Friday, November 11, 2016
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Breaking: Riots Erupt Across America - Expect More Tonight
Breaking: Riots Erupt Across America - YouTube
The Elites literally are throwing a temper tantrum.
First they try to keep their Satanic FASCIST Regime in power
Failing that they tried to destroy the financial markets.
Failing on this front they are now following the script of the 1960s and 70s and trying to get young people into the streets to protest.
All across America the likes of George Soros are paying people $15 an hour - CASH - to try and rally people to trash businesses and destroy the infrastructure in America.
Just like in the early 70s there are about 15 people per riot who are the Paid Agitators only this time rather than being paid by the Communist Party they are paid by George Soros NGO’s - Corporations set up to pay rioters.
Back in 1976-77 I worked for the Chief Engineer at U.C. Berkeley. He was the prosecutor for the Infamous People’s Park Riot - they rioted over a lawn owned by the Corporation of U.C. Berkeley that was eventually tuned into a parking lot.
The day I left Bezerkeley 6 Police Cars were overturned and burned and neither the FBI or Local Police were allowed to arrest these rioting pigs.
When the riots began in the early 70s the FBI actually did their job and arrested those who started throwing bricks and my Boss prosecuted them. Every one admitted being paid CAHS by the Communist Party to start the riots.
What the FBI did not do - Girly Boys - is arrest those who paid the rioters.
So now the Likes of George Soros and John Kerry will pump millions into the rioters until they are either arrested or they regain control of America using their Puppet Satanic FASCIST Candidates - like Governor Tim Kiane and Governor Jerry Moonbeam Brown of California.
So here is how the riot works:
1) The likes of George Soros is given Digital Money by the IMF or Federal Reserve and he hires people to set up NGO’s in nations he wants to destroy.
2) He pays corporations and they make their employees to go out into the streets and form a Peaceful Rally.
3) These NGOs (Or CIA) then hire Thugs to start throwing bricks or burn pre-set up garbage cans and throw them into the streets. Sometimes they block highways and the Paid Off Governors order the local police to let the highway be blocked. If you try to get through YOU are arrested for assaulting a Protester even if they hit you first.
4) Either colleges students looking for fun, or the Homeless, attend these Riots and get very unruly after dark when the NGO Free Drugs and Booze begin to filter in.
5) Finally - a man is sent In to burn stuff or fire shots into the crowd - as occurred in Seattle last night. This makes the funder of these organizations accessories to attempted murder.
Those who start the riots have been doing this for a very long time and have it down to a science.
After the Chief FBI Investigator on the Hillary Email Case was murdered, along with his family, there is a new strategy being developed without the Director James Comey’s knowledge
There will be no charges filed against these criminals until after President Obama leaves office. Then there will be no pardons available for these Murderers.
The arrests by other nations of those mentioned in the Clinton Emails has already begun - but the Major Arrests will not begin until Late January. Until then the Elites will try anything to keep Trump out of office - but it will all Backfire ---- so says the I Am That I AM, who was and is and is to come.
If they try to attack Trump it will all fall on their heads - so HE has said it, so it shall be.
Attack Trump and his organization and you will find yourself on the Backside of Perdition.
Pray that you families are ready for what is coming
Send Love and gratitude to every drop of water used in the White House for the next 2 days.
Finally - pray that those who wish to destroy American and Freedom are immediately and permanently immobilized for life.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
CitriCare citrus seed extract
Anti-Trump crowd smashes windows & police cruiser in streets of Oakland (VIDEO) — RT America
Bay Area Protests Break Out After Trump Wins Election « CBS San Francisco
5 people shot in downtown Seattle; search for shooter continues | The Seattle Times
Anti-Trump Protests Continue Across The US Overnight: Burn American Flags, Smash Windows | Zero Hedge
Syria War video today 10 November 2016 - YouTube
Breaking: Riots Erupt Across America - YouTube
The Elites literally are throwing a temper tantrum.
First they try to keep their Satanic FASCIST Regime in power
Failing that they tried to destroy the financial markets.
Failing on this front they are now following the script of the 1960s and 70s and trying to get young people into the streets to protest.
All across America the likes of George Soros are paying people $15 an hour - CASH - to try and rally people to trash businesses and destroy the infrastructure in America.
Just like in the early 70s there are about 15 people per riot who are the Paid Agitators only this time rather than being paid by the Communist Party they are paid by George Soros NGO’s - Corporations set up to pay rioters.
Back in 1976-77 I worked for the Chief Engineer at U.C. Berkeley. He was the prosecutor for the Infamous People’s Park Riot - they rioted over a lawn owned by the Corporation of U.C. Berkeley that was eventually tuned into a parking lot.
