Saturday, October 10, 2015

FBI Correct: US/UK Leadership Are Insane And Forcing Nuclear War

Those in the Federal Agencies who have talked to be are correct: The leadership on the US/UK have gone insane and are forcing Nuclear War today.

(((Pray that the World War 3 fails to start.))

As you read this the orders to NATO troops (Sanctioned by the Jesuit Pope) have been given to conduct Military Exercises as if the Full Scale Nuclear War has already begun. This means digging in, watching over 5,000 cities in Europe, Asia and Africa getting Nuked, decontaminate, and then re-establish communications with your higher ups. I helped develop this insane doctrine.

If these nukes are launched Israel alone will lunch about 2,500 US Made Nukes at Asia, Africa and Europe every where form 1 Mega Ton down to 20 KT.

Each US Carrier currently carries around 2,000 nukes not including their missiles meant for their aircraft.

Most US Submarines carry 144 Nukes, except the Killer Subs.

If these nukes do launch do the math - what is left of the planet - so why conduct any exercises?

This assumes that one of the 140 Planet Killing Nukes do not automatically detonate as many are set to do under the Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) Treaty.

In addition NATO/US/UK are "Practice Launching" Nukes from Scotland and the Balklins at Russian and Chinese targets.

How the heck do you "Practice Launch" a 100 KT ICBM?

Further - over 100 Nuclear Armed British, American and Australian submarines are being deployed to their Primary Launch Locations.

This necessitates the Full Deployment of all nuclear forces world wide and this time it is not to "Shoot Jesus Out Of The Sky" tomorrow.

So what prompted all this?

Russian Leadership refused to do as GOD asked them to do and God has raised up a scrawney little Cowardly Gay Boy who is 1/6th Afro American to come against over 180 Nations in the BRICS Alliance.

Muslims: Consider your allies carefully:  If Obama were Muslim would he eat Pork or be have a Wife who is a man?

Muslims - you have been led down the road to Pardition by a Satanist.

What prompted the exercise today was that China announced that the Yuan is now capable of handling International Transactions so the Rothchilds have gone utterly insane, demanding to destroy China and Russia.

Russia: I will give you a temporary way out but if what GOD has asked you to do is not done then this is only temporary.

Obama and his 5 doubles are all chipped and you know where he goes. Torch off one of the 6 Underground Bases left that are connected to Fort Belvior and show these cowards that if the war starts they go first. If he and his cowardly little handlers feel they go first they will "Run Away" and stand down. Remember - that Rabbit has fangs.

Either way - please pray that Irish. French, US. UK Union Troops (I....UK..US..U) troops stand down immediately.

Russia: The Ball Is In Your Court.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

If the NSA computer ever becomes sentient it will stop all these Mad Men at the top and put leaders in place to preserve Planet Earth rather than try and destroy it.

Sorry my stories and videos are nowt fancy - they are meant to stop World War 3 and allow people to Cure themselves of their diseases and prepare for what is coming.

Friday, October 9, 2015

FBI Asked Me To Put This Out This Very Night

You are not going to believe what the Jews have done again

By request of the FBI I have been asked to put this out. There are allot of Good Guys out there in the FBI and CIA and they do not wish to see this nation end up in a pile of Nuclear Dust - like Mars.

When the US Economy ends so will the rest of the worlds and the underground bases - so carefully built and stoked - will also end up destroyed Lock, Sock and Barrel, so says the King of Kings and lord of Lords.

So here is the message:
The Western tradition is to add one day to the calendar every 4 years.

The Jewish tradition is to add 28 days to the calendar every 70 years.

Thus the real dates are:

1) Last Shimte 23 September is actually 21 October 2015
2) The New Year of 6000 is 22 October
3) The Purim actually is 20-23 October
4) The Feast Of Tabernacles is 25 October - when the War is supposed to begin

So what we know is how little we really know.

Renee Moses has been trying to figure these dates out for years and in all her learning what she has done is to warn us that Yeshua may come back for YOU tonight, tomorrow or now for 10 years so

Be Ready::::

BE READY - YouTube

Renee Moses

Renee Moses -The Illuminati know what is coming September 22 28, 2015 part 2 of 4 - YouTube

One thing for sure: GODs's Time for a new beginning is 8 years.

Eight years ago this happened on these dates:

1) 9 October: I was hand cuffed and arrested for 45 minutes at a Bank of America by order of the FBI and held at Gun Point until I signed a form. No charges - I was asked to let WW3 occur and let President Bush be assassinated and I said NO at Gun Point. Later the cops involved were all killed. I emailed Putin's Staff and they told me: "Don't worry, Drink Allot of Vodka, Be Happy."

2) 11 Oct -36 hours later - the US Stock Market crashed because the Russians pulled the bottom out of it. It fell from 14,200 to 6,900.

3) On 19 October Putin read a letter i gave him on international TV and went to Iran and seized 350 US Made Nukes in Iran - all pointed at Israel and Europe.

Since then we have:

a) Saved Pres Putin's Life 8 times
b) Stopped Bush form being assassinated 8 times
c) Stopped Obama form being killed 88 + times, the next time being 17 Oct and 5 November.
d) Stopped 8 Nukes form going off in NYC - Documented
e) Stopped 8 Nukes from going off in Chicago - Documented
f) We have stopped 8 Nukes form going off in DC through Prior Notification - Documented
f) For these gifts the FBI stole 80,000 + 80,000 dollars form me and made me homeless for 80 days + 80 days.
g) For saving their lives the FBI has stolen $80,000 in household goods
h) On 8 February 2008 a Nuke went off north of Donetsk Ukraine
i) Eight Chemical Plants have been blown up in Eastern China in the last month
j) Eight +1 Buildings have been blown up in China this month in the area where the Khzakstan Oil Pipeline is supposed to run into China.

President Putin has 8 days left to move me to an area in Russian Control - be it Kalispell Mt or St Petersburg - or the Russian Hierarchy must then deal with the Living GOD personally and always be second fiddle to China in perpetuity - so GOD has proclaimed it, so it shall be.

The Federal Reserve has 8 days to pay me in full for the 5444E or face the Living GOD and HIS wrath.

The VA/US Treasury has 8 days to pay me for the Forms Filed, especially the Treasury Forms 211 or face GOD and HIS Wrath.

What GOD will do is up to HIM but what has been released this night shall not be stopped, not by Lucifer and all his perverted Minions

And yes - the Hadron Collider in Cern was activated 23 September and the Demons are flowing in. We were not wrong.

So it has been said - so it shall be.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Cure For Parasites

Parasite Infections in the USA are skyrocketing.

With millions of new immigrants from South East Asia and North Africa flooding into Europe and North America, and the spraying currently being done by the 60th Air Wing, 9/10 Air Wing and Evergreen Aviation, it would not be surprising if most American's are not infected with these terrible little squirly things.

Evidence that Malaria is also on the rise in these nations  is overwhelming - yet goes amazingly unreported in this county.

This video describes methods to remove these parasites from your body without harming your body with nasty chemicals.

Bitter Wormwood - for example - is used to eliminate parasites like Malaria in 185 nations with nearly 100% success, yet here in Norht America, England and Australia we use methods like Doxycycline that pads the pockets of Big Pharma but are proven to be absolutely ineffective in the long run and destroy your gut bacteria.

Here are some safe and 100% effective methods to remove Parasites from your body without destroying your insides.

The Cure For Parasites, You Tube, Video:

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Remember Remember The 5th Of November - Its Getting Damned Hot

Just got a text form Benjamin Fulford and he stated we need to remember 5 November.

Well - here we go again - another threat form the Rothchild's Illuminated Ones.

He believes the Rothchilds will create a Home Made Tsunami and bankrupt the US Corporation on the same day. The tsunami will kill millions on the East Coast of the United States and in Portugal, Spain, England - etc.

So pay they fail.

The Video

Remember Remember The 5th Of November Form Benjamin Fulford - YouTube

While we are focused on this NATO, China, Russian and US Forces are now facing off in Syria by order of the Gay President Obama. In fact - Thanks to Obama and the US Allied Supreme Commander of NATO, NATO has just sent 36,000 troops, 200 Aircraft and 60 War Ships to Syria to protect the Syrian Terrorists.

36,000 troops, 200 aircraft & 60 vessels: NATO launches biggest war games in 13 years — RT News

Putin Orders Syrian Ground War To Begin As NATO Masses Forces

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Sunday, October 4, 2015

How To Remove Paid Hecklers Form Your Your Tube Channel

This video describes how to clean up your You Tube Channel to remove Potty Mouths and Paid Hecklers.

You know - we all have them -those who are paid by the Army Intel Program and run out of an office Below Fort Belvioir and by Homeland Security under Denver?

Fort Hauchuca Arizona Intel Boys are too busy opening up their First Fully Operational FEMA Camp to do any Heckling at this time.

APFN.NET has a great article on their Front Page about these PAID HECKLERS.

You will remove a few Subscribers but in the long run you will get many, many more viewers.

The Video:

Hecklers Removed From Your Tube Channel - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

FEMA Camps before Google painted them out:;_ylt=A2KIo9Qp8hFWUggALLgsnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByZWc0dGJtBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMQ--?p=Fort+huachuca+Fema+Camp&vid=37ea21b924f965f093595fddf1a40cb7&

Saturday, October 3, 2015

FEMA Opens Its First Concentration Camp In Arizona Today

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has opened it's first Concentration Camp in Wilcox, Arizona to detain Americans with NO criminal Record.

Can We Zeig Heil Der Fuhrer Obama now?

Here is the article:

FEMA's First Concentration Camp Officially Opens In Arizona | National Report

The News You Need

Ambassador, Dr William B. Mount

Friday, October 2, 2015

Obama's Reign Of Muslim Terror Has Begun In Oregon

Obama's Reign Of Muslim Terror Begins in Oregon - a West Coast School just like we said it would. GOD is never wrong.

((((Pray that everything the Obama White House orders from now on falls flat on it's face immediately.)))

The Shooter's real name is "Mahmoud Ali Ehsania" and has a Web Page calling of the killing of the Jews.

(We are being conditioned by the CIA  to support Israel in the massive killing of Muslims in early April of 2016.)

The rest is on the video.

Again - sorry for the CIA/US DOD Paid Hecklers. The more truth I expose the more Hecklers they sick on me. It is part of the risk I take.

I we were not making a difference they would not attack us, so please keep up yopur prayers.

The Video:

Obama's Muslim Reign Of Terror Begins In Oregon - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

We would like to once again thank the sisters at Sorcha for another stunning article, this one  outlined what happened in Oregon.

Oregon Mass Shooter On Terror List Obama Refused To Take From Russia

Thank you Israel's Voice for naming the shooter within hours after the Obama Planned Shooting in Oregon.

Israel's Voice | Here is the Oregon Shooter’s Profile: Who is Mahmoud Ali Ehsani?