Saturday, April 28, 2018

Political Correctness, Paid For By You The Tax Payer


(915) Political Correctness: Paid For By You The Tax Payer - YouTube


Brought to you by Noble Gold.

Maybe it’s time to convert some of  your savings to Gold and Silver?

In a stunning new report it was revealed exactly where political correctness came from.

What you are about to see will stun you.

This is an Intricate and Meticulous plan put forth by Lucifer and funded through the English Crown, the Vatican and the Rothchilds Bankers to bring about a Godless Society of around 500 Million Humans to serve Lucifer’s Elites.

So as we go through this pray that ALL of Lucifer’s Workers are completely and permanently immobilized immediately.

During the Industrial Revolution in Britain people became slaves to Time Clocks - often working 12 hour shifts for next to nothing while the Government Sponsored Company Owners lived like Kings.

These long hours - often 80 hours a week, broke the families up and broke the industrial workers faith in GOD.

Knowing this the British Government ordered a New Paradigm to be created Mass Mandatory Government Education Camps known as Schools and indoctrinated the children that there is no GOD and to trust in the Government as their GOD.

In comes Carl Marx, a man exiled from his home country of Germany, and sponsored by a very wealthy wife, put out a piece of Literatures called the “Communist Manifesto” in 1848.

Sponsored by the English Royalty  a man named Charles Darwin plagiarized Patrick Mathews Book and claimed we came from Monkeys through a process of Natural Selection and that GOD did not exist. He put out the book called “The Origin Of Species” in 1860.

Both of these men claimed to worship Lucifer in their later writings although it is rumored that before Darwin’s death her repented - too late to  reverse the damage he had down.

Fast forward to the early 1900’s when the US lent Japan enormous amounts of money and steel to build a Navy to challenge Russia in the East leading to the Russo-Japanese in 1904-1905 war where over 250,000 Russian Soldiers were captured by the Japanese and retrained to be Godless Communists using US Tax Payer’s Dollars.

After the war these Prisoners were escorted back to Russia and given Jobs where they could spread their Godless Lies.

In 1917 Vladimir Lennin
 was transported on a Special Rothchild Owned Train from France to Russia through Germany in a time of War to lead a New Russian Revolution.

All Across Russia the Red Cross was then used to escort in trainloads of money to pay these Japanese/US Trained Revolutionaries to  destroy Czar Alexander of Russia (As the Masons Had Planned According To Albert Pike) and implement a Godless Dictatorship that literally burned  large number of churches and took education away from the churches and implemented mandatory State Schools claiming GOD was merely a Myth.

To add to this the “Frankfurt School” in Frankfurt Germany - Financial Headquarters of the Vatican for over 1,000 years at that time -  began spreading the philosophy of ‘Cultural Marxism” beginning in 1923.

After Adolf Hitler took power in Germany in 1933 he sent these “Communists” lock, stock and barrel to Columbia University in New York City to act as a Hub for this new Godless Philosophy of Communism.

Initially funded by the NAZI’s this Godless Communist Group managed to secure grants form the Federal Government to continue their work here in America.

The idea is to topple the US Government and install a Godless Communist Society to produce an army of Slaves for the Lucidarian Elites.

So what we see today - the censoring of the Internet, the mass take over of the Media and the worthless music that is now foisted upon us is all now being put forth by Lucifer and his minions and pushed by Colleges, Universities and NGO’s owned by people like George Soros and funded by OUR TAXES.

So now we have idiots like Bernie Sanders, who has supported himself off of his own Government Grants and has now taken several billion dollars of OUR TAX DOLARS, so can pay for his speeches - recently declaring a Universal Government  Job Program for every American at $15/hour.

Further - Freddie Mac just announced that they are now issuing Home Loans - backed by OUR TAX DOLLARS  - to anyone without any down payment and can and without an income requirement.

The 3% down payment can be waived if you are not a White Male.

