Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Trump Brings Ford Back To America

Trump Brings Ford Back To America


VIDEO:  Trump Brings Ford Back To America - YouTube

That is correct.

He is not even President and look at what he is doing.

Maybe he hired a great PR Firm in New York City like Vladimir Putin did to boost his ratings in America???

Hint, Hint President elect Trump???

We can also take off 100 pounds if you start eating Sea Weed we eat and I can provide it for you - this will be a great PR gig.

In a Major move Ford Motor Company is cancelling the construction of a $1.6 Billion Dollar Plant in Mexico and moving instead to Flint Michigan.

The plant was being built in San Luis Potosi, Mexico but the construction was cancelled a few days ago and the they plan to build a Brand New Manufacturing Facility in Flint, Michigan to build High Tech Autonomous Vehicles and add 700 Jobs to the Michigan Economy.

These “Autonomous Cars” are self driving and have been used by Google Maps now for years to film YOUR streets. You will simply be able to input destinations and the car will drive itself. If the y use our old “Plate Battery” technology we had in the military 30 years ago their rang will be in the upwards of 3,500 miles. More than likely, though,  they will use Old Lithium Ion Batteries and have a range of 100 miles.

As you recall - at the end of November Carrier Air Conditioning decided not to move it’s main factory to Mexico and stay in Indiana - saving about 1,000 US Manufacturing jobs.

It appears that Trump’s New Tax Structure will reverse the Satanic NAZI Democratic Policies of the last 40 years and actually send jobs back to America.

Considering that Nongovernmental Car Sales have fallen for the last 8 years - this is a good thing for America.

In other news:

1) Megyn Kelly is leaving FOX News - Yeaaaa.

2) US Senate is now about to repeal Obama Care and reverse the Mandatory Chipping of every American.

3) Like any other nation on Earth - President Elect Donald Trump plans on sending Illegal Aliens back home. This may include Barry Soetorro - or - Barrack Obama as he calls himself - all the way back to Indonesia where his passport says he is from. He never applied for an American Passport.

5) Finally - the Alabama State Supreme Court has ruled a Fetus is alive. Unborn Babies are Humans.


4) Now let us look a look at the US Debt Clock and see what President Trump can do to Make America Great Again:

…a) US Debt - $19 Trillion, which could be reversed by selling some of the US Inc. Owned Stocks and Bonds - totaling over $300 Trillion.

..b) The US Trade Deficit of $800 Billion per year could be erased by allowing US Crude to be sold world wide for about $10 a barrel. You do not trade in US Dollars - the NEW US Dollar you can’t buy our cheap oil.

…c) Individual Credit Card Debt could be reversed overnight, along with Home Mortgage Debt - by the US Selling more stocks and bonds.

…d) The Federal Budget could be paid out of the $12 Trillion Goldman Sachs collected off of the US INC owned stocks and bonds. No more IRS - just line item that Corporation out of existence.

…e) Current Dollar to Gold Ratio is currently at $9,098. If a gun is held to the Bush’s Head and they returned all the gold they stole on 9/11 the US would be one of the richest nation on the planet. If he wishes - we could wrangle Senator Jack Metcalf and his daughter and they would teach us how to grow gold as well.

…f) After 16 years of NAZI Democratic Rule the US Mfg Jobs have gone from 17 Million Manufacturing Jobs to under 12 Million. Apparently this is now being reversed.

…g) Social Security was set up only to pay for Old Age Retirement and those Physically Disabled as a result of a Job Related Injury. If everything else were terminated it would eliminate 90% of the cost of Social Security. Period.

…h) If ALL federal grants were terminated we would see the elimination of almost every Satanic NAZI Democratic Organization established on this planet in the last 60 years.

