Tuesday, March 1, 2016

NAZIs Take Over Leadership Of NATO

NAZIs to Take Over Cpntrol Of NATO

It was announced yesterday that the German's, now run by the leader of the German Socialist Party (Angela Merkle, Stazi party as opposed to the NAZI party) will now take control of NATO.

This is a despicable event in human history.

Video:NAZIs Take Over Leadership Of NATO - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B Mount

NATO Operation in Aegean Sea Heightens Threat of War with Russia | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Donald Trump Freemason Forces Retaliate Against Vatican, Kill Pope Francis Secretary

Confirmed: Obama Sent Weapons to Muslim Terrorists in Benghazi | Frontpage Mag

The stock market is over China - Business Insider

Austin radio station flooded with reports of voting machines switching votes from Trump to Rubio

Videos claiming to show US missiles killing senior Russian military officials | Daily Mail Online


Hitler Was A Rothschild And So Was His Daughter Angela | Here Comes The Sun

Monday, February 29, 2016

The New US Dollar?

This may be the look of the New US Dollar.

The New US Dollar ? - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

The New US Dollar ?

Warning: Earthquake Western US - Carbon Monoxide Levels Skyrocket

Warning: Earthquake Western US - Carbon Monoxide Levels Sky Rocket

Warning: Earthquake On West Coast

We have been watching very closely a huge build up of Carbon Monoxide on the West Coast of the United States - specifically Oregon and California - since late January 2016.

This may indicate a huge shift in the ground caused by rising lava, indicating large land shifts in the near future.

Warning: Earthquake Western US - Carbon Monoxide Levels Skyrocket - YouTube

Pray that these shifts are slow and mild.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

earth :: a global map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions

Invisible CO2 Gas Killing Trees at Mammoth Mountain, California | USGS Volcano Fact Sheet

WARNING Carbon Monoxide California - YouTube

Jumbo Seismic Monitor

Carbon Monoxide Spikes to 40,000 Parts Per Billion over California on February 26 — What the Heck is Going On? | robertscribbler

US West Coast Earthquake Warning as Cascadia Subduction Zone Surges

Japan Scientists: High radiation levels near West Coast after Fukushima disaster — Almost 30 Bq/m3 of cesium offshore — Secret documents reveal US gov’t previously ordered radiation test results in Pacific be hidden to avoid contamination fears

1 Day, Magnitude 2.5+ Worldwide