Thursday, May 3, 2018

US Airports Implements Mark of The Beast


(1084) US Airports Implement Mark Of The Beast - YouTube

Brought to you by Get The Tea

I eat their products daily because the work - unlike allot of products I have tested over the last 25 years.

We The People thought that the Mark Of The Beast would never come here, right?

If we trusted in our government and just voted every 4 years we were protected, right?


Today the Orlando Airport began taking pictures of your face for their Facial and Iris recognition programs to be used in Airports across America.

Truth be told - 20 years ago I was shown how a tiny stadium called Cheney Stadium had implemented this program.

Truth be told - over 98% of all Americans already have their Fingerprints, iris patterns and Faces are programmed into our MASTER Computer .

The problem is - this MASTER computer, according to the United Nations Leaders - are run by the Fallen Angels - Demons if you will.

The only reason the Orlando Airport is now taking pictures is to make you bow to their “Computer” run by Lucifer’s Finest.

What is happening now though is this data from the MASTER Computer is being shared with all of the Airlines, the Taxi Companies, All Bus Lines and All Railway lines as well as the Boarder Agents in every nation on this planet.

When I went to Russia in 2007 the local Airport - a small one - already knew who I was, why I was coming and my entire history - including my Elementary School Records.

Kinds Scarry since I know how to access, and use, nuclear weapons on Fort Lewis.

Yet there it was.

In 2010 when I went to Canada for 1 day the Canadian Boarder Patrol held me up for 2 hours while they notified somebody to put a tail on me 24/7 because their records said they needed to protect me. They had ALL of my records up there - all of them.

So point in fact - this program has been around for a over 20 years and is now being integrated into every Government Supported Company on the planet - Including Amazon, Facebook and Google.

The US has now implemented Adolf Hitlers’ Dream - Total and absolute control of the people.

Please pray that your family is taken care of in what is about to come.


The VA began with huge scandals - the first tow VA directors were arrested for theft.

Now we have yet a new scandal. Someone decided to take pictures of the VA in Salt Lake and found it to be filthy so now the call goes out to privatize VA Health Care - something the Current president promised to do 16 months ago.

The problem begins with bonuses.

For example - as an Ambassador who has helped save our President’s life over 16 times, I found myself arguing with a VA Pharmacist here in Tacoma over whether I could have 1.25 or 1.35 inhalers per month for about 45 minutes - allowing him to receive a bonus of about 1 Cent per month.

These VA Employees are that petty.

The other issue is about 98% of their time is spent working with Mental Cases and those physically injured in service get No - Zero - nada -- Nothing in terms of Health Care.

After being diagnosed with getting Malaria on duty in 1992 I have never been treated - that’s been 26 years.

The VA is not there for Physically Disabled Veterans.

In fact - since my injury I have paid for ALL health care as the VA refuses to provide even Band Aids.

Do not expect President Trump to do anything about it either. It is all smoke and mirrors. He makes great speeches - but here at the bottom - forget it.

Save Trump’s Life, get injured, and you can’t even get a Band Aid from the VA.

Not Kidding.

If you are physically Injured in the service and they discharge you - you are so screwed.

To add insult to injury - after 75 years of having Shoulder Fired Weapons like the Bazooka the VA has finally figured out that these weapons just might give one a minor concussion.

Ten years ago I stood outside a room on the 10th floor of the VA in Seattle and heard a serious discussion about whether they would cover Radiation  Exposure of those who were used to help test the Atomic Bomb in the 1950’s.

Not kidding - so 50 years after these soldiers were exposed the VA was considering this.

It’s all about bonuses - something President Trump just reissued so do not expect any help from the White House any time soon.

In fact - try calling the White House. Even as an Ambassador they hang up on you.

Go ahead - call 202-456-1414 and see how rude they really are.


1) Now Banks and Credit Card Companies are going to tag your accounts if you purchase a weapon or ammunition.

So Discriminatory Cancelling of your accounts is now legal.

2) New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is ordreing companies in New York to break ties with the NRA “Or Else.”

He is ordering the New York Department of Financial Services to determine which banks and insurance companies have ties to the NRA and then go after them.

Despite this Open Act Of Treason the President and the US Justice Department will not arrest this Governor. There will be no justice.

It is time to take care of your families and let the White House fall apart.

The Living GOD will now deal with these GODLESS Treasonous nutcases in the White House. So he has said it - so it shall be. They will now be shaken to the core.

June 17th (+-3) - Shooter - President - move his planned trip.

Ditto for Putin - except 1 day earlier.

Xi Jinping - Heart troubles same day - be careful.


1) Guess what just got hacked?

The US Navy’s Super Duper Top secret Destroyer Fleet.

Unfortunately these Computers lead to the Super Duper Top Secret Space Program run by Lockheed Martin in Bethesday Maryland.

Could be interesting when these hackers get control of the Life Support Systems in these “Starships.”

It’s only a matter of time and the Living GOD will now allow this to happen.

2) Sprint is now merging with T-Mobile that will create a Huge Company serving 127 million customers.

Nazhonal Socialism (NAZI) at it’s finest.

3)  Judge George B. Daniels US Federal Judge in New York ordered Iran to pay Billions of Dollars to victims of the 9/11 attack in violation of our Constitutions of 1789 and 1871.

This open act of treason in an attempt by a Federal Judge to start an open conflict with Iran will not be met with any arrests by President Trump.

4) Finally - the economic recovery is so very good that Ford Motor Company is announcing over $25.5 Billion Dollars in cuts.

Nobody can afford a $45,000 car that breaks down after 10 years after they pay for Obama Care.

So what is the Republican Party Planning to do about Obama Care?