The day I left Bezerkeley 6 Police Cars were overturned and burned and neither the FBI or Local Police were allowed to arrest these rioting pigs.
When the riots began in the early 70s the FBI actually did their job and arrested those who started throwing bricks and my Boss prosecuted them. Every one admitted being paid CAHS by the Communist Party to start the riots.
What the FBI did not do - Girly Boys - is arrest those who paid the rioters.
So now the Likes of George Soros and John Kerry will pump millions into the rioters until they are either arrested or they regain control of America using their Puppet Satanic FASCIST Candidates - like Governor Tim Kiane and Governor Jerry Moonbeam Brown of California.
So here is how the riot works:
1) The likes of George Soros is given Digital Money by the IMF or Federal Reserve and he hires people to set up NGO’s in nations he wants to destroy.
2) He pays corporations and they make their employees to go out into the streets and form a Peaceful Rally.
3) These NGOs (Or CIA) then hire Thugs to start throwing bricks or burn pre-set up garbage cans and throw them into the streets. Sometimes they block highways and the Paid Off Governors order the local police to let the highway be blocked. If you try to get through YOU are arrested for assaulting a Protester even if they hit you first.
4) Either colleges students looking for fun, or the Homeless, attend these Riots and get very unruly after dark when the NGO Free Drugs and Booze begin to filter in.
5) Finally - a man is sent In to burn stuff or fire shots into the crowd - as occurred in Seattle last night. This makes the funder of these organizations accessories to attempted murder.
Those who start the riots have been doing this for a very long time and have it down to a science.
After the Chief FBI Investigator on the Hillary Email Case was murdered, along with his family, there is a new strategy being developed without the Director James Comey’s knowledge
There will be no charges filed against these criminals until after President Obama leaves office. Then there will be no pardons available for these Murderers.
The arrests by other nations of those mentioned in the Clinton Emails has already begun - but the Major Arrests will not begin until Late January. Until then the Elites will try anything to keep Trump out of office - but it will all Backfire ---- so says the I Am That I AM, who was and is and is to come.
If they try to attack Trump it will all fall on their heads - so HE has said it, so it shall be.
Attack Trump and his organization and you will find yourself on the Backside of Perdition.
Pray that you families are ready for what is coming
Send Love and gratitude to every drop of water used in the White House for the next 2 days.
Finally - pray that those who wish to destroy American and Freedom are immediately and permanently immobilized for life.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
CitriCare citrus seed extract
Anti-Trump crowd smashes windows & police cruiser in streets of Oakland (VIDEO) — RT America
Bay Area Protests Break Out After Trump Wins Election « CBS San Francisco
5 people shot in downtown Seattle; search for shooter continues | The Seattle Times
Anti-Trump Protests Continue Across The US Overnight: Burn American Flags, Smash Windows | Zero Hedge
Syria War video today 10 November 2016 - YouTube
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Last night in a surprise victory forces of the Satanic Fascist Regime had a set back - they lost the elections on all fronts.
My wife’s friends created a New Drink - A “Trump-Tini.” More about that later.
The President, the US Senate, and the US Hose of Representatives will become Republican for the first time in a very, very long time.
Our own Exit Polls clearly showed that 97% of the voters were voting for Trump.
So why did he only get 51% of the overall vote?
This means that for the next year those who committed the Felony of Voter Fraud by stuffing the Ballot Boxes ON CAMERA will need to rounded up and jailed, or the Police Chief’s of these counties and cities may be jailed themselves.
It’s a long way until Donald takes office and now, more than ever, you - the reader and Viewer - are absolutely needed.
President Obama has 2 alternatives left:
a) The “Alien” invasion - which has been cancelled by some “Friends” from Out Of Town.
b) Massive War - which may also have been cancelled simply due to the fact that certain folks have placed very strategically located weapons in places that would make this Massive War terminate these Cabal Leaders first including their masters in Ant-Arctica. Yup New Swaziland would vanish the second they start a War.
These Satanic Fascists (Cabal) must have realized something was wrong early yesterday morning because many of these Cabal Elites - like the NEW JOHN KERRY (Secretary of State) - flew to a Secret base in Antarctica to plan for both a Major War and an American Revolution.
The existence of these bases was confirmed to me by a very lovely US Air Force Pilot I met and almost dated. Her job was to fly to this Top Secret Base just below the tip of South America and deliver supplies.
It is a very small world of Officers on the local military bases.
We have all seen the films of the New NAZI Germany in 1946 - New Swaziland - and all understand what is at state - Freedom and the actual right to live.
Pray that those planning these wars in Antarctica are immediately immobilized for life.
In related events:
1) The entire Little Rock Arkansas Office of the FBI is now investigating the Clintons and their foundation. After the FBI Agent in charge of investigating Hillary’s Emails was murdered (Along with his family) there is a vengeance erupting against it’s leadership.
