Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Massive Russian Military Drills Begin today

Massive War Games Begin In Russia


VIDEO: Massive Russian Military Drills Begin today - YouTube

President Putin, in response to the NATO War Games currently being held in Poland, has put together over 2,000 army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Exercises to begin - well - Today

Russia is also beginning massive military Air Drills out of the Nation off Armenia

For those who do not remember - Before Both World War one and World War 2 French, German, England, and a dozen other nations, conducted massive military drills across Europe and conducted them for months before the shots were fired.

Full Moon seems to dictate invasion dates and Battle Dates,  for example:

1) Almost all American Civil War Battles were fought over a Full Moon, and many battles were held in areas called THE DEVILS DEN by the locals

2) World War 1 - Began 1 August 1914 - 5 days before the August Full Moon

3) World War 2 Began when Poland declared war on Germany and they began their invasion of Poland 1 September - 2 days after the Full Moon

4) D-Day was conducted 6 June 1944 - the day of the Full Moon

5) Hitler invaded Russia on a New Moon on 9 June 1941 - which surprised the Russians since they expected the invasion to be conducted 14 days later on 23 June and were not yet ready for the invasion

6) The next expected invasion of Russia is scheduled for either 19 July for 18 August - but using advanced Night Vision Techniques it may begin on the New Moon on 2 August. This is how the General’s Think

The date of 2 August  corresponds to the Intel I have received. For a NATO invasion of Russia to secure Western Russia and Siberia simultaneously.

Pray they fail to start the war.

Other News that bears mentioning:

1) Over the weekend over 50 people were shot in Chicago - yet there is no news of this

Last year alone there were 2,996 people shot in Chicago and none off them had Legally Owned Pistols.

Chicago has the toughest Gun Control Laws in the world.

2) The FBI recommends No Charges to be brought against Hillary which makes the FBI the most useless Foreign Owned Corporation operating on American Soil in the world.

Please pray that the Director of the FBI and Hillary Clinton and her handlers are either permanently locked up  or turn to the living GOD immediately.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

The Man Who Calls You Stupid: Bloomingdale's Owner

CFR Member Calls on Elites to "Rise Up Against Ignorant Masses"

Armenian Air Base:

Over 2,000 Russian Military Exercises in Russia: Pray that Obama Himself has to pay for these Military Exercises in Russia.


The Man who calls Hillary Innocent - an Genuine American Traitor, James Comey, head of the FBI. Pray he is wither locked up or he turns to the Living God. Focus on his face and pray.

FBI Director James Comey makes a statement at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday. Comey said 110 emails sent or received on Hillary Clinton's server contained classified information.

Regions of Russia  demanded by the US and NATO.

Pilots of the Russian airbase in Armenia getting ready for large-scale exercise : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation

Obama proposes new military partnership with Russia in Syria - The Washington Post

CFR Member Calls on Elites to "Rise Up Against Ignorant Masses" » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

“Prepare For War” Warns Russian Military, “Obama Is No Longer In Charge”

Benjamin Fulford July 4th 2016 - YouTube

Russian military latest - Putin's armed forces announce plan for 2,000 summer exercises | World | News | Daily Express

2015 Stats | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!

FBI Recommends No Charges For Hillary Clinton In Email Server Case : The Two-Way : NPR

A personal note to Russia: You did not do as GOD has directed and YOU are open to invasion and division.

May I suggest you do as GOD has asked you before it goes too far?

Sergio - take charge.

And then there are the growing pyramids across the solar system.....you can't touch them and you have no idea what they do.....

Do as GOD asks and we may tell you....

Monday, July 4, 2016

Never Surrender Your Rights

Never Surrender You Rights - Never


Video: Never Surrender Your Rights - YouTube

Before you sit down for a Barbie or drink another beer consider the rights you have so openly given up

If you have decided to trade you nice life with a job, a wife and a car for your freedoms then YOU have traded Security for Freedom

Stand up like Men and Women and learn about your rights and hten fight for them.

Watch the video and fight.

WILLIAM MONT is a corporation

William Mount is a citizen of the united states of America

Just as the Starbucks Corporation cannot legally be a citizen of the Boeing Corporation

WILLIAM MOUNT Corporation cannot be a citizen of the UNITED STATES Corporation

That flag Obama stands next to ---

The Gold Fringe is the “Flag Of No Nation” President Eisenhower, 1956

The two dangly bobs hanging form the flag are called FOBS and they signify that those in power in htat room are under English Maritime Law

William Mount neither Understands nor Stands Under English Maritime Law- but I comprehend Every thing.

When asked by a Police Office if you Understand say “NO - But I Comprehend everything and will cooperate with you in every way”

Never, Never, Never sign WILLIAM MOUNT paper work - if you can avoid it. OK - for a driver’s license or car - yes - but NEVER sign it in a court or you are their SLAVES.

See what you have given up in the video

Image result for BILL OF RIGHTS

The Bill Of Rights: They are yours as an American Citizen, Not a US Citizen:

Notice the two ropes hanging down from the flag- the White House is under English Maritime Law:

Image result for obama

Image result for obama and the flag

The Gold Fringes means the Flag Of No Nation, President Eisenhower, 1956:

Image result for obama and the flag

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Huge Army Exercise Begins Today



Video: Huge Army Exercise Begins Today - YouTube


A HUGE us Army Exercise named UWEX-16 changes course today and begins it’s Unconventional Warfare (UWEX) phase

Not much is known about this new exercise except it is designed to get the public used to seeing soldiers in the populated areas.

The exercise to control the US Food Supply ended yesterday and is currently wrapping up with great success

What the US Army leadership is worried about is the fact that the US Dollar may crash within 60 days and this means the Food Distribution Network may break down - empty Grocery Shelves across the nation

In response to the planned economic collapse the Over 800 FEMA camps are now ready as holding cells for around 10 Million US Citizens as a Prison Labor Force to support certain Corporations Owned by the United State Corporation - Per US Army Regulation 210-35.

If things get really bad really fast you will need to be ready

If Welfare and Food Stamps get cut it will devastate the Minority Populations as Whites generally receive around $15-30/month and many Minorities receive over $450/mo per person

Food riots will ensue and those rounded  up will be placed in these FEMA Camps permanently

If FEMA authorizes a General Round Up then here are the four phases that will occur:

1) Looters will be rounded up and permanently detained in these camps.

2) Leaders of Militia Groups will be rounded up. Those they do not find will have Warrants put out for their arrest and the local Police will do the rest

Keep in mind - FEMA Leadership HATES Cops - no matter what you are told in their classes. Police are to be used as Cannon Fodder - they are considered “Local Yokuls”
3) Political Leaders who support the Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc will then be quietly Dealt With just as the Past Director of the United Nations was dealt with the day before he was to testify against Hillary - Morgan Lykketoft

By the way - Lucifer - Marcel Lazar - the one who hacked Hillary’s  Emails - disappeared yesterday out of a High Security Lock Down Prison

This is why we pray for Hillary - that she turns back to GOD

4) General Round Up - You speak out against those who oppose the Bill of Rights - you will be rounded up.

So - how do you think they will deal with 50 Million People in camps designed for 10 Million People?

Rethink Gas Chambers - Hitler….and 35,000 Guillotines

On each FEMA camp is a large Warehouses  with 15 - 20 Gas Mains coming into the building and No Heaters and cameras on the ceilings

Either way folks - be ready for what is coming.

We gave up our freedoms for security and now we have neither

Please pray that those in charge turn back to GOD immediately - what many call the Prime Creator, King of Kings and Lords of Lords

The Living GOD will now shake the Financial Foundation of the world to wake up the leadership of Planet Earth and show them they must do as GOD says or face the consequences - so HE has so it, so it shall be.

The course they have taken will lead to their own destruction very soon - they need to wake up

Pray that your families are not effected in this coming Melee

In fact - pray instead that this Melee is cancelled

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

For you Intel Geeks:

Operation Choke Point: Shutting down of US Silver and Gold Dealers - like they just like they did yesterday to the largest Gold and Silver Dealer in Sweden - Tavax Guld and Valuta

Their Bank Accounts were seized Thursday without notice

Pray that Operation Choke Point fails as well

US Army FEMA Camp Opens In Arizona:
FEMA's First Concentration Camp Officially Opens In Arizona | National Report

FAMA Camps Nation wide:

FEMA Concentration Camps: Locations and Corresponding Executive Orders! - The Last Great Stand

Huge Army Exercise Begins Today



Video: Huge Army Exercise Begins Today - YouTube


A HUGE us Army Exercise named UWEX-16 changes course today and begins it’s Unconventional Warfare (UWEX) phase

Not much is known about this new exercise except it is designed to get the public used to seeing soldiers in the populated areas.

The exercise to control the US Food Supply ended yesterday and is currently wrapping up with great success

What the US Army leadership is worried about is the fact that the US Dollar may crash within 60 days and this means the Food Distribution Network may break down - empty Grocery Shelves across the nation

In response to the planned economic collapse the Over 800 FEMA camps are now ready as holding cells for around 10 Million US Citizens as a Prison Labor Force to support certain Corporations Owned by the United State Corporation - Per US Army Regulation 210-35.

If things get really bad really fast you will need to be ready

If Welfare and Food Stamps get cut it will devastate the Minority Populations as Whites generally receive around $15-30/month and many Minorities receive over $450/mo per person

Food riots will ensue and those rounded  up will be placed in these FEMA Camps permanently

If FEMA authorizes a General Round Up then here are the four phases that will occur:

1) Looters will be rounded up and permanently detained in these camps.

2) Leaders of Militia Groups will be rounded up. Those they do not find will have Warrants put out for their arrest and the local Police will do the rest

Keep in mind - FEMA Leadership HATES Cops - no matter what you are told in their classes. Police are to be used as Cannon Fodder - they are considered “Local Yokuls”
3) Political Leaders who support the Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc will then be quietly Dealt With just as the Past Director of the United Nations was dealt with the day before he was to testify against Hillary - Morgan Lykketoft

By the way - Lucifer - Marcel Lazar - the one who hacked Hillary’s  Emails - disappeared yesterday out of a High Security Lock Down Prison

This is why we pray for Hillary - that she turns back to GOD

4) General Round Up - You speak out against those who oppose the Bill of Rights - you will be rounded up.

So - how do you think they will deal with 50 Million People in camps designed for 10 Million People?

Rethink Gas Chambers - Hitler….and 35,000 Guillotines

On each FEMA camp is a large Warehouses  with 15 - 20 Gas Mains coming into the building and No Heaters and cameras on the ceilings

Either way folks - be ready for what is coming.

We gave up our freedoms for security and now we have neither

Please pray that those in charge turn back to GOD immediately - what many call the Prime Creator, King of Kings and Lords of Lords

The Living GOD will now shake the Financial Foundation of the world to wake up the leadership of Planet Earth and show them they must do as GOD says or face the consequences - so HE has so it, so it shall be.

The course they have taken will lead to their own destruction very soon - they need to wake up

Pray that your families are not effected in this coming Melee

In fact - pray instead that this Melee is cancelled

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

For you Intel Geeks:

Operation Choke Point: Shutting down of US Silver and Gold Dealers - like they just like they did yesterday to the largest Gold and Silver Dealer in Sweden - Tavax Guld and Valuta

Their Bank Accounts were seized Thursday without notice

Pray that Operation Choke Point fails as well

US Army FEMA Camp Opens In Arizona:
FEMA's First Concentration Camp Officially Opens In Arizona | National Report

FAMA Camps Nation wide:

FEMA Concentration Camps: Locations and Corresponding Executive Orders! - The Last Great Stand