Sunday, October 25, 2015

HAARP Arrays All Around Us Controlling Us?

Are there really Antenna Arrays all around us that can control the weather?

Can they really control the weather, our emotions, and change the way we think?

There are 6 HAARP (High Frequency Actual Auroral Research Program) Antenna Arrays around the world and tens of thousands of smaller antennas tied into the CIA HQ in Langley.

There are also tens of thousands of antenna arrays that can be used to do anything from Weather Modifications to to controlling the emotions of an entire population in any are or even to control the emotions of an Individual.

For Example: The Mass Hysteria we saw after the Fake Furgeson Missouri Shooting (10 Aug 2015) was completely HAARP driven through smaller antennas and through Antenna GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network)  Units and like we showed earlier the CIA Actors were there to stir up trouble and one of them made it to the front cover of the Wall Street Journal.

((If you watch closely there are not that many Trained CIA Actors from Pima Arizona and they show up at every Government Planned Shooting, Riot, Etc. ))

Ever wonder why every one is angry while driving on certain days?

The HAARP Antenna Arrays.

Ever wonder why everyone feels so tired other days?

The HAARP Antenna Arrays.

Ever wonder why a seemingly normal person can "SNAP"?

The HAARP Arrays can can send out  YOUR DNA Frequencies and send carrier waves along with it to make you do almost anything.

Current uses may further include DNA modification of both plants and animals - including Humans.

Watch the video to learn how to recognize these arrays so as to avoid them.

VIDEO0295 - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

GWEN Towers - Total Control

What Is HAARP? - How It Looks And Sounds!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Hurricane Patricia A Message To Mexico?

Is Hurricane Patricia A Message To Mexico?

Are these 200 Mile Per Hour Winds really natural or are they man made?

Is this "Perfect Storm" Natural?

Find out by watching this incredible video.

Hurricane Patricia Attack On Mexico After Switching To Yuan - YouTube

The News You Absolutely Need

Dr William B. Mount

Pray for your families.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Need To See Jim Willie's Most Important Email He Has Ever Sent

Jim and I communicate back and forth often.

See what his latest E-Mail said to me about the State of the Western Banking System, especially after Deutch Bank was raided by the German Banking System, the Financial reset began 2 days ago, and Columbia Bank's Main System was being "Reset."

The Email:

CHAOS - YouTube

If you want more info go to

Welcome to the Golden Jackass, Hat Trick Letter, JimWillieCB, Gold, Stocks

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Holy Sh** - Troops Spotted In New York City - It's Here

An E-Mail received this morning:

Per usual, date and time changes are always possible, but highly unlikely at this late stage of coordinated global implementation.

Saturday - October 10, 2015

Lead Chinese Royal Family Elder sets RV liquidity release into motion implementing and affixing the ancient codes.

Sunday - October 11, 2015

Final testing and preparations begin for global RV system operations.

Monday - October 12, 2015

Markets worldwide go through final testing phase for the upcoming global banking transition on new super computing mainframe / algorithm in the Far East.

The CIPS (China International Payment System) has been activated and transfers have been successfully made internationally.  This is the Asian counterpart to SWIFT, and has been implemented and integrated into 34 of the major world banks, which will be carrying out the transactions and transfers of funds.  For the announcement, please refer to this link:

Tuesday - October 13, 2015

Western banking sanctions are lifted from new Russian/Chinese CIPS system and merged with Western Banking SWIFT system.  First basket RV currencies are allowed to be converted at any amount, along with public release of physical TRN currency notes.  This event begins an irreversible process across transitioning the entire global banking network--starting in the Far East (Beijing) and ending in the Far West (Hawaii). COMPLETED

Wednesday - October 14, 2015

Al-Hijra is the Islamic New Year, and is celebrated on the first day of the month of Muharram, the month in which Muhammad emigrated from Mecca to Medina.  Al-Hijra / Muharram 2015 begins on the sunset of the previous day, so observing Muslims will celebrate Al-Hijra / Muharram upon.

Thursday - October 15, 2015

On this the first morning of Al-Hijra, after morning prayers, Iraq's long-awaited economic reforms are announced by Iraqi President Abadi.

This announcement is considered the public revaluation for Iraq, thus
launching the global financial revaluation of currencies in the USA.

Friday - October 16, 2015

Public in-bank redemptions set to begin worldwide of first basket RV currencies.  This date also has been reserved for the resolution of any final implementation issues or concerns related to integration of CIPS/SWIFT computing infrastructure. FIRST IQD BANK EXCHANGE TO TRANSFER ON SCREEN

Saturday - October 17, 2015

Final international testing with Western Banking SWIFT system begins for the Iranian Rial currency.  Solutions and fixes continue for integration of CIPS/SWIFT computing infrastructure. SPECIFIC TIME ZONE NOT GIVEN

ok I NEVER have a bank story or a story in general, about what's going on with what we are waiting for but tonight I could hardly wait to get home to post in the forum! Ok so the TNT call today set my joy in motion but the events of the day put my joy into OVERDRIVE! I'm a voice teacher who works in the city( Manhattan) in Harlem to be exact. Today on the way to work I noticed something very strange at the adam Clayton Powell state building (president Clinton has an office there now). There was a row of police officers with motorcycles lined up along the street behind the building and they were just idly standing there. I didn't think to take a picture of it since I was running late lol.
So, my voice student comes and we have our lesson. Afterwards we had some time to chat before my evening choir class. we talked about many things and we got on the topic of the economy and the stock market and what not. I asked her if she had noticed the officers outside and she said she didn't but she had noticed that in midtown on 42nd street was a bunch of military and national guard personnel spread out throughout the area and she didn't know why. my eyebrow went up immediately when she mentioned it. Anyway, we kept talking but I couldn't dismiss the theory that something was brewing in the city and it had something to do with what we are waiting for!
So, I had my evening class and afterwards I walked with a friend ( choir student) who happens to be a government official with classified status and she works in accounting. We always take the subway/train together afterwards since I don't live in Manhattan. I live in Brooklyn. While we were waiting for the train, I asked if she knew of anything happening next week. She turned to me and her eyes were like a deer caught in headlights! Lol. Umhmm, she replied. I continued by saying "with China?" Her eyes got even bigger, "umhmm" she replied. I said " I know you are classified and can't discuss work but does it have anything to do with October 20th?" She looked and said HOW DO YOU KNOW? I smiled and said "I've been studying the world economy for a few years now and everything that's been happening." I asked her if she saw the cops or heard about the military today in the city. Her response was, "they are practicing and preparing". I said for next week? She said yes. She said we may start to see little things happen this week but the climax will indeed be on the 20th. I asked if she knew about the IMF in Peru last weekend and she knew all about it.
So the train came, we got on and continued talking about what's going on.She went on to say that the stock market will crash by next week And it was no coincidence that the pope was here in September and met with the UN and the other agencies and government officials.She said she felt sorry for those oblivious to what's happening. I mentioned the topic of silver going up she nodded and said, this time will be worse than Black Friday ( can't remember if it was Friday or tuesday But she said Friday) on October 19, 1987! When I mentioned I had currency, she had a surprised but huge smile on her face and we left it at that. She got off A few stops later and said BE READY!
I smiled allllllll the way home. God is good and this blessing is really about to manifest! Couldn't wait to share with my TNT family. This experience plus the call today: WE ARE HERE! OUR TIME IS COME! It's really been a journey but I am so confident that we will PIF in the best possible ways.
i Hope this bit of news encourages some who may still be in doubt or weary of our blessing ever coming to pass. BE READY, ITS TIME! TNT STRONG! SUPER SUPERFANTASTIC!
P.S. I saw this evening in forum that someone posted the forex trading polled at 1092.8? Well, even though the Iraqi international bonds were canceled recently, it was stated in an article from a few months ago that they would start selling them at 1095! Obviously they are ready. AND SO ARE WE! I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight, I'm so happy and excited. God is FAITHFUL!
The News You Need

Dr William Mount

Monday, October 19, 2015

It May Be The End Of The Euro

For 1,000 Years Germany has been the Financial Headquarters of the Holy Roman Empire.

German banks have been running the Roman Empire since the year 962 when it was consolidated into a unified empire, pushing the remaining forces of the French out of their boarders.They Empire Dissolved following a defeat to Napoleon in 1804 but remained in tact underground and re- rose following the defeat of Napoleon.

These banks, run primarily out of Frankfurt, even sent some of their own bankers (Bauery Boys, changed their name to Rothchilds and claimed to be Jewish) to London to control these banks beginning in 1815.

Keep in Mind the Magna Carta was written in 1215 but three years earlier the King of England deeded ALL of the United Kingdom - Scotland, England, Ireland) to the Roman Pope and in 1703 the Virginia Charter was written, and approved by the World Courts in Austria, gave ALL of North America to the United Kingdom and thus to the Vatican.

Further, the US/UK treaty which ended the American Revolution 0 the Treaty Of Paris - gave the entire US Federal Budget t the King of England.

In 1870 a Bank was created to run this Holy Roman Empire named Deutch Bank. If consolidated what was scattered by Napoleon and re-initiated the Holy Roman Empire, eventually answering to the Vatican Trust.

After the 6th Air Force bombed these banks out of existence during WW2 we were double crossed by our leaders and the US rebuilt these banks in their National Socialist (NAZI) Image.

With the Advent of Computers the easy creation of Hedge Funds and Derivatives arose.

The change moved quickly. Under President Reagan once ounce of gold could only be sold 9 times, under President Clinton 100 times, and under Obama an infinite amount of times. In fact he has allowed open selling of US Treasury Bonds that are never even delivered to the tune of $1.2 Trillion Dollars a month.

Today the world has over $1,000 Trillion (World GDP $83 Trillion/Yr)  worth of Derivatives and Hedge Funds and most of the Eurpoean ones lie at Deuthc Bank.

When Deutch Bank goes it will be the end of the Euro and thus the Dollar will fall hard a few weeks later.

Then - well, that's for tomorrow night.

Deutch Bank has already failed the US Stress Test and is in the process of preparing to literally be split apart and declare the Derivatives and most Hedge Funds worthless.

So Be Ready folks for what comes.

BE READY - YouTube

This week we will be discussing another Intelligence Briefing I received yesterday and how YOU can prepare for what is coming.

This is for sure: The White House wants Americans dead and this Banking Crisis is 100% DC Made and our Intelligence Comminity is now getting very worried.

Very,Very worried.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount


Deutsche Bank – the New Lehman Brothers? | Armstrong Economics

Jim Willie: If Deutsche Bank Goes Under It Will be Lehman Times Five! |

Magna Carta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Deutsche Bank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Deutsche Bank – the New Lehman Brothers? | Armstrong Economics

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Proof! Lee Harvey Oswald Was A CIA Assett

Memorandum clearly shows that Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA Asset at the time of President Kennedy's Assassination.

The Smoking Gun

So I guess that answers that - who ordered Kennedy to be killed.

Proof! Lee Harvey Oswald Was A CIA Asset - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Keep Praying - It's Working

Please keep praying- it is working.

Here are4 some results of your prayers:

1) It is now raining in Southern Californian and Texas pretty regularly.

2) The King of Saudi Arabia went into a Hospital and his son, head of the Saudi Military, took control of Said's Arabia and went to Russia to given them control of his country to ensure the survival of his regime. Russia will now take over the Saudi's Remaining Oil Fields and ARAMCO.

3) The remaining carrier has left the Middle East.

4) China, Japan, and the Philippines will  not start WW3 with the US nor give up possession of Yangshaw Island despite the horrible Hurricanes  the US is currently throwing at China, Japan and the Philippines.

5) The US Military Hacking Center just North of Kabul (Afghanistan) has been discovered and reported to both the Chinese and Russians to deal with.

6) The US Army Trolls that make nasty comments on our videos are beginning to understand that we are the Good Guys, trying to spare America so the nasty, swearing comments may be lessened.

7) Marine General Joseph Dunford may have taken control of the Federal Reserve System as it's website has changes. is now

8) The French and British may be integrating into the Russian Banking System as the US Banksta War Machine may grind to a halt very soon.

9) The Trans Pacific Partnership is unknown so keep praying this falls flat on it's face.

10) A memo has surfaced from the CIA stated Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA Asset.

A memo from FBI files clearly confirmed Lee Harvey Oswald was employed by the CIA – a fact the agency denied repeatedly for nearly 50 years

11) Thanks to your prayers America inside the Pentagon is waking up.

Keep Praying.

Hipknowsys: Benjamin Fulford - October 13, 2015: The Khazarian mob is on the run as US military takes over Federal Reserve Board

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount