Wednesday, April 8, 2015

April UN Broadcast, The Red Dragons, And You

The real question about these broadcasts is how do they effect you, either directly or indirectly?

Is it worth your precious time to try and read some UN broadcast by a bunch of Nuts near the top of the worlds economic  and political pyramid?

How will these broadcast summaries help YOU with better relationships with your children, making more money, traveling, or better getting better health?


Understanding how the World Leaders think allows you to understand who runs this planet and how they think.

The world leaders think that everything revolves around Astrology. For example: 3 April (+- 3 days) represents the Full Moon of Aeries, the birth of the Christ, a Lunar Eclipse, a Blood Red Moon, Easter, and a host of other things.

When they set up the Nuke to go off in DC (Serial Number B725825) there was a corresponding set up of Marshal Law and the lead in to a Full Scale Nuclear War - but that was diffused through prior notification - like the 17 May 2015 Nuke headed into North West DC - a Big One. That is an astrological Event I am not too familiar with but significant to the Rockefellers.

When the Nuke went off it signaled the Cracking of the Dollar - the End of the US Dollar as the World's Reserve Currency and the end of the wars - and the coming of Peace in this New Age Of Aquarious.

The current war in Yemen where US Carriers are launching Air Strike against the Yemen People - a war we talked about 6 months ago and tried to stop - all corresponds to the Celestial Dates surrounding 3 April 2015.

The energy of this time - Aries - is that of the First Ray - the basic energy of Fire and Change, purging of societies, Mass Annihilations, Human Exterminations. It has been like this for 4,000 years.

What this means to the investor is: These Mass Murders we call war means that those who manufacture weapons - like Boeing - will be directly effected financially. In the Spring these weapons are used up and must be re-ordered. Profits for all of the stock holders.

As the dollar begins to crack what this means to us is that:  the United States Corporation moves closer and closer to an economy like that of China - No welfare, no disability except for those who were hurt on the job, no VA Disability except for those who were hurt on  the Job, great US Military Retirement, and the elimination of most Federal, state, city and county Departments.

What this means to the Red Dragons: They are now to move forward with their financial deals and they feel all will now fall into place for them to stabilize the the World's Economy and they will become the New World Leaders for the next 70 years with a New Bretton Woods Agreement.

These Red Dragon Family Elders are still very, very angry they were not told about the coming Nuke Detonation in DC while their delegation was there although they could have read my stories and figured it out themselves.

What this means in Russia: Since they dd not pay what they owed they will move forward with China and the Mighty Russian Leadership will play second fiddle to the Chinese until they honor what they owe according to hte BOSS upstairs.

This Cracking of the Dollar means for Criminals:  tougher Jail Sentences - you rape a child, kill someone while dealing in drugs, you burglarize a home - you die. Period. You go to jail - you are treated like human scum. No TV Time, no Dungeons and Dragons time, no time in the weight room, no time in the Law Library - you work and then you sit and read.

By the end to the Festivals in June what will be set in place is the Ending of Social Order in the United States and the US Corporation will try and force  riots by July and August to destroy this nation to murder 350 million Americans. Every means will be employed to do this just like the US has done to the Ukraine, Yemen, Libya, Yugoslavia,  Ethiopia, and is now doing to California and then to Sri-Lanka.

To the Investor what this means is sell your land and water rights and get the heck out of these nations

So as a person on this planet understanding HOW the world leaders think is very, very important you YOU.
This particular UN broadcast focused on Group Meditation and Unity.

The UN speakers spoke about the Festival of Easter where Christ was sacrificed on a cross to show us hte pain necessary for the awakening of the Human Soul and that in this coming of the Age of Aquarious the Cross will represent the Joy of growing into "Cosmic Conciousness" and coming together with the Galactic Brothers in a higher harmonics.

What Cosmic Conciousness means is unifying, in our mind, with beings in a  higher harmonics.

In order to bring about "THE PLAN" here on Earth we must focus on unifying our minds with the higher beings and being at peace with the Coming New Age and New World Order and the New World Order Religion.

Within the last 2 years YOU, the American Tax Payer, just paid about 60% of the $2.5 Billion Dollar UN renovation to prepare for these coming changes. Whether you like it or not - you are paying for these coming events.

So for 2 days prior, during, and two days after the Full Moon the leaders of the world meditate on acquiring their particular goals  an their thoughts are unified and strengthened by those who participate in these broadcasts with the United Nations.
As for the quality of the broadcasts both broadcasts were absolutely 100% error free - for the first time in history. Absolutely no audio problems. The workers both in London and New York City worked hard to make this happen and changed the entire audio network.
As a side note: THE MARK OF THE BEAST is not a computer chip. GOD stated over 3,400 years ago that the MARK OF GOD was on our fore heads and our hands - it is in what we do and say.

Yeshua said:  "They will know you by your fruits"

The NWO can chip you, cut you, beat you, shoot you, stab you, poison you, steal all you own - all of this they have done to me and more - but who YOU are determines whether YOU am marked by the beast or not - not some funny computer chip on my arm or hand. So do not fear this "Chip."

Your hand represents what you do.

Your Fore Head carries your personality, who you are.

And Yes - I did remove the chip.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

A thanks to the Lucis Trust for allowing me to participate in your April Broadcasts.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Red Dragons Negotiate With White House As CIA Blows DC Power Grid

Explosion At DC Power Plant Knocks Out DC Power

At 9:50 AM DC Time (6:50 AM My Time) an small explosion (Mini-Nuke) knocked out the DC Power Plant in Maryland.

We warned you about an attack - 3 April (+- 3 Days) what - 90 days ago, in January?

We even tracked 3 nukes for a while.

No help from the FBI or Secret Service or FBI or any US agency. Nothing.

No help from the Russian or Chinese Intelligence.

If you had assisted we could have pinned this down to the T.

You ignored the Nuke that went off in the Ukraine 8 February 2015.

You ignored the Nuke that detonated here on 7 April 2015.

Sorry - I was 6 minutes and 50 seconds late. Not bad for 90 to 120 days out.

Has the intelligence and Law Enforcement agencies in the US and Russia and China lost their  abilities to read?

The Red Dragons told the Japanese on Friday they will take over the Entire Financial System and today they were currently telling the White House to prepare for a change in leadership - and you ignored the warning we stated 90 and 120 days ago?

Are you MAD?

WE have been correct - what - 100 times and now you ignore us?

GOD will now move - HE is very upset.
Fear not - the White House and other Corporations like the Treasury Department and House of Congress have alternate generators but the people suffer.

What more can we say.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Explosion at Power Plant Responsible for D.C. Area Outages « CBS DC

Friday, April 3, 2015

New US Corporate Weapon: Genocidal Weapons

The US now has a New type of weapon: The Genocidal Weapon.

Ever wonder why 60% of our troops coming back form the Middle East are sterile/

The US corporation is currently conducting operations to spray Middle Asia with Uranium Oxide Aerosol.

Using this method men in Central Asia will become sterile and their nations will die within 40 years - one generation.

The spray is being done on the ground, in the air through Commercial Airliners, and higher in the air with military jets.

What better way to stop the conflict that to kill off All humans in a peaceful, nice sort of way. Sterile them with an unseen product.

Veterans are flocking to Sperm Banks to store their sperm so that they can have a family when they get back so yes - the VA is now sharing military records with many, many sperm banks across the world.

Thus the Veteran's Administration is again conducting "Espionage" against the United States Corporation.

PTSD, infertility and other consequences of war | Veterans Today

If you watch the video THE CURE FOR CANCER then you will see how to reverse your steriliztion caused by Uranium Oxide Aerosol.

The Video: New US Genocidal Weapon

US Corporation New Genocidal Weapon - YouTube

Dr William B. Mount

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

US Next Target Is Sri-Lanka

The US Next Major Target will be  the peaceful nation of Sri- Lanka.

Yesterday US DOD Forces knocked out the Turkish Electrical Grid and bombed a Yemen Refugee Camp - lots of terrorists there.

Today the US is trying to initiate the Re-drawn Middle East and planning  strikes on Yemen as it seizes more wealth from Venezuelan and Russian  millionaires through the Federal Reserve System, both of which are supposed to be controlled by the IMF, which currently is run by the Red Dragons.

(((Lets pray - visualize - this violence ceases immediately)))

As the currency war heats up the world is beginning to demand payments in either Gold Back Currency or in Gold. The problem is: The United States Corporation has no gold and what they grow never makes int into the US Treasury. According to Ben Fulford last week the US missed a payment to China and the US Treasury has currently declared De Jure Bankruptcy.

In other words - the US is broke.

Way back in 2012 surveys for gold were done on Sri-Lanka (Ceylon) and the amounts of gold found were significant. Unfortunately the current governmental infrastructure will only allow surface mining so as not to destroy the environment. Chemical extraction is not allowed in the nations of 21 million people.

Well that's not good enough for the US Corporations.

In order to hold the "Empire" together the US needs gold, and lots of it and Sri-Lanka has it and the US Corporation wants it very, very badly.

The plan is to create an incident just North of Sri-Lanka near Tiger Island and begin a limited war with China to cancel debts - a war cancels debts. This incident would be almost identical to the a "Gulf of Tonkin  Incident" that started the Vietnam War. Perhaps a pre-placed charge just below the mid-section on the starboard side would work - just enough to cripple the ship. The charge may be on the port side - it will be wired up tomorrow.

Who will stop the US corporation?:

1) Russia and China - they can't even cash a bond for a Russian Citizen or return the Mantle Feo to Europe!

GOD laughs at them - 3 Putins and all. Their arrogance amuses GOD and me.

GOD has pretty much let these nations be useless until they do as they have been asked. Until then - GOD has cursed their leadership to be resounding gongs. So HE has said it, so it shall be.

In an interesting interview two days ago the US Ambassador to Russia he stated he would have all of Putin's Staff killed if they did not follow US Orders.

In other words - the US Handlers for the Ambassador told the Russian Staff to Bow Down to the US or die. Get on your knees and beg for mercy and the US Handlers may spare you.

Do you see Russia fighting back like MEN or remaining in submission like little slaves?

2) India - Ha - they try and get involved and the US will split another 2 nation off of them in the North East and the North West.

3) Venezuela - Ha, they are about to have their entire infrastructure replaced with prejudice by the CIA and they are too stupid and afraid to kill the CIA Jesuit Hit Men - so they will die unless they fight back like MEN.

4) Germany or France - Ha - the Marshal Plan would be terminated and they would loose billions. Yes- according to Dumb  Dumb John Kerry the Marshal Plan never ended. All those Solar Panels and New Banks in Germany - bought and paid for with US Debt.

5) Mighty Spain - yea - right. King Carlos of Spain is a Drug King Pin and is too easy to bribe - as is his replacement.

6) Japan - Ha - their leadership under Abe is a real mess, completely corrupt and paid off by the US White House Handlers.

7) Italy - yea, right. The Vatican tells the Rothchids what to do and they Pimp us out as US Soldiers to do their work as their little hoes.

8) Austro-Hungarian Union - Ha - the latest CIA manuals state if someone opposes the US they are under orders to replace their entire governments. They will kill you and you are too stupid and afraid to kill hteir Jesuit Hit Men.

So very soon this peaceful little nation will be infiltrated by US Mercinaries claiming to be Muslim Extremists and begin killing everyone ---- Car bombs, Uranium Oxide Gas to sterilize the people.

Yes - Uranium Oxide Aerosol is currently being used to sterilize Central Asia of about 1 Billion People. If they can't have children the society dies - right?

Ever wonder why more and more men are becoming sterile?

Jet fuel - it is laced with Uranium Oxide thanks to the United States Corporation.

So the Muslims will move in to Sri-Lanka and the US Will send in "Humanitarian Aid" for the poor starving people and split the nation in tow because for the "Failing Government."

The people of Sri-Lanka will not even know what hit them.

When all is said and done the US will own the two Sri-Lanka's and the people will be utterly turned into slaves to mine the Gold, Saphires, Ruby's, Moonstones, and - yes - oil.

The US Corporation will make Billions and Sri-Lanka will be sterilized for tens of thousands of years - just like Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Khazakstan,  several of the Marshall Islands, many of the Japanese Islands - and soon many major cities.

It's not about resources - for Lucifer it is about destroying GOD's Creation and causing pain. Money and health are just a way to do this.
Please pray they fail miserably and those wishing to do evil fall too ill to even speak for eternity.

Ceylon Today | US seeks to eventually partition Sri Lanka - – Tamara Kunanayakam

Google, Facebook “War Moves” Put Russia On Full Nuke Alert

Putin announces he will nationalize Rothchilds Central Bank: US Ambassador replies he will have Putin's Entire Staff killed:

Putin´s Confident: Putin to Nationalize Rothschild´s Central Bank and Purge “Collaborators” with West. “War till One Side Collapses inevitable” | NEW.EURO-MED.DK

Russia and China - you need to remove the US, UK, and French  embassies from your soil immediately or face the consequences President Yanakovich faced. These are not idle threats.  You have been warned by the Living GOD.

You will either listen or face the consequences - it is your choice. Free Will. Listen to GOD or die and be replaced with a double.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Monday, March 30, 2015

US Currently Considering Who To Kill Next

As you read this under your feet in South Central Nebraska there is a committee meeting trying to decide who to kill next - what terrorist attack they should conduct.

Picture this - a bunch of Fat Old Men sitting around sipping Scotch and smoking Cigars discussing what terrorist attack they should fund next. Well - that is exactly what is happening as someone form the CIA and White House listen in.

The Nuclear War is set to go off 6 April with 12 Nukes going off 3 April and several Presidential Double being killed a few days earlier - like Obama (Arrow or Gun) and Putin and Li.

The attack sill be done  by either a "Muslim Extremist" or a "US Veteran Bible Packing Gun Owning Constitutionalist who believes in the truth."

Proposals being considered as you read this:

1) Cut the cable on a Cable Car in San Francisco during Rush Hour Traffic in the afternoon

2) Dirty Bomb in Calcutta to force India into the Anti-Terrorist Crap.

3) Yes - a Scotch Plant Explodes - how sac-religious.

4) Commercial Airliner crashed into wither the White House or the Kremlin - yes - the church.

5) A Japanese Destroyed Torpedoes by a Russian Submarine - or, that sounds Juicy.

6) The US Destroyer to be torpedoed by the Chinese Submarine is still a go off of the Indian Coast.

7) A bomb in a Portland Mall by a White Vet  Extremist.

8) Taking down the US Grid with a Mock Sun-Spot created by a huge Air burst Nuke (60MGT) and then throwing a Virus into the Electrical Grid to destroy it.

9) Blowing Hoover Dam with charges already placed at the base of the dam.

10) Earthquake NYC - no, to many underground caves and rail lines.

Shall I go on?

This is really going on as you read this.

They cooked up 9/11 and Fukushima 3/11 and the coming terrorist attack on Japan on 5/11.

Unbelievable but true.

This is our United States Corporation. These people at the top are sick and evil beyond belief -they kill for fun and joke about it and they have million on their pay role they can use to do this with.

Please pray  for that is all we have left - GOD.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Flight 9525 - Dead Men Tell No Tales

In Intelligence you paint a picture to describe what is happening in the real world. The ability to pull real information out of Thin Air is rare and one I enjoy today - but most analysts must pool data and look at the entire picture before they can draw any conclusions.

(Please Pray - Visualize - that those at the top who are ordering Planet Earth destroyed are immediately and completely disabled)

When Flight 9525 was shot down I instantly knew why - to stop a CIA Paid Whistle Blower - no big story there - but let us paint a picture and YOU decide:

1) Flight 9525 has an In Cockpit Camera and when the plane went down the pilot was in the cockpit with the Co-Pilot.

2) The Pilot has a key to the Cockpit Door, thus is is unable to lock the Pilot out of his own cockpit.

3) The Debris Field indicates the plane exploded in mid-air and that it came down in tiny shards of Aluminum and cooked Human Body Parts.

4) The Airliner that owns the plane stated openly that they had complete control of the plane 24/7 and no one could crash it into the ground.

5) The Wall Street Journal - CIA Brain Washing Central - stated a mad man brought down the plane as "Damage Control."

6) Yvonne Silke (American) was on board the plane and she worked for a CIA contractor in the Pentagon at the Defense Mapping agency - Codeword: Intelligence.

7) The CIA Contractor she was wroking for was "Booz Allen Hamilton."

8) Yvonne's Job was to predict Ocean Health in the future: Codeword: Set up hits.

9) Yvonne was with her daughter - a recent college grad who was kind of goofy and altruistic - she wanted to tell the truth about what was going on.

10) At age 50 people develop a Conscience - Con-Science. Thus she would have likely agreed with her daughter and was more than likely going to come out and expose what the Pentagon was doing - obliterating the World's Population with diseases like Morgellons.

11) In order to work for an Intel Agency at this level she was prepped - beaten and raped ans a child, murdered someone by age 12, the whole ball of wax.

12) Most Intel Agents realize that they do not wish to pass this kind of Crap onto their Grand Children and she was more than likely concerned about that. The only thing to do was to go public.

13) The US Corporation was conducting War Trials and had this plane re-directed into the War Gaming Zone.

14) The Flight Recorder magically appeared before the French even got to the wreckage by helicopter - so the released recording was a Fake.

15) Since Yvonne worked for a "CIA Contract Murder Agency" this means her husband did as well. This explains why he was so cool and collected after he lost his wife and daughter.

16) Every News Agency around the world printed the Cover Story about the pilot being insane - word for word. They lied in the US, Canada, Russia, China, all over the world. This means "COVER - UP."

Hey - all nations have a Murder Agency, the CIA  happens to be owned by the English Crown - who's holdings are managed by the Rothchilds, who answer to the Frankfurt Banks, who answer to the Pope (Vatican Handlers - Lucifer's Finest Evil)/

Paint the picture - put the puzzle together.

I knew how, and why, the plane was shot down the minute I learned about it and I knew exactly who did it.

Here it is 7 days later and you can finally paint a picture.


Guess Work?

- Yeah -

Just like all the Nukes we have stopped - Charleston, the White House, and the ones we did not like in the Ukraine.

So there you have it - Intel vs GOD.

GOD is faster and more accurate.

Dead Men - or Women - Tell No Tales
The Truth Is Out There - You Just Have To Ask GOD.

Dr William B. Mount