Friday, March 11, 2016

Democrats Pay For Rioting In Chicago Against rump

It appears that the Progressive Party -(NAZIs) - is up to the same old tricks they have used now for 100 years

1) Pay for riots

2) Pay for the Press to trash their opponents

3) Create Marshal Riots through Murder and Mayhem

4) Put in office their Prime Candidate like Cruz or Hillary

History repeats itself::

a) We saw this in 1770s leading to the American Revolution 1776-1783

b) 40 Yrs Later We saw this in 1810 leading to a war with England 1812-1814

c) 40 Yrs Later We saw this in the 1850s leading to the Civil War 1861-1865

d) 40 Yrs Later We saw his in the 1890s leading to a World War with Spain 1898

e) 40 Yrs Later  in the 1930s leading to WW2 1941-1945

f) 40 Yrs Later in the late 60s and mid 70s leading to the elimination of Nixon as Pres 1974 which literally destabilized the word for about 8 years

g) 40 years later the NAZIs arise again and we see the same thing, which is supposed to lead to WW3

Same stuff, different decade

This nation has been played like a fiddle out of Rome by Loozifer since tHE began

Pray the Evil stops immediately.

Video::Dems Pay For Anti Trump Riots Nationwide - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Trump rally cancelled amid huge protests | TheHill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Donald Trump Freemasonic Forces Target Marco Rubio-Jeb Bush “Cocaine Empire”

Democratic Party (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How To Legally Avoid Vaccines

Here we show you how to legally avoid getting wither you, or your children vaccinated.

Rather than allowing your child to be injected with very harmful viruses and chemicals - just say NO Legally.

Legally Avoid Vaccines - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Legally Avoid Vaccines

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Busted - They Never Intended To restore The Republic

Arn't you tired of the BS?

Three General Dunford's --- really????

The Restoration of the Republic?????

Pray that those blocking the Restoration of this Republic are utterly destroyed and we do get it back...

Busted - They Never Intended To Restore The Republic - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Obama #4 meets with the Prime Minister of Canada Not In Handcuffs...WATCH LIVE: Obama and Canadian prime minister joint press conference | PBS NewsHour

Obama #3 has the Flu after he got a Flu Shot.

Busted - They Never Intended To Restore The Republic

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Republic Was Never Meant To Be

This new Republic was never meant to be.

Sad, really - a total Fake Out by the military to shut up patriots...

Those at levels above the DOD have been informed and my guess is they will act quickly....very quickly.....

Or maybe they will do nothing - time will tell


The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

DARPA Project Starts Building Human Memory Prosthetics - IEEE Spectrum

Brain implants: Because you’ve always wanted to think more like Einstein - The Washington Post

New Republic - Yea, Right

The New Republic Has Stalled Again - Go Figure

Video:::The New Republic And You - Update 9 March 2016 - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount