Thursday, January 26, 2017


Pres Trump Strikes At The Heart Of The Beast

PRES Trump Overturns Entire Left in 3 days - Strikes a Mortal Blow on the Beast.

The entire group of Satanic NAZI Left Wing Nuts are now being overturned.

After Donald Trump was elected he began work immediately on how to over turn what the left had done to America.

As you recall - Hillary was supposed to destroy all Boarders leading into America within 100 days and increase the Welfare Roll to the point where the entire American Economy Collapsed

The Cloward Piven Model - as set forth by the NAZI Regime running the nation way back in the mid-1960’s -  Was Implemented to destroy America from within through Deficits and welfare payments. This model was Firmly put in place by President Johnson with what is called “Chain Immigration” - bringing in millions of Immigrants and placing them on Welfare and entering a period of Permanent War.

Today this ends with the resignation of the people who have been in charge of this plan under USC 5, Sec 101-105 - the Senior Management or the US State Department. Here, more than any other Department, these managers have been carrying out their plan to destroy America and create a Massive Nuclear War.

As an Ambassador we have been keenly aware of this and have tried many times to stop these Satanic NAZI Pigs at the top by exposing them but no one seemed to care.

Treason was the call of the day.

Destroy America we were told over and over again - from the CIA to the State Department. They wanted Nuclear War. Period.

They were utterly insane and suicidal.

No more.

Finally - Kennedy and his Cronies like John Kerry #2 are gone - never to return to the US State Department again and likely to leave the nation because of the treason they have committed.

It is the State Department that has blocked the fence between Mexico and the US and it is the State Department that releases Illegal Alien Murders form prisons after they have murdered again and again here in America.

These State Department Traitors and Murders like Gregory Starr - assistant Secretary Of State for Diplomatic Security - are running out of the country just as fast as their 2 legs can carry them.

Be assured that these American Traitors and Murders will be hunted down like the NAZI Rats that they are - either by the US or by Chinese and Russian intelligence.

As for President Nieto of Mexico refusing to meet with President Trump next Tuesday - he will soon be replaced. It is over for these Left Wing NAZI Freaks.

It is so over for these NAZIs in the US State Department that in the Russian State of Chechnya where the US State Department tried to create a Revolution in Russia, The Chinese are now training with Russian Special Forces in the area the US had sent weapons through into mosques in the region.

In other news President Trump is now ordering investigations into Voter Fraud.

All of those who are on camera committing Voter Fraud will now be charged, tried and convicted and, more than likely, spend the rest of their days in Prison in some sort of Work Camp.

You are not supposed to remember  the following stories:

1) You Tube: Democrats Busted On Camera Stuffing Ballot Boxes

2) FBI Investigating More Dead People Voting In the Key Swing State Of Virginia.

There were hundreds of others.

Those Governors and Secretaries of States who allowed these votes are now put on notice: You will be dealt with for your Voter Fraud ever so harshly.

There are changes coming so be ready and pray that your family is ready for them.

This is why we sponsor Food For Liberty and Get The Tea - to not only prepare your family for what is coming but to teach us how to cut our costs by eating well and avoiding being sick and seeing the doctor.

Make sure your gas tank is always topped off as we are about to see some Gas Distribution Disruptions.

Finally: We are going to make up another batch of Anti-aging formula and add Bilberry to the mix for Eye Health. So far so good.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount


The Entire Senior Management Team At The State Department Just Resigned | Zero Hedge


Pena Nieto Snubs Trump: Tells White House Won't Attend Meeting, Peso Tumbles | Zero Hedge

Chinese special forces seek anti-terror training in Chechnya | Russia Beyond The Headlines


President Trump considers executive order on voter fraud -


Democrats Busted On Camera Stuffing Ballot Boxes - YouTube


gfbi raids on dead people voting - Google Search

The Cloward-Piven Strategy, Saul Alinsky, and Their Influence on Obama [Reader Post] | Flopping Aces

BIG MAC ATMs And Robot Cashiers

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Union Leaders Praise President Trump

Union Leaders Praise Pres Trump - Unbelievable


Union Leaders Praise President Trump - YouTube

That’s correct.

The Teamster’s President James Hoffa praised President Trumpss’ move to crush the Trans Pacific Partnership.

The AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka also praised President Trump’s efforts to “Renegotiate” NAFTA and offer the Canadian and Mexican Governments deals they “No Canna Refuse.”

By the expected addition of 6 million more Manufacturing Jobs  coming back to America over the next 4 years Union Membership should sky rocket and pension funds will thus be stabilized.

James Hoffa said: “Today, President Trump made good on his campaign promise to withdraw the United States from the Trans Pacific Partnership.”

Unbelievable - the Union Leaders praising a Republican President.

Second - President Trump also signed a bill to push through the Keystone Pipeline - from North Dakota to the Mississippi River.

America will not only be energy independent it will also eliminate the US Trade Deficit within 3 months.

Third - President Donald Trump has decided to keep on James Comey as the Director of the FBI. Apparently there have been quite a few visits by some “Out Of Towners”

Fourth - Storms across the Central US are tearing it apart. Look at the wind map - Bizarre. Please pray that these Intense Storms calm down into Gentle Rains and Gentle Winds.

Firth - President Trump has terminated funding to groups that conduct Abortions outside of America. Apparently WE in America have been paying for abortions world wide. President Clinton initiated this, President Bush Cancelled it, President Obama reinitiated it and now President Trump has again cancelled these payments.

Sixth - As the Sun begins to expand the extra energy can be directed out to see to release the excess energy now hitting the Earth.

Finally - Please pray with me that Radio Host Pastor Rick Wiles foot heals from the hairline fracture he received a few days ago when he actually slipped on a wet floor while working.


A Note For President Trump:

First - we love having you in office. If offered a trip on a Boat of any kind next month - say no.

Second - A Pylon on Air Force 2, which I believe is now Air Force 3 as of yesterday,  is cracked. Remember the “Engine” that supposedly fell off a B-52 last month - hint, hint….

Third - Madonna threatened to blow up the White House and Glenn Beck threatened to stab you over and over again - they are very dangerous people - as is Rosie O’Donnell and her friends. You need to deal with them immediately.

Fourth - wear magnets in your pockets to eliminate the effects of the Electronics in the wall. If you need some ask.

Fifth - No more clicking cameras - they need to go No-Flash digital Cameras. Period. Someone is trying to give you a seizure.

Sixth - The New Software Upgrade on Air Force One causes flickering in the program - it has “Lowest Bidder Syndrome“. You might seriously reconsider not upgrading the computers on Air Force 2 (It is about to happen) and 3 until this glitch is worked out.

Finally - You have a mole. The man giving Hand Signals after escorting you into the Armored Limo - Completely Loyal - but…. Payoffable. Please bring people into the White House who can detect those things. We, the people, want you around for the next 8 years as a fully functional and incredibly successful  President.

Finally - a CEO who can manage a business running the United States Corporation

Please pray that President Trump is well protected and every evil plan is thwarted his reviving of America fails.

Please also pray for your families - the storms running across the world are getting more and more intense.
 Be Ready.



Age Backwards - you avoid the doctor.

Last night Jane was up almost all night - an effect of our Anti-aging Process and her face - wowzers - as the wrinkles subside.

She’s Happy

She plans to show her “New Face” to all her friends this week.

Go: Get The Tea, Food For Liberty, Immusist and Citricare

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount



Trump Signs Executive Orders Renegotiating Keystone XL, Dakota Access Pipelines | Zero Hedge

Trump Is Keeping FBI Director Comey | Zero Hedge - Interactive 3D globe brings weather to life

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