So until President Trump begins arresting these murdering treasonous individuals and cuts of the Federal Dollars  - Your Tax Dollars - to these Godless Lucifarians this evil will continue to grow and grow and the open threats to Conservatives an the President will also grow.

As a side note - the Temple of Lucifer that Yeshua discusses in Revelations - now resides in Berlin at the “Temple of Pergamon - except hose artifacts stolen by the Russians after WW2 and brought to Moscow.

Please pray that President Trump has a change of heart and begins arresting those individuals who have openly committed murder and treason.


1) Yesterday the Canadian Stock market ceased to function - the TV monitors simply went dead.

The original story broke on Zero Hedge but was quickly pulled off by Lucifarians at Google - like they do to so many stories.

Reuters - a Google Controlled Agency - then published a story claiming it was just a power outage


Canada as a Nation is in Huge Trouble. Not only do they have no Gold their Personal Debt to Income Ration now sis at around 150%.

When this Market Crash hits Canada will be hit very hard.

2) And yet another Wells Fargo Bank Scandal.

Overseen by the US Treasury “Comptroller of Currency” it has just been revealed that this bank has been allowed to:

1) Illegally charged enormous amounts of charges to those who borrowed from them,

2) Created millions of False Bank Accounts using YOUR Social Security Numbers,

3) They also seized vehicles belonging to the military while they were making their car payments while they were serving overseas,

4) They now have been shown to recommend bad investments,

5)  And finally their California Employees sold your information - Including your Social Security Numbers - to a ring of thieves.

There have been no arrests of these employees who have both Ordered this Fraud to be done and those actually committing this fraud.


Quite a few Newspapers and TV Outlets have been quoting a man that does not exist.

Using OUR TAXES the University of Delaware created the:

Blue Hen Investment Company.

From there the Vice President of Blue Hen Nate Matherson created the LendEDU company led by a Fake Person named “Drew Cloud” who put out the “Student Loan Report.”

Newspapers like the Boston Globe,  Washington Post, and many others quoted Drew and his stories in their attempts to take America Down.

So when the Federal Government stops giving OUR TAX DOLLARS to Colleges, news papers like the Boston Globe and Washington  Post, TV Networks like ABC/NBC/CBS/PBS and radio stations And corporations like SERCO and the FBI these lies will just grow and grow and grow.

Please pray that President Trump cuts them all off immediately or at least has the guts to bring in someone who will cut them off from stealing OUR TAX DOLLARS to destroy America.

Please pray for President Trump’s Safety and that he begins to listen to GOD.




YOU make the difference. We can not emphasize that enough.

Please pray that your families and prepare for any emergency.


This is OUR country and here WE stand for FREEDOM

This is YOUR channel where about 90% of the stories come from YOU

Often times I have another story read to go - but since is YOUR channel we report on what YOU have asked for.

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

B of A: : 10 Year US Treasury Binds Are Junk

Friday, April 27, 2018

B of A: : US Treasury Binds Are Junk


B of A: US Treasury Bonds Are Junk


(883) B of A: : 10 Year US Treasury Binds Are Junk - YouTube

Tbrought to you buy Noble Gold.

Maybe it’s time to convert to gold?


Barnaby Martin og the Bank otf America, their Head fo European Credit Strategy, has just announced that the 10 yer US Treasury Note is acting like a Junk Bond.


1) North and South Korea just signed a Peace Treaty - ending 55 years of Open Conflict.

2) Google is now terminating all adds that contain the worlds Boble and Jesus.

3) Ford has announced the termination of manufacturing and selling all cars and will concentrate of Trucks and SUV’s.

4) Sale falling Subway is closing another 500 Corporate Owned Stores and Petsmart is going bankrupt.

5) UN has announced the opening of the doorways to lwt in huge numbers of Demons begins on 29 April - “Wortkers Of Light.” they call them.

6) The leftuieis are now trying to ban Rubber Duckies using OUR tax dollars.

They have gone insane - utterly and completely.
Please pray for President Trump’s Safety and that he begins to listen to GOD.




