Thursday, January 14, 2016

Putin To Plunge World Into Depression

Putin To Plunge World Into Depression

Putin To Plunge World Into Depression

President Putin Of Russia Has Set In Motion A Bill That Will Plunge The World Into Decades Of Depression.Please get ready.

See Video:

Putin To Plunge World Into Depression - YouTube

The News You Must Have

Dr William B. Mount

What will be valuable this year is food. You can't eat silver or gold and if the grid goes down you will just be holding a worthless metal.

Do what your heart tells you to do and what your pocket book can afford. We may win this yet. God has it all handled.


BE READY - YouTube


List of Countries Forecast 2025


Putin Vows to 'Actively Defend' Russians Living Abroad

Weaponized Default: Russia's Ultimate Answer to Western Aggression?

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Proof US tried to Start WW3 This Day

Here is irrefutable proof that the US Attempted To Start A Nuclear War Yesterday, that would have been initiated this very day.

This is who they are - Pray they fail at everything they do.

The Video:

Proof US Attempted To Start WW3 13 Jan 2016 - YouTube

The News You need

Dr William B. Mount

Proof US Attempted To Start WW3 13 Jan 2016

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Obama FUBAR - St Of Union War Attempt

Today while President Obama was practicing his State Of The Union Speach someone in the White House ordered a war - World War 3 to be exact. Fortunately - no one is playing any more.

See what happened:

Obama FUBAR - St Of Union War Attempt - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William Mount

Obama FUBAR - St Of Union War Attempt