….I) There are 7 million Convicted Felons in America. If they were ALL sent back to their country of origin we could close 90% of all American Jails. The laws are already in place to do this but the orders from these Satanic NAZI Democrats at the top have stopped this - so let’s use the existing laws and send these Felons home.

j) Finally - Pres Bush Junior and Obama gave away almost $30 Trillion in “Quantitative Easing”  to banks - of which 90% - over $27 Trillion - went into the pockets of the CEO’s and their “Buddies“. Retrieve these Digital Dollars and then - and only then - issue the New US Dollars.

The arrests of these Satanic NAZI Democratic Leaders has already begun and will accelerate as we move into 2017 and War Tribunals are established to stop these Pigs across the planet.

As for President Obama moving - if you wish we can ask several thousand Hells Angels to come and help you pack. I am sure they would be more than willing to throw all your personal goods out the window and prevent any more of our National Treasures from being stolen by your, your doubles, and your Partner Michael the Foot Ball Player.

Would you like me to ask them President Obama Handlers and Cowards?

It will be nice to have a Real Man in the White House after all these Cowards.

Donald Trump actually threw a Satanic NAZI Democrat off of his Golf Course 2 days ago for lying in the press - a sign of things to come for these Lying NAZI reporters.


A note to Trump - please have your food brought into the white House as one of the Cooks - an “Outward Supporter” of yours - actually hates you.

Look into their past very heavily - very, very heavily and read their mind. Offer them full retirement and get them out of the White House ASAP or you may fall ever so slightly ill for a prolonged period of time.

When I was overseas trying to stop this Insane Nuclear War I carried my meals with me. I would buy a loaf of bread, some cheese and meat and Bottled Water and not eat out. After being poisoned once I learned.

My recommendation is to “Retire” all the White House cooks and cater out using your own company.

Put your own refrigerator in your Oval Office, keep a lock on it, have a special staff member stock it, and carry a Pistol like Ronald Reagan did after Vice President Bush had him shot with a Hand Pistol filled with Buck Shot and by GOD - use YOUR own driver, not a Paid White House Employee who can be bribed to drive an injured Reagan around while he was bleeding.

Loyalty is your best asset in an employee President Elect Trump.


Please pray that these Evil Plans set forth by the Satanic NAZIS fail at every corner.

Please also pray for your families. Tonight it will be -30 to -40 in Kalispell Montana - nothing moves at those temperatures.


The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount


It will be cold across the nation. Turn your thermostats down to 66 Degrees and you will save allot of money.

An emergency Heating source is necessary where the power goes out allot - like a small wood stove or “Mr. Heater“ with the Oxygen Sensor on it.  Be careful as you also need an additional Oxygen Sensor with these Heating Device for safety.

Also -- keep one of your faucets running ever so slowly so your pipes do not freeze and crack. We sill leave the Back Bathroom Cold Water running all night at a trickle.

One advantage of getting older is you drink allot of Tea and Coffee so you use the bathroom all night - nothing freezes then.

This is your channel - YOU ARE making the difference.

Thanks for coming.



Ford Cancels Mexico Move; Will Expand Michigan Plant Instead!



Trump Takes Victory Lap After Ford Cancels $1.6 Billion Mexican Expansion Plan As "Vote Of Confidence" In President-Elect | Zero Hedge

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

autonomous vehicles - Google Search

Megyn Kelly Is Leaving Fox News for NBC - The New York Times

The Trump Effect? After Carrier pledge to keep jobs in US, more companies may follow | Fox News

Trump Throws Biographer Out of Golf Course for Writing About His Divorce Proceedings | Mediaite

Alabama Supreme Court Rules ‘Unborn Children … Are Human Beings’ Entitled to Protections of Law

Monday, January 2, 2017

US Plans To Invade Russia Cancelled - OBAMA Moving

US War Plans To Invade Russia Cancelled - OBAMA Moving


There is a plan in place for the US and it’s NATO Allies to invade Russia

As you recall - there was an invasion by French, British and Japanese forces of Russia between 1918 and 1920 in an attempt to destroy both the Hermitage in St Petersburg and rip away the Eastern portions of Russia.

