Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Incredible Industrial Game Changer - The 3D Fax

This machine is one of the most incredible tools now available to industry.

Imagine being a small business and being 7,0000 miles away and being able to manufacture a part to exact specifications and then ship it express mail to the company that needs it.

If, and when the dollar devalues thing will be very inexpensive world wide to manufacture them here America. This means that a large company in Russia ,China or even India could send us a 3D fax of the part needs and it could be made here in America.

Imagine being able to preserve an Archaeological Wonder and send copies of it to 30 or 40 museums around the world in seconds - or to the Department of Defense in seconds.

Imagine being able to send a needed part to a central "PLL" Point for the US Army and having it sent immediately to the field visa courier - the need for part on hand would decrease. This would make a leaner, more efficient, cheaper unit to deploy.

The Defense Contractors like Boeing have had this for years and the cost has been through the roof. The specific product was re-manufactured in a tub using lasers and  a type of polymer that resembles a soft plastic

Now using sand as a base mixed with a type of inexpensive epoxy this product produces a fairly durable end product and this technology is now available to the General Public and fairly inexpensive.

Learn more by watching this incredible video:

Incredible Industrial Game Changer -The Portable 3D Fax Machine - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Incredible Industrial Game Changer -The Portable 3D Fax Machine

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Jack Lew This One's For You

OMG, Is The Dollar really Being Reset Right Now?

Is the dollar really being reset right now?

Did The US Secretary of Treasury really make a threat to Congress if the Debt Limit was not reset?

Are the dates of 3 November and 5 November 2015 really relevant?

Who on earth was detained in Japan and is spilling their guts about everything the US NAZI regime is doing?

Is there really a threat to Obama and Donald Trump in the next few weeks and by whom?

Can we really stop these Monsters from destroying my income, my country and this planet?

Watch the video and find out.

Jack Lew This One's For You - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Monday, October 26, 2015

Costco's FEMA Evacuation Assembly Areas

The following video shows you the Costco FEMA Evacuation Assembly Areas.

These zones are sectioned out to place people when they are rounded up for the Concentration Camps.

See For Yourself:

Costco FEMA Evacuation Assembly Areas - YouTube

Please pray that these over 800 FEMA Concentration Camps here in America are de-funded immediately.

The News You need

Dr William B. Mount

Sunday, October 25, 2015

US Senate Report: Chemtrails Are Real And Killing US

A 1978 US Senate Report confirms that the US Government is creating Chemtrails and they are killing us.

The 93rd US Senate produced a report almost 40 years ago that clearly states the following on page 402:

1) Cloud Seeding Is responsible for the 5 year drought

2) Isolated Spraying has caused a drought for 18 years

3) Spraying in the South Atlantic has reduced rainfall by 30% on the East Coast

4) This has caused huge losses to the Farmers in the area

5) When the effects of seeding wear off Cloudbursts cause flooding

6) Seeding is responsible for serious Air Pollution

7) Mental Retardation and Insanity are traceable to Cloud Seeding Chemicals

8) Poisoning of all living matter is directly related to cloud seeding

9) Emphysema is three times higher in areas of heavy cloud seeding

10) Cancer is virulently out of proportion

11) Financial Losses to agriculture run into the billions of dollars a year

12) Forest Trees and orchids are dying as a result

13) The atmosphere has been rendered completely biologically in-compatible with all living matter, including Animals, Plants and Humans.
The report also state the United States is the leader in World Weather Modification, although other nations like the Soviet Union are also conducting these activities as well.

Here it is - the Smoking Gun.

Watch the video and see the US Senate Report.

US Senate Report: Chemtrails Are Real And Harming You - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Be Ready Folks.

BE READY - YouTube