2) It appears that charges will not be filed against Hillary until after President Obama leaves office and there is no one left pardon Hillary and her criminals for Murder, Treason, Rape, Fraud and Theft.
3) To this end Hillary transferred $1.8 Billion Dollars last week to the Central Bank of Qatar as an “Insurance Policy“. Of course - once she is out of power and the hunt for these War Criminals Begins - there is no place she can hide.
4) Amazingly - Hillary is taking her money and planning to run Qatar - it has no Extradition Treaty with the United States Corporation. She is running like a Rat and going to let her staff hang for her crimes.
5) Senator Ron Johnson, Chairman of the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs, has ordered the case against the Clintons to be re-opened after a host of emails hit the internet last night by WIKILEAKS - a Chinese owned corporation who’s CEO is Julian Assange.
6) President Elect Donald Trump has been invited to the White House by President Barrack Obama tomorrow. Please pray that Trump is not effected by the Negative Electronic Equipment they are going to try to use on him.
Please keep in mind President Obama - you or your handlers touch him and we will stop doing what we do and you know exactly what that means.
Please also keep in mind Obama Handlers - you lost a major set of underground bases under Northern Italy and one under Central Chili a few days ago. Hands off Trump or more may go very, very soon. I have nothing to do with those in charge - but I have met some and we stay in touch daily is ways you cannot even imagine.
Do not - Obama Handlers - try to start a war on the Super Moon 14 November and stand down on your assassination attempts on Biden And Obama 3 days later CIA. The Bombing of the Senate Chambers and a shot at Obama is a very, very bad idea.
7) The latest Flu Vaccination must be stopped Obama Handlers - it is the deadliest Flu Vaccination ever to hit the market. See the executive orders.
Folks - we have a long way to getting rid of these Globalists and eliminating those who are killing us with Vaccines, GMO Foods, Chemical Trials, putting plastics and Gasoline in our foods, etc
8) According to Benjamin Fulford - the arrests of these Satanic FASCISTS has already begun as the Japanese Government has now surrendered to the White Dragon Society.
The Fight has only just begun so join with me daily to put an end to these Satanic FASCISTS that now roaming in the halls of Palaces of the Elites across the globe.
One final Note - those who are now going after these Satanic Fascists are not barbarians. If President Bill Clinton - and his 3 doubles - come here we can heal the holes they now have in their brains. Call it Parkinsons or HIV - we can fix them. I owe it to Bill after he treated my Adopted Sister in Yalta so very well 9 years ago - he never touched her.
Pray that these Satanic Fascists are rounded up and placed in an area where they cannot harm anyone any more.
Pray also that your families are ready for whatever these Cabal Members may throw at us.
For you Intel Geeks:
A) We have recommended a World Wide Penal Colony for Felons - Murderers, Child Rapists, Pedaphiles, Armed Robbers, etc to be placed on an island - a tiny island - much like the colony of Australia was for the English Empire so many years ago. They work - they eat. Period. The cost of housing these folks would be paid for by the products they make and almost all nationwide prisons can be shut down - diverting costs to rebuilding our infrastructure.
B) Use US Military Engineer Units to build roads in America, not overseas. We have the capacity within our Engineer Units here in America to rebuild most of infrastructure in 4 years using our own assets we already pay for.
Intel Geeks: You will either assist the US in these processes or you will be arrested and end up with a shovel in your hand and assist - so says the I AM That I AM, who was, and is, and is to come.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
New York Stock Exchange employees chant during Clinton’s Concession Speech this morning:
Home | Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee
Executive Orders |
Executive Order -- Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure from Infectious Disease Threats |
"Lock Her Up": NYSE Floor Traders Boo, Shout During Hillary Concession Speech | Zero Hedge
Last night in a surprise victory forces of the Satanic Fascist Regime had a set back - they lost the elections on all fronts.
My wife’s friends created a New Drink - A “Trump-Tini.” More about that later.
The President, the US Senate, and the US Hose of Representatives will become Republican for the first time in a very, very long time.
Our own Exit Polls clearly showed that 97% of the voters were voting for Trump.
So why did he only get 51% of the overall vote?
This means that for the next year those who committed the Felony of Voter Fraud by stuffing the Ballot Boxes ON CAMERA will need to rounded up and jailed, or the Police Chief’s of these counties and cities may be jailed themselves.
It’s a long way until Donald takes office and now, more than ever, you - the reader and Viewer - are absolutely needed.
President Obama has 2 alternatives left:
a) The “Alien” invasion - which has been cancelled by some “Friends” from Out Of Town.
b) Massive War - which may also have been cancelled simply due to the fact that certain folks have placed very strategically located weapons in places that would make this Massive War terminate these Cabal Leaders first including their masters in Ant-Arctica. Yup New Swaziland would vanish the second they start a War.
These Satanic Fascists (Cabal) must have realized something was wrong early yesterday morning because many of these Cabal Elites - like the NEW JOHN KERRY (Secretary of State) - flew to a Secret base in Antarctica to plan for both a Major War and an American Revolution.
The existence of these bases was confirmed to me by a very lovely US Air Force Pilot I met and almost dated. Her job was to fly to this Top Secret Base just below the tip of South America and deliver supplies.
It is a very small world of Officers on the local military bases.
We have all seen the films of the New NAZI Germany in 1946 - New Swaziland - and all understand what is at state - Freedom and the actual right to live.
Pray that those planning these wars in Antarctica are immediately immobilized for life.
In related events:
1) The entire Little Rock Arkansas Office of the FBI is now investigating the Clintons and their foundation. After the FBI Agent in charge of investigating Hillary’s Emails was murdered (Along with his family) there is a vengeance erupting against it’s leadership.
2) It appears that charges will not be filed against Hillary until after President Obama leaves office and there is no one left pardon Hillary and her criminals for Murder, Treason, Rape, Fraud and Theft.
3) To this end Hillary transferred $1.8 Billion Dollars last week to the Central Bank of Qatar as an “Insurance Policy“. Of course - once she is out of power and the hunt for these War Criminals Begins - there is no place she can hide.
4) Amazingly - Hillary is taking her money and planning to run Qatar - it has no Extradition Treaty with the United States Corporation. She is running like a Rat and going to let her staff hang for her crimes.
5) Senator Ron Johnson, Chairman of the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs, has ordered the case against the Clintons to be re-opened after a host of emails hit the internet last night by WIKILEAKS - a Chinese owned corporation who’s CEO is Julian Assange.
6) President Elect Donald Trump has been invited to the White House by President Barrack Obama tomorrow. Please pray that Trump is not effected by the Negative Electronic Equipment they are going to try to use on him.
Please keep in mind President Obama - you or your handlers touch him and we will stop doing what we do and you know exactly what that means.
Please also keep in mind Obama Handlers - you lost a major set of underground bases under Northern Italy and one under Central Chili a few days ago. Hands off Trump or more may go very, very soon. I have nothing to do with those in charge - but I have met some and we stay in touch daily is ways you cannot even imagine.
Do not - Obama Handlers - try to start a war on the Super Moon 14 November and stand down on your assassination attempts on Biden And Obama 3 days later CIA. The Bombing of the Senate Chambers and a shot at Obama is a very, very bad idea.
7) The latest Flu Vaccination must be stopped Obama Handlers - it is the deadliest Flu Vaccination ever to hit the market. See the executive orders.
Folks - we have a long way to getting rid of these Globalists and eliminating those who are killing us with Vaccines, GMO Foods, Chemical Trials, putting plastics and Gasoline in our foods, etc
8) According to Benjamin Fulford - the arrests of these Satanic FASCISTS has already begun as the Japanese Government has now surrendered to the White Dragon Society.
The Fight has only just begun so join with me daily to put an end to these Satanic FASCISTS that now roaming in the halls of Palaces of the Elites across the globe.
One final Note - those who are now going after these Satanic Fascists are not barbarians. If President Bill Clinton - and his 3 doubles - come here we can heal the holes they now have in their brains. Call it Parkinsons or HIV - we can fix them. I owe it to Bill after he treated my Adopted Sister in Yalta so very well 9 years ago - he never touched her.
Pray that these Satanic Fascists are rounded up and placed in an area where they cannot harm anyone any more.
Pray also that your families are ready for whatever these Cabal Members may throw at us.
For you Intel Geeks:
A) We have recommended a World Wide Penal Colony for Felons - Murderers, Child Rapists, Pedaphiles, Armed Robbers, etc to be placed on an island - a tiny island - much like the colony of Australia was for the English Empire so many years ago. They work - they eat. Period. The cost of housing these folks would be paid for by the products they make and almost all nationwide prisons can be shut down - diverting costs to rebuilding our infrastructure.
B) Use US Military Engineer Units to build roads in America, not overseas. We have the capacity within our Engineer Units here in America to rebuild most of infrastructure in 4 years using our own assets we already pay for.
Intel Geeks: You will either assist the US in these processes or you will be arrested and end up with a shovel in your hand and assist - so says the I AM That I AM, who was, and is, and is to come.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
New York Stock Exchange employees chant during Clinton’s Concession Speech this morning:
Home | Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee
Executive Orders |
Executive Order -- Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure from Infectious Disease Threats |
"Lock Her Up": NYSE Floor Traders Boo, Shout During Hillary Concession Speech | Zero Hedge
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
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