As for the Invasion of St Petersburg, the French and British had just finished 4 years of Trench Warfare and they were double crossed by the leaders of St Petersburg and routed back to the Russian Port of Arch Angel and their evacuation was protected by a US Task Force.

The US lost 244 men evacuating the French and British.

As for the Japanese - in the East part of Russia they were threatened with all out war and evacuated the area, choosing to attack China only   few years later when they invaded Manchuria.

During the later part of Baby Bush’s Regime Operation Unthinkable was dusted off and re-examined.

Operation Unthinkable was the Allied plans to invade Russia way back in 1945 put forth by none other than Prime Minister Churchill and US General Patton. For this Patton was killed and Churchill retired.

Later updating this under US Contingency Plan 8010-09,thten 8010-12 and now 8010-15 the Obama Regime not only dusted this plan off but began implementing it.

This plan - now pulled off of the Internet - calls for an initial Nuclear Strike against all military targets in a “Family Of Nations”: being North Korea, Syria, China, Iran and Russia. All the countries that are not listening to the Rothchilds and the Vatican Trust, which is run by the P-2 Masonic Lodge on Rome by the 40th through 46th level Masons there - yes - there are 13 levels above the 33rd level.

After the initial strike Allied forces will head North from Estonia and Poland and take an area about ¾ths of the way to Moscow (Which would then be an ash tray) and then declare peace and the Japanese seized an area up to Irkutsk and lake “Ozero Baykal”

The ensuing war would then be declared over, leaving most of the world’s population dead through radiation poisoning and starvation.

This plan was attempted in Early September of this year but German Tankers refused to fire on Balarusan Tanker as they were jointly having tea.

Further - the Riot that was supposed to happen in the Russian State of Smolensk Russia never appeared thanks to the KGB and some hand picked Russian Troops.

As you recall - the next day someone jumped into Angela Merkel’s motor-cade and tried to kill her for not starting this Insane War.

Instead of a Nuclear War - the world woke up.

So now we have a President (Obama #4, 5, and 6) stating they refuse to leave the White House after the 20th and the Alternate Media - being enflamed by CIA Operatives who run these main Alternate Media Channels - are getting the world up in arms over these statements.

Well - First of all - The President is going to leave the White House on the 20th or his handlers will be - shall we say - replaced abruptly, so HE has said it, so it shall be.

Second - moving trucks are already in the White House and are moving this Human Scum, out just as fast as Humanly Possible

Third - If Obama’s Handlers attempt any delay in President Elect’s Inauguration heads will roll. We think they got then message when their underground base at Denver was literally blown up a few short days ago.

Fourth - as for the Economic Collapse - what may occur is several things:

…A) First - the State Governors spending more than they are taking in and violating their own Balanced Budget Laws  in are going to be held accountable. This may mean arrests of these last Satanic NAZI Hold outs like Governor Inslee of Washington and Brown of California.

…B) All federal grants may be terminated.

…C) Taxes used to support Private Corporations like - the School Districts, Universities and Foot Ball Stadiums - must be terminated for a New US Dollar to be circulated.

…D) The American Crude Oil will need to be sold worldwide at around $10 a Barrel and this alone would eliminate America’s Trade Deficit in 24 hours. American Oil Dollars could then be used to support the Trump Administration as it is now done in Russia.

America - at current levels of Oil Consumption - has enough oil to supply the world for 200 years.

As for Rumors about Vladimir Putin being appointed as the New Tsar of Russia:

On July 17th 1918 it was rumored that the Russian Tsar and his family were executed. They were actually transported out of Russia and held in what I believe to be a safe place in England.

The Royal Russian Family, like most Royal Families, spread their family out into Surrounding Nations just in case there was a revolt. Some of them are in England, some in Iran Etc.

The Original Vladimir Putin was raised in Iraq and his father was Stalin’s Coach Driver and Food Tester.

The Original Vladimir Putin as trained by the KGB and it is rumored by the Chinese Intelligence that he was killed 40 years ago and replaced by the New Vladimir Putin who, like most political leader, has doubles.

If the Russian Federation votes to make Putin a new Tsar OK - the Russian Federation is a Corporation owned and located in London, Who’s CEO is Medvedev.

Whoever they appoint as their New Tsar - it is a title only meant to confuse the masses.

As for the war - the False Flag on the 14th at a Naval Base in Norfolk has been forcibly cancelled as the 3 star at Norfolk is about to reveal all - the Obsolete Carries will not be blown up even though they are all in port.

Obama’s Planned Unthinkable 2017 war will not be implemented and he will not redo FDR’s Pearl Harbors Speech 8 December 1941 and start WW3.

It’s over for him - he will not be King of the world, he will not start WW3, he will not kill Trump at the Inauguration and all those that try to destroy our economy will be killed.

The Power Base of this New World Order is literally crumbling.

That being said - allot of Welfare and Refugee Pay is expected to go away and we will see Large Price Increases as the Federal Reserve Note gets replaced by a US Dollar backed by a usable product - oil

If Donald Trump wishes I will reveal to him, and him alone, the largest Chrome Deposit in the world - a very essential metal to our modern life - here in the United States to help back the New US Dollar.

Perhaps we sill even show him how to grow metals - like gold. We watched this process at US Berkeley as they grew Iron out of the ether way back in the 1970’s during a Metallurgy 101 class.

So now you know the rest of the story.


Please pray (Visualize) that all of the Satanic Evil Deeds are stopped.

try sending love to every drop of water coming out of the White House Faucets over the next year.

Please also send Love to those who run the You Tube.


The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount



Two Incredible Balms:

1) Lavender Tea Tree Balm from Get The Tea - accessed through our You Tube channel

2) Shea Butter from Uncle Harry’s  - accessed on line through Uncle Harry’s on the web.

Both are incredible oils and will last a very, very long time and most importantly - Jane loves them both and both are very inexpensive.



Operation Unthinkable - Wikipedia


Operation Unthinkable 2.0? Pentagon Updating War Plans Against Russia



The Execution of Tsar Nicholas II, 1918


A look inside moving day at the White House | abc13.com


North Russia Intervention - Wikipedia

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Weather Alert As White House Clowns Go Insane

Weather Alert As White House Clowns Go Insane


VIDEO: Weather Alert As White House Clowns Go Insane - YouTube

First, and foremost, on every body’s mind is the weather.

As we discussed earlier - when the Magnetic Poles shifted back to where they were in  the year 1669 the coldest part of the planet shifted to Siberia

Not letting any disaster go to waste - the New World Order has ordered this Cold Front to Blanket North America and Northern Europe.

Check out the odd winds - wind heading Westward instead of Eastward as small mini storms appear in central Washington and Oregon

Here in the Puget Sound it appears that the Weather Manipulation  Technology to create and direct weather patterns is being used to draw cold air in from Montana to the Central Oregon Area,. The newly installed antenna at the Coos Bay Coast Guard Station is working well - as can be seen on the map.

Temperatures were reported in the Kalispell Weather Channel to go to -40 Degrees in the higher areas by Monday Night ands will remain there until Thursday.

Minus 40*F - that is very cold.

Thanks You New World Order

Further - these very low temperatures should be felt all across Europe. It is expected to be the Coldest Clod Snap in history.

In other news:

1) The US is deploying Medium Range Nuclear Weapons to the US/Mexican boarder. These weapons can be modified to take out Drug Lord Headquarters from Mexico to the Southern Tip of Chili using conventional weapons and that is what Trump plans to do.

The murdering of over half a million people , the displacement of over 2 million people, and the enslavement of another million people by the Drug Lords ends the day after Trump takes over.

My guess is the shipments to the US of Cocaine from Columbia and Opium from Afghanistan to the US And Europe also ends.

