Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Economy Shot - Thanks Obama

The US Economy Is Shot - See For Yourself

US Economy Has Tanked - See For Yourself - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William Mount

The Cure For Osteoporosis

Monday, January 25, 2016

Republic About To Be Restored???

Republic About To Be Restored ???

We are reading reports and talking to people across this great land that are telling us the Republic is about to be restored.

Watch and learn and keep and keep watching us we will give information about the monetary exchange and the currency revaluation - and especially how and where to turn in your Dong and Dinari.

Video:Republic About To Be Restored??? - YouTube

The News You Need:

Dr William B. Mount

The King of Kings and Lord of Lords has specifically stated al;ready that they are doing this in their way not GOD's way so it will fail - and they know it. It is a distraction --- so what are they hiding?

The large Meteor Shower coming, Nibiru?

Thank You Blogsspot


Proof! Lee Harvey Oswald Was A CIA Asset

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