They are now planning to use “Obama Care” for the Next Round of Elections stating that despite a Majority in the House and Senate and a Republican President they cannot get rid of Obama Care because of the Treasonous Democrats the President refuses to arrest.

Its time we pray for your family and pray for the President’s Safety.

Be ready folks for what is coming.
These stories come from you - the viewer

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Orlando airport to be nation's first to facial ID all international fliers

Veteran's photos of dirty VA clinic room go viral, prompts apology - CBS News

Salt Lake City VA scandal shows vets need more private care options, says acting secretary

Shoulder-fired weapons can cause traumatic brain injuries, study finds

Banks, Credit Card Companies May Begin Tracking Gun Purchases, According to Report | One America News Network

New York 'Weaponizes' Regulatory Powers Against The NRA | Zero Hedge

Who's Hacking Our Ships? US Navy Suspects USS McCain Collision Was Caused By Cyber Attack

Sprint, T-Mobile To Merge Creating $146 Billion Wireless Giant With 127 Million Customers | Zero Hedge

US Judge Orders Iran To Pay Billions To Families Of 9/11 Victims | Zero Hedge

Ford Targeting Massive $25.5 Billion Cuts, Confirming End Of Major Automotive Cycle | Zero Hedge

Obamacare repeal may not be dead after all: New repeal plan could bring wave of GOP voters to the polls –

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

India Implements The Mark Of The Beast


(1039) India Implements Mark Of The Beast Natiowide - YouTube


Brought to you by Get The Tea

I eat their products daily because the work - unlike allot of products I have tested over the last 25 years.

The nation of India has just implemented The Mark Of The Beast.



In an unprecedented move the nation of India has just created an Identification System called AADHAAR that scans your fingerprints, eyes and faces in order for you to Buy and Sell, collect Welfare and even conduct bank Transactions.

Even travel through their Airports will require the registration of these things by the Universal Computer run by the NSA --- oops --- that’s Top Secret.

The Universal Computer is a collection of thousands of smaller computers that are all interconnected not only through satellites but also through Underwater and Underground cable systems across this planet that converge - I believe - just north of Eastern Montana and lead to a Major system in Utah.

This New Program forces ALL Indian residence to sit in front of a computer and allow it to read your Fingerprints, scan your eyes, and read your facial patterns.

Within a few weeks your Voice Patters will also be added to this Master Data Base.

Thus the Veri-chip has been completely out dated and computer chips imbedded in the Right Hand ofr Forehead are no longer needed.

Whenever you transact business you must have your finger print and facial patters read as well.

The only time this is not done is when someone goes to buy something with cash - but this is not very common as about 99% of all transactions in India now are done electronically.

This type is system is also being implemented in Britain and in not only being used for financial transactions but also to track people.

Already the system is being set up at every Abortion Clinics in Britain and if you stop to pray ant these clinics you wwill be tagged and bagged - arrested and prosecuted for praying.

These Orwellian rules will soon be implemented across the Globe and soon - before you even step outside your house - your fingerprints and Iris patterns will be read from mandatory In-Home cameras.

Of course  - we know that computers never make mistakesesesesesssss…

When the Mark of the Beast is discussed in Deuteronomy thousands of years ago it refers to your forehead and right hand - who you worship and what you do.

Since Computers were not around 3 over 3,000 years ago it is doubtful it referred to some Computer Chip Lucifer has created a few years ago.


1) Contrary to President Trump’s Campaign Promises General Mad Dog Mattis, Secretary fo Defense,  just announced that the US Troops will not be leaving Syria or Afghanistan any time soon.

He made it clear that until they win the peace Diplomatically they aren’t going anywhere - which actually makes sense.

Defeat the enemy in Battle then win the peace diplomatically before leaving.

2) As we stated would happen many times the Earth’s Magnetic Field is acting in some pretty weird ways.

No - the poles will not shift. They have been restored to where they were in the year 1650 AD.

What is happening is that the Sun is acting up - enlarging and sending out allot more Sun Spots - despite the lies put out by NASA.

You can confirm this by going to SOHOWWW

Note the GIF Movie for the LASCO/C2

When most of us were kids the sun was yellow. In 1993 it began burning more Helium than Hydrogen and so the Sun turned white and began to enlarge. Then, in a stupid fit of uncontrollable rage, in 2011 the last president destroyed the very device stabilizing the sun and in began to enlarge.

So here we are with an enlarging sun spitting out Sunspots at us at an alarming rate and the New Killer GMO Foods are designed to die when hit by these outbursts si now crop production in America is not falling.

Pray President Trump does as GOD asks him to do regarding this.

3) First Deutsche Bank, then France’s BNP and now Goldman Sach’s have been fined for manipulating the FX Market - which controls the Foreign Exchange Rates.

There were no arrests for this Illegal Market Manipulations - not in Germany, not in France and not here in America.

Not one.

4) As a final note: the US is now flying B-52 Bombers over the South Chinese Sea.

So the US is trying to intimidate the Chinese Navy with  a jet that was designed over 68 years ago and first flew in 1952.

Please pray for President Trump’s Safety
These stories come from you - the viewer

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Mark of the Beast now active in India as government requires biometric scanning for food purchases and government benefits –

What Is the Mark of the Beast Talked About in the Book of Revelation? | United Church of God

Secretary Mattis: U.S. Troops to Remain in Syria, Afghanistan for the Long Haul | One America News Network

Scientists: Earth's Magnetic Field Is Acting "Weird", We Could Experience A "Shudder" | Zero Hedge

SOHO Real Time GIF Movies

Goldman Fined $110 Million For "Improperly" Rigging The FX Market | Zero Hedge

Boeing B-52 Stratofortress - Wikipedia



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