Today they tried to kill mey video 3 times on You Tub.

YOU make the difference. We can not emphasize that enough.

Please pray that your families and prepare for any emergency.


This is OUR country and here WE stand for FREEDOM

This is YOUR channel where about 90% of the stories come from YOU

Often times I have another story read to go - but since is YOUR channel we report on what YOU have asked for.

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


BofA: The 10Y Treasury Is No Longer A "Safe Asset", Here's Why | Zero Hedge

Ford Will Stop Selling Nearly All North American Cars; Refocus Only On Trucks And SUVs | Zero Hedge

Joy Reid Says Old Homophobic Blog Posts "Hacked"; Hits Back | Zero Hedge

North And South Korea Declare End To War, Proclaim "New Era Of Peace" | Zero Hedge

PetSmart Bonds Sink As Most Expensive LBO In Retail History Hurtles Toward Bankruptcy | Zero Hedge

Congress Now Restoring The Gold Standard

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Congress Restoring Gold Standard ?


(819) Congress Now Restoring The Gold Standard - YouTube


Congress is now voting on restoring the Gold Standard.

HR 5404 is now making it through Congress and will order the restoration of the Gold Standard for the US Dollar using the Federal Reserve Note.

Within 30 months the bill states that the Federal Reserve Dollar will be backed by gold at a price set by the US Secretary of Treasury.

This gives President Trump 30 months to boost the US Gold Supply and make sure what is stored is Real Gold, not Tungsten Bars painted gold - like rests in our vaults today.

Currently the US Treasury has around $1 Billion in Gold. Over $15 Trillion in our hands and our bank Accounts and over $1,500 Trillion in Bonds plus over $1,500 Trillion in Hedge Funds backed by almost nothing, and another $1,000 Trillion in other bills now floating around in other nations.

That means that currently around $4,000,000 Billion Dollars outstanding would need to be backed by around $1 Billion in gold.

That is around 715,000 ounces of gold supporting $4,000 Trillion Dollars - which comes out to $5.6 Billion Dollars for every ounce of gold.

More than likely these numbers will be “Adjusted” as the US Treasury tried to make sense out of what is really going on - but expect anything.

As you recall august 23, 2011 large earthquakes hit DC and one near Sante Fe New Mexico - wiping out the DC Underground Intel Base and in Sante Fe it obliterated 60% of all gold and silver supplies stored underground.

Now our president is scrambling to find out where President Bush Senior hid the rest of our gold.

So what we can expect is that within 30 months the True Value of Gold and Silver will be restored.

The US National Debt Clock currently shows the real value of Gold to be around $4,474 per ounce and silver at around $606 per ounce.

Do not expect delivery on Paper Gold and Paper Silver Assets. They are no longer delivering on these items. They are worth nothing.

If it is not in your hand it is not your.

There are a few - very few - companies that actually store your Silver and Gold in special vaults and in many cases this is what you may want - the physical gold and silver are actually present in the vault.

So this time the Corporation Make America Great may indeed win despite all the bickering by the Liberal Elites.

So this is a huge TA DA Trump day.



Senator Bernie Sanders promises every American a job at $15/Hour.

Under current Federal Restrictions, this mean every America will bring home around $300 a week after taxes.

So - how well can you live on $1,200 a month when average rents go for about $800/month thanks to Welfare.

My wife just said: Bernie, shut the heck up. Why not gie the money back you took in terms of grants to your Huge Socialist Organizations you tacked onto Budget Bills to pad your own pocket.

You have been building sucking off the Tax Payer your whole life.

You, and your wife, need to go to jail and the money returned you stole from the Tax Payers.



Mighty German is now showing off it’s Gold to the public.

They now have in hand about $150 Billion (3,400 Tons) of gold in their vault.

This does not include what the Hapsburgs actually have stored in the mountain vault above Vienna but may be added to their reserves.

After all is said and done - Germany may begin to anounce it has access to around $400 Billion on Gold by the ear’s end - or around 10,000 tons.

$1,400 x 16 oz/lb x 2,000 lbs/ton x 3,400 tons  = 152 Billion Dollars

If gold reaches $10,000 an ounce and Germany reports it’s full 10,000 tons their gold value will then be

$10,000/Ounce x 10,000 tons x 2,000 pounds/ton x 16 ounces per pound = $3.2 Trillion

Germany’s M-2 Money Supply is around $3.2 Trillion and thus it could back a New Mark with gold.

Or maybe we will end up with the German Euro, the French Euro, the Italian Euro, etc.

As we head to a NEW Gold Standard the price of Gold and Silver will now have to rise.

The US National Debt clock estimate that the New Gold will exceed $6,000 an ounce and solver over $800 an ounce.

The only way to eliminate the Deficit is to eliminate 80% of all Federal, State, County and City workers and to eliminate Property Taxes all together.

No more grants to support Google, Facebook, Amazon, ABC, NBC, CBS and thousands of other organizations that are destroying this Nation.

This means education will be done either at the church or at home.

Pray this all happens As Soon As Possible and those who oppose it are neutralized immediately.


Please pray for President Trump’s Safety and that he begins to listen to GOD.




YOU make the difference. We can not emphasize that enough.

Please pray that your families and prepare for any emergency.


This is OUR country and here WE stand for FREEDOM

This is YOUR channel where about 90% of the stories come from YOU

Often times I have another story read to go - but since is YOUR channel we report on what YOU have asked for.

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Text - H.R.5404 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): To define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold. | | Library of Congress

H. R. 5404

To define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold.

March 22, 2018
Mr. Mooney of West Virginia introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services

To define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
Congress finds the following:

(1) The United States dollar has lost 30 percent of its purchasing power since 2000, and 96 percent of its purchasing power since the end of the gold standard in 1913.

(2) Under the Federal Reserve’s 2 percent inflation objective, the dollar loses half of its purchasing power every generation, or 35 years.

(3) American families need long-term price stability to meet their household spending needs, save money, and plan for retirement.

(4) The Federal Reserve policy of long-term inflation has made American manufacturing uncompetitive, raising the cost of United States manufactured goods by more than 40 percent since 2000, compared to less than 20 percent in Germany and France.

(5) Between 2000 and 2010, United States manufacturing employment shrunk by one-third after holding steady for 30 years at nearly 20,000,000 jobs.

(6) The American economy needs a stable dollar, fixed exchange rates, and money supply controlled by the market not the government.

(7) The gold standard puts control of the money supply with the market instead of the Federal Reserve.

(8) The gold standard means legal tender defined by and convertible into a certain quantity of gold.

(9) Under the gold standard through 1913 the United States economy grew at an annual average of four percent, one-third larger than the growth rate since then and twice the level since 2000.

(10) The international gold exchange standard from 1914 to 1971 did not provide for a United States dollar convertible into gold, and therefore helped cause the Great Depression and stagflation.

(11) The Federal Reserve’s trickle down policy of expanding the money supply with no demand for it has enriched the owners of financial assets but endangered the jobs, wages, and savings of blue collar workers.

(12) Restoring American middle-class prosperity requires change in monetary policy authorized to Congress in Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 of the Constitution.
Effective 30 months after the date of enactment of this Act—

(1) the Secretary of the Treasury (in this Act referred to as the “Secretary”) shall define the dollar in terms of a fixed weight of gold, based on that day’s closing market price of gold; and

(2) Federal Reserve Banks shall make Federal Reserve notes exchangeable with gold at the statutory gold definition of the dollar.
During the 30-month period following the date of enactment of this Act, the United States Government shall take timely and reasonable steps to disclose all of its holdings of gold, together with a contemporaneous report of any United States governmental purchases or sales, thus enhancing the ability of the market and of market participants to arrive at the fixed dollar-gold parity in an orderly fashion.

Sliver of Germany's mighty gold stash goes on show for the first time

United States Money Supply M2 | 1959-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time