Our US Troops will no longer cooperate with Drug Lords and this ends almost 50 years of US Air Force Importation of illegal drugs to destroy America.

President elect Donald Trump and his Handlers have already been briefed on who is involved so we will not belabor the point.

2) In a Top Secret Meeting with the Murdering US Supported Leaders of the Palestinians the US Promised to formally recognize Palestine within 2 weeks - thus causing World War 3.

My experience diplomatically with the leaders of Palestine is they are arrogant murdering freaks supported by US Tax Payer Dollars.

3)  The House passes a bill (HR4919) to Microchip the Mentally Disabled people by awarding Grants to Law enforcement Agencies to chip people at their discretion. Fingerprinting is not enough for these NAZIs they must now label you with a visible marker.

4) White House has ordered 1,600 US made tanks to Europe for immediate deployment for the use to invade Russia form the NW Region of Europe - Latvia and Estonia. Time for a change of Presidents in these Baltic States President Putin.

If you are a US General and you are stupid enough to order the Invasion of Russia using US and NATO forces - you will be dead in one week after the order - so HE has said it, so it shall be. You and your families down to your lat grand child. GOD is not silent on this one.

Remember -- the VA has sold your Medical Records around the world for Petty Change and now YOU and YOUR Family are at risk and your President, Supreme Courts, Congressman and Senator’s don’t’ care - you and your family are expendable.

5) ALL US Carriers are in port. Military Leaders in Europe you have been set up to fail. You have been set up to be slaughters as your fleets - your Carriers and Destroyers, Frigates and Submarines, your Space Fleet -  sit in ports twiddling their thumbs and your Aircraft all contain Computer Chips made in China and they are all Compromised - 100% compromised.

It has taken Obama’s Handlers over 7 years to set you up to die Generals - so accept your fate or - do not start the war unless you are a Moron, your IQ is below room temperature, your elevator does not go up all the way and you are 3 bricks shy of a full load and having a Terminal Brain Cramp with Octal Rectalitis so bad you have to polish your belly to see straight.

OK - So the White House Handlers, now operating out of their Top Secret Base in Hawaii - are have now gone insane. They are giving these orders from a Secure Location.

Time to take out the San Diego and Hawaii Bases - they have given their answer after their other bases were destroyed.

Stupid is as Stupid Does.


The latest Obama Plan - Barbarossa 2 - was put together in the 1970’s with the help of those NAZI’s brought here Under Operation Paper Clip - like NAZI SS Colonel Warner Von Braun - and has taken the Obama Satanic NAZIs 7 years to set up. Same plan - just updated.

If they initiate this the South Pole will have some pretty severe Shifts - destroying 9 cities, does GOD make himself perfectly clear as your Masters in Agarta have been contained????


Please pray that no one follows the orders of the Obama Handlers and that their Tank Deliveries are delayed by bad weather they created.

Please also pray that the Computer Chipping System fails world wide

Please also pray that the truth about the Power Company (Burlington Electric) being hacked by Russia is exposed as it was done from the US Embassy in Kiev as noted by the Old Ukrainian Malware connected to it.


The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount



Never buy it unless it is on sale.

Jane woke up with more supple face - less wrinkles

Ladies - need I say more???

Stay Tuned For More Updates and subscribe.

I almost got my channel pulled for this story on anti aging - so - what does that tell you???


MeteoEarth.com - Interactive 3D globe brings weather to life

US Notifies Russia Of Redeployment To Mexican Border Of Tactical Nuclear Weapons

Egyptian Intelligence Reveals Minutes Of Secret Palestinian Authority Meeting With John Kerry, Susan Rice; U.S.-Palestinian Coordination On UNSC 2334


Obama Planning to Start a WAR with Russia; Sends 1,600 TANKS to Europe!


House Passes Bill To "Microchip Citizens With 'Mental Disabilities'" - Who's Next? | Zero Hedge

Kunia RSOC Echelon Global Surveillance Station

Russian hackers strike Burlington Electric with malware