Tuesday, July 28, 2015

US Mind Control Patents

For years many have known that their minds are controlled by some idiot in a US ABC Agency but no one would listen.

Well - we are listening now.

(((Pray, Visualize, that those who are trying to control people are themselves immediately and totally immobilized)))

The best way to protect yourself from these Mind Control Weapons (SCALER Weapons) is to either wear an Aluminum Foil Hat or wear a magnet.

Magnets vary your frequency ever so slightly and you must vary what you wear - two magnets today, 4 tomorrow. Put a couple in your pocket then the next day wear a bracelet as placement also varies your personal frequency.

A few of the patents:

REMOTE MK ULTRA - Human Handlers & Drugs NOT Required!
Patent # 003951134 Distant Brain Reading & Brain Wave Manipulation 4.10.1976
Patent # 6011991 Communication system and method including brain wave analysis and/or use of brain activity 01.04.2000
Patent # 6470214 USAF RF Hearing Effect for skull/tissue penetrating sound
Patent # 6587729 Similar to Patent # 6470214
These psychopaths pushing for global governance using a global neural net to Master the Human Domain have been working on this tech for a long time. This report outlines patents set aside for government, the military & DoD. This tech wasn't tested and patented to sit on a shelf collecting dust.
The Video on You Tube: US Mind Control Patents

US Mind Control Patents - YouTube

The News You Need

 Dr William B. Mount

Monday, July 27, 2015

How To Clean Up Fukushima

Following are effective methods to clean up Fukushima and the cost would be minimal and it would take only several weeks to complete.

Please pray (Visualize) that those standing in the way of the Immediate Clean Up are themselves immediately and completely immobilized.

The Video:


The News We All Need

Dr William B. Mount

PS: A Man who called and said he eats with the President asked me to post this - so here it is President Obama --- what all your advisers could not produce.

All credit to the Living GOD.

VA Medications Are Bad

Do to certain telephone calls received I have been compelled by our Intel Agencies to file the following form and follow up with a Treasury 211 form.

Thank You

Your form has been submitted to the OIG Hotline. You may wish to print a copy of this page for your records.
Release and Identity Preference: Standard

First Name: William

Last Name: Mount

Title: Captain

Address: 8864 South D Street

City: Tacoma

State: WA

Zip: 98444

Telephone: 2536866290

Email: williammount@aol.com

VA facility or office involved:
As a former Ambassador I have been asked by someone who sits at the dinner table with the US President to file one last complaint with the VA. All previous 14 Complaint Forms were trashed and no action was taken to correct the issues and no reward was received.

Names of wrongdoers:
VA Medication Procurement Office

Names of victims:
Every one who uses an Inhaler for Athesma

Alleged legal or policy violation(s) or other misconduct:
The medications you dispense are sub-grade, bad quality and often do not contain the medications you claim are in the containers.

Effect of the wrongdoing, such as dollars lost, delay produced, etc.:
Take Proventil - for example - for athesma. Every third one goes bad after normal use --- leaving 1/2 still in the inhaler. Thus the VA over spend by 1/6th because the medication is bad.

Date(s) when the event(s) occurred:

Names of witnesses:
Every Proventil User

Has this allegation been previously reviewed?: Yes

If yes, please provide the dates and who did the review:
By the local VA Pharmacy in Tacoma and Seattle.

Have you contacted the VA OIG about this issue before?: No

If yes, please provide date contact was made and to whom:

Additional Comments:
Your budget just got hacked by $2 Billion. Expect this to increase as the China begins to dump the US Dollar in a few months. In 30 days the one who "Sits With The President At Dinner" will more than likely get a full report on this complaint filed.

My guess is that if all 14 previous reports are not acted on and a 15% ongoing Reward on a month to month basis is not given out in perpetuity for the money saved at the VA Hospitals Nation Wide then this person will be somewhat upset.

I do not know what their actions will be but more than likely - not good for the VA Hospital System. 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Statue Of Satan To Be Unveiled In Detroit

The  Detroit Church of Satan is about  to unveil an 8 foot Bronze Statue of Satan in Detroit in a few days.

(((Please pray that those doing this immediately become violently sick for life)))

The event will be attended by all who pay $25 and they should be ready for a night of: "Chaos, Noise and Debauchery as they Dance With The Devil."

The statue was planned for the Oklahoma City but after the Oklahoma Supreme Court banned the Ten Commandments from being displayed on their Capitol Grounds they changed the location fto Detroit - Governor Perv Snyder's State of Michigan.

The Governor Perv Snyder of Michigan has no comment.

Is is any wonder America is about to be destroyed?

The Satanic Temple is set to unveil its Baphomet monument in Detroit. (Credit: The Satanic Temple/Facebook)

Group To Unveil Satan Statue In Detroit During ‘Largest Public Satanic Ceremony In History’ « CBS Detroit
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

John McCain's True Military History

Following is a true history of John McCain's Military History.

(((Please pray that those plotting to destroy America are destroyed themselves immediately)))

Before I take a shot over the bow please not that Senator McCain does as he is told, his staff is very helpful, and after the Supposed Currency Exchange he may be the one responsible for allowing Seniors and Retired Soldier to keep some semblance of Pension.

So in light of the recent comments by "Your Fired" Trump - who gave $100,000 to the Hilary Foundation last year. Here is the story written by an Active Duty Marine:

McCain has never really earned anything. He is from a wealth pampered background and not fit to lead this nation.

A “war hero” doesn’t finished 894th out of 899 and still get stationed at a Navy champagne unit and promoted ahead of all but two of his 898 other classmates.

A “war hero” doesn’t crash three U.S. Navy jets out of sheer incompetence and ineptitude, including two during non-combat training sessions.

A “war hero” doesn’t get written up on drunk-and-disorderly, fraternization, disobeying orders, and insubordination charges more than two dozen times in less than three years.
A “war hero” doesn’t get promoted to squadron commander of the air field named after his own grandfather immediately after crashing his third airplane. A “war hero” doesn’t have all the military records that cover his time in Vietnam and all disciplinary actions against him censored and sealed “as a matte r of national security.” A “war hero” doesn’t get 28 medals awarded all after-the-fact “for bravery” for no other reason than being shot down and captured and then go on a celebrity public relations tour because he’s the son of two acclaimed Navy admirals. A “war hero” doesn’t repeatedly cheat on the wife who’s back in the states waiting for him, and then cheat on her more when he returns to the states, and then divorce and abandon her.
A “war hero” doesn’t systematically vote against every single pay and benefit increase for military and veterans throughout his entire political career, all the while claiming to be “the soldier’s Congressman,” and then take credit for the passage of a G.I. benefits bill he that voted AGAINST. A “war hero” McCain III lost jet number one in 1958 when he plunged into Corpus Christi Bay while practicing landings. He was knocked unconscious by the impact coming to as the plane settled to the bottom. McCain’s second crash occurred while he was deployed in the Mediterranean. “Flying too low over the Iberian Peninsula,” Timberg wrote, “he took out some power lines [reminiscent of the 1998 incident in which a Marine Corps jet sliced through the cables of a gondola at an Italian ski resort, killing 20] which led to a spate of newspaper stories in which he was predictably identified as the son of an admiral.”
McCain’s third crash three occurred when he was returning from flying a Navy trainer solo to Philadelphia for an Army-Navy football game. Timberg reported that McCain radioed, “I’ve got a flameout” and went through standard relight procedures three times before ejecting at one thousand feet. McCain landed on a deserted beach moments before the plane slammed into a clump of trees. McCain’s fifth loss happened during his 23rd mission over North Vietnam on Oct. 26, 1967, when McCain’s A-4 Skyhawk was shot down by a surface-to-air missile. McCain ejected from the plane breaking both arms an d a leg in the process and subsequently parachuted into Truc Bach Lake near Hanoi. For 23 combat missions (an estimated 20 hours over enemy territory), the U.S. Navy awarded McCain a Silver Star, a Legion of Merit for Valor, a Distinguished Flying Cross, three Bronze Stars, two Commendation medals plus two Purple Hearts and a dozen service medals. “McCain had roughly 20 hours in combat,” explains Bill Bell, a veteran of Vietnam and former chief of the U.S. Office for POW/MIA Affairs — the first official U.S. representative in Vietnam since the 1973 fall of Saigon. “Since McCain got 28 medals,” Bell continues, “that equals out to about a medal-and-a-half for each hour he spent in combat. There were infantry guys — grunts on the ground — who had more than 7,000 hours in combat and I can tell you that there were times and situations where I’m sure a prison cell would have looked pretty good to them by comparison
The question really is how many guys got that number of medals for not being shot down.” For years, McCain has been an unchecked master at manipulating an overly friendly and biased news media. The former POW turned Congressman, turned U.S. Senator, has managed to gloss over his failures as a pilot by exaggerating his military service and lying about his feats of heroism. McCain has sprouted a halo and wings to become America’s POW-hero presidential candidate.
This article was written by an active, unnamed Marine. It was published by Gale Toensing founder of the Corner Report.com and she sent it to me. It is a true account of McCain’s real war record and evidence of his lack of fitness for the office of President.

Senator John McCain at least did serve and spent an eternity in the Hanoi Hilton.

Did I mention President Obama gave Vietnam 12 Nuclear Weapons several years ago.....................
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Friday, July 24, 2015

Queen Elizabeth Is Dead?

I have been hearing reports from England that Queen Elizabeth - the real one not the doubles - is dead. and that Lord Lyons of Scotland cannot Certify Prince William Mount as "King" because the Windsor Family is made up of Pretenders.

(Please pray that those who wish to destroy America and Freedom are themselves destroyed)))

If this is true the United Kingdom is dead unless Lord Lyons can come up with another man to fill the spot and if this is true the United States Corporation must go away and return as a Republic by Law and by Treaty and the Money (Stuart Trust) of the crown must be redistributed to the people of America and England. Further - the Rothchilds may now be arrested and tried for treason and their assets seized by the English Government.

The violation of these treaties is punishable by death by the English Parliament.

Here is a portion of an Email I received:

From: Sir David Andrew <sirdavid.andrew77@gmail.com>
Date: July 18, 2015 at 10:39:31 AM EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: An Introduction to the Geneva Bible  1988rthorne2@me.com
However, King James was not the son of Queen Mary.  His name was James Erskine, a Knight of Templar, who murder Jacob VI, the son of Mary, some time between 1585 and 1587.  This murder was documented in 1987 during the renovation of Edinburgh Castle when the body of Jacob VI was discovered.  however, if Jacob VI was a bastard child he would not have been allowed to succeed to the Throne, since illegitimate children do not have the right of inheritance.

Another Knight of Templar, Sir Francis Bacon, convinced Queen Elizabeth to behead Mary in 1587, thereby, completing the coupe d'etat of Scotland without firing a shot.  Mary died with her Rosary in her hands.  It was then just a matter of time (16 years) before the death of Queen Elizabeth and the coupe d'etat of England was also complete, without firing a shot.  Because of these facts and others, Lord Lyons has disqualified all of the present Queen Elizabeth's children and grand children from inheriting the the English Throne.

When Queen Elizabeth II dies it is the end of the British Empire as we know it.  I have reason to believe that Queen Elizabeth died in June 2015, and her family is concealing her death in order to remain in power.  Just as I have reason to believe that the deaths of Henry Kissinger (December 7, 2010), Hillary Clinton (May 2011) and George Bush (January 2014) are being concealed in the United States, at least until Jeb Bush, a slave trader and an absolute tyrant, becomes president in 2017.

Queen Elizabeth II was forced to abdicate the Throne of Scotland in fall of 1996, and she return King David's Throne Chair to Edinburgh Castle in May 1997.  The Throne of Scotland has been vacant ever since.  I have every reason to believe that that Throne will again be filled in 2017, if not, it most likely will be filled, come October 2027, in the year of Jubilee by a mighty King, who will destroy the NWO and its minions.

It should be noted that Michael Brown wrote this Introduction 1988, at that time there were very few people, who knew about the murder of Jacob VI; and even now, nearly thirty years later, very few people are aware of Jacob VI murder by James Erskine.  The government public fool indoctrination centers have done a great job in brainwashing the sheople into near total stupidity.

This might explain why Queen Elizabeth has been in seclusion - she is dead.

TV News Broadcaster Kieth Ljunghammer and Call For Investigation TV Producer Pat Schupe - Good Luck in England. I hope Lord Lyons entertains you and your thoughts.
The News You Need

Dr. William B. Mount

Just a note: Somebody is working really hard to prevent YOU from reading this story - so it appears to be true.

Long live my fathers' 15th Cousin Queen Elizabeth. May she rest in peace.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Social Security Disability To Be Cut 19% In 2016

The Trustees of the Social Security Corporation have just stated in the New York Times that the 11 Million people on Social Security Disability will have their benefits cut by 19% next year unless Congress raises taxes.

This means that since the average Disability Income is $1,017/Mo their incomes will be cut by $193/Mo to a total of $820/Mo.

(((Please pray that (Visualize) those trying to destroy America are destroyed themselves in their folly)))

This article in the New York Times is a complete lie by the CIA (Langley Fudge Boys) and is meant to scare you into submission. This article  is the  kind of article Adolf Hitler had his Fascists publish way back in 1938.

First of all - there is NO social Security "Trust Fund" - this is a complete lie and therefor the "Trustees" do not exist.

Social Security takes in the funds form you and transfers them to the English Royalty in accordance with the 1793 treaty between the "united states of America"... which was changed to the "United States Corporation" in 1871. Thus this type of fund transfer was made illegal by the transfer - but it was too lucrative to stop. A little money here, a little money there - and voila - the money keeps rolling in.

After the English royalty receives the money it then turns around and creates the Social Security Funds on a Computer - "Computer Money."

This is why 65 Million Non-American's receive $4,000/mo as Social Security Refugee Pay plus Welfare plus Free Housing plus Free Home Improvements, Plus Free Dental and Full Medical for them and their children and only half live in the United States.

Th non-Americans these $65,000,000  thus receive around $650,000,000,000/Mo or around $8 Trillion Dollars a year. These funds run many world economies and when the US Dollar stops funding these programs - World Wide Economic Collapse.

Liberalism At It's Best. Go Obama!

The actual numbers that have been given to me are much higher and may account for around 10% of the entire globe's GNP.

The 11 Million (Number ifs now 15 Million, mostly Mental) costs the economy around $11,000,000,000/mo or around 170 Billion Per Year.

You do the math.

That is not to say the Obama Administration will not cut Social Security Disability by 19% and then give you a .000001%  raise to shut you up, but it is unlikely Social Security Physical Disability will be cut.

So the next time you see a Main Stream Media story - think it through - it is likely to be a lie.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Social Security Disability Benefits Face Cuts in 2016, Trustees Say - The New York Times

PS: Thank You For The Spelling errors US Army Cyber Command.