquartered in Pittsburg Pennsylvania and has on staff 1,800 Attorneys.
Things went South for this Special Council.
These lawyers literally demanded so much information from the US Department of Justice and the SS (FBI) that they completely overwhelmed these Loony Government Employees.
On Friday the “Special Council’s Legal Team refused to comply and demanded a “Continuance” to get the information requested.
Further - US Federal Judge Dabnet Friedrich claimed that the Special Council “Forgot to serve Concord Management Consultants” and when the Mueller team asked for a Cintinuance the Judge Lambasted Them and they ran out of the Court Room like Crying, whiney babies.
Funny - go to Lexus/Nexus - what lawyers use to research other cases -and type on “US Attorney Lies” and you will get over 100,000 hits.
The US Supreme Court has clearly stated if you lie in court your testimony will be thrown out.
Every US Attorney on this Special Council, including Mueller and Comey - have been found guilty of Lying --- AND --- according to USC 42 this makes them guilty of a Felony - it’s called Treason - and they are responsible personally for the costs to the American People if they come up empty handed.
So keep in mind the goal of Mueller’s Special Council it to take down President Trump and continue with his efforts to start this World Wide Nuclear Conflict and apparently the Judge overseeing the case - a Ronald Reagan Regan Appointee Federal Court Judge TS Ellis - is trying to reel this Loony Toon Mueller in calling them liars and accusing them of displaying “Unfettered Power.”
As for this Honey Pot the Lefty Loonys tried to throw at President Trump - she has left the premises.
The funny thing is - not one US Attorney has been arrested for Treason or Purgery that we can recall. In fact the Frazzled Rat and Huma Abadeen have not been arrested for torturing and murdering that little girl - the video we all saw a week ago.
So - exactly what game the Elites are playing on us we cannot say - but pray that all is exposed and those guilty of Murder are arrested and given justice immediately no matter who they are.
1) Yemen Rebels begin taking out Saudi Arabia’s Oil Infrastructure as the US/Russian Live Fire Range in this are continues.
Gotta blow off those munitions somewhere - keep those war factories operating. It’s good for business - right Wolf Blitzer - you perverted Loony Toon.
2) 5G Internet has been on your computer routers for about 7 years now. If you suffer from Migrains unplug it and see if they do not go away.
3) The University of Idaho in Pocatello has lost some Weapons Grade Plutonium and it appears to be around 1 gram.
4) The 3rd Annual Directed Energy Conference will be held on June 27-28 in DC. Cost is around $1,500 per head but should prove to be a very interesting conference.
Its time we pray for your family and pray for the President’s Safety.
Be ready folks for what is coming.
These stories come from you - the viewer
YOU have a voice
The News You Need
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
Special Counsel Mueller Team Faces Russian Truth In US Federal Court For First Time—Then Flee From Courtroom In Soiled Nappies
2 top Comey advisers resign from FBI - POLITICO
Judge rejects Mueller's request for delay in Russian troll farm case - POLITICO
Judge challenges Mueller's actions in Manafort case - POLITICO
Joseph McCarthy - Wikipedia
Wernher von Braun - Wikipedia
Robert Mueller - Wikipedia
Roy Cohn - Wikipedia
Eavesdropping on Roy Cohn and Donald Trump | The New Yorker
Yemeni Rebels Begin Attacking Saudi Oil Infrastructure: You Know What That Means
Computer Wifi (wireless) is a cause for me - Migraine.com
NRC Inspection Report 030-32322/2017-001.
Directed Energy & Next Generation Munitions
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