Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Operation Jade Helm - Why

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Why Operation Jade Helm?

Every country has military exercises in the summer, but US Operation Jade Helm is unlike anything you have ever seen before.

Tell everyone about this and and pray (Visualize) that the those ordering the destruction of America become so violently sick they cannot even speak for the rest of their time on Planet Earth.

Video: William Mount WHY JADE HELM

The News You Must Have To Live

Dr William B. Mount

Saturday, April 18, 2015

And So The Destruction Of America Begins

While most of America is nestled down in front of the Television bringing these Perverted Movie Stars into their homes the SS (Homeland Security) is busy destroying the Land of the free.

(Please pray the living GOD protect you and your family)

Seventy Years ago the forced of America stomped on the Third Reich - and the remember this so on the 70th anniversary of their defeat they have launched a the destruction of the United States.

Today we see:

1) Huge fish die off on the California Coast caused by the SS (DHS) allowing the dumping of millions of barrels of Toxic Waste just off the coast and turning on the cables under the coast line in to fry their brains. These chemicals are created in the manufacturing of Nylon and other plastic found in YOUR house.

2) The sky is filled with all sorts of parasites, heavy metals (Including Uranium), viruses, bacteias, and fungi meant to make your day very special.

3) You eat GMO foods designed to kill you. Primarily: Wheat, Soy Bean Oil, Canola Oil, Beet Sugar and corn.

Take Canola Oil - it comes form the Rape Seed Plant and this is toxic to cattle - and you eat it - really?

4) WE have published the video: THE CURE FOR CANCER and yet you go to the doctor for cancer treatment because the average doctor lives to the age of 56?

5) Fracking pollutes the ground water and kills Americans.

6) A few days ago there was material form a dirty bomb stolen from Mexico and the NAZI SS (DHS) is has allowed this to be transported into the US - it his headed to the North East for a US Dirty Bomb Drill to start Marshal Law.

7) The FBI is currently counterfeiting $20 bills to destroy the currency within the United States by order of the White House Fascist Pigs.

8) The droughts in the South West being created by Evergreen Aviation are being done to not only kill Americans but to allow the Rothchilds to simply create more money on their computers and buy the parched land so that when the killing ends they will own large tracts of prime farmland and no one is Man enough to stop them.

9) Finally - for this segment -  the US "SS" (DHS) in conjunction with the Langley Fudge Boys and Girls (CIA) have just released a virus meant to cripple you r dog and kill American Poultry.

If you watch THE CURE FOR CANCER you will have the cure for this new US SS Created Virus.

Remember - you, the Armed American Public - are the worst enemy the SS (Department of Homeland Security) has.

Do not expect any help form outside the United States. Apparently the leaders of China, Russia and the rest of the world are scared little pups afraid to tackle these Fascist Pigs swarming all over America today.

Even the Famed Red Dragon Family appears to be cowards when faced with the SS. Oh - they have HIT MEN, but their leaders are down right cowardly. Why else would they not pay what they owe?

The Red Dragons appear to hide behind their skirts just like the Russia General Staff.

Prove me wrong Red Dragons and Russian Staff - Prove your selves as Men! GOD challenges you, I challenge you.
For You Intel Geeks:

1) FBI - You stopped the Obama Assassination 14 April despite the rumble in the White House that night.

2) Hope like heck you get 17 May correct and maybe -well - we shall see about June of July but know this: Fascist Pigs in London never rest.

3) As a side note - the reason the US Military is seizing Walmarts is because they use the same computer logistics programs the US Army does. You can actually order a Nuclear Weapon or a Helicopter through the Walmart Ordering System.

You can expect more Walmarts to be seized in the near future as the Obama Handlers move to destroy more and more of America.

Home Depots may also be seized as well very soon. If you work there you will be fired with NO unemployment - you are so screwed.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

CIA-ISIS Bio Attack Warned Spells Death For All Dogs In America

Dirty Bomb Material Thefts In Mexico-Drills In The U.S.

Mass Animal Deaths 2015 - Updated List of Worldwide Die Offs

Monday, April 13, 2015

An Answer To The Virginia Fudge Factory

I received a call from a very interesting group of people. They are very polite, nice and very influential in international politics. Who they are and what they do is not important - but here is the answer for these folks.

Eons ago the Planets of Adama and Murduke were blown into little tiny pieces by Lucifer.

Later Lucifer blew the face  Mars out of existence in a nasty Nuclear War - a recent Chinese Satellite Richard Hoagland discussed on Coast To Coast (Enterprise Mission) that recently landed on Mars clearly shows the particular remains of a planet destroyed by Conventional Nuclear Weapons.

Now we face the possibility that Lucifer is about to torch off another Nuclear War and turn this planet into a Nuclear Waste Land - or more than likely - little pieces of radioactive dust racing through the Galaxy.
Remember - Planet Earth hollow.

So here is what GOD says about it - Pray (Visualize) that those in charge are immediately immobilized through sickness so badly they can give no more orders.

Further - GOD set me up as a messenger and HE makes the rules and quite frankly some of them suck.

I have no Computer codes but I do know that those who refuse to pay me based on what I have submitted will be dealt with by the Living GOD very soon and completely. You my take that for what it is worth.

Since the VA sells military records worldwide many US Soldiers defected and went to China and brought the Algorythms to enter US Computers with them on their Call Phones. Now all US Companies and Departments have been hacked by the Chinese/Russians/Iranians/Finish/etc.

Not one US Department or Agency has the Hoodspa to stop this - not even the Federal Courts. They are all Spineless Worms. Not event he CIA or FBI stepped forward to stop this espionage ---- and they wonder why no one respects these Spineless Parasites.
As for the Jesuits:

The Chief of the Jesuits stated on 4/15/2000 that if any man challenges the Jesuits in the name of the Living GOD in the media then:

1) The Jesuit Order will be utterly destroyed.

2) Any one who tries to hurt this man must be killed by the Jesuit Order by orders of himself, Hanz Kovlenback. This means holding back this money as well - these in the Russian Central Bank, Deutch Bank, US Treasury Department, Federal Reserve Bank, Red Dragon Family Leaders (Controls the IMF)  and CIA are under orders to be terminated by the Jesuit Order.

I am that man and I Challenge the Jesuits in the name of the Living GOD and order you to disband your organization or face destruction by the Living GOD.

I have no power or special computer codes - only know this: GOD Does Not Need Computers To Destroy Your Organization Or Your Souls. HE could take down the Matrix in a Heart Beat simply by terminating the frequencies coming from the center of the Galaxy. Poof - you are gone forever.

Further - Russia made me the Mantle FEO and then tried to keep me in St Petersburg and put me in an Apartment over a Whore House.


The Mantle FEO is the Direct Representative to the Christ - and the European Economy will not recover until he is returned to Europe in a manner GOD has set. What you gave me is really horrible burden and you should have given this to someone much better than me.

Further - Albert Pike in his book clearly stated that all Masons must obey the "Mantle FEO" or must be killed by order of his lord and master Lucifer.

I have ordered these presidents who are Masons (Putin, Obama, Li, Etc) to pay me what I have already submitted and they have failed and therefore must either be killed or the people in the Masonic Order will be utterly destroyed down to their souls.
So Virginia Fudge Factory Boys and Girls - I hope this openly explains things. You know where I live but for you - the phone is OK. I would rather keep your fudge at a distance. I do not like to arm myself and prefer the Peaceful Route.

For 8 years I have used the media to stop presidential assassinations and Nuclear False Flags and you have sent me much Fudge - thank you.

Virginia Fudge Factory Workers  - you are alive today because of these notifications and you still send me even more fudge. Yum!

So hold on to your hats as you may experience a "Change of Conciousness" since most of your Fudge Workers now have their names and addresses and family pictures published in a New Crowley List.

I hope you are successful and the Pope's Power does dissolve tonight - that is not my area of responsibility but know this - Rome was almost destroyed a year or so ago --- two weeks after this Pope took power and I again broadcast where the nuke would be (2 Separate Attempts) and they were stopped and not one thank you from the Vatican - Only more Fudge to put in my kitchen..
To some new friends: Planetary Logos and Gia - Good Luck, I wish you the best. We can talk in the morning.

For the 20 or 30 readers - this is real international politics in action.

I hope you enjoyed the codes in this message. If they are received and followed by those in the Virginia Fudge Factory Planet Earth may not eb destroyed. Otherwise we will have a New Heaven and a New Earth just like Revelations Predicts.

If nothing else - it will take you a little time to decode this message but it is pretty straight forward.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

See the Video on You Tube: THE CURE FOR CANCER

One last note Fudge Factory Workers: The New Fiat gets 28MPG here in the states but 300MPG in Finland and Germany.

That's 300 MPG - in Europe.

Please explain why I have to drive this kind of Fudge Sickle?

How To Perpetuate A Lie

When Adolf Hitler took power in Germany he and his cohorts of the NAZI Party mastered how to perpetuate a lie.

Following in information provided by the American Advertising industry the NAZI regime learned techniques to literally Brain Wash 60 million (Minus 6 Million Jews) people into thinking they could rule the world.

Today the Third Reich is alive and well in London (Which runs  the United States as their military wing to control the world) as these Fascists see fit in accordance with their masters in the Vatican and their lord Lucifer (Satan).

So let us look at one little lie: A President Obama Double read on TV several days ago a speech indicating that the United States Corporation has d a deal with Iran concerning their Nuclear weapons Program.

Following the Speech the Wall Street Journal Headlined the Following stories:

a) 6 April: Political Battle Ramps Up Over Iran

b) 9 April: Iran Pact Threatens Assad

c) 10 April: Ayatollah Blasts Accord Terms

d) 11-12 April, Page 9: Iran Would Extend Nuclear Talks Beyond June Deadline

These stories have been headline news across the United States and Canada for days now.

As we all know - these stories were written before the Obama Speech and there is no US/Iran Deal and the he entire set of stories are complete and utter lies, fabrications.

As a confirmation of this yesterday the head of Irans's Islamic  Revolutionary Guard Corp (IIRGC) Major General Ali Jafari stated on TV that there is no deal and the United States needs to be destroyed.

PressTV-‘Sanctions relief ambiguities must go’

So after I personally went to Iran and Russia pulled 350 Nukes made in the USA out of Iran - why talk about this now, especially after the Obama administration gave North Korea Nuclear Armed Minute Man 1 Rockets?

To lie and keep your eyes off the real issue. More on this later.
A Note on Coast To Coast AM.

George Noory is the best Talk Show host I have ever heard but Coast To Coast sold out just before Art Bell left.

With about 500 stations Art Bell drew in about 12 - 15 Million listeners - or about 30,000 per station between 10 and 11 PM West Coast Time.

Today this number has been reduced to 250,000 listeners nationwide - - or about 500 listeners between 10 and 11 PM West Coast Time.

500 listeners per station - or about 250 listeners per station during the 3rd and 4th hour.

So to keep you from hearing the truth Coast To Coast has purposely lost almost 98% of their listeners.

When John B Wells was there the audience was at about 1.2 Million Nationwide in the First Hour - but he left because he told the truth about a host of subjects not Approved by Coast To Coast
So How Do You Perpetuate Lies?

1) Tell a lie often.

2) Prevent the Truth from being broadcast at all costs - including murder.

Can we Zeig Heil yet?
The News You Absolutely Need

Dr William B. Mount

Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Destruction Of Russia 2015

Recently revealed documents on 'The Saker" clearly exposed what we wrote about way back in Early January of 2014 on APFN and here.

(Please pray - Visualize - that those planning more wars are immediately immobilized for life)

The documents clearly show that the Take Down of Russia will be done just like it was done way back in 1917 - same Operational Orders, or Oporders.

Fast forward to where in the Late 1980's Ambassador Wanta was given about $25 Trillion (Trillion) by President Ronald Reagan to destroy the Soviet Union and break it apart.

We traced where that money is and as an Ambassador I officially requested the now $76.4 Trillion be returned to the US Treasury - enough to pay off all the US Home Loans, Credit Cards and National Debt. Further - a Treasury Form 211 was filed to document the where abouts and demands for a 15% reward were made to futher document this theft. Goto TOMFLOCCO.COM to verify this.

To date the US Treasury refuses to take these finds back or pay any reward - so they must be destroyed - so says the I Am That I Am. The Department must be completely dismantled and rebuilt from the bottom up and it's employees dismantled from head to foot.

Vice President Richard Cheney took $8 Trillion Dollars of these $76.4 Trillion Dollars (According to Wanta) and has it in a personal fund.

As of today the CIA plans on spending around $1 Trillion Dollars of this $8 Trillion to directly take down President Putin and PM Medvedev of Russia. An easy task considering they have ignored their Mantle Feo - GOD may just let it happen - all 3 of Putin's Doubles and Medvedev's 2 doubles.

Further - as of 1 October 2012 the Federal Reserve System has access to all banks and bank accounts world wide and plans on seizing assets of all of President Putin's Buddies and if Russia nationalizes it's currency the American Ambassador to Russia recently stated he would order all of Putin's Staff to be killed, along with all of Russia's Billionaires. See my previous reports.

This type of Boldness at this point could backfire CIA - and you are charged with maintaining the United States Corporation as an asset of the Rothchilds, as the CIA is owned by the Queen of England and her assets are controlled by the Rothchilds, which is run by the German Banks in Frankfurt, which works for the Vatican Bank, whose leaders worship Lucifer - see the Pope's recent mass to Lucifer.

At this point in time the implementation of these plans would lead to the total destruction of the United States Corporation and it's employees - including all members of the CIA.

The goals here is the Preservation of Feedom, America and the US Corporation, and in that order.

Wantant destruction of the United States Corporation by the Scummy Jesuits must be stopped and the Jesuit Order terminated or Planet Earth will cease to exist. May I remind you of Planets:  Adama, Marduk, Mars and now planet Earth. The same Lucifarian Scum was present there and they caused the destruction of those planets.

May I suggest Russian Leadership you read this very carefully as your lives are now on the line and I am required to tell you  as an American, US Corporate Officer and Passport Holder aa-00029 of Russia. The destruction of Planet Earth would not be good for the preservation of any of these entities, would it?
For You Intel Geeks:

On 14 April 1865 the Jesuit Scum killed President Abraham Lincoln for delaying the implementation of the Organic Constitution. If you have not read Hanz Kovlenback's Interview 14 April 2000 - read it.

Obama claims to be Abraham Lincoln and a Rogue sector of the CIA made up of 30 men and 1 woman (Acts and looks like a man) is planning on shooting Obama in the back of the head 14 April at the exact time the Jesuit Scum shot President Lincoln in Ford Theater 150 years ago.

Obama and his handlers have agreed to go to a Gold Standard and bow to the Chinese and have signed the US Corporation over to the Red Dragon Family lock, stock and barrel.

Not only is this the 150th anniversary of the end of the American Civil War and the Jesuit killing of a President, it is also (In the minds of this 30 +1 Committee) a great time to kill  Obama and start a Civil War to destroy both North America and the US Corporation.

FBI - the Secret Service has proven to be, under Obama, a worthless bunch of scum, loyal to prostitutes and violence. As much as you are scum and run drugs and steal wherever you can you may be the only outfit that can keep one of Obama's 5 doubles for\\rom being killed in public in 2 days.

FBI - Protect the G.D. President NOW from a close encounter from behind.

If he does get killed  - let this record stand. You allowed it.

Russian Federation and Red Dragon Intel Agencies - if Obama dies your Bankstas are dead. You would do well to help in this arena.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

From Fourwinds10 - a great website:

Retired CIA Agent Confesses on Deathbed: 'I Killed Marilyn Monroe' >> Four Winds 10 - Truth Winds

Form The Saker

Documents showing how the Empire plans to overthrow Putin | The Vineyard of the Saker

From m discussing the coming destruction of Russia 16 months ago as GOD laid it out - they will either do as GOD states referring to their Mantle Feo